Los Zetas vs Anonymous Vol. Mexican Standoff?

Originally Posted by aztek67890

Funny story. Last time I was in Mexico, me and some people drove to this spot and started drinking outside the vehicle...This black truck pulled up on us and 5 cartel dudes dressed in silk shirts, gold

chains and new ipods clipped to their waists and all that, came out the truck with ak-47s and told the people inside the truck to get the f**** out the truck, after harassing us and searching us they said they

were cops and said we couldn't drink here and then they left with all of our money, so pretty much we were mistakend for someone they wanted to kill or kidnap, and instead said they said were cops and

took all of our money. Sh*t got too real for a minute there.
you and i have a much different sense of humor fren.  i dont know if getting rolled up on by cartel members then robbed for every last buck I had would be considered a "funny story".  glad you made it out safe.

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

as far as straight business goes, they were 100 with it as long as you dont #+%% up.

i think that's the case for the most part with drugs in general.  majority of people who get killed over drug related stuff bring it upon themselves.  their the ones who wanna be in and are eager to do whatever when things are good  but the minute things get tough or the cops start pressing them they want to back out or start naming names and it just doesn't work like that.  that's why i don't have any sympathy for the majority of people that get killed over drugs since they knew what they were getting into from the start, both good and bad.

now regarding them killing innocent people who have nothing going on with the stuff,  i can't cosign that at all and it's a shame.
Originally Posted by rashi

Los Zetas = U.S. Government


Go occupy something.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by rashi

Los Zetas = U.S. Government


Go occupy something.

Los Zetas is doing nothing but protecting drug routes for the U.S. government with guns sold to them by Uncle Sam. Operation Fast and Furious? Do you live under a rock?

[h1]They're known as "Los Zetas"[/h1]

By Michael Webster Syndicated Investigative Reporter 

They were the elite "special forces" of the Mexican military, trained in the U.S. at the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia and sent to "wipe out" one of the most powerful Mexican drug cartels according to anonymous US Government sources.

Investigators say the feared bands of ex-military elite forces are operating in Texas and other parts of the United States unchecked. A team of rogue Mexican commandos blamed for hundreds of killings and kidnappings along the U.S.-Mexico border has carried out at least five drug-related slayings as far north as Dallas, a sign that the group is extending its deadly operations into U.S. cities, U.S. law enforcement officials say.

The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s.

"These guys operate like a military well trained and with precision," said Arturo A. Fontes, an FBI special investigator for border violence based in Laredo, in south Texas. "They have their hands in everything and they have eyes and ears everywhere. I've seen how they work, and they're good at what they do. They're an impressive bunch of ruthless criminals." Dallas and federal officials said that since late 2003 eight to 10 members of the Zetas have been operating in north Texas, maintaining a "shadowy existence" and sometimes hiring Texas criminal gangs, including the Mexican Mafia, M-13 and Texas Syndicate, for contract killings according to the Dallas police dept.. The Texas Syndicate is a prison gang that authorities blame for several murders nationwide.

It is also believed by some officials at the CIA that they may have Al-Qaeda   and other terrorist connections and maybe helping them breach our borders.

The U.S.-Mexico border is becoming like a war zone states Texas sheriff's from El Paso, McAllen, Laredo.

The feds in El Paso alerted law enforcement throughout the country, warning them that Mexican commandos are now working for drug cartels.

Most Americans are shocked to learn where the commandos were trained.

A memo from the Justice Department warns that Mexican commandos were trained by U.S. forces, but switched sides. They are now using their deadly skills to work for the drug cartels often with the Mexican regular army.

A recent Intelligence Bulletin from ICE we obtained says the Zetas are responsible for hundreds of violent drug-related murders. It says they've executed journalists, murdered people in Dallas, El Paso, McAllen, Laredo, Tijuana and Juarez. They even detained two DEA agents and recently they've shot at Border Patrol agents, County sheriffs and the US National Guard. At the Texas and Arizona borders with Mexico agents are already seeing a major increase in murder and other violence.

Perfecting their commando training, Los Zetas are known to be extremely violent killers and have been blamed for an outbreak of violence along the Mexican border for several years now, with no real resistance from the US Government.

