IDK, maybe not #1, but when the light came on in the hatch I was

Dude's..... It's LOST Tuesday.

I can only fathom what some of you guys went through the past few years. I caught Lost on Hulu by chance and became completely addicted. I ended up watching all 5 seasons in about 2 week time. To be left in constant suspense must of been amazing yet horrible torture. I also think that's why the Richard episode didn't hit me so hard. I wasn't pondering for years about why this guy doesn't age. Or why the ray of light wasn't so big of a deal because I saw what happened right away. With all that said and done... I'm glad I ended up watching all of the episodes and that I get to watch the last few episodes with you guys.

- I saw a preview on ABC and Hurley get's set up on a date by his mom. I hope somehow Libby would make her way on the episode.
Mmm, something else.

Since the sideways characters are connected to the actual island ones... what does that make of Locke?

If you told me in 2 episodes a television show could my full love and devotion beyond years of shortchanging their promises...a bald man in a wheelchair who sounds like Vince McMahon when he's angry.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Since the sideways characters are connected to the actual island ones... what does that make of Locke?

For some reason, and I don't have any idea why, I still have hope the real Locke will somehow be back.
YES, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE. I keep thinking we haven't seen the end of Locke... he's just too big of a character. There has to be more to it with his sideways self and island self.
The thread lives! 3 hours and 39 minutes away. Man, why is Lost so superior to 99% of other TV shows? The acting, the production quality, the music, the plots, the attention to detail... It's seriously at the quality of a movie, but it's like 30 movies back to back.
They got details on lock but have been lacking on the fx lol...the submarine shots and explosions have been horrendous lol
I only saw it coming when I saw her put the water bottle in the same bag as the dynamite like a dumb @%+. I mean really who does that?

I hope we all learned that you DO NOT GO AGAINST HUGO. He says it aint a good idea or maybe we should think it over listen and do it or you gonna die.
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