Look at who I met at OccupyLA...

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by SamDUH562

oh snap.. wish i met a celeb and got to talk to him
wouldnt he be busy though op howd you chill with him for 2 hrs?
he was there alone just checking things out.
there's a nightly general assembly where everyone verbally votes on things to do.  we just talked during the whole thing.

not to hijack this thread but I find it very strange and highly ironic that given your stance on God and spirituality you would be so geeked to meet someone like Lupe who you probably don't understand half of what he's talking about and none of where he's coming from. the whole "we are lasers'" idea is a mystical/metapsychical concept aka "psuedoscience"....."I'm beamin"....."I get my energy from my inner G(od)......I be in outer space but I got inner peace". dude is rapping about astral travel and talking about how he is God and he's not just putting words together to sound cool
....its corny because why spend time having substance to your music when you could be talking about money, %@++, and clothes? swag, and bagging mad !%+@@%! is all that really matters foreal, all that other #@$# is just wasted energy. besides, im trying to have a good time, im not trying to have to think while i listen to music.
they said the same thing about:
De La
The Roots
Black Star
and now Lupe
...and i dont even listen to Lupe foreal. i bought F&L but thats all ive heard from dude. what i DO KNOW is that his music has substance and most people dont like substance in their music. they dont want to say "i like my music on the stupid side" so they try to justify it by calling his music 'corny'.


i'm sorry bruh, but this has to be the dumbest response in this post.  and i'm not saying this because i love the artists/groups named above. 

so you say you don't want to have to 'think' while listening to music.  isn't music about expressing thoughts and creating a mood for the listener?  you say you want to have fun, so, and i'm just throwing an artist out there (my apologies if you don't support this person), lets say you listen to soulja boy.  i can't stand mainstream cRap and r&b, but the artists in this genre are expressing their thoughts for you, the listener.  soulja boy is all about his money and having fun.  he's making the music for YOU to have fun, basically.  if you're trying to tell us you're not even 'thinking' about having fun while you listen to your music?  if you don't want to think then stick to instrumentals.

the artists above are introspective.  one thing you can say about them is that they touch on different topics about life.  i don't care what anyone says, but drake, rick ross, lil wayne, are GARBAGE, GARBAGE, GARBAGE.  tell me you can't differentiate between the three regarding their music.  it's the SAME thing.  at least the artists you mentioned act like they have some sense about LIFE and can talk about more than 4 different topics.  those being guns, money, the club, and girls.  i understand you want to have fun, but being a drug kinpin, a blood/skater/hipster, or confused rapper/r&b artist who talk about the club aren't what make the world go round.  there's stuff lupe talks about that has some relevance to what's going on in the world today and it's VERY important stuff.  for the hip-hop listener that doesn't watch CNN, he/she has another outlet to find out what's going in the world.  if lupe starts rhyming about the european debt crisis and this thing going on w/ greece, i'd applaud him.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

got me there dude, might want to ask nugget.

i was just getting at vet's elitist backpacker rant because somebody dare (gasp!) not like the same artist he liked. you'd think this dude just learned about "thought provoking" rap.

especially with that hip hop starter kit of a list he shot out. only thing missing there was immortal technique.

.....you obviously looked right over this:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Oh shut the hell up.

He doesn't like lupe, now he has a low IQ? What I feel sorry for is you taking his comment so serious you need multiple replies to get your point across. You dudes kill me how butt hurt you get when somebody doesn't share the same taste as you (be it women, music, clothing or cars).

- oh and ftr, its not about anyone not liking Lupe. its about the expected label of cornball from the usual remedial bunch. the type of people to look at a Jackson Pollock...not get it, and call it just splatters of paint
- while i may or may not dig Pollock's work it'd be foolish of me to just dismiss it as splatters of paint vs. something i just dont get or just not into.......
- your reaction is expected though. its how those in the dark act when called on it. i found the light long ago and laugh at your type.


....you're either dense, stupid, cant read, or chose not to see that reply.
- here.....ill spell it out for you and highlight it, so maybe you can understand it.
....its one thing to not like a particular artist. its becomes a whole other issue to call an artist 'corny'.
- and no, its not a myth, there is a stigma that actually does exist where any rapper with something to say is dismissed as 'corny'. Questlove even speaks on it:

you know....the weird thing about nas---i mean it could be kelis who is a fan of ours....but nas JUST started his fandom for us.

i mean he was the prototype of just a first glance and conclusion of "them @!+%%! corny" and go on about his day....

meanwhile if he had just took 30 mins out he'd realize we are his biggest champion.

actually alot of the class of 92 cats are just coming around. bitter? perhaps....im like "wow raekwon if you had just answered our phone call in 96 im certain you woulda tore this +*++ outta "no alibi" but nawww...you took a glance and dismissed us.

my phone rings OFF THE HOOK with the cats i wanted to validate me and let play reindeer games with back in the spring of my career.

while watching us soundcheck at radio city nas was kicking himself for being wrong about us for 10 years....when he heard us freak "verbal intercourse"---my god he was jaw dropped. DAMNIT GHOST!!!---

now that there is a drought in "real hip hop" im everyone's hero for managing to survive in this environment---but there was a time in which +*++ like this happened ALL THE TIME pre TFA.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

how the hell is his music corny?

