Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

ABC has found more time to say goobye to "Lost."

The network has decided to supersize its farewell to the iconic drama, expanding a previously announced one-hour pre-show to two full hours. The special is now expected to air from 7-9 p.m. on Sunday, May 23, right before the two-hour "Lost" finale.

Add in a special "Jimmy Kimmel Live" -- "Lost: After the Final Rose"-- airing that Sunday, and ABC is now planning to devote no less than five hours of airtime to the "Lost" swan song.

That's really showing some (Dharma) initiative!

Source: The Wrap

They might as well try re-airing the entire season that day
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by dhart48

im surprised there was not ONE MENTION that they just dived directly into the episode without the obligatory "previously on LOST" montage(atleast for me it went straight from dancing with the stars straight into the new episode) if that was the case for everyone...that has major signifigance to me,possibly the only episode(besides the first) where there wasnt a recap focusing on the weeks character.

you guys spend waaaaay too much time arguing over how great/horrible the episode was and should take it as it is. For me i love this whole new mythology they have build on im just along for the ride...the answers are coming, people just want things put bluntly in their face, you're going to have to do some looking yourself,ya know(just like our main characters
24 episodes haven't had PREVIOUSLY ON LOST.
can you tell me which 24??? because im sure those have signifigance too
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by dhart48

im surprised there was not ONE MENTION that they just dived directly into the episode without the obligatory "previously on LOST" montage(atleast for me it went straight from dancing with the stars straight into the new episode) if that was the case for everyone...that has major signifigance to me,possibly the only episode(besides the first) where there wasnt a recap focusing on the weeks character.

you guys spend waaaaay too much time arguing over how great/horrible the episode was and should take it as it is. For me i love this whole new mythology they have build on im just along for the ride...the answers are coming, people just want things put bluntly in their face, you're going to have to do some looking yourself,ya know(just like our main characters
24 episodes haven't had PREVIOUSLY ON LOST.
can you tell me which 24??? because im sure those have signifigance too
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

The ep was a disappointment because you like many others have ridiculous expectations.
No. It was a disappointment because it paled in comparison to the great episodes this season so far and all of the Desmond centrics.
I don't get how you or anyone can say the flash sideways are lame when the significance of it was clearly explained in the last episode!!LOL! I do not also see how destiny is being forced upon us at all in last nights episode if anything it furthered the whole idea of free will/choice.
*Sigh* It's lame because the story was boring, not interesting, and all around bad. I'm not saying the fact that there are flash sideways that that's what lame. I'm saying just about all of the flash sideways up to now have been bad and not executed good at all other than trying to arise new questions and add some type of value to these alternate lives.

As for the destiny being forced upon us maybe you just don't understand. If you've been watching LOST since S1 you'd know how pertinent the themes of destiny and fate are in the story. Since Locke in S2 the writers have been pounding it in to the story that this plays a role and should be paid attention to. Now we have Desmond, who doesn't want %%++ to do with that and the writers take it upon themselves to drag Des through this journey which isn't all that good to begin with. If you think this ep furthered the idea of free will/choice I don't know what to say other than you should figure out the difference between free will and fatalism. It's pretty clear with the situation with Desmond, and even if this was just about free will Des has the choice not to involve himself or to choose his destiny. He's obviously chose his destiny in both of these possible worlds. Regardless it's evident he's made a huge leap of faith after coming to on the island and the way they went about it wasn't to my liking.
I think some also do not get the idea of writing for television and how stories are told.  Master Zik you say that the convincing of Desmond could have be handled in 20 minutes which I disagree with; the time used to show that was fine because the writers HAD to show exactly how he went from a non-believer.  If it was done it was in less time then it would have been rushed and there would have been no flow. The flow and pace of the story in this season and pretty much every season has been excellent...the writers have done a great job over five seasons and continue to do so this season and have actually revealed more answers than most realize.
The entire ep being used to do that is what bore me. How many times have we've seen this? Charlie's part in the ep could've easily been cut in half. Even though I like the  Faraday, he didn't add much to this ep either. It's just a bunch of dead losties leading Desmond to choose his destiny and involve himself with w/e the island has in store for him. It definitely could've been told better and not taken up as much time as it did. I'm not talking about the pacing and flow of ever season even though you saying it's excellent is disputable. Specifically how the O5 got back to the island in S5 and S4(for obvious reasons).
As I said before your ridiculous expectations cause you to disappointed....you didn't get it explained in 20 minutes and you wanted more answers crammed into one episode that you missed the damn good revelations in this episode.
Again, no. I don't know who you got me confused with but not once did I complain there weren't enough answers in this ep and that it was filler. The episode was lame. The way this story was told was boring. Compare this episode to past Desmond centrics and you'll get it. Go back to Live Together Die Alone pt. 2, Flashes Before Your Eyes, and even Jughead to see the let down Happily Ever After was. If my expectations were that ridiculous because of the precedent the writers have set with those episode and then this dud fine. I'd just see it as you being content with an underwhelming episode.
I agree with Fro B Giant....if you don't like it then stop watching.
Get this lame ##@ gay ##@ reasoning the *@%% outta here. I'm a LOST fan if you don't like me posting my disappointments about an episode or critiquing something in the show don't read my posts. How I feel shouldn't be bothering you this much for you to tell someone to stop watching the show altogether. Cuz we disagree about an episode I should stop watching? *@%% you and Fro B Giant for saying some dumb +!#+ like that.
Those complaining every week and disappointed because they feel like the LOST writers are supposed to cater to their every pre-show airing desire is rather annoying.
This statement is irrelevant since I don't complain every week. If you're that annoyed about these other ppl I suggest you deal with it or find another place to discuss LOST.
Just open your eyes and look at what really is being shown and enjoy the great ride of the show.
Telling me to open my eyes like I haven't been enjoying the show since day 1. I can't be like you and not have a mind of my own and voice my opinion about what I don't like. I'm surprised you'd even suggest this when the themes in LOST are directly opposed to that type of thinking.

