Looking to buy or adopt a yorkie for wifey

Smh, I've seen so many of these animals die due to improper care. If you're really going to get one make it joint effort and not a surprise. Do as much research as possible and adopt. 
my ex girl bought one from petland or whatever. it was hella expensive and i know the back story on their dogs etc...after having it for almost a year and a half it was too much for her training her etc. she worked long hours and when she would get out she had to go to her sons sports events... so the dog was alone for long periods of time and acted out. peeing on pad pooping off of it tearing up paper towels. now i have the dog and she is the best thing ever i love her. it wasnt easy to train her by any means but shes got it down now and shes a great companion.
i would recommend you get it trained one of the hard headed dogs to train, brain empty as a shell 
Originally Posted by ConcordeFliteSchool

my ex girl bought one from petland or whatever. it was hella expensive and i know the back story on their dogs etc...after having it for almost a year and a half it was too much for her training her etc. she worked long hours and when she would get out she had to go to her sons sports events... so the dog was alone for long periods of time and acted out. peeing on pad pooping off of it tearing up paper towels. now i have the dog and she is the best thing ever i love her. it wasnt easy to train her by any means but shes got it down now and shes a great companion.

this. its a lot of work. Also, get ready to hide 99% of your things because the dog will eat it. The maintenance, grooming, etc. will also run up your bill. 

And that's besides the fact that they start at $800 +. I got mine for free and i love my dog, but if i had to get him all over again i would def think twice b/c i dont like leaving him alone for long periods. Its not fair to the dog. 
Man, yorkies are a lot to deal with... miss my dude tho.

Don't judge me, it was my sisters dog.
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