Look at who I met at OccupyLA...

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

beh235 wrote:

Seasoned Vet makes a great point. This side tracked thread is showing an age intellect divide.

- fixed.

CWrite78 wrote:

seasoned vet wrote:

Wilroc wrote:

This is like my first few times I'm ever hearing dudes say Lupe's music is wack 
. I'm so taken aback right now 
. I understand if you dont mess with Lasers but his first two albums were fantastic and I hardly ever see opinions disagreeing.

....its how these clown +$% dudes think. ive heard this same "wack, corny, cornball" bs since the early 90's with the native tongues movement.
- to some people lofty ideas and intelligence has no place in the music they like to listen to, they just dont have enough brain power to be able to articulate it well enough past a "wack, corny, cornball"
....from Tribe to De La......Mos and Talib to The Roots.......Lupe to whoever chooses to have substance within their music. these types of artists/groups will always garner these superficial titles from these low IQ types that find thinking to be a chore. i truly feel sorry for them.


Oh shut the hell up.

He doesn't like lupe, now he has a low IQ? What I feel sorry for is you taking his comment so serious you need multiple replies to get your point across. You dudes kill me how butt hurt you get when somebody doesn't share the same taste as you (be it women, music, clothing or cars).

- oh and ftr, its not about anyone not liking Lupe. its about the expected label of cornball from the usual remedial bunch. the type of people to look at a Jackson Pollock...not get it, and call it just splatters of paint
- while i may or may not dig Pollock's work it'd be foolish of me to just dismiss it as splatters of paint vs. something i just dont get or just not into.......
- your reaction is expected though. its how those in the dark act when called on it. i found the light long ago and laugh at your type.




ah, yes. there goes that wonderful elitist backpacker attitude everybody loves. i hope im not around when you discover "underground" music.

btw, in your almighty "my music is better than yours, and if you disagree you are obviously an idiot" world, what type of person am i? not once did i talk bad about an artist (chances are we listen to 99.9% of the same music... only i don't use music to make myself feel holier than thou because it enlightens me) in any of my posts. i was just trying to push you off that high horse you're on.

Nuggets called lupe corny and whack, he said he could never get into his music for that reason. and here you sit with the same rant every backpacker has used at least a million times.
Regardless of how I feel about the movement, I respect Lupe for sticking by his opinion.

He for sure says some WILD stuff occasionally.
at the Lupe bashing in here,dudes music not including Lasers is probably the best rap music to come out in the last 6 yrs. F&L's a top 10 all time rap album for me
Jelly as !!$% I am. My girl loves him probably more than I do and we're down with the Occupy movement. She'd flip her @+*! if she ever met him in person lol
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

beh235 wrote:

Seasoned Vet makes a great point. This side tracked thread is showing an age intellect divide.

- fixed.

CWrite78 wrote:

Oh shut the hell up.

He doesn't like lupe, now he has a low IQ? What I feel sorry for is you taking his comment so serious you need multiple replies to get your point across. You dudes kill me how butt hurt you get when somebody doesn't share the same taste as you (be it women, music, clothing or cars).

- oh and ftr, its not about anyone not liking Lupe. its about the expected label of cornball from the usual remedial bunch. the type of people to look at a Jackson Pollock...not get it, and call it just splatters of paint
- while i may or may not dig Pollock's work it'd be foolish of me to just dismiss it as splatters of paint vs. something i just dont get or just not into.......
- your reaction is expected though. its how those in the dark act when called on it. i found the light long ago and laugh at your type.




ah, yes. there goes that wonderful elitist backpacker attitude everybody loves. i hope im not around when you discover "underground" music.

btw, in your almighty "my music is better than yours, and if you disagree you are obviously an idiot" world, what type of person am i? not once did i talk bad about an artist (chances are we listen to 99.9% of the same music... only i don't use music to make myself feel holier than thou because it enlightens me) in any of my posts. i was just trying to push you off that high horse you're on.

Nuggets called lupe corny and whack, he said he could never get into his music for that reason. and here you sit with the same rant every backpacker has used at least a million times.

The problem I have is when people say his music is corny.  The hell does that even mean? 

Is there something false about what Lupe is saying?  Is the beat some how corny? 

take the urbandictionary definition

Trying to be cool, but ultimately very uncool indeed, and often even extremely embarrassing

[/td][/tr][/table]Lupe doesn't do this with his music.  Rapping about sociopolitical issues was never cool with the mainstream rap audience. 

The way I see it, people are calling Lupe and his music corny is because he's doing something different from mainstream rap.  He's not underground by any means, but his subject material is different.  He's not the first one to do, nor does he claim so.

If Lupe never got mainstream attention, no one would be complaining about his music.  It's a modern case of people hating on the "uppity" Black.

I want to see a thought-out argument.  If the validity of his lyrics is not the issue, then what is the issue?
got me there dude, might want to ask nugget.

i was just getting at vet's elitist backpacker rant because somebody dare (gasp!) not like the same artist he liked. you'd think this dude just learned about "thought provoking" rap.

especially with that hip hop starter kit of a list he shot out. only thing missing there was immortal technique.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

got me there dude, might want to ask nugget.

i was just getting at vet's elitist backpacker rant because somebody dare (gasp!) not like the same artist he liked.

it's pretty easy to fall into that trap.  I do it myself sometimes.

Once you start caring about stuff like politics, you start getting "mad" at people who don't, and even more "mad" at the people who disparage people who do care about it..  I guess it's true to an extent about almost anything.

I keep on seeing you post all the time about mechanical keyboards in the PC thread.  I'm dude...chill.  we get it.  they're better.  you don't need to keep on telling it to a group of people that don't really care.

damn keyboard elitist.  
i make a suggestion. not calling them idiots for not buying it.

but take it as you will.
i enjoy SOME of lupe's music.
im well educated.. andhe takes himself too seriously, which is why some some people prob label him as corny.
i feel that.

opinions are opinions. i think a lot of people take themselves too seriously; trying way too hard to make a statement.

props to OP for getting the chance to chop it up with his idol though
and %$@@# you guys take things to a whole 'nother level for real...

he met lu; cool beans; little jelly but props to op
y'all gota start debates over homie sharing who he met
its just the interweb bros take it easy

no offense;disrespect

p.s and to each his own!
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

how the hell is his music corny?

*devil's advocate speaking*
....its corny because why spend time having substance to your music when you could be talking about money, %@++, and clothes? swag, and bagging mad !%+@@%! is all that really matters foreal, all that other #@$# is just wasted energy. besides, im trying to have a good time, im not trying to have to think while i listen to music.
they said the same thing about:
De La
The Roots
Black Star
and now Lupe
...and i dont even listen to Lupe foreal. i bought F&L but thats all ive heard from dude. what i DO KNOW is that his music has substance and most people dont like substance in their music. they dont want to say "i like my music on the stupid side" so they try to justify it by calling his music 'corny'.


So you don't like his music because Lupe actually talks about real stuff and tries to make a point instead of the usual crap i.e. girls, drugs, and money like every other rapper?
oh snap.. wish i met a celeb and got to talk to him
wouldnt he be busy though op howd you chill with him for 2 hrs?
Originally Posted by SamDUH562

oh snap.. wish i met a celeb and got to talk to him
wouldnt he be busy though op howd you chill with him for 2 hrs?
he was there alone just checking things out.
there's a nightly general assembly where everyone verbally votes on things to do.  we just talked during the whole thing.
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