Your entitled to your opinion and you are also entitled to be wrong (which you are).

If you say that you are not disliking the episode over unrealistic expectations that is fine.  However, ironically you compare it to other Desmond episodes which isn't fair or objective. If you already expected this episode to be "The Constant"  or even "Ab Aterno" then of course you will already be let down. What you fail to realize when judging an episode in this series or any series in this matter you must look at how the episode fits into the show and what it is trying to accomplish and whether or not character and story development have been furthered.

The episode fits perfectly into the shows scheme and character development and story have been furthered.  You are entitled to your opinion but I really don't get more of what you want. It is clear that your comparisons are based on previous episodes which IMO is not fair or objective at all.

@ me not having a mind of my own when I am the one actually being objective.

However, good discussion Brotha!
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Your entitled to your opinion and you are also entitled to be wrong (which you are).

@ me not having a mind of my own when I am the one actually being objective.
This is a joke. You're allegedly being objective yet you can claim that I'm wrong. If that's the case you can not be right. Unless your view is all episodes are equal and none are better than each other.
If you say that you are not disliking the episode over unrealistic expectations that is fine.  However, ironically you compare it to other Desmond episodes which isn't fair or objective. If you already expected this episode to be "The Constant"  or even "Ab Aterno" then of course you will already be let down. What you fail to realize when judging an episode in this series or any series in this matter you must look at how the episode fits into the show and what it is trying to accomplish and whether or not character and story development have been furthered.
You don't know what fair is. I gave my opinion, therefore it is subjective. I never expected this episode to be The Constant or Ab Aterno. I expected this Desmond centric episode to be as good as all of the other Desmond centric eps, just like I expect the same of Locke and Ben centrics. Your assumption that I would "already be let down" is ridiculous since the prior Desmond centric episodes did not let me down. Your not even making sense. I feel every Desmond ep has been great(until HEA) so how could I have unrealistic expectations if the writers and actors have consistently been producing great Desmond centrics? I'm not expecting every Des centric to be better than the last. I'm expecting consistency of a high quality. Why would I not expect another one for the final season?
The episode fits perfectly into the shows scheme and character development and story have been furthered.  You are entitled to your opinion but I really don't get more of what you want. It is clear that your comparisons are based on previous episodes which IMO is not fair or objective at all.
If you don't get it I'm not surprised, you've been arguing from a misguided viewpoint on my opinion of the episode from the start. How is it not fair to compare this episode to previous LOST episodes? Specifically past Desmond centrics? Do you know what fair means? It'd be unfair if I compared this episode to an ep of The Wire or Breaking Bad or Flash Forward. That's not objective.

Me comparing this ep to past eps is no different than me comparing an artist's album to one of his other albums. That's completely fair and objective. Do you think all episodes are stand alone and exist in a universe by themselves free from comparison or criticism? How naive and stupid can anyone be to think you can't compare episodes for the same show?and it's not even like I'm being unfair by comparing different centrics or using the pilot episode as a comparison. Why isn't fair that I think Season 3 of LOST is better than Season 5? It's my opinion. You seem to be confusing a lot og things as far as fairness is concerned. If you want to take the objective route with LOST and believe all episodes are equal to each other in quality and none are better than each other then I find it foolish that you even engaged in this argument cuz even a mildly ******ed person would've known that we would be disagreeing about this.
Y'all are going way too hard.

