Looking back to my childhood VOL. time really does fly

Nov 18, 2010
I'm sure this has been said on here before, and I'm sure nearly everyone has had this conversation with friends and family, but I really just need to vent and get this out of my system. So please forgive me here fam, but this has seriously been bothering me. Unlike most of you, I'm probably a bit younger than the majority of y'all, but I'm starting to reach the end of my senior year of high school. I just turned 18 in February and my best friend/cousin/kid I grew up with just turned 20. Although I still have a lot to look forward to in these next few years, and being lucky enough to be able to know that I'm going to be going to college away from home next fall, I'm still really hitting a slump because of my thoughts. I seriously see so many younger kids on a daily basis and I just look back at what they're doing and realize that I'm now a good 10 years older than them, and I'll never get that time in my life back. And that's the part that has been putting me in a slump. I can NEVER feel that magic that I used to feel like a first kiss, or knocking on a friend's door to "come out and play." I often get fairly depressed about this and I really guess I'm just asking for some type of advice to get over this. I really don't want to graduate, but I can't seem to come up with a way to pause time. I want high school football back, knee-hi football, looking up to my brother. All that #$#@ is gone now, and I can't grip that in my mind without feeling really uncomfortable. Anyone else ever experience this/have any advice? 
man when you get to college you'll forget all that...

then when you graduate college you and your crew will look at the incoming freshmen like "they don't know the fun they are about to have"

you grow up its life

if you do it right each stage comes w/something better...

if you peaked in HS you did it wrong and i'd honestly feel sorry for you...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

man when you get to college you'll forget all that...

then when you graduate college you and your crew will look at the incoming freshmen like "they don't know the fun they are about to have"

you grow up its life

if you do it right each stage comes w/something better...

if you peaked in HS you did it wrong and i'd honestly feel sorry for you...
I can honestly say that I really don't think that I peaked in high school. I'm more or less just afraid to leave the comfortable feeling of knowing that I'm too young to be in trouble. It's just so surreal to think that I'm an adult now, and I have to really start making major life decisions in the very near future. I just want so bad to leave the college life with being able to say that I lived the "college dream" and that it lives up to its hype.
if you do it right each stage comes w/something better...
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This. You're just ending your "childhood" phase so you're looking back to the fun you had, but also the uncertainty of what's in front of you. Soon, you'll look back fondly to those days, but won't dwell on them because the life stage that you're in currently has brought a lot of its own benefits that you weren't opened to when you were a kid. [/font]
if you didnt peak in HS you're good to go...

unless you're working to pay your own way through school from day 1 you're far from an adult...

4-5 years depending on your program is plenty of time to ease you into adulthood...you're gonna think back on this thread when you're done and see what i mean

you're parents will look out for you if they can afford too (i know not everyone has it like that)

your first year all you have to do is go to class and make good grades...

you can still change your major w/o setting yourself back...if you're in the dorm you're not payin bills...you need food/drink money...probably won't even have a car...

college is what you make it...don't let tv fool you...

plenty of people have the time of their life in college w/o living like Animal House every weekend...

plenty of nights we used to sit in the crib and drink Henny while arguing over Monopoly or Clue and have a great time...

we went out too but just like anything else it gets old...focus on prom and your summer...

you'll find your place when you get to school...everyone is new like you so its nothing to make friends...

most people do the wild stuff the first year and a half and then mellow out and just chill the rest of the time...

like i said unless you're supporting yourself 100% from day one its not as big of a deal as you feel it is now...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

if you didnt peak in HS you're good to go...

unless you're working to pay your own way through school from day 1 you're far from an adult...

4-5 years depending on your program is plenty of time to ease you into adulthood...you're gonna think back on this thread when you're done and see what i mean

you're parents will look out for you if they can afford too (i know not everyone has it like that)

your first year all you have to do is go to class and make good grades...

you can still change your major w/o setting yourself back...if you're in the dorm you're not payin bills...you need food/drink money...probably won't even have a car...

college is what you make it...don't let tv fool you...

plenty of people have the time of their life in college w/o living like Animal House every weekend...

plenty of nights we used to sit in the crib and drink Henny while arguing over Monopoly or Clue and have a great time...

we went out too but just like anything else it gets old...focus on prom and your summer...

you'll find your place when you get to school...everyone is new like you so its nothing to make friends...

most people do the wild stuff the first year and a half and then mellow out and just chill the rest of the time...

like i said unless you're supporting yourself 100% from day one its not as big of a deal as you feel it is now...
Thanks man, for real. This really did help. Plus, I'm going to be playing football so I shouldn't have too hard of a time meeting a few new friends. It's just scary not knowing EXACTLY what I want to do with my life when my parents make it seem like I'm really #$@%@%# up when I don't know if I want to do nursing or accounting. I'll see when the time comes. It's just so stressful right now because I'm starting to get all the housing papers and such. What you said makes me feel better though. Thanks bro
Once you're done with school, time is on fast forward...lol.. Atleast that's how it feels to me man...
Originally Posted by chiva1908

Once you're done with school, time is on fast forward...lol.. Atleast that's how it feels to me man...