Federal agents stationed at the El Paso Criminal Intelligence Center told local law enforcement, "that Not only did they receive some early military training but they developed their own internal training as well increasing their violence far beyond their own original capabilities."

The normally busy streets and busy stores in El Paso, Nogales, Sonora and Laredo on both sides of the river have been less busy due to all the violence and threats. It’s reported that many shop keepers in all of those broader cities and others are scared. Many claim their business has really fallen off since the Los Zetas showed up. Most shop owners like Seth (does not want to use his last name) who fear retaliation say "it’s a direct result of drug wars and random shootings." Seth says," the tourists are simply afraid to come to our cities to shop.

U.S. Customs agents, US Boarder Patrol and county Sheriff’s all along the boarder from California to east Texas have been involved in shootouts with an enemy they had not seen before. According to one Texas sheriff’s deputy “ these guys are equipped with automatic weapons, 50 Cal machine guns, M-60’s, infrared technology body armor, Humvee’s and state-of-the-art communications, he said ," it is a combination of Los Zetas and Mexican military."

As the drug wars heat up and expand between the Gulf Cartel to the east and the Tijuana Cartel to the west, a Justice Department bulletin warns: "The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months and years."

The violence plaguing the border towns has led to dire warnings issued by the State Department saying that narco- traffickers are on the hunt for US citizens.

The military training comes in handy with the arms the Zetas carry, including 9mm weapons and infrared technology - all parts of an armory equivalent to an American SWAT team. Drug money pays for it all. The Zeta arsenal could make the group attractive to other groups, like al-Qaeda or the Mara Salvatruchas M-13.  According to one of there own jailed members during an interview with law enforcement said, “there are some of the Maras and al-Qaeda inside the organization". The phenomenon of the Maras, is a violent Central American gang that originated in Los Angeles and has become a nightmare in the region. While the Zetas are a problem for Mexican police, they also claim to work with drug dealers in the United States. Their work includes cold-blooded killings. They told us they knew of a hit on two men outside a Rio Grande City restaurant, and the murder of two men watching a %$+#-fight in Starr County according to a TV report aired in Arizona.

Law enforcement including Sheriff’s, Police Chiefs and regular concerned citizens along the Mexican American border say the US Government is doing very little to support and protect our hundreds of miles of borders. And say the Zetas are operating with immunity and doing what ever they like without and repercussions. They want something done and right now it is already completely out of hand and is dangerous for there kids and everyone else. Business owners on both sides of the border and even law enforcement are reluctant to talk about the problem fearing retaliation from these thugs.

There is a video HERE where two of the Zetas are interviewed.


Electronic Privacy Information Center website at epic.org

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS)

United States Customs Service (USCS)

Federal Bureau Of Investigation FBI

Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN)

Originally Posted by heavenlee777


The operation is still on.

That guy is an idiot. Barret Brown publicly stated on video he will help Anonymous against the cartels. Cartel said for every single name released, 10 will die. Brown said"If i get 100 names, i'll release 30-40 that we're sure about. Anybody that dies is collateral damage". And who do you say is ruthless? 
Some of you people need to get out of your little rock and visit México, don't bealive the media...
Originally Posted by aztek67890



scared of going there.

eventough my cousins told me that there is nothing to be scared, im still hesitanat to go
If your family say's its fine just do it, just be careful with the girls you mess with, this dude I know was messing with this girl who was with one of the Zetas, they took him and tied him up in a grave yard

and left him there, he got out though. And just take a plane there so you won't be nervous the whole way driving through there.


Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Funny because my story also revolves around weed. I was joking though, nice isn't the word I would use.

I ran into two guys and I swear one of them never said a word the whole time. The older one did all the talking and was cool, and by that I mean like swag cool. Very American culturally, said he even spent a good bit of time in Dallas. 

It was all bad though. I was an eighteen year old kid on some bull $$@@ and probably could have gotten myself killed over an eighth. 
hahaha mann my roommate used to deal with them a couple years back.. straight mexican brick too, minimum of 20 a time... well lets say one time the package didnt show up..  in 1 day these dudes found out where my homies mom lived (how they did it, i will never know) and straight up told her to give up her car..  luckily she did, and that was that.  
as far as straight business goes, they were 100 with it as long as you dont #+%% up.



this has turned into stories from mexico 
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by rashi

Los Zetas = U.S. Government


Go occupy something.

