Life Choices ...

Jun 15, 2013
Wanted to know what are some good/bad life choices that a person can make early.

One of the worst life choices to make at an early age are tattoos. Those that are visible and tacky. IE weed plant, name on neck etc. Although I'm not against tattoos, those should be avoided until you have a solid foundation.

Best life choice is save as often and as much as you can in some type of investment fund. The earlier you start the better you are off long term.
Tattoos are much more accepted in society today...but neck/face and getting questionable plants on your body is never a good idea.
Tattoos are much more accepted in society today...but neck/face and getting questionable plants on your body is never a good idea.
Agreed but more traditional firms and industries still flown upon them in general. A dude interviewed for a director position and did really well. Only reason HR director turned him down was because of the tattoos on his arms. She said he might be a thug even though he was the best candidate.

I cringe when I see these teenagers follow trends like getting stars tattood behind their ears and neck.
Confusing people that you associate with for friends.

Making a large purchase (house, car, etc) too early. One may become a slave to their asset(s).

Assuming a relationship will work forever. While the pursuit of love and happiness is admirable, statistics prove love is not always enough.

Avoiding anything permanent. This applies to many things, but tattoos, criminal records, and children are among the top 5.

Establishing good habits. Saving a % of each paycheck/allowance (for my young NTers,) dedicating a set amount of hours for studying, etc.

Spending time to learn more about yourself. You are more than the name you were given, the things you have, and the skin you're in.
Tattoos may be socially acceptable but that doesn't mean that they're accepted in heaven
Is this fax, b?

Most rappers, ball players and r&in sangers ain't getting in? :lol:

Will post later with an essay when on the cpu.

I read a lot of books. Some have been life changing. I post snippets of them on IG. I think a lot are applicable here. Will elaborate on them later.
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Not having the patience to assess the situation at hand, make a plan, then carry it out. Always want that instant gratification but that's not how life works, all the time. :lol:
-Brush your damb teeth .

-Its really really easy to skip classes in college...if you do it once its down hill.
Its like feels great until you realize your just ******* yourself.

-Show up.

-buy a plunger b4 u need a plunger

-show me your friends, ill show you your future

-never put your hands in your pockets while going up or down stairs.

-what did u do today? You traded a day of your life to do that.
Someone school me on this :nerd:
For starters, if your employer matches 401K contributions to a certain percentage, TAKE ADVANTAGE. That's 100% profit. Other than that, look into high yield savings accounts. No need to leave money sitting around when it could be working for you, regardless of how small the return is. I also use betterment to invest $100 monthly into stocks since I'm not very knowledgeable about them myself. If nothing else, "better save for a rainy day when it's not sunny" - Fabolous.
Learning how to communicate effectively early on!! I get hot when people come at me with this last-minute BS or make something up "uhh yea they was gonna get back to me." :rolleyes :rolleyes
Agreed but more traditional firms and industries still flown upon them in general. A dude interviewed for a director position and did really well. Only reason HR director turned him down was because of the tattoos on his arms. She said he might be a thug even though he was the best candidate.

I cringe when I see these teenagers follow trends like getting stars tattood behind their ears and neck.
Why didn't he cover the tats? 

Best ideas - save and invest money. Try to get a clear grasp on the type of career fields you are interested in. Learn the job prospect and salaries.

Worst ideas - Face tat, car payment, not finishing school, spending money like no tomorrow.

@AdobeCS4  There is a personal finance thread full of information http://
Go ham and get that out of your system early. Don't be a sloppy 25 year old.

Meet as many people as you can of good quality and work on that network.

Don't get crap you can't afford and don't abuse credit cards.
Word, a good network is necessary ...

I lost so many contacts (Mayor, Senator, Supreme Court Judges, CEO's, Property Managers, etc) just because I'm not the one to send an annual xmas card or a random phone call.

I remember I took one of my boys to a charity event and he was looking to get into a law firm after graduation .... dude made so many contacts that day that after he graduated he got a job Kirkland and Ellis one of the wealthiest Law Firm in the world. I kept up with him the first couple of years and eventually lost contact. Dude has been all around the world for free staying the best hotels and making bank. Funny that he didnt even graduate top of his class or an Ivy League .... Just connections!
Why didn't he cover the tats? :smh:

Best ideas - save and invest money. Try to get a clear grasp on the type of career fields you are interested in. Learn the job prospect and salaries.
Worst ideas - Face tat, car payment, not finishing school, spending money like no tomorrow.

 There is a personal finance thread full of information http://
He can't. It goes down to the back of his palm and when he moved, you can see them. I loved the guy. Highly educated from reputable schools. HR director is just old school.
He can't. It goes down to the back of his palm and when he moved, you can see them. I loved the guy. Highly educated from reputable schools. HR director is just old school.
That really sucks. Main reason why I will never get any tattoos past my wrist or on my neck. These older people will do anything to keep the younger/more modern crowd out. Even though tattoos are acceptable at my work place, I just know they aren't acceptable at every company in my industry or for director positions.
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Someone school me on this :nerd:
For starters, if your employer matches 401K contributions to a certain percentage, TAKE ADVANTAGE. That's 100% profit. Other than that, look into high yield savings accounts. No need to leave money sitting around when it could be working for you, regardless of how small the return is. I also use betterment to invest $100 monthly into stocks since I'm not very knowledgeable about them myself. If nothing else, "better save for a rainy day when it's not sunny" - Fabolous.

Agreed but more traditional firms and industries still flown upon them in general. A dude interviewed for a director position and did really well. Only reason HR director turned him down was because of the tattoos on his arms. She said he might be a thug even though he was the best candidate.

I cringe when I see these teenagers follow trends like getting stars tattood behind their ears and neck.
Why didn't he cover the tats? :smh:

Best ideas - save and invest money. Try to get a clear grasp on the type of career fields you are interested in. Learn the job prospect and salaries.
Worst ideas - Face tat, car payment, not finishing school, spending money like no tomorrow.

 There is a personal finance thread full of information http://
Good looks! Looking at some now.
Word, a good network is necessary ...

I lost so many contacts (Mayor, Senator, Supreme Court Judges, CEO's, Property Managers, etc) just because I'm not the one to send an annual xmas card or a random phone call.

I remember I took one of my boys to a charity event and he was looking to get into a law firm after graduation .... dude made so many contacts that day that after he graduated he got a job Kirkland and Ellis one of the wealthiest Law Firm in the world. I kept up with him the first couple of years and eventually lost contact. Dude has been all around the world for free staying the best hotels and making bank. Funny that he didnt even graduate top of his class or an Ivy League .... Just connections!

Exactly. Nice network is key to staying employed. Or even not getting ripped off or hooked up.
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