LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Ok...after poster above mentioned the ancient Egyptians wearing eyeliner thing, something may have clicked for me.

Would the writers dare to try and pass Alpert off as the last Pharoh? The ancient Egyptians were pretty caught up in the whole eternity thing (mummifying thebody for the afterlife).

Just a thought.
That wouldn't surprise me. Juliet said he was very old. There is an Egyptian temple and statue. Egypt is def tied to the island somehow.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

So were the Hostiles in violation of the truce by killing Paul?

Or whoever crosses the "line" is fair game?

That's what im guessing by hearing what hus wife was trying to say something along the lines of "We were just..".
Doc Jensen clearly speaks with Damon and JJ because nobody (IMHO) could come up with all these literary parralles on their own. Good reading.


Jim LaFleur: All that and a bag of Dharma chips
Why are there no old people on the Island? Ben's dad was the oldest looking guy I can remember. Is that why the island is so special, because peopledon't age. However, the flaw in this theory is that Ben went from a boy to a man, so that may be out the window.

But if so, could the Hostiles and/or Richard be from the Black Rock? I understand people saying Richard may be a former Pharaoh, but he looks white to me, notEgyptian or African, I guess he kinda, maybe, possibly, could look Middle Eastern.

It made more sense in my head. After I typed it, it doesn't seem to make much sense.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Why are there no old people on the Island? Ben's dad was the oldest looking guy I can remember. Is that why the island is so special, because people don't age. However, the flaw in this theory is that Ben went from a boy to a man, so that may be out the window.

But if so, could the Hostiles and/or Richard be from the Black Rock? I understand people saying Richard may be a former Pharaoh, but he looks white to me, not Egyptian or African, I guess he kinda, maybe, possibly, could look Middle Eastern.
Tom (The Other) looked older than Uncle Rico (Ben's dad), didn't he?

And I'm surprised with the the Egyptian/North African symbolism on the island that no one has drawn lines to the fact that the "Exit" from theisland is in North Africa (Tunisia).
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Why are there no old people on the Island? Ben's dad was the oldest looking guy I can remember. Is that why the island is so special, because people don't age. However, the flaw in this theory is that Ben went from a boy to a man, so that may be out the window.

But if so, could the Hostiles and/or Richard be from the Black Rock? I understand people saying Richard may be a former Pharaoh, but he looks white to me, not Egyptian or African, I guess he kinda, maybe, possibly, could look Middle Eastern.
Tom (The Other) looked older than Uncle Rico (Ben's dad), didn't he?

And I'm surprised with the the Egyptian/North African symbolism on the island that no one has drawn lines to the fact that the "Exit" from the island is in North Africa (Tunisia).

I was thinking the same thing...
Odrama...my dude...can you do your thing and post the darkmans input. I'm convinced dude is part of the damn show.

and the whole eyeliner and richard thing really got me thinking hes egyptian.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Why are there no old people on the Island? Ben's dad was the oldest looking guy I can remember. Is that why the island is so special, because people don't age. However, the flaw in this theory is that Ben went from a boy to a man, so that may be out the window.

But if so, could the Hostiles and/or Richard be from the Black Rock? I understand people saying Richard may be a former Pharaoh, but he looks white to me, not Egyptian or African, I guess he kinda, maybe, possibly, could look Middle Eastern.

It made more sense in my head. After I typed it, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

I always thought Ben has left the island for a significant amount of time before we saw him leave.
Remember in the hotel he was checking into, he was a preferred guest
Not sure how to use the "Spoiler function" (a little help?)- so just highlight below for the text.

Lost is moving again-going back even further into the past to explore a terrible incident that changed the course of the Island (and itspeople) forever. When Lost returns in two weeks, the charming and talented young actor Sterling Beaumon (the kid's 14 and he's recording an album)reprises his role as "young Ben" for what will be a four-episode character arc.

Sterling tells us exclusively that the story is "very major, and it's going to change Ben forever." Sterling, as per usual for Lost castmembers,is sworn to secrecy about exactly what happens but he says this very major thing "involves himself and yes, it is a trauma…Before the change Ben's anice, good kid…and then one second will change his life forever."

According to Sterling, over the course of this arc, "Ben will [come to] know everything about every little bit about the Island. We're not going tolearn more about the past with Dharma, we're going to learn more about the past of the Island." Say it with me people: Holler!

Not sure how to use the "Spoiler function" (a little help?)- so just highlight below for the text.

Lost is moving again-going back even further into the past to explore a terrible incident that changed the course of the Island (and itspeople) forever. When Lost returns in two weeks, the charming and talented young actor Sterling Beaumon (the kid's 14 and he's recording an album)reprises his role as "young Ben" for what will be a four-episode character arc.

Sterling tells us exclusively that the story is "very major, and it's going to change Ben forever." Sterling, as per usual for Lost castmembers,is sworn to secrecy about exactly what happens but he says this very major thing "involves himself and yes, it is a trauma…Before the change Ben's anice, good kid…and then one second will change his life forever."

According to Sterling, over the course of this arc, "Ben will [come to] know everything about every little bit about the Island. We're not going tolearn more about the past with Dharma, we're going to learn more about the past of the Island." Say it with me people: Holler!