Los Zetas is doing nothing but protecting drug routes for the U.S. government with guns sold to them by Uncle Sam. Operation Fast and Furious? Do you live under a rock?

[h1]They're known as "Los Zetas"[/h1]

By Michael Webster Syndicated Investigative Reporter 

They were the elite "special forces" of the Mexican military, trained in the U.S. at the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia and sent to "wipe out" one of the most powerful Mexican drug cartels according to anonymous US Government sources.

Investigators say the feared bands of ex-military elite forces are operating in Texas and other parts of the United States unchecked. A team of rogue Mexican commandos blamed for hundreds of killings and kidnappings along the U.S.-Mexico border has carried out at least five drug-related slayings as far north as Dallas, a sign that the group is extending its deadly operations into U.S. cities, U.S. law enforcement officials say.

The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s.

"These guys operate like a military well trained and with precision," said Arturo A. Fontes, an FBI special investigator for border violence based in Laredo, in south Texas. "They have their hands in everything and they have eyes and ears everywhere. I've seen how they work, and they're good at what they do. They're an impressive bunch of ruthless criminals." Dallas and federal officials said that since late 2003 eight to 10 members of the Zetas have been operating in north Texas, maintaining a "shadowy existence" and sometimes hiring Texas criminal gangs, including the Mexican Mafia, M-13 and Texas Syndicate, for contract killings according to the Dallas police dept.. The Texas Syndicate is a prison gang that authorities blame for several murders nationwide.

It is also believed by some officials at the CIA that they may have Al-Qaeda   and other terrorist connections and maybe helping them breach our borders.

The U.S.-Mexico border is becoming like a war zone states Texas sheriff's from El Paso, McAllen, Laredo.

The feds in El Paso alerted law enforcement throughout the country, warning them that Mexican commandos are now working for drug cartels.

Most Americans are shocked to learn where the commandos were trained.

A memo from the Justice Department warns that Mexican commandos were trained by U.S. forces, but switched sides. They are now using their deadly skills to work for the drug cartels often with the Mexican regular army.

A recent Intelligence Bulletin from ICE we obtained says the Zetas are responsible for hundreds of violent drug-related murders. It says they've executed journalists, murdered people in Dallas, El Paso, McAllen, Laredo, Tijuana and Juarez. They even detained two DEA agents and recently they've shot at Border Patrol agents, County sheriffs and the US National Guard. At the Texas and Arizona borders with Mexico agents are already seeing a major increase in murder and other violence.

Perfecting their commando training, Los Zetas are known to be extremely violent killers and have been blamed for an outbreak of violence along the Mexican border for several years now, with no real resistance from the US Government.

Federal agents stationed at the El Paso Criminal Intelligence Center told local law enforcement, "that Not only did they receive some early military training but they developed their own internal training as well increasing their violence far beyond their own original capabilities."

The normally busy streets and busy stores in El Paso, Nogales, Sonora and Laredo on both sides of the river have been less busy due to all the violence and threats. It’s reported that many shop keepers in all of those broader cities and others are scared. Many claim their business has really fallen off since the Los Zetas showed up. Most shop owners like Seth (does not want to use his last name) who fear retaliation say "it’s a direct result of drug wars and random shootings." Seth says," the tourists are simply afraid to come to our cities to shop.

U.S. Customs agents, US Boarder Patrol and county Sheriff’s all along the boarder from California to east Texas have been involved in shootouts with an enemy they had not seen before. According to one Texas sheriff’s deputy “ these guys are equipped with automatic weapons, 50 Cal machine guns, M-60’s, infrared technology body armor, Humvee’s and state-of-the-art communications, he said ," it is a combination of Los Zetas and Mexican military."

As the drug wars heat up and expand between the Gulf Cartel to the east and the Tijuana Cartel to the west, a Justice Department bulletin warns: "The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months and years."

The violence plaguing the border towns has led to dire warnings issued by the State Department saying that narco- traffickers are on the hunt for US citizens.

