Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Page 108....
hahaaa %*!%
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Agree. That showed they are basically the same/equals.
I am so shocked so many people actually think this and I really do not get why.

This show has done soooo much in setting up black and white, good vs bad, the balancing of the scales etc. So I seriously don't see how both Jacob and the Man In Black are the same. Why would they set all that up in this show for them to be the same.  Not buying it at all.

I am sure most of you think that Dogen was given the same offer like Flocke gave Sayid but I think Dogen's story to Sayid tonight about Jacob giving him the same offer was not the complete truth.  It wouldn't surprise me if Dogen was originally a MIB recruit and was given that offer by him and found out that he was lied to and then jumped to Jacobs side.  I think once Dogen saw Sayid tell his people the message he knew he was on the Dark Side.  Just my thoughts....
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Just one thing... the Japanese guy, he says that Jacob told him he would save his son if he would come to the island. Sayid says that Locke (smoke monster) made a similar deal with him. So.... Were we supposed to make some connection from that? (i.e. they're both evil or something)... or what?
My dogs were barking so I'm not sure if I heard this correctly, but Dogen stated that his 12-year old son was involved in an accident and was hospitalized, right?  A man who Dogen had never met before, Jacob, approached him and told him that in order to save his son's life, he would have to go to the island and would have a new job. 

Now the difference between this situation and Sayid's is that Sayid's loved one is 100% dead whereas Dogen's son still had a chance.
Did anyone find it funny when Ben just ran out after he saw Sayid killed those two dudes? I thought it was hilarious

And yeah I caught Jack in the hospital it was quick though.
But was that a flash sideways with Sayid or a flashback? I was confused... 
All these episodes looks like it's most def. gonna lead up to a
Originally Posted by AirVandal180

^^^ and I guess Jin as well.

IMO Jin is like Kate, trapped in a situation where they dont want to be, but cant figure out how to get away without being killed. Which is a shame, because Jin and Kate are some of my favorite characters.

Sayid's been relegated to Ben status: I kind of want him to die, but he's so cool I kind of want him to live.

I'm going to the gym, I need some time to think about this mind #%@* of an episode.
Originally Posted by King of Chicago

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Just one thing... the Japanese guy, he says that Jacob told him he would save his son if he would come to the island. Sayid says that Locke (smoke monster) made a similar deal with him. So.... Were we supposed to make some connection from that? (i.e. they're both evil or something)... or what?
My dogs were barking so I'm not sure if I heard this correctly, but Dogen stated that his 12-year old son was involved in an accident and was hospitalized, right?  A man who Dogen had never met before, Jacob, approached him and told him that in order to save his son's life, he would have to go to the island and would have a new job. 

Now the difference between this situation and Sayid's is that Sayid's loved one is 100% dead whereas Dogen's son still had a chance.
no his son died.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

^^^ sawyer is on flockes side as well

i think sawyer is conning him.. i think he is sticking around long enough to get enough to get info..

but who knows with sawyer.. i just think at the end of the day, he'll end up on the side with the pure people (not sayid or claire)
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

^^ I really hope they wouldn't give away that Ben dies in a preview... thatd be whack

They always have previews that throw the viewer off.

EDIT: Damn I thought I was going to be on page 108.
Very good pacing in this weeks episode.

I wonder why Flocke can enter the temple or whatever only now that Dogen is dead.
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I made it on 108

How could the Temple Others be so disloyal

Forreal they just all bounced. But I guess it's understandable with Jacob being dead.
There is still a lot to learn about Dogen, how was he able to keep Flocke out and only him. Also Lennon was refered to the interpreter. Why that? Maybe I'm just looking too into it.
Am I the only one who thinks its possible Flocke offered/will offer sayid to live the other life in the sideways world? Seemed like a definate possibility to me. Heck, I can't think of any other possible way they could tie the two together.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Am I the only one who thinks its possible Flocke offered/will offer sayid to live the other life in the sideways world? Seemed like a definate possibility to me. Heck, I can't think of any other possible way they could tie the two together.

Why would he live "sideways" lusting after a married woman though?
Don't you think he'd rather have Flocke resurrect her?
that %%$* was nuts. the substitute was a better episode though

ummm so i dunno whats gonna get explained or not. but i do like the season a lot so far. much better than all the time travel stuff

the funny thing is they really can just throw explanations to everything in like 2 episodes. real quick. just have jacob straight up explain 90% of the stuff we want to know. major things are happening. it really picked up tonight

i have zero understanding of the meaning of the flash sideways.
^^ Speaking of, they better have a bigger plan with the side world.

I haven't cared much for ANY of the sideplot stuff except for LA X
Yes, but that was the only choice flocke gave him? IDK.... I just need to figure out how the sideways world ties in

Anyway, I'm about 90% sure I saw Desmond in the preview for next week....did nobody else see that? My girl thought she did too. it was real quick, and maybe it was Sawyer... (long hair) but appeared to be clean shaven.

Damn I really hope we see what's going on with him, whitmore, and hawking soon
Originally Posted by Rich Says

Very good pacing in this weeks episode.

I wonder why Flocke can enter the temple or whatever only now that Dogen is dead.

Jacob may have givin him powers to protect the Temple from him? Mad intrested in seeing where Miles and crew went (deeper into the temple it looked)

Dogen dies..releases white baseball (good?) from his hand..Smoke Monster (bad?) goes on The Rapeover (awesome!)
Thoughts and questions I have to put down to sort out.
The ending to this episode
Sayid and Claire were too calm. It was just creepy and haunting how they walked out of the temple ready to $@@% some %+*% up. Smokey %*+*$%@ up %+*% was wild too.
Sideflash was interesting for the 1st time. Like I wondered last page, why did Keamy have Jin? Did Jin's father-in-law owe Keamy money? What's Keamy doing running a racket? He was a mercenary.
Where's Sawyer and Jin? I hope they're not dead already.
What are Illana and Co. up to?
Favorite episode this season so far. I like seeing more people are thinking that there are no 'sides' in the LOST world

Originally Posted by sole vintage

did Kate see something in the smoke monster when it flew over her in the pit?

she looked like she was amazed 
Nah there was nothing there. I just watched it slowed way the hell down and it's just blurs of people Smokey was dragging.

Predictions because these are fun to make:
Like I've said, Jin is a tragic character. I'm predicting Flocke or Sayid is gonna off him while he protects Sun or something like that.
Jack or Sawyer is gonna off Claire. One of em is seeing Kate in trouble with a whacked out evil Jungle Claire, and gonna save her.
Sayid is gonna murk a lot of people. Some we wont be happy about. Well, from what I've seen in this thread, some of us wont like the kill shots.
The whole show reminds me of a Shakespearean tragedy. Siblings /ing each others lives would just be the norm from what I see.
After watching the ep again and mentioning what they would've done with Locke and Eko I remember this is what basically happened with Locke and Jack when the freighter crew basically split the losties up.

I saw Jack when Sayid went to the hospital, seeing Keamy was cool, and I think the other guy was Iraqi dude that owned the restaurant in France that tortured Sayid cuz he tortured his wife but I wasn't interested in the alt time line cuz I figured this time Sayid wouldn't do %%$# but the writers surprised the %%$# out of me and made Yid a badass in both.

I'm almost positive Jack lost Sayid for good but maybe if Christian shows up he can convince Claire before the end.

I can't wait until Des shows up and Flocke meets Jack.

Oh and aint no way Benn dying next ep. He was on Jimmy Kimmel and they been finished filming that ep and he was talking about ep 11 or 12
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