LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Mr. Eko was supposed to be a significant character (whose arc was supposed to last for four seasons, except the actor didn't like Hawaii), but hisshortened story still provides a lot of clues as a lot of it involved the Smoke Monster.

The Monster scanned him during their first meeting, at which point it deemed him worthy of something much like it did with Locke in season one.

The Monster decided to kill him when he refused to atone for his sins to the image of his brother Yemi (who then tells him, "you speak to me as if I wereyour brother"). This is the opposite of Ben, who does admit to his sins and is spared.

When Eko tells Locke, "you're next," it means that Locke is the Smoke Monster's next target. The Monster had been after possession ofLocke's body since season one, when it scanned him then tried pulling him down the hole several episodes later.

Remember, I think that the Monster is a form or a weapon of Jacob's rival, the guy in the black shirt.
When Eko tells Locke, "you're next," it means that Locke is the Smoke Monster's next target. The Monster had been after possession of Locke's body since season one, when it scanned him then tried pulling him down the hole several episodes later.
Thats very good. Nice work.

I read that about the extra episode. Anything that involves MORE LOST is great.

It's kinda hard to stay in total LOST form during the summer, but i'm kinda catching the bug again. I might start my formal rewatch finally.
Originally Posted by schaefmp

When Eko tells Locke, "you're next," it means that Locke is the Smoke Monster's next target. The Monster had been after possession of Locke's body since season one, when it scanned him then tried pulling him down the hole several episodes later.
Thats very good. Nice work.
Interesting, I'm going to have to watch rewatch from season 1 to catch some of the foreshadowing.
Originally Posted by schaefmp

When Eko tells Locke, "you're next," it means that Locke is the Smoke Monster's next target. The Monster had been after possession of Locke's body since season one, when it scanned him then tried pulling him down the hole several episodes later.
Thats very good. Nice work.
Makes perfect sense now but I'm not gonna believe writers/creators had it planned out then, Eko told him that in S2 but then again Jack andLocke are pillars in the show so maybe they always had their stories completely planned out.

Extra episode
Anybody ever read this guy "spOOky" on 4815162342.com? He has a huge thread dedicated to careful observations and whatnot from the show. Ioccasionally look at it from time to time and I figured not many people in here have actually seen his observations/theories. Basically in 2006 he came up withhis theory that LOST is a few different timelines/views but spliced together to the viewer (us) to seem like everything happened at the same time. He's gotsome pretty sick evidence to back it up too. This one in particular is very interesting....

Audio Change's

Pilot episode Part 1

Jack flashback:
FLIGHT ATTENDANT: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Pilot has switched on the fasten seatbelt signs. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts".

Pilot Part 2
Previously on Lost
"Ladies and gentlemen,Please fasten you seatbelt's"

Charlie flashback:
FLIGHT ATTENDANT: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt signs. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts".

Kate flashback:
FLIGHT ATTENDANT: "Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has switched on the fasten seatbelt signs. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts".

Should'nt the events all have the same audio if we are seeing only one planecrash ?
This may be one of the 1st signs that Lost is showing Multipal timeline's

Theres the link to the thread if you wanna do your own lookaround.

Just my late night random LOST ramblings.

BTW, is it January yet?

BTW BTW...wheres KNICKS? No offseason theories/rumors?
I recently finished the entire aired series.

I feel bad for Jack. Sawyer got with Kate AND Juliet, and Jack didn't get @!#@.

So, does the Dharma Initiative have any significance/symbolism? Or is it meant to be taken at face-value?
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Got 5 episodes left on my rewatch of season 2...

I just finished watching the entire series again. Now it's the long wait or I'll have to re-watch it again tofill my void
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Got 5 episodes left on my rewatch of season 2...

I just finished watching the entire series again. Now it's the long wait or I'll have to re-watch it again to fill my void

I need to start rewatching stuff too.
^ Yup. But it's been shown that he has some sort of powers, like when he got pissed and the bird he was reading about flew into the window and died.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Got 5 episodes left on my rewatch of season 2...

I just finished watching the entire series again. Now it's the long wait or I'll have to re-watch it again to fill my void

I need to start rewatching stuff too.
Come over tonight, I'm starting from S1 again. Silver said he'll stop by if Raw stops calling him, and ghost said he's making anappearance later in the night. You should call Tae and see if she'll come too. Homer also said he's bringin' his chick. Gas and Jules won'tshow up as usual
There was also a clip ABC released online where Walt hadapparently made a few birds crash/die outside where the "Others" were keeping him locked up
I still want to know Libby's story
but I'm hearing the actressdoesn't want to return to the show

You guys remember that bird in Season 1 that yelled outHurley's name, it made two appearances on the show but no new info has been given after that

- Arriba La Maquina!
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