The military training comes in handy with the arms the Zetas carry, including 9mm weapons and infrared technology - all parts of an armory equivalent to an American SWAT team. Drug money pays for it all. The Zeta arsenal could make the group attractive to other groups, like al-Qaeda or the Mara Salvatruchas M-13.  According to one of there own jailed members during an interview with law enforcement said, “there are some of the Maras and al-Qaeda inside the organization". The phenomenon of the Maras, is a violent Central American gang that originated in Los Angeles and has become a nightmare in the region. While the Zetas are a problem for Mexican police, they also claim to work with drug dealers in the United States. Their work includes cold-blooded killings. They told us they knew of a hit on two men outside a Rio Grande City restaurant, and the murder of two men watching a %$+#-fight in Starr County according to a TV report aired in Arizona.

Law enforcement including Sheriff’s, Police Chiefs and regular concerned citizens along the Mexican American border say the US Government is doing very little to support and protect our hundreds of miles of borders. And say the Zetas are operating with immunity and doing what ever they like without and repercussions. They want something done and right now it is already completely out of hand and is dangerous for there kids and everyone else. Business owners on both sides of the border and even law enforcement are reluctant to talk about the problem fearing retaliation from these thugs.

There is a video HERE where two of the Zetas are interviewed.


Electronic Privacy Information Center website at epic.org

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS)

United States Customs Service (USCS)

Federal Bureau Of Investigation FBI

Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN)

@Rashi - do you know anything about the guy who wrote this article?  This may sound dumb, but I am always a bit skeptical about the validity of articles (and their authors) that are filled with grammatical or spelling errors.  When I googled "Michael Webster Reporter" the first search result that came back was this http://jmcpherson.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/open-letter-to-journalist-michael-webster/ , which is another journalist basically calling out Mr. Webster.  Obviously there are always two sides to every story, so I just wanted to know if you had any additonal information about this guys credentials.  
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by rashi

Los Zetas = U.S. Government


Go occupy something.
Can't stand this dude and his anti government conspiracies, blabbing that crap every chance he gets 

JEZ- Im starting to think you are in ANON 
A kid I knew from high school wound up in Mexico dead and wrapped in barbed wire in a ditch. Stay in school kids.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by rashi

Los Zetas = U.S. Government


Go occupy something.
Can't stand this dude and his anti government conspiracies, blabbing that crap every chance he gets 

JEZ- Im starting to think you are in ANON 

This is the definition of a sheep. 

I'm borderline done with ya'll dudes.


These dudes were trained in the School of the Americas...but nah, ya'll wanna ignore that, as usual. 

Man, I swear I can't stand just blatant stupidity and ignorance. 



This past summer I did a medical program and had the chance to befriend this guy who was Spec-Ops. The gov't is trying to promote more military people to go through programs to become doctors... 

Dude did 4 tours in Afghanistan...AND OPERATIONS IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA...Surprised yet?

What is he doing there? 

Al-Qaeda has money moving in through Central America.

He asked me "Yo sillyputty, what is the difference between someone who looks like they're from the middle east and someone who is from central america?" and I was like "I dunno" 

He said, "A beard"

Dude blew my mind.

There are a LOT of secret operations going on down there RIGHT NOW that ya'll have NO CLUE about.

This crap is getting real as hell out there. 

As much as I hate the boogeyman terrorist propaganda, it takes a lot to just think that its all just fun and games out there. For as much misinformation thats out there, there are a lot of people who can't keep their heads above water when it comes to understanding real intel. 

I suggest ya'll start reading  any and everything you can.

Whether or not you disagree with it...consume all the viewpoints you can. From radical to moderate. From liberal to conservative. The truth is out there but ya'll have to piece it together.

Stop accepting being lied to... I guarantee close to 85% of yall have NO CLUE whats going down next door. 

The Zetas are a REAL threat. They got kits that rival most US Swat Teams... and endless cash. 

Ya'll musta forgot that other cartel that had a DRUG SUBMARINE. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by 4wrestling


Go occupy something.
Can't stand this dude and his anti government conspiracies, blabbing that crap every chance he gets 

JEZ- Im starting to think you are in ANON 

This is the definition of a sheep. 

I'm borderline done with ya'll dudes.