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Why are there no old people on the Island? Ben's dad was the oldest looking guy I can remember. Is that why the island is so special, because people don't age. However, the flaw in this theory is that Ben went from a boy to a man, so that may be out the window.

But if so, could the Hostiles and/or Richard be from the Black Rock? I understand people saying Richard may be a former Pharaoh, but he looks white to me, not Egyptian or African, I guess he kinda, maybe, possibly, could look Middle Eastern.

It made more sense in my head. After I typed it, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

I always thought Ben has left the island for a significant amount of time before we saw him leave.
Remember in the hotel he was checking into, he was a preferred guest
Not sure how to use the "Spoiler function" (a little help?)- so just highlight below for the text.

Lost is moving again-going back even further into the past to explore a terrible incident that changed the course of the Island (and itspeople) forever. When Lost returns in two weeks, the charming and talented young actor Sterling Beaumon (the kid's 14 and he's recording an album)reprises his role as "young Ben" for what will be a four-episode character arc.

Sterling tells us exclusively that the story is "very major, and it's going to change Ben forever." Sterling, as per usual for Lost castmembers,is sworn to secrecy about exactly what happens but he says this very major thing "involves himself and yes, it is a trauma…Before the change Ben's anice, good kid…and then one second will change his life forever."

According to Sterling, over the course of this arc, "Ben will [come to] know everything about every little bit about the Island. We're not going tolearn more about the past with Dharma, we're going to learn more about the past of the Island." Say it with me people: Holler!

And I'm surprised with the the Egyptian/North African symbolism on the island that no one has drawn lines to the fact that the "Exit" from the island is in North Africa (Tunisia).
That's been mentioned a couple times in here...

Abbadon, Is that a real spoiler spoiler? Or just some info?
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

And I'm surprised with the the Egyptian/North African symbolism on the island that no one has drawn lines to the fact that the "Exit" from the island is in North Africa (Tunisia).
That's been mentioned a couple times in here...

Abbadon, Is that a real spoiler spoiler? Or just some info?

Apparently it talks about what will transpire regarding a certain character on the show. It doesn't give away details, just a basic outlook onsome upcoming episodes.
I'd place it more on the spoiler side of things than info.
Just watched it again...

Horace shoulda asked Sawyer how he knows he's wearing eyeliner from 40yds away in the dark ?!?
I think this week they really overdid Alperts makeup. or maybe its just that I know to look for it now.

Another crazy theory on the Island. If Alpert was an Egyptian, we all automatically think of pharoah or some god.
but what about the idea of him being a priest. There is a temple and of course the statue of Anubis.

Sidenote that temple or at least the bit they showed of it is awfully small. Arent egyptian temples usually big?

What if the island was much closer to egypt or north africa in general?
You would need access to a huge work force to build that statue. and what ever else is built on that island.
Pharoahs loved to build temples to various gods. Suppose the entire Island was meant to be a temple or temple area.
And because it is to the god of death, naturally you want to keep that god happy hence the keeping of the dead bodies.
And I would want to keep the temple of death as far as possible from me. like the opposite side of the world.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Abbadon, Is that a real spoiler spoiler? Or just some info?

It's on the level of what TV guide would tell you in an article. If you are absolutely 100% hell bent against knowing anything that goes on from last nightforward, I probably wouldn't read it. If you want a little nugget on what happens with Ben over the next couple eps, then I'd give it a read.
IDK about him actually wearing Eyeliner... thats just how that guy looks... remember in the Dark Knight he looks like he wears eye liner too
according to lostpedia, the statue is more like Taweret, goddess of maternity and childbirth, and protector of women and newborn children. kinda makes sensethat the statue is destroyed when the it's realized women die during childbirth on the island.
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Why are there no old people on the Island? Ben's dad was the oldest looking guy I can remember. Is that why the island is so special, because people don't age. However, the flaw in this theory is that Ben went from a boy to a man, so that may be out the window.

But if so, could the Hostiles and/or Richard be from the Black Rock? I understand people saying Richard may be a former Pharaoh, but he looks white to me, not Egyptian or African, I guess he kinda, maybe, possibly, could look Middle Eastern.

It made more sense in my head. After I typed it, it doesn't seem to make much sense.

I always thought Ben has left the island for a significant amount of time before we saw him leave.
Remember in the hotel he was checking into, he was a preferred guest
When he checked into the Hotel it was after he just left (while with John). It just seemed like a different time. Because remember right afterthat he "hooked up" with Sayid.

And Bastitch, IDK I guess Tom could be older than Uncle Rico(
), but Roger just seemed old when Ben killed him. Still there really isn't any SeniorCitizens on the island. If they've been there that long what do they do with the old people.

Nice "spoiler" Abaddon. Can't wait to see the next few episodes.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama


Def. holding the anke, And def. Egyptian...

Originally Posted by i2enDMC

according to lostpedia, the statue is more like Taweret, goddess of maternity and childbirth, and protector of women and newborn children. kinda makes sense that the statue is destroyed when the it's realized women die during childbirth on the island.


ding ding ding!

looks a lot like it...
there are some differences, but the arms being straight down, on top of something seems to fit the bill...
and it makes sense considering the island's significant history surrounding babies and young people.
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