That's how I'm already starting to feel. Like ever since my "hard" Junior year of high school ended, the whole summer, football season, and senior year has just been on fast forward. This whole year (since last March) has seriously gone in a blink of an eye.
You know whats funny is that I'm now 31 years old and I'm looking back to my 20s like your looking back to your teens.  Dont worry my friend you have a WHOLE set of "firsts" that will be coming your way TRUST ME!  Your on the verge of one of the most exciting times of your life. Yeah it may not seem like it now but trust me its true.  As far as not knowing what you want to do with your life at your age, dont sweat it I was in the same predicament as yourself.  I ended up swithing majors my sophmore year.  Dont sweat it dude you will be fine just enjoy this part of your life as its literally going to be like 2nd childhood but you still have to handle your business in school and dont get too distracted.  Any questions for or advice from someone older than yourself just ask away.
I'm turning 25 this year and I wish I could go back to 18. Great thing is that you're still young man and do everything you can while being responsible and smart about it (sounds easier than you think lol) one word of advice is to invest in your education early! Don't wait. Because going to school as a full time working adult is draining.
Originally Posted by ebozek9

I'm sure this has been said on here before, and I'm sure nearly everyone has had this conversation with friends and family, but I really just need to vent and get this out of my system. So please forgive me here fam, but this has seriously been bothering me. Unlike most of you, I'm probably a bit younger than the majority of y'all, but I'm starting to reach the end of my senior year of high school. I just turned 18 in February and my best friend/cousin/kid I grew up with just turned 20. Although I still have a lot to look forward to in these next few years, and being lucky enough to be able to know that I'm going to be going to college away from home next fall, I'm still really hitting a slump because of my thoughts. I seriously see so many younger kids on a daily basis and I just look back at what they're doing and realize that I'm now a good 10 years older than them, and I'll never get that time in my life back. And that's the part that has been putting me in a slump. I can NEVER feel that magic that I used to feel like a first kiss, or knocking on a friend's door to "come out and play." I often get fairly depressed about this and I really guess I'm just asking for some type of advice to get over this. I really don't want to graduate, but I can't seem to come up with a way to pause time. I want high school football back, knee-hi football, looking up to my brother. All that #$#@ is gone now, and I can't grip that in my mind without feeling really uncomfortable. Anyone else ever experience this/have any advice? 
what i miss the most man

childhood friends be changing over time only got a few that stick around

dont even know what i wanna do after i finish HS
Man I think your childhood is the most pivotal part of your life those memories and ideals help shape your being .I think your childhood extends through your college years since your still trying to create an identity for yourself.
what is this "magic" people speak of with childhood? I never had that. Mine wasn't terrible but I'm glad I'm older. Product of a broken home.

Just enjoy the little things though because as you get older, that's all you get.
Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by ebozek9

I'm sure this has been said on here before, and I'm sure nearly everyone has had this conversation with friends and family, but I really just need to vent and get this out of my system. So please forgive me here fam, but this has seriously been bothering me. Unlike most of you, I'm probably a bit younger than the majority of y'all, but I'm starting to reach the end of my senior year of high school. I just turned 18 in February and my best friend/cousin/kid I grew up with just turned 20. Although I still have a lot to look forward to in these next few years, and being lucky enough to be able to know that I'm going to be going to college away from home next fall, I'm still really hitting a slump because of my thoughts. I seriously see so many younger kids on a daily basis and I just look back at what they're doing and realize that I'm now a good 10 years older than them, and I'll never get that time in my life back. And that's the part that has been putting me in a slump. I can NEVER feel that magic that I used to feel like a first kiss, or knocking on a friend's door to "come out and play." I often get fairly depressed about this and I really guess I'm just asking for some type of advice to get over this. I really don't want to graduate, but I can't seem to come up with a way to pause time. I want high school football back, knee-hi football, looking up to my brother. All that #$#@ is gone now, and I can't grip that in my mind without feeling really uncomfortable. Anyone else ever experience this/have any advice? 
what i miss the most man

childhood friends be changing over time only got a few that stick around

dont even know what i wanna do after i finish HS

That's the part that's getting to me. It's the whole "Childhood friends" thing that just changes drastically. I just remember all the kids that I always said I'd never drift from, and somehow they're all changing and heading in different directions/colleges/dropping out and +!*. As for high school, I know what I want afterwards so at least I have that down, but it's the scary feeling that I know for a fact that four years is going to fly, and then I'm in the working world. After that? A wife and kids. I just never imagined that this crossroads in life would happen as fast as it did.

As for everyone else saying they'd kill to be 18 again, that's exactly how I'm feeling in trying to embrace it. Don't get me wrong, I do go out and have fun and be responsible about it. But it's almost everytime, the day after I'm just thinking about how much that I need to live this up and soak in what point in my life I'm at that I seriously almost ruin it for myself with the thoughts that "I can never go back."

It's just a matter of me having to face reality that people grow up, and that I gotta make the most out of these short years. Sorry for the rant fam, but it's just eating me up inside lately and not many people I know relate to me because everyone I know is in this "I NEED COLLEGE" phase while I'm still stuck in the moment.
After my last day of high school I went home and cried for a good hour. Just knowing that it was gone was so tough to embrace since I had so much fun there and was having a hard time detaching myself from the childhood memories and purity that you're speaking of.

At the time I had been with my girl for a year or two and had her there to go through the next phase with me which was huge for me. College is a big step but once you take it you realize its more of the same but with more P and partying. More freedom but equal responsibility to counter balance that freedom.

Like others have said, with every phase comes new highs or "firsts". For example I'm still with my girl 5 years later and we are getting married in June. Aside from looking forward to the married life which is a whole other experience in itself I will also be moving to a new city (Miami) and attending Law School. This is not a humble brag as many will think but rather an example that things will always be moving forward and you will almost never be caught in a moment in life where you feel you've lost your glory years.

Time waits for no man, embrace life as it comes.
want to have as much fun as you can for the longest time: wrap it up
want to stay close with old friends or worried about missing them: dont go to college and forget about them when you are there
want to stay safe and out of trouble: dont drive a vehicle after you've been drinking
want to leave college happy knowing you had fun: dont let other people influence what "fun" is for you
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