These dudes were trained in the School of the Americas...but nah, ya'll wanna ignore that, as usual. 

Man, I swear I can't stand just blatant stupidity and ignorance. 

Don't waste time with people who keep their minds closed

Yeah yeah, sheep this sheep that, heard this all before.  So what are you doing to fix all of this?  Spreading the word on NT?  
These dudes Anon are no joke, on a side note I researched a few key words from some related articles and found this

Does anyone know about TOR? Look it up, Chinese and Iran journalist as well as others use this network for complete on-line anonymity. As you all know, in foreign countries they censor and monitor the web. This so called TOR allows them an outlet to operate with out anyone knowing. Anon did some amazing stuff to stop pedophiles from using the TOR network as a way to share child pornography. That whole post on the deep web is serious, I never knew the amount of information floating around the web that we never see or hear of...
This was updated 22 hours ago on that site that I linked...

  1. The Anon who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released, although it appears that the Zetas concerned did not know that the individual was the Anon whose release had been demanded by those who instigated #OpCartel. As such, no bargain has been fulfilled. Meanwhile, those who have been in possession of the e-mails have promised to provide them to me alone, which is to say that everything that proceeds from now on is my own work, and not that of Anonymous. Any reprisals against anyone other than myself, then, will have no effect.

  2. As I've told several journalists today, I will be proceeding carefully and with the assistance of several parties who are equipped to assess the contents of these e-mails and particularly those portions dealing with Zeta collaborators. I'll announce the next step in a few days.

  3. Finally, much of the reaction that this affair has received, particularly the dozens of often malicious predictions of my upcoming murder by the Zetas, is among the most degenerate displays I have yet seen. The idea that I should refrain from assisting in the naming of probable criminals operating in a foreign country without a working judicial system lest I be murdered is a cowardly sentiment. No individual living in the free world should refrain from working to fight injustice simply because there is a possibility of retaliation. Less important, but equally inane, have been the hundreds of comments and even media reports in which I am described as "foolish" for taking a risk in the course of something I believe in. Those objections dealing with possible repercussions to innocent third parties are reasonable, and I have made an effort to address those; those objections to the effect that an American ought not assist his fellows who have themselves risked their lives for this cause is informed only by a sick culture that is destined for destruction and replacement. If, by some chance, I am indeed killed by the Zetas, I will at least not have to contend ever again with the irritating and, frankly, faggy outpourings of a population that has proven itself incompetent to rule the empire that has been provided to it on the backs of others. Amrite?

  4. *Update*

  5. As is now widely known, the kidnapped Anon was indeed known to the Zetas as such, contrary to my reports from last night, during which I was only in sporadic communication with the person's friends. As the Zetas left a note with the person threatening to kill ten civilians for every name published, none of us will be proceeding with those particular names. Nonetheless, several of the 25,000 e-mails are being sent to Der Spiegel for confirmation, and in the meanwhile I will be going after other cartels with the assistance of those who have come forward with new information and offers of assistance. To provide information for this operation, which I'll be conducting with additional help from certain media outlets, e-mail me at [email protected].
I don't think they should be messing with this operation.
Fearlessness is great, especially in situations like these.
But they are risking so much.
I have a bad feeling about this
Originally Posted by daffy 016

i have a feeling a big cyberwar is on the horizon

Right? Eventually someone or some other group that feels they're the top hackers in the world are going to come a long and want to prove that they're top dawg.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by rashi

Los Zetas = U.S. Government


Go occupy something.
Can't stand this dude and his anti government conspiracies, blabbing that crap every chance he gets 

JEZ- Im starting to think you are in ANON 
That'd make me a lot less anonymous if I told you, huh?

I didn't know there were people thinking the government isn't running drugs through Central America and Mexico though
they've crashed the planes and been found out multiple times. I think it was 4 tons of cocaine in Yucatan on a CIA plane? Something like that.
HAM CITY wrote:
Originally Posted by daffy 016

i have a feeling a big cyberwar is on the horizon

Right? Eventually someone or some other group that feels they're the top hackers in the world are going to come a long and want to prove that they're top dawg.
Cyberwars have been going on for a long long long time now. Read up on Stuxnet. And that's just one of many examples.

You guys should start going to this website: InfoSec
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