LOCK IT UP - College Football - 2009 Season/2010 Off-Season

Originally Posted by bamaboy256

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

that homer *#* story is full of crap

When Dareus discovered there were agents at the party, he asked to leave

The plane fare to Miami was paid for by Austin, but when Dareus arrived in Miami, he paid Austin for the ticket and received a receipt, the source said. Austin also arranged for a hotel room, but the source said Dareus did not use the room

but its more realistic that within 24 hours of finding out he was involved the NCAA ruled him ineligible. The room stuff i'm sure is true because his mom died that day so he flew back to birmingham
because I know every one has bama dude on ignore (me too to be honest) i'll repost the article for those who missed it

[h1]Source: Friend and false pretense led Tide's Marcell Dareus to surprise party in Miami[/h1][h5]Published: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 9:30 PM     Updated: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 9:36 PM[/h5]
Don Kausler Jr., Birmingham News

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As his mother lay dying in her Birmingham home, Marcell Dareus couldn't cope. He had to get away.
It was the middle of May. Spring classes at the University of Alabama were over. Summer classes and football conditioning didn't start until early June.

Along came an invitation from a friend to fly to Miami. The chance to hang out in South Beach sounded good, so off Dareus went to chill in the sun, sand and warm water.

Little did the star Alabama defensive end know what kind of hot water he was about to get into, according to sources close to the Dareus family.

Alabama officials are investigating the trip in the wake of reports that the visit included a stop at an agent-related party. Contact with an agent can jeopardize a player's eligibility. Dareus has not been questioned by the NCAA, a source close to his family said.

Dareus attended the party but claims he was lured to Miami under a false pretense, a source close to the family said. When Dareus discovered there were agents at the party, he asked to leave. Then he received grim news that his mother, Michelle Luckey, had died, and he abruptly returned to Birmingham.

The friend who arranged the trip was Marvin Austin, a star defensive lineman at North Carolina, a source close to the Dareus family said. Austin appears to be a central figure in a growing NCAA investigation into possible improper dealings between agents and college football players.

When Dareus made a recruiting visit to North Carolina during his senior year at Huffman High School, his host was Austin, then a freshman. The two players bonded.

As Alabama rolled last fall toward an undefeated season, Austin said if the Crimson Tide won the national championship, he would pay for a trip for Dareus anywhere, a source close to the Dareus family said.

The plane fare to Miami was paid for by Austin, but when Dareus arrived in Miami, he paid Austin for the ticket and received a receipt, the source said. Austin also arranged for a hotel room, but the source said Dareus did not use the room.

Last week, when reports surfaced about Austin's possible involvement with agents, Dareus was urged to call Alabama coach Nick Saban, a source close to the family said. The player and coach met late Sunday morning.

On Monday, Dareus met with Mike Ward, Alabama's associate athletic director in charge of NCAA compliance, the source said.

Dareus has told Alabama officials that he was the only Crimson Tide player who made the trip to Miami, the source said.

Sources close to the Dareus family paint a picture of the player as a young man who is a ferocious, competitive athlete on the field, but off the field his idea of kicking back often means watching cartoons. He is described as trusting, naive and gullible. As his mother's health declined in the spring following a lengthy illness, he was particularly vulnerable, a source said.

Saban addressed "this whole Marcell Dareus thing" on Wednesday at SEC Media Days even before he was questioned about the matter.

"We're not really going to make any comments, nor do we have any information that he did anything wrong or he didn't do anything wrong," Saban said. "But we're going to find out with the due diligence that we look for."
Saban stressed what Alabama does to educate its players: "We have an outstanding agent education program," he said. "Joe Mendes, who has been in the NFL for years, interviews our players, makes booklets, actually has home visits with their families to try to educate them on the things that they can and can't do relative to agents."
That is some of the most ridiculous *!+! I've ever read in my life. Austin gave him a receipt? Like, who does that?

Side note, if they were getting bottle service at LIV, a grand was dropped easy for every 3-4 of them. We had something like an $1800 tab and I was there the weekend before that all went down.
Originally Posted by DLo13

AJ says he was home in SC that weekend.

If it ain't him, I don't know who the hell on the roster that an agent would be that interested in.
Only others would be Boiling and Houston but I find it hard to believe they would be there. 
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by bamaboy256

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

that homer *#* story is full of crap

When Dareus discovered there were agents at the party, he asked to leave

The plane fare to Miami was paid for by Austin, but when Dareus arrived in Miami, he paid Austin for the ticket and received a receipt, the source said. Austin also arranged for a hotel room, but the source said Dareus did not use the room

but its more realistic that within 24 hours of finding out he was involved the NCAA ruled him ineligible. The room stuff i'm sure is true because his mom died that day so he flew back to birmingham
because I know every one has bama dude on ignore (me too to be honest) i'll repost the article for those who missed it

you must be ecstatic the internet was invented.
Originally Posted by ddot7

Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by ddot7

Originally Posted by manamazing55

if players took stuff, they should be suspended, end of story.

That Blake article is interesting.......whats also interesting is that over half of UNC's projected NFL players were not brought in by Butch/Blake anyway.
Wait, really?  Over half?  I thought the only kids that are on the roster that aren't Butch's recruits are RS SRs.

Quan Sturdivant, Bruce Carter, and Kendric Burney were all Bunting recruits.


Marvin Austin and Greg Little were Butch's.
I thought UNC had like 8 2011 NFL prospects, all 1st day picks too.  Funny how that changed...

EDIT: What about Robert Quinn?  Charles Brown.  Sturdivant was 2007. 

