LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

When is everybody planning on re-watching before S6
just about to start season 5.. i slowed it down to one episode a day so hopefully by the time i end this season it will be january so i got onlyone month to wait for s6.

edit: so much for 1 episode a day.. im already in ep4..
Alright, so just watched the Life and Times of Jeremy Bentham episode.. someone please explain to me...

Spoilers below if you have not watched the series (Sorry IDK how to do the spoiler thing)

When Locke was about to hang himself, and Ben stepped in to stop him. When John Locke mentions Ellouise Hawking... what flips the switch in Bens head to goahead and kill him now.

Doesn't make sense to me.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

When Locke was about to hang himself, and Ben stepped in to stop him. When John Locke mentions Ellouise Hawking... what flips the switch in Bens head to go ahead and kill him now.

Doesn't make sense to me.

I've seen different discussions and everyone seems to have their own opinion.

TO ME, I felt like Ben knew he had to kill John and that he couldn't kill himself for it to work. But I dunno.
I have no clue, if Locke was gonna kill himself I have no idea why Ben talked him out of it only to kill him like that. I just kinda thought Ben was going tosave him but then he snapped at the notion of Locke getting to powerful or knowing to much and he was a little jealous. Kinda like he snapped and killed Jacobwhen Jacob said "What about You?". I just thought it was weird he popped in Locke's room at the exact moment. But, at the same time it's verypossible that Ben knew HE had to kill Locke, just don't know why he did it like that.
Here's a few Cast Promo photos for Season 6. No spoilers.

Spoiler [+]





And last but not least!
Ehh, nothing special anyway.

Everyone was wearing their regular "island" clothes though and not Dharma jumpsuits or Modern Day clothing. Hmm...
I'm reading theories on Lostpedia.
2 theories peak my interest. One on Tom and another about Vincent.
Spoiler [+]
And if they do a Vincent centric episode I hope its the last ep or second to last episode
50 days left!!!

Also, anyone think Ben remembers Sayid shooting him? That would explain why he tricked/used Sayid after they got off the island. I say this because whenFaraday went back and talked to Des, Des had a new memory of the events. So, it seems like Ben would also.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

I just got someone hooked on LOST last night. They are making their way thru season 1 as we speak...

That's awesome. This is the only show that I have ever felt the desire to put other people onto it.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

50 days left!!!

Also, anyone think Ben remembers Sayid shooting him? That would explain why he tricked/used Sayid after they got off the island. I say this because when Faraday went back and talked to Des, Des had a new memory of the events. So, it seems like Ben would also.

I'm not sure... i'm starting to feel like most of the events that happened, already happened. Example Ellie shooting Daniel... when she sent him backshe knew it was gonna happen cause she already did it. Daniel telling them to plant the bomb. Most things already happened.

On the other hand while everyone is in the 70's, it IS their present so they do have free will to do other things as well. (Farraday speaking to Desmond,)this is why he had the new memory.

The show doesn't really make it clear if Ben remembered Sayid shooting him, but i'm sure he would.

Just got done rewatching season 5 yesterday, I think everything Miles says based on their situation makes the most sense. Basically a lot of what I just said,it is their present now, so they can change things for them, but they can't change things for the people already in 77 if that makes any sense..

This is why Jack attempting to set off the bomb so Oceanic 815 never crashes is stupid IMO, their present is in 1977 so assuming if the bomb did prevent thatfrom happening, they are already in 1977. It doesn't make sense to me that they would hop forward, because they are preventing an event from happening 30years from now.

Obviously though I'm sure they are gonna jump forward in time to 2007 and still be on the Island, because to keep them stuck in 1977 wouldn't make muchfor a story would it
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Obviously though I'm sure they are gonna jump forward in time to 2007 and still be on the Island, because to keep them stuck in 1977 wouldn't make much for a story would it
dammit... I really don't wanna get my LOST wheels going right now, but if all that is correct then them setting off the bomb would just killthem... if it's supposed to happen and is already gonna happen in 1977, it shouldn't have any impact on their lives in the future because itwould've happened regardless... right? It would enforce the loop theory, in that no matter what they try they're gonna land on the island, travel intime to 1977 and die eventually, there's nothing they can do to stop it. Fate pretty much.

Edit: but then again after what we learned at the end of the season, Jacob and his opposite might have some way of changing that...
I wish they would go WAY back in time first, but I def don't think there's any way they stay in '77.

But, it's crazy to think that it's possible that everything that happened, happened because the O6 went back in time and did it, but just didn'tknow it yet. And like Ellie told Des, stuff has a way of correcting itself. So, Jack either setting off the bomb then or not setting it off then, it stillwould have happened anyway eventually. I just think that if Ben remembered them from his childhood, didn't let them know so he could use it to hisadvantage, that would explain how he almost always seemed to have the upper hand.

I told myself I wasn't gonna get to deep into theories and guessing what happens this year, and just watch the show. But, now I'm already back toconfusing myself
Apparently there's some Lost inspired art gallery going on in LA tonight and one poster has season 6 spoilers?!

and a new promo is coming tonight.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Apparently there's some Lost inspired art gallery going on in LA tonight and one poster has season 6 spoilers?!

and a new promo is coming tonight.
Where?! I've been BUSY lately and haven't read any LOST stuff.
I'm in the middle of re-watching season 2 right now.

One thing I'm noticing is that the passengers from the rear of the plane make The Others seem a lot "worse" than they really are. The Others, aswe now know them, had a fairly civilized mini-society going on with their book clubs and whatnot. The Others in season 2 are walking around intattered clothes with teddy bears hanging on strings, and snatching multiple survivors at a time, on some cannibalism steez?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Apparently there's some Lost inspired art gallery going on in LA tonight and one poster has season 6 spoilers?!

and a new promo is coming tonight.
Where?! I've been BUSY lately and haven't read any LOST stuff.

Doc Jensen seems to think it's just an English version of that spanish chessboard promo. Probably something short.

Either way
SWO, I always wondered why they dressed like that sometimes. I just thought they might have done it so the 815ers wouldn't know they was civilized andwouldn't try to take over their homes. So, they made it look like they was living in the woods also. But, it seems there are 2 sets of others. One'sthat were living with Ben and a crew that was living in the woods with Richard.

I REALLY like this promo the best so far.

^That's the final poster that was revealed and is supposed to have 2 clues to Season 6. Look for all the sites to be trying to figure them out over the nextfew days.

I read one guess so far and that one is supposed to be right as far as the clues.
Spoiler [+]
the stick Hurley is holding
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

SWO, I always wondered why they dressed like that sometimes. I just thought they might have done it so the 815ers wouldn't know they was civilized and wouldn't try to take over their homes. So, they made it look like they was living in the woods also. But, it seems there are 2 sets of others. One's that were living with Ben and a crew that was living in the woods with Richard.

I REALLY like this promo the best so far.

Amazing how you can take a promo with NO new footage, put a dope song to it,� and it make me want to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF LOST EVER.

Poster is AWESOME btw. Background on my phone ASAP!

What about the fact that there are two Sayid's on there? Two timelines? Maybe that's too obvious but who knows.
I know. The song/music just goes perfect with what they were showing.

Sick poster!! 2 Sayid's??? Interesting... and everybody's favorite character in there......WWWWWAAAALLLLTTTTT!!!!!
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