There are 5 episodes left before the finale, and yall are arguing about an episode ironically titled "happily ever after".

CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!! If you didn't like this episode, it's all good. If you loved it, it's all good. What any of us has to do say or think about any episode (especially at this point in the series) will have NO effect on the outcome of Oceanic Flight 815. Just sit back and enjoy the ride brothas!!!!!!!

I'm just starting to feel like the past 5 seasons didn't mean a thing

The show is going in a completely different direction with this flash sideways nonsense.

I read a little something from Doc Jensen that basically said something about how they are finally tying the flash sideways in with everything else. And if you still don't like it, you might as well stop watching the show.

I fall into that category of people who still don't like it
I feel like each individual season had a theme. What lies within each seasons theme doesn't really lie within the entire SERIES theme, but the certain elements and key points taken from within each make up what the show is all about. That might not make sense, but if you think about it like that the show makes sense.

I still think people just need to finish the series before complaining about things.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm just starting to feel like the past 5 seasons didn't mean a thing
i agree.. for some reason, i think for me instead of my questions about the show being answered, im more confused and more lost.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm just starting to feel like the past 5 seasons didn't mean a thing
i agree.. for some reason, i think for me instead of my questions about the show being answered, im more confused and more lost.

No kidding! How many times did they advertise "the time for questions is over!" But everything is way more confusing.

And EBW I definitely agree with you about the seasons each having a theme...but it feels like almost everything from the past seasons was thrown out.

Maybe I just hate the flash sideways so much, and I hoped it was just a what if. I've always hated this idea of another reality. And now it just feels like there is so much going on... its going to be impossible to tie everything together, finish the series, and answer all of our questions....
sighhhhh. remember how exciting the storyline was when they found the hatch? what is this atl. timeline bs
Damn you guys making it seem real bad. The alt time showing up now isn't the best and they haven't really been good except for the Sayid one but you have to recognize the creators didn't do a lot of things they wanted to do that was outside they're control(actors getting arrested for drunk driving and having to be killed off, some actors asking to leave, the debacle of S4 and all of the plans scrapped since it got cut in half).

I just didn't like this ep going off what Des centrics usually bring to the season. You gotta look past the flash sideways and look forward to on island events. We all knew the flash sideways were gonna play some role in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah but seriously, that flash sideways just feel like a cop out. It wastes 10-12 minutes of each episode. I can't even being to explain how much I hate them.

At first I tolerated them.... but they've gone to far with them

I still think its a way to throw every character who's ever been on the show back into it. Yea, Desmond is gonna find a way to merge the time lines? Its just.... stupid.

Yes I'm a hater
In the Alternate Timeline, the Island sunk because the Losties never intervened and set off the Jughead resulting in the Dharma digging into the pocket of energy and somehow sinking the island? Is this correct or am I reaching?? Last episode, Daniel mentioned a nuke being able to stop an elecrtromagnetic catastrophe, so I'm guessing the nuke they set off worked.
For those saying that the prior seasons seem like a waste now, think of it this way... If my theory is roughly correct (it's not even really a theory now because a lot of it has been shown), then everything matters. There are multiple realities, and every little change is manifested in a change in the reality. The alternate realities all interact with each other. There is something tying them together. So even though the "final" reality may be something that did not happen in seasons 1-5, we still need every little event from seasons 1-5 to get there.
Maybe it comes down to this... There are multiple realities but each person only has one consciousness, and that's what brings things together.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

The ep was a disappointment because you like many others have ridiculous expectations.
No. It was a disappointment because it paled in comparison to the great episodes this season so far and all of the Desmond centrics.
I don't get how you or anyone can say the flash sideways are lame when the significance of it was clearly explained in the last episode!!LOL! I do not also see how destiny is being forced upon us at all in last nights episode if anything it furthered the whole idea of free will/choice.
*Sigh* It's lame because the story was boring, not interesting, and all around bad. I'm not saying the fact that there are flash sideways that that's what lame. I'm saying just about all of the flash sideways up to now have been bad and not executed good at all other than trying to arise new questions and add some type of value to these alternate lives.