I know that, technically Butch was the coach yes, but he was always going to Carolina, he loved Bunting. When Bunting got fired, he commited to UF like within the next few says but then switched his commitment. His family loved Carolina, thats always where he wanted to go


Bunting's staff did all the scouting and recruiting of him

I never said they had that, so Im not sure why thats directed at me. And I was talking more of the draft prospects that were supposedly questioned. Although I only know about 5 of the names of the supposed 13 that were questioned at UNC

In all fairness, it was a lengthy illness.

at some point the stress gets to a person, speaking from experience of having my dad battle cancer for about a yr, there was just no way I could be at his side 24/7 especially with him insisting that Life goes on. I was prepared to move back to NYC and stay with my parents but why do it?

One thing I never do is play the grieving judgement game, some people deal with stress, death etc... much more differently than others, there's no one right way to do something.
Big 12 South Points All-Time in Big 12 Big 12 Titles

1. Oklahoma (16) 146 86-33 (.722) 6
2. Texas (10) 140 91-26 (.777) 3
3. Texas A&M 97 59-55 (.517) 1
4. Texas Tech 68 66-46 (.589) 0
5. Oklahoma State 53 49-63 (.437) 0
6. Baylor 42 14-98 (.125) 0

Big 12 North Points All-Time in Big 12 Big 12 Titles

1. Nebraska (26) 156 77-40 (.658) 2
2. Missouri 125 52-62 (.456) 0
3. Kansas State 79 67-48 (.582) 1
4. Kansas 70 35-77 (.312) 0
5. Colorado 61 59-57 (.508) 1
6. Iowa State 55 31-81 (.276) 0
DJ Jones left Texas A&M after being on campus and working out for like three days...

Weirdest. Recruit. Ever.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

In all fairness, it was a lengthy illness.

at some point the stress gets to a person, speaking from experience of having my dad battle cancer for about a yr, there was just no way I could be at his side 24/7 especially with him insisting that Life goes on. I was prepared to move back to NYC and stay with my parents but why do it?

One thing I never do is play the grieving judgement game, some people deal with stress, death etc... much more differently than others, there's no one right way to do something.

I agree with Gunna 100% having been there as well.  I believe everything said about his mother and him leaving immediately.

What I'm not sure that I believe is the part about the receipts but then again I've seen how paranoid my D1 athlete friends get sometimes when we go anywhere that money is being spent so I can maybeeee see him demanding a receipt.  Especially if he smells something's up.  But yeah I'm not really buying it

Idk I think the issue with that article is regardless of how truthful it MIGHT be there's a definite homer slant and tone to it that sorta makes you sneer.
Yooooooooooooo Bobby Bowden is back in football, and his name is Robbie Caldwell. I'm sold on him being a coach. STRAIGHT country. Best presser ever.

They gave him a standing ovation. First coach to ever get one

This man said his first job was insemenating turkeys
I don't care if we win a game, I just want to watch/listen all his interviews
if anyone believes a 20 something kid asked a 20 something buddy, for a RECEIPT, you gotta be the dumbest person on the face of the Earth.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

In all fairness, it was a lengthy illness.

at some point the stress gets to a person, speaking from experience of having my dad battle cancer for about a yr, there was just no way I could be at his side 24/7 especially with him insisting that Life goes on. I was prepared to move back to NYC and stay with my parents but why do it?

One thing I never do is play the grieving judgement game, some people deal with stress, death etc... much more differently than others, there's no one right way to do something.
I went through the same thing as Dareus more or less, My mom had been battling cancer for four years and the outcome was far out of my hands by the time I came home for xmas break my junior year. I spent the last 4 weeks of my Moms life as the main hospice caregiver and spent almost every moment by her side. I definitely understand the wanting to get away aspect, there where a couple of nights where I went to chill with friends because my family basically forced me to leave the house thinking I would drive myself crazy staying there for a month straight.

So from my POV, I see why he may have wanted to get his mind off things, but I really think that in the future he'll regret being in Miami with a bunch of agents while his Mom was taking her final breaths. I'm making not a judgment on his character or anything, I'm just saying I'm sure he probably regrets that trip for more reasons than just the possibility of being ineligible.
Wow, since we're getting all personal...unfortunately I've been through the same thing also. I can't judge him on timing of taking a trip because it really does weigh on you (obviously) and sometimes you feel like you need to escape for a little while. The difference for me was that I had to cancel a trip to Puerto Rico because a couple days prior to leaving, my dad was taken to the hospital and it was the last time he would ever be home. Between that time and when he passed away about 2 months later, I NEEDED some kind of vacation, I just couldn't. But I don't blame him.

IF any part of that story in relation to his mother was embellished in order to avoid penalty, then I have absolutely no respect for him.
Nick Saban's comparison of agents to pimps has drawn return fire from Ralph Cindrich, a respected agent for NFL players. And Cindrich says that if Alabama's coach wants to go toe-to-toe he can make some accusations of his own.
"I don't know that I would disagree with him about some agents as pimps, but all I know is there are coaches who would also fall in that category," Cindrich tells the New York Times. "I would never tolerate nor permit Saban or any other coach to lump me in that category."
And here comes the challenge:

"In terms of him throwing that out there, most agents know what goes on in college programs and what programs are clean or not. You want to find out who has the dirty programs, give immunity and go off the record with agents, and it would be like a cockfight, the last one standing wins. There are ways to determine the truth of allegations out there."


Surprised it took this long for an agent to come out and say something...
...and there's more

Before #Saban hurls insults at #agents he best check to see the dirt they have on him. He's as clean as a bed bug. Starts in #college.
^ well duh. i was sitting there listening to saban and meyer deride agents and i'm like "really? these guys of all people?"
Supposedly the UGA inquiry is not related to any agents, but rather there was a reporter from one of the recruiting sites on campus last week who took a picture of a recruit (DeBell, probably) and a coach together, which is another of those silly rules. Not a major thing...

Barnhart says there's more names to come with this agent thing, tho...
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