Sort of annoyed with this episode actually...

Good episode, but I don't really know where to take it from here.

Where is Sawyer?
I think I liked LAX the best so far this season. But, the last 15 min of this episode was NUTS.

Speaking of Eko, it would be awesome if he showed up somehow this season.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I think I liked LAX the best so far this season. But, the last 15 min of this episode was NUTS.

Speaking of Eko, it would be awesome if he showed up somehow this season.

True.  We've heard some rumors about various cast members returning and Ecko was even "playing" chess with Hurley, I could see it.  I don't think this was my favorite episode either.  It was awesome watching the action, but really I put it behind < LAX < Lighthouse/The Substitute... I think I need to watch it again...
Idc what anyone says, I'm so sick of this sideways world BS. It seems completely irrelevant, and 6 episodes in we still have no idea where they are going with it. IMHO opinion its starting to feel like it is there way to give anyone from previous seasons cameos, its completely ridiculous. If Eko does show up, it'd be in a sideways flash and be pointless.

With that being said, that episode was absolutely insane. The ending was just....wow... things seem like they SHOULD get real intense from here. But as always, next weeks episode looks like its gonna stray off path. Overall I love this season so far, its just a bit slow moving.
Probably my 2nd favorite episode this season. Sayid doin work is entertaining as hell to watch.

I'm not sure who truly is good/evil between Jacob and Flocke. They both are manipulative as hell, but in the end I think it will come down to the viewers perception regarding destiny and free will.

As for Kate, I think she has no clue what she just walked into. She's about to follow the lead of 3 dead people.

I mean, I think her vs. Claire is going to be a pretty cool battle to see who kills who. But you got to think Claire wants to get back at Kate for taking Aaron while Kate wants to finish telling Claire about Erin and why she brought him off the island.

I wonder what Sawyer is doing though. Kinda sucks he didn't get any air time this episode.

It's about damn time they get back to Sawyer and Widmore. I really want to know what the hell is going on with them and how they relate to everything.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Just one thing... the Japanese guy, he says that Jacob told him he would save his son if he would come to the island. Sayid says that Locke (smoke monster) made a similar deal with him. So.... Were we supposed to make some connection from that? (i.e. they're both evil or something)... or what?

I think its supposed to imply Jacob and The Smoke Monster are not much different, if at all. With their goals that is, not how they handle things because clearly one is calmer then the other lol
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

clearly you havent been paying attention in this thread.....try doing some research (i.e scroll back and see for yourself) then get back at me
I don't get it. So sayid and claire are fully possessed by now? But what triggered it? Flocke spoke before he stabbed him and drogen said if he speaks it would be already too late. Too late for what. At a shot at killing him or being possessed even more? But drogen gave the look of defeat when sayid came back saying his "plan" at getting him killed didn't work.

The people who followed flocke...were they possesed at all? I was really nervous for kate. Thought sayid and claire were going to off her.
Oh yeah, this Sundown ep was a Sayid centric. So this final season isn't following the centric format of S1.
The ending of this episode was super epic. Beginning fight wasn't bad either.

I'm sure i'm not the only one who noticed Jack in the hospital?

I'm shocked nobody has said ANYTHING about Keamy and Jin being tied up. Everyone is so caught up in Yid doing work.
Flocke is rollin deep

Where Swayer at

Jin being in the fridge was my initial guess.
Claire seemed rather calm with Kate and the baby info and what not
Can't wait for next
sooooooooooo as of now.. only the sheep (the temple others), sayid and claire are for sure on flocke's side
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Rooting team evil here.

I don't see how Jacob is more special or good. He traps your #%@ in an island to do his nonsense work.

Word, i think he might be the same/worse.  He uses this good vs. evil and destiny thing to make them do his work, when Flocke just lays it out now that he can.
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