Longest drought you ever been in NT?

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Technically, with my girl it's been since new years. She had a partial hysterectomy back in Sept and currently having some complications from it. Plus she doesn't give top so I was *** outta luck.....

A month ago I went and hooked up with my ex after she called needing help with her phone. Did it make me feel bad? Not really

So in reality its been about 3 weeks..........



she is buggin

My first gave top but the one after that didn't.
You cheated on your sick girl and you don't feel bad lol

She not sick.

But come on now, she should know thats its been a while since we had sex, at LEAST she could do was a ****** handjob..............nope. She selfish bruh. I know I wouldn't have no problem pleasuring her if I had a problem (Knocks on wood) down there
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You cheated on your sick girl and you don't feel bad lol

it is *$&%$% up but a man has needs.

you know how many women cheat on their men who are fighting for our country? well the dudes cheat also.

men lie, women lie man........is what it is.
First you said the hysterectomy now you said religion, that's different, do what you do she knows what going on

Just dump her and get back with your ex so you can get consistent yambs

Why did she get that procedure?
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A cyst was on one of her ovaries.So they had to take one out. Like I said that was back in sept. We had sex all throughout December.

she should know thats its been a while since we had sex, at LEAST she could do was a ****** handjob..............nope. She selfish bruh. I know I wouldn't have no problem pleasuring her if I had a problem (Knocks on wood) down there

Hope you guys don't think Im this ***** up, terrible dude. Nah, I just have a weakness for yambs. Im 27, she 31. If I cant get my woman to help me out in that department....then oh well
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you should ask why she aint givin it up it's possible something is wrong, a hystorectomy is a big procedure

for me my now gf made me wait 5 months .. been together 3 years
A week. That's it.

But I do not fap. It's not good for you, because it fools the mind and should not be used a temporary placement. It can become a chronic problem.

I honestly never had to please myself, cuz my girl would be on the kneepads or doing the shake weight on ya boy. 

Never had trouble with the females, so the trim was always easily available for me, plus i've always been in a relationship. Very little was the time I was single, when I was, the side pieces were always around.

No lie, I kind of commend you dudes with droughts that go into multiple weeks and months.

I would have went insane. That week where I was without intimacy, I felt like a crackhead, had to hit up a skrip club just to satisfy me. 

I honestly think if a youngster (14-29) doesnt get laid enough and often, he can develop severe mental problems. Intercourse is human, nothing more nothing less. To abstain from it is not normal.
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I give yambs a month upon meeting them to give it up.

If it takes more then a month to get the yambs, she's not worth it if you can't see yourself growing old with her.

Move on, find someone else.
Taking every post in this thread with a grain of salt.

Sorta sure a couple posters in here are in a 25 year drought
Taking every post in this thread with a grain of salt.

Sorta sure a couple posters in here are in a 25 year drought

Word from some of the posts I've read on this board seems like all or most of these cats just fap. They be having that no fap whatever month is approaching :lol:
Taking every post in this thread with a grain of salt.

Sorta sure a couple posters in here are in a 25 year drought

Dont know bout everybody else but i was dead serious about my posts in here. All these no fap threads on NT so whats the need for ppl to lie about a cold streak?
more than a year LOL

I honestly don't even care anymore like that. I just got used to being alone. My spaghetti starts gushing out of my pockets when I talk to women seriously. Like, i go full cocoa for cocoa puffs mode. It's an adrenaline rush cot damn lol. Doesn't happen when I just talk about anything with them, it seems I'm more self conscious about it when I want to persue. damn.
right now. :smh: since my 20th birthday at the end of july. :smh: :x almost a year. oh well. i'm saving myself for the right guy from now on so it's coo.
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Fam, this is why you were so interested in that escort thread?

Edit: To answer your question though--MONTHS. And it was a struggle. Had similar thoughts. Once you hit again though :smokin Gets your confidence up and chicks are more willing because you're not straight salivatin over them :lol:
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3 months. Happened twice last year for various reasons. But last year still was my most productive with 10 knocked down. I'm pretty picky so it is easy for me to go on droughts.
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My longest without NT was almost 4 months while I was in the Philippines back in 2006.

Its crazy, I didn't know what was good with sneakers back then, I got flamed by the other kids for wearing fakes (Air Jordan XVII+ with the croc skin) that my dad got me on his annual trip to the Motherland, the PI is notorious for counterfeits. This was in 2002 btw, so I wanted to step my game up and found this forum by accident. I was in 8th or 9th grade, I'm gonna be 24 in May...Good God, NT has been part of my life for a little over a decade now :lol: :nthat:
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