Last 15 minutes of this episode>Season 3 and 4 combined.

I REAAAAALY liked this episode. The Nadia stuff started off slow, but I was feeling this episode a TON!
did Kate see something in the smoke monster when it flew over her in the pit?

she looked like she was amazed 
Sayid's heel turn is complete.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Just one thing... the Japanese guy, he says that Jacob told him he would save his son if he would come to the island. Sayid says that Locke (smoke monster) made a similar deal with him. So.... Were we supposed to make some connection from that? (i.e. they're both evil or something)... or what?
Sayid confirming that let me know what I always thought about Jacob. He's an a-hole and not that different from Smokey/Flocke. The two of them just have different opinions and a lot of power.. I don't think there's really an all good or all bad side. Just shades of gray.

If you look at all of the damning evidence for 5 seasons against Jacob you can see he's more manipulative and probably got just as much kills under his belt. Jacob is the same guy that employed Ben as the leader and let him do w/e he wanted when he wasn't giving him orders. I also feel it's his fault Nadia died. He knew when to ask Sayid for directions and just who tells Sayid that his wife was murdered fueling his revenge? Ben!
Originally Posted by Master Zik


Even the alt reality story was on point. Sayid getting double kills

Sayid on the dark side

The way Ilana and the rest just showed up was funny and weird but I guess Miles had to go somewhere.

I'm wondering where Flocke left James tho.

I think the alt really proved how Sayid really is COLD blooded, and doesn't care. He takes care of business.
Yall think Jin (assuming Smokie didn't just let him go free) and Kate are just on Flocke's side cuz they don't have a clue about what's going on? Cuz Kate didn't look "convinced" that going with Flocke was the right thing to do.

It's definitely not looking good for the Jin/Sun relationship if they are on opposite sides

Can't wait to see how all this turns out and who's siding with who. Hopefully we find out who's coming to the island next week but I know they gonna stretch that all the way out til the last few episodes.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Master Zik


Even the alt reality story was on point. Sayid getting double kills

Sayid on the dark side

The way Ilana and the rest just showed up was funny and weird but I guess Miles had to go somewhere.

I'm wondering where Flocke left James tho.

I think the alt really proved how Sayid really is COLD blooded, and doesn't care. He takes care of business.
Only thing that would've been more cold blooded is if Sayid shot Jin while tied up
see now that is what im talking about....

people dont get it...we've invested so much time into this series and to see these characters go these paths and to be basically divided into 2 sides of a war is just 
in itself.

Reminds me so much of Carnivale and Stephen King's the Stand ( actually where the creators of Lost were inspired from)
I feel like something is going to happen with Kate soon. She's gonna stir something big up. Imagine Jack if he sees Flocke trying to hurt her? FIREWORKS

You can't hate on Sayid going to town in this episode.
Dude put in some work: 5 homicides, attempted murder on Flocke, and rescue of a Korean national
good episode, 'Yid put in work as always. Just need more questions answered though, I don't know how they're gonna fit most of our important questions in. It's been 6 episodes and NOTHING has been answered. We found out what the numbers represent, but what exactly are they for?
Hopefully, Kate dies a slow painfull death.

Im ridin with Jack and Co. But, Flocke got him an army right now.

And Jacob and Flock (WHEN ARE THEY GONNA SAY HIS NAME!?!?) are basically the same, just have different "personalitys" I guess. But, Flocke seems to give people more of a choice, while Jacob basically sets them up to do what he wants.
Whoever Flocke "really" is, it's going to be something huge I believe. I don't think they can continue to wait this long and not have an actual NAME without it being some huge mind !%#@ we didn't see coming because we've been focused on so much else.
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

see now that is what im talking about....

people dont get it...we've invested so much time into this series and to see these characters go these paths and to be basically divided into 2 sides of a war is just 
in itself.
If I remember right the creators had this planned (the characters choosing sides and a forthcoming battle) for S3 until Mr. Eko asked to leave the show. It was suppose to be one side Eko and the other side Locke. Button pushers vs. Anti-button pushers I guess
I figure Eko was gonna lose(and die) if it did go down like that anyway.
every week everyone says "best episode yet"..."Greatest episode in the history of lost" pipe down, cuz next week everyone is going to be saying the exact same thing
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

every week everyone says "best episode yet"..."Greatest episode in the history of lost" pipe down, cuz next week everyone is going to be saying the exact same thing
I don't recall anyone and I mean ANYONE calling the previous eps of this season "best ep yet" or "greatest blah blah". If they did it would be insanely stupid.

This is the best ep yet. You can't say that's how it's going to continue to be The premier(2nd hour) was better than the lighthouse ep and the joint with James seeing the names on the cave were better than those two.

So no. You pipe down with this made up "every week you guys say that ep was best/greatest"
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Whoever Flocke "really" is, it's going to be something huge I believe. I don't think they can continue to wait this long and not have an actual NAME without it being some huge mind !%#@ we didn't see coming because we've been focused on so much else.

There is no way this dude isn't someone we already know.  It would be extremely anti-climactic if he was like "Yeah, my name is Gilbert..."
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

every week everyone says "best episode yet"..."Greatest episode in the history of lost" pipe down, cuz next week everyone is going to be saying the exact same thing

what you expect? people claiming such statements before watching the episode? "OMG the third episode from now is the best EVER!"
I don't recall anyone and I mean ANYONE calling the previous eps of this season "best ep yet" or "greatest blah blah". If they did it would be insanely stupid.

This is the best ep yet. You can't say that's how it's going to continue to be The premier(2nd hour) was better than the lighthouse ep and the joint with James seeing the names on the cave were better than those two.

So no. You pipe down with this made up "every week you guys say that ep was best/greatest"
clearly you havent been paying attention in this thread.....try doing some research (i.e scroll back and see for yourself) then get back at me
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