Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

May 2, 2001
After hours of emotional public comment, a New York city communityboard has voted overwhelmingly to support a plan to build a mosque andcultural center near Ground Zero.
"It'sa seed of peace," board member Rob Townley said. "We believe that thisis significant step in the Muslim community to counteract the hate andfanaticism in the minority of the community."
The votelate Tuesday by the Manhattan Community Board was 29-to-1 in favor ofthe plan, with 10 abstentions, the Associated Press reports.

Somein the crowd held carried pictures of victims of the attack, otherscarried signs reading: "Show respect for 9/11. No mosque!"

The board did not have the power to block the project, but its actions are an important barometer of community sentiment, The New York Times says.

ImamFeisal Abdul Rauf, director of one sponsor of the project, said heunderstood the anguish, but noted that his group had condemned the 9/11attacks and that members of his community and congregation were alsokilled that day.

"We have worked to ensure that our mosques are not recruiting grounds for terrorists," he said.

C.Lee Hanson, whose son, Peter, died in the trade center, said he opposedthe project, not because he was intolerant but because it would beinsensitive to build a tribute to Islam so close to Ground Zero.

"When I look over there and I see a mosque, it's going to hurt," Hanson said, according to The Times. "Build it someplace else."

.... http://content.usatoday.c...osque-near-ground-zero/1
I dont really understand the issue with this is. People against it will say "We arent against Islam, we are against 'radical Islam'!", now protesting against this decision shows the prejudice against Islam.

I do question the choice of venue, though. Why did it have to be at that particular spot, knowing that it would be a sensitive spot? A friend of mine who teaches World Religions at a University was telling me that Muslim's choice of a venue for a Mosque shows "superitiority". Can someone who is Muslim clarify this?
I'm not mad at the decision, its a step in the right direction towards attempting to separate Muslims/Islam from terrorism in popular view.
As someone who lives within a 5 block radius of Ground zero, who cares?

*Waits for conservatives to become outraged*
If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

i don't get it..... a bunch of terrorists attack on 9/11, now the whole world views us Muslims as bad?, a mosque is a place of worship just like churches, temples i cant believe people say it would hurt to build one.... i am however proud of the people who decided to build one, i think it would show them how mosques give back to the community and that we are not monsters with bombs strapped under our shirts and AK47's in our hands, but working members of the community and one of the backbones just like every other race in the united states. Still makes me sad that if i walked into a room and say im Muslim 80% of the room would feel threatened.

*edit* a tribute to Islam?, first of all the terrorist in 9/11 are not Muslim, they committed unjustified murder and suicide, once you do both those things you go straight to hell, people need 2 understand Muslims didn't do this, it was just extremists who believed they did something good.

What is the significance for wanting to build one so close to what has been the biggest terrorist attack on US soil?
Can we not agree that perhaps this may not be the best thing to do considering the current state of things?
Reading the comments on Yahoo makes me want to puke.

If they want to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, good for them. They know that they will be a controversy magnet for years to come. It shouldn't be that way though.
i get why they're doing it...and it makes sense.

but i don't think a lot of people close to the disaster will be as open minded about it. so i think it's a bad idea.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.


Originally Posted by HOVKid

If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.

Damn. Ive never seen you make so much sense.
Good ++$* Hov.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

As someone who lives within a 5 block radius of Ground zero, who cares?

*Waits for conservatives to become outraged*
they already are...

[h3]STOP THE MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO![/h3]Something positive? For whom? Islamic jihad?


The placement of mosques throughout Islamic history has been an expression of conquest and superiority over non-Muslims.

This is sickening, maddening, and heartbreaking.  I have a hard time envisioning the American people standing for this. 
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.


false...these crazies (the extremists) will do anything in the name of religion. blowing up a mosque would be done without hesitation if it meant dying and getting your freak on with 32 virgins in heaven
The placement of mosques throughout Islamic history has been an expression of conquest and superiority over non-Muslims.

Welp, that answered my question, I guess. Not surprising he's a full fledged neocon.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

After hours of emotional public comment, a New York city communityboard has voted overwhelmingly to support a plan to build a mosque andcultural center near Ground Zero.
"It'sa seed of peace," board member Rob Townley said. "We believe that thisis significant step in the Muslim community to counteract the hate andfanaticism in the minority of the community."
The votelate Tuesday by the Manhattan Community Board was 29-to-1 in favor ofthe plan, with 10 abstentions, the Associated Press reports.

Somein the crowd held carried pictures of victims of the attack, otherscarried signs reading: "Show respect for 9/11. No mosque!"

The board did not have the power to block the project, but its actions are an important barometer of community sentiment, The New York Times says.

ImamFeisal Abdul Rauf, director of one sponsor of the project, said heunderstood the anguish, but noted that his group had condemned the 9/11attacks and that members of his community and congregation were alsokilled that day.

"We have worked to ensure that our mosques are not recruiting grounds for terrorists," he said.

C.Lee Hanson, whose son, Peter, died in the trade center, said he opposedthe project, not because he was intolerant but because it would beinsensitive to build a tribute to Islam so close to Ground Zero.

"When I look over there and I see a mosque, it's going to hurt," Hanson said, according to The Times. "Build it someplace else."
.... http://content.usatoday.c...osque-near-ground-zero/1

wasn't there already a thread about this?  What is your opinion about this
I remember from "Farenheit 9/11" a lot of NYC buildings are owned by Arabs straight out of Saudi so I wouldnt be surprised if that land theyre building the mosque on is owned by some arab guy.
It's really disgusting to see peoples hatred towards Islam. I hope one day these people can see past the lies they are being fed.

This is just politics so I can't say I agree.
i would take the opinion of the right wing extreme with a grain of salt, however anyone who lost family members or friends in the 9/11 attacks who isn't for this i would respect and understand their side of things. like it or not most people who lost loved ones in the attacks will see the mosque and be reminded of that terrible day. like i said earlier i could care less how a bunch of good ol boy ol fashion conservatives feel about this but i'm curious how those who lost loved ones in the attacks will feel.
they will never win with hard core Conservatives.

The mind of a hypocrite Conservative
Extremist Muslims do Terrorist attacks = The Muslim faith is bad
Extremist Christians do terrorist attacks = sweep it under the rug and Christianity is great.

Who cares what they have to say..If you will not get an honest debate or any sense from it.

I for one am all for building a Mosque there.. We are a country that grants the freedom of religion. No place should be denied to a person if there is area for them to build a place of worship...

But of course the dim-wits will just completely ignore what this country is about. And cry their nonsense outrage...
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

like it or not most people who lost loved ones in the attacks will see the mosque and be reminded of that terrible day.
Seeing the mosque won't remind anyone of 9/11 anymore than seeing Ground Zero will.

Religious freedom is part of what makes this country what it is.
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