*devil's advocate speaking*
....its corny because why spend time having substance to your music when you could be talking about money, %@++, and clothes? swag, and bagging mad !%+@@%! is all that really matters foreal, all that other #@$# is just wasted energy. besides, im trying to have a good time, im not trying to have to think while i listen to music.
they said the same thing about:
De La
The Roots
Black Star
and now Lupe
...and i dont even listen to Lupe foreal. i bought F&L but thats all ive heard from dude. what i DO KNOW is that his music has substance and most people dont like substance in their music. they dont want to say "i like my music on the stupid side" so they try to justify it by calling his music 'corny'.


So you don't like his music because Lupe actually talks about real stuff and tries to make a point instead of the usual crap i.e. girls, drugs, and money like every other rapper?

The thing is he wasn't playing devil's advocate. he just portrayed/mocked the people who aren't as "enlightened" as him.

If you think Lupe spits intelligent music then I feel sorry for you.

Is he a better "lyrcist" than most...yes.  But look at his cohort.

I'm sorry but in the larger world of music.  Lupe Fiasco is not enlightening.

That's like say Public Enemy is militant. FOHWTBS.

You want substantial, real hip hop

......absolute undeniable PROOF that NTers DO NOT READ
Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

how the hell is his music corny?

*devil's advocate speaking*
....its corny because why spend time having substance to your music when you could be talking about money, %@++, and clothes? swag, and bagging mad !%+@@%! is all that really matters foreal, all that other #@$# is just wasted energy. besides, im trying to have a good time, im not trying to have to think while i listen to music.
they said the same thing about:
De La
The Roots
Black Star
and now Lupe
...and i dont even listen to Lupe foreal. i bought F&L but thats all ive heard from dude. what i DO KNOW is that his music has substance and most people dont like substance in their music. they dont want to say "i like my music on the stupid side" so they try to justify it by calling his music 'corny'.


So you don't like his music because Lupe actually talks about real stuff and tries to make a point instead of the usual crap i.e. girls, drugs, and money like every other rapper?
Originally Posted by khadafi252

....its corny because why spend time having substance to your music when you could be talking about money, %@++, and clothes? swag, and bagging mad !%+@@%! is all that really matters foreal, all that other #@$# is just wasted energy. besides, im trying to have a good time, im not trying to have to think while i listen to music.
they said the same thing about:
De La
The Roots
Black Star
and now Lupe
...and i dont even listen to Lupe foreal. i bought F&L but thats all ive heard from dude. what i DO KNOW is that his music has substance and most people dont like substance in their music. they dont want to say "i like my music on the stupid side" so they try to justify it by calling his music 'corny'.

i'm sorry bruh, but this has to be the dumbest response in this post.  and i'm not saying this because i love the artists/groups named above. 

so you say you don't want to have to 'think' while listening to music.  isn't music about expressing thoughts and creating a mood for the listener?  you say you want to have fun, so, and i'm just throwing an artist out there (my apologies if you don't support this person), lets say you listen to soulja boy.  i can't stand mainstream cRap and r&b, but the artists in this genre are expressing their thoughts for you, the listener.  soulja boy is all about his money and having fun.  he's making the music for YOU to have fun, basically.  if you're trying to tell us you're not even 'thinking' about having fun while you listen to your music?  if you don't want to think then stick to instrumentals.

the artists above are introspective.  one thing you can say about them is that they touch on different topics about life.  i don't care what anyone says, but drake, rick ross, lil wayne, are GARBAGE, GARBAGE, GARBAGE.  tell me you can't differentiate between the three regarding their music.  it's the SAME thing.  at least the artists you mentioned act like they have some sense about LIFE and can talk about more than 4 different topics.  those being guns, money, the club, and girls.  i understand you want to have fun, but being a drug kinpin, a blood/skater/hipster, or confused rapper/r&b artist who talk about the club aren't what make the world go round.  there's stuff lupe talks about that has some relevance to what's going on in the world today and it's VERY important stuff.  for the hip-hop listener that doesn't watch CNN, he/she has another outlet to find out what's going in the world.  if lupe starts rhyming about the european debt crisis and this thing going on w/ greece, i'd applaud him.

