LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by 18key

Alpert = Anubis?
That would be something.

They need to show him without shoes if they do an Alpert centric episode.
So I'm watching it again.

Dynamite = Black Rock

That's where Horace was that night. Can't believe I didn't catch that
The statue will probably reveal the origins of the native people (including Alpert), leading to what they can do, etc.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

So I'm watching it again.

Dynamite = Black Rock

That's where Horace was that night. Can't believe I didn't catch that
and if you go back and watch the part where the two guys are watching the surveillance video of him, make sure to note how many trees in thebackground that he's laid waste to. I'm tellin ya, he was gathering the wood to build Jacob's cabin.
just looked up Anubis and it doesnt seem like its the same one as the statue we saw in todays show..

looked more like Horus...

and if you search on google "horusjacob" i found this link .... could it be!!!!!!! Jacob is Horus?????!!!

Horus doesn't have ears tho...

Jacob could be Horus symbolically, Just like Alpert could be Anubis symbolically...
One last thing before I go to bed....

When Sawyer goes to pick up Miles so they can go get Horace, as Miles is getting in the van, Sawyer asks him, "did you bring your zapper?" If Iremember right, when Horace wakes up, he has no recollection of what he did. You think Miles could have a contraption along the lines of the MIB mind eraserthing? Just something to think about.

Originally Posted by boholkicks

just looked up Anubis and it doesnt seem like its the same one as the statue we saw in todays show..

looked more like Horus...

and if you search on google "horus jacob" i found this link .... could it be!!!!!!! Jacob is Horus?????!!!

I don't think it's either.
The statue didn't have any kind of staff or any kind of crazy ears.
It looked like it was holding something in each hand though.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Anubis was the god to protect the dead and bring them to the afterlife. He was usually portrayed as a half human, half jackel, or in full jackal form wearing a ribbon and holding a flail in the crook of its arm[sup][5][/sup]. The jackal was strongly associated with cemeteries in ancient Egypt, since it was a scavenger which threatened to uncover human bodies and eat their flesh[sup][6][/sup] The distinctive black color of Anubis "did not have to do with the jackal [per se] but with the color of rotting flesh and with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth."[sup][6][/sup]

i think this is what the black smoke is the god Anubis, or a Bastet a lion who was a war deity . if you check the first time we see the statue with the broken legthere's a field behind it no jungle, but when we see this statue it has a whole jungle behind it there might be two of them.
what the crap is this...
how come we didn't notice this before?


You might not notice anything at first...

but a closer look reveals

a picture i found on the net



So maybe Farraday has the statue made after him...

UGH now I'm gonna think about this even more.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

what the crap is this...
how come we didn't notice this before?


You might not notice anything at first...

but a closer look reveals

a picture i found on the net


The same could be said about Jack, John, Sawyer, Sun, Hurley, and Desmond
^ that !*#* didnt work but i i got one for some reason they got tonights shoe listed as the lie so it was throwing me off
Very solid, flowing episode.

There will be another flash because Widmore did turn the wheel again. That's possibly the way how they escaped the purge.

I hope we get a Alpert episode real soon. How can he not age?
I just finished it watching it too casper
...This is def one of those episodes I got to watch twice.

So a new episode not next week but the week after right? So the 18th?

For the record
Lost > Sopranos > Wire > Heroes.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I just finished it watching it too casper
...This is def one of those episodes I got to watch twice.

So a new episode not next week but the week after right? So the 18th?

For the record
Lost > Sopranos > Wire > Heroes.

at Heroes getting a mention between 2 of the greatest shows.

Now if we do them by seasons Heroes S1 can def. be compared.
Good ep.
Loved the first 5 minutes

Going to re watch tonight, a lot of good theories in this thread as well.
I thought this was a great episode. But I think I say that after every episode. I just love this show. Finally they can let Jin speak english.
When I first saw that statue I thought of Horus, but it does look a lot like Anubis. I like how he is carrying the ankh. And Amy/Pauls necklace looks exactlylike it.
I have always thought that Dharma and the Hostiles were separate. But it seems that they had some type of agreement.
Widmore mentioned a War coming. These goups arent big enough for it to be a War. A battle a skirmish but not a war.
Unless we get into maybe huge forces behind these groups/pawns. What are the forces? Is it really Good -V- Evil?
Which brings it back to a game like backgammon.
Has backgammon ever been associated with war? I know chess has and Risk. Those are the only other games I know that
were referenced in the show.

Horace more than just Dharma leader. Something about him must be special for John to see him in the dream. He is also the only Dharma
worker that has so far dealt with anything related to the Others.

Jacks feelings are going to be hurt bigtime. Juliet >>>>Kate.

Couldnt Miles have used his power to read the 2 dead guys to see who they were?

Charlotte was a cute kid. Too bad she didnt grow up that way

If Plato said "What ever happened, Happened." All of this was SUPPOSED to happen!?!?
At what point did Sawyer have time to record a album?
Maybe all the clues and stuff we see they left for their future selves?
I think Ben did look find his younger self and tell him what to do. Which explains why future Ben seems to be a step ahead of everyone.

Im sure I can spew out more crap. But I have to think up some more BS.
I hope that Horace, becomes a major character the rest of the way.

I wonder what brought the Hostiles and Dharma to an agreement in the first place?

This show just keeps getting better and better. I don't know how I'm going to wait 13 days. I'll probably go back and re-watch S5.
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