As for the destiny being forced upon us maybe you just don't understand. If you've been watching LOST since S1 you'd know how pertinent the themes of destiny and fate are in the story. Since Locke in S2 the writers have been pounding it in to the story that this plays a role and should be paid attention to. Now we have Desmond, who doesn't want %%++ to do with that and the writers take it upon themselves to drag Des through this journey which isn't all that good to begin with. If you think this ep furthered the idea of free will/choice I don't know what to say other than you should figure out the difference between free will and fatalism. It's pretty clear with the situation with Desmond, and even if this was just about free will Des has the choice not to involve himself or to choose his destiny. He's obviously chose his destiny in both of these possible worlds. Regardless it's evident he's made a huge leap of faith after coming to on the island and the way they went about it wasn't to my liking.
I think some also do not get the idea of writing for television and how stories are told.  Master Zik you say that the convincing of Desmond could have be handled in 20 minutes which I disagree with; the time used to show that was fine because the writers HAD to show exactly how he went from a non-believer.  If it was done it was in less time then it would have been rushed and there would have been no flow. The flow and pace of the story in this season and pretty much every season has been excellent...the writers have done a great job over five seasons and continue to do so this season and have actually revealed more answers than most realize.
The entire ep being used to do that is what bore me. How many times have we've seen this? Charlie's part in the ep could've easily been cut in half. Even though I like the  Faraday, he didn't add much to this ep either. It's just a bunch of dead losties leading Desmond to choose his destiny and involve himself with w/e the island has in store for him. It definitely could've been told better and not taken up as much time as it did. I'm not talking about the pacing and flow of ever season even though you saying it's excellent is disputable. Specifically how the O5 got back to the island in S5 and S4(for obvious reasons).
As I said before your ridiculous expectations cause you to disappointed....you didn't get it explained in 20 minutes and you wanted more answers crammed into one episode that you missed the damn good revelations in this episode.
Again, no. I don't know who you got me confused with but not once did I complain there weren't enough answers in this ep and that it was filler. The episode was lame. The way this story was told was boring. Compare this episode to past Desmond centrics and you'll get it. Go back to Live Together Die Alone pt. 2, Flashes Before Your Eyes, and even Jughead to see the let down Happily Ever After was. If my expectations were that ridiculous because of the precedent the writers have set with those episode and then this dud fine. I'd just see it as you being content with an underwhelming episode.
I agree with Fro B Giant....if you don't like it then stop watching.
Get this lame ##@ gay ##@ reasoning the *@%% outta here. I'm a LOST fan if you don't like me posting my disappointments about an episode or critiquing something in the show don't read my posts. How I feel shouldn't be bothering you this much for you to tell someone to stop watching the show altogether. Cuz we disagree about an episode I should stop watching? *@%% you and Fro B Giant for saying some dumb +!#+ like that.
Those complaining every week and disappointed because they feel like the LOST writers are supposed to cater to their every pre-show airing desire is rather annoying.
This statement is irrelevant since I don't complain every week. If you're that annoyed about these other ppl I suggest you deal with it or find another place to discuss LOST.
Just open your eyes and look at what really is being shown and enjoy the great ride of the show.
Telling me to open my eyes like I haven't been enjoying the show since day 1. I can't be like you and not have a mind of my own and voice my opinion about what I don't like. I'm surprised you'd even suggest this when the themes in LOST are directly opposed to that type of thinking.


Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I feel like each individual season had a theme.

Exactly. Every season, while dealing with the same people as a whole, was pretty different from one another.

And what's going on in here brotha's?....

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

For those saying that the prior seasons seem like a waste now, think of it this way... If my theory is roughly correct (it's not even really a theory now because a lot of it has been shown), then everything matters. There are multiple realities, and every little change is manifested in a change in the reality. The alternate realities all interact with each other. There is something tying them together. So even though the "final" reality may be something that did not happen in seasons 1-5, we still need every little event from seasons 1-5 to get there.
Maybe it comes down to this... There are multiple realities but each person only has one consciousness, and that's what brings things together.
I agree with you 100% man but some just don't seem to get it.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I still think its a way to throw every character who's ever been on the show back into it. Yea, Desmond is gonna find a way to merge the time lines? Its just.... stupid.

Yes I'm a hater

I'm not saying that's not the main reason, but it does seem like the characters who have died or have large importance to the island have something going on the in sideways to know what's going on. I understand you HATE it, but just keep an open mind when you watch it. If you go into it thinking "oh man, here we go again" you'll be pissed off every week until its over. Like i've said, just enjoy what we have left, leave everything up to the writers and THEN if it STILL sucks, you can complain allllllllllll you want within reason. Not much makes sense now because we're still watching it all unfold.
hey ya'll. i've been trying to catch up with Lost on Hulu and am almost finished with season 5. Does anyone know where I can watch the first 5 episodes of season 6? They only have episodes 6-11. Thanks a bunch!
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