........i wonder? do you two know what 'devils advocate' even means?
a devil's advocate gives the best argument for the otherside. not the chuck and jive %%*#*@# minstrel show version of the otherside.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

a devil's advocate gives the best argument for the otherside. not the chuck and jive %%*#*@# minstrel show version of the otherside.
....that IS their argument.

- ive heard that a few times, proclaimed proudly as if it was something to brag about......


Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

The problem I have is when people say his music is corny.  The hell does that even mean? 

Is there something false about what Lupe is saying?  Is the beat some how corny? 

take the urbandictionary definition

Trying to be cool, but ultimately very uncool indeed, and often even extremely embarrassing

[/td][/tr][/table]Lupe doesn't do this with his music.  Rapping about sociopolitical issues was never cool with the mainstream rap audience. 

The way I see it, people are calling Lupe and his music corny is because he's doing something different from mainstream rap.  He's not underground by any means, but his subject material is different.  He's not the first one to do, nor does he claim so.

If Lupe never got mainstream attention, no one would be complaining about his music.  It's a modern case of people hating on the "uppity" Black.

I want to see a thought-out argument.  If the validity of his lyrics is not the issue, then what is the issue?
....you wont get a thought out argument. because the truth is:

why spend time having substance to your music when you could be talking about money, %@++, and clothes? swag, and bagging mad !%+@@%! is all that really matters foreal, all that other #@$# is just wasted energy. besides, im trying to have a good time, im not trying to have to think while i listen to music.

...but they'll rarely admit to it. so they hide under the umbrella of "oh you just mad because i dont like who you like", when LIKE has absolutely nothing to do with it.
....as stated, i dont even mess with Lupe foreal. but they'll skip right over that comment and come back with the "just because YOU like Lupe"   

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

a devil's advocate gives the best argument for the otherside. not the chuck and jive %%*#*@# minstrel show version of the otherside.
....that IS their argument.

- ive heard that a few times, proclaimed proudly as if it was something to brag about......


LMAO i know what u meant but come on famb.

you're cool people in my book but dont be THAT GUY.

I used to be an elitist in my music taste too.

Cue Hipster Cat Meme

........i wonder? do you two know what 'devils advocate' even means?

i realized i didn't comment on the devils advocate part after i posted.  but even then, i just cant agree w/ the post.

no hate given to you bruh
  but this is the SAME argument from THOSE fans and it's the weakest argument in the book.  again, just my opinion though.  lupe is one of those artists that even though he has mainstream appeal, he still keeps his musical intrgrity.  i love the fact that even he dissed 'lasers.'  it actually made me appreciate lasers even more.
Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

a devil's advocate gives the best argument for the otherside. not the chuck and jive %%*#*@# minstrel show version of the otherside.
....that IS their argument.

- ive heard that a few times, proclaimed proudly as if it was something to brag about......


LMAO i know what u meant but come on famb.

you're cool people in my book but dont be THAT GUY.

I used to be an elitist in my music taste too.

Cue Hipster Cat Meme


....you know? in all honesty bruh. im not and DID NOT call anyone dumb for not digging that music. if thats what you like cool, i have nothing to say. but im not going to sit here and let anyone take a simple glance at a conscience hip hop artist and call them corny. ive been hearing that nonsense for far too long to let that ride. if i see it in my presence im calling you out PERIOD.
...i cant stresss enough. "i dont like it" ≠ "them +*!*#% corny", let me say it again......"i dont like it" "them +*!*#% corny" and i went into detail on why, NOTHING MORE. that doesnt make me an eliteist. "them +*!*#% corny" insinuates ALOT.
...man, i can enjoy a good gucci, jeezy, etc song as good as anyone else. but im not going to tolerate that "them +*!*#% corny" bs. like it or not, the comment is an indicator of a lack of intelligence, dont like it? too bad.
like i said, if i dont like Jackson Pollock then i dont like him. but id be an idiot to just dismiss it as splatters of paint all because i'm not ready to understand it yet.

How did this thread get de-railed so quick? I guess I'm part of it. I think it's time to stop posting and just lurk. F it.
use to like lupe listening to food and liquor plus the cool.

learned more and more about lupe, saw a concert, listen to more of his music he is mad corny and annoying and i can barely vibe with any of the stuff i use to like now.

he is way too preachy. he doesn't even know what he is talking about half the time. his presence on the o'reilly factor was a %$%@@@# joke. dude says some off the wall nonsense then basically back tracks with thats not what i meant.

he is corny it is what it is. immortal technique i can say i don't like all of his music and i'm not a big fan but i'll never say he is corny. he can rap, yet he can still spit his politics across.

its a whole lot better and less corny then hearing #!@$ like "i dont trust america, after watching zeigeist" like really shutup dude. he becomes this *****y and moany character. preaching all the time about things that no one cares for, or cares to hear from him for.
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