Lets talk about Pam, Jim and............. Roy?

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Roy left Pam during a hockey game on their first date. He ain't a keeper anyways. Lol.

I was always puzzled by this, though you have to admit that Roy wasn't the best fiancée. I mean it seemed like he proposed just to keep Pam interested and he had no intention of marrying her. Maybe if Jim hadn't showed up then Pam and Roy's relationship would have been stuck in limbo. But in come Jim who plants the idea into Pam's head that she would be happier if she leaves Roy, I must say Jim pulled off a great "Inception".
I was always puzzled by this, though you have to admit that Roy wasn't the best fiancée. I mean it seemed like he proposed just to keep Pam interested and he had no intention of marrying her. Maybe if Jim hadn't showed up then Pam and Roy's relationship would have been stuck in limbo. But in come Jim who plants the idea into Pam's head that she would be happier if she leaves Roy, I must say Jim pulled off a great "Inception".
Of course Pam would believe that she'd be happier if she was with Jim, NBC plotted out the storied fairytale hollywood movie type ending where the girl leaves the jerk and gets with the protagonist. I don't really see a problem with this, I mean I know they were "engaged" and lived together but they were always off base and Roy was always kind of like "YEAH! ME AND MY BOYS GONNA GET DRUNK!"
Of course Pam would believe that she'd be happier if she was with Jim, NBC plotted out the storied fairytale hollywood movie type ending where the girl leaves the jerk and gets with the protagonist. I don't really see a problem with this, I mean I know they were "engaged" and lived together but they were always off base and Roy was always kind of like "YEAH! ME AND MY BOYS GONNA GET DRUNK!"
Originally Posted by ki3kz4me

Of course Pam would believe that she'd be happier if she was with Jim, NBC plotted out the storied fairytale hollywood movie type ending where the girl leaves the jerk and gets with the protagonist. I don't really see a problem with this, I mean I know they were "engaged" and lived together but they were always off base and Roy was always kind of like "YEAH! ME AND MY BOYS GONNA GET DRUNK!"

Yeah they did portray Roy in that fashion. I just think its hilarious how everyone looked over Jim spitting that you can be happier game to reel her in and Pam accepting the game for so long vs just ending it with Roy.
Originally Posted by ki3kz4me

Of course Pam would believe that she'd be happier if she was with Jim, NBC plotted out the storied fairytale hollywood movie type ending where the girl leaves the jerk and gets with the protagonist. I don't really see a problem with this, I mean I know they were "engaged" and lived together but they were always off base and Roy was always kind of like "YEAH! ME AND MY BOYS GONNA GET DRUNK!"

Yeah they did portray Roy in that fashion. I just think its hilarious how everyone looked over Jim spitting that you can be happier game to reel her in and Pam accepting the game for so long vs just ending it with Roy.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I love the Office. But is anyone else bothered by how NBC snuck a fast one past us? I mean think about it for a second? Pam and Roy were a couple early on in the series. Maybe not the best couple, but a couple non the less. So Jim likes Pam. He's ALWAYS over at her desk talking to her or around while at work. Now all awhile this is going on, Roy is down in the warehouse working with a sense of what could be going on, but nothing solid. But its obvious to us what's going on.

Now fast forward to the time where they had the casino/office party in the warehouse. Roy leaves and Jim alone in the office with Pam goes in for the kiss to express his true feelings.

OK, now I'm not here to debate if Roy was a good or bad boyfriend. But what part of the game was Jim playing? How did NBC make a love story out of a guy blatantly overstepping his boundaries EVERYDAY?

Someone make sense of this? He straight undercut Roy and NBC made it a beautiful match made in Office heaven. 

I like how Michael introduced Pam to new clients.
Michael: Say hello to Pam she has slept with everyone in the office.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I love the Office. But is anyone else bothered by how NBC snuck a fast one past us? I mean think about it for a second? Pam and Roy were a couple early on in the series. Maybe not the best couple, but a couple non the less. So Jim likes Pam. He's ALWAYS over at her desk talking to her or around while at work. Now all awhile this is going on, Roy is down in the warehouse working with a sense of what could be going on, but nothing solid. But its obvious to us what's going on.

Now fast forward to the time where they had the casino/office party in the warehouse. Roy leaves and Jim alone in the office with Pam goes in for the kiss to express his true feelings.

OK, now I'm not here to debate if Roy was a good or bad boyfriend. But what part of the game was Jim playing? How did NBC make a love story out of a guy blatantly overstepping his boundaries EVERYDAY?

Someone make sense of this? He straight undercut Roy and NBC made it a beautiful match made in Office heaven. 

I like how Michael introduced Pam to new clients.
Michael: Say hello to Pam she has slept with everyone in the office.

I don't understand how after Roy is clearly done dirty and reacts EXACTLY HOW MOST GUYS WOULD if they found out that their girl had kissed another man while they were together, he like tells here in the diner something like

".... so wait your not gonna go for it with this guy?"

I don't understand how after Roy is clearly done dirty and reacts EXACTLY HOW MOST GUYS WOULD if they found out that their girl had kissed another man while they were together, he like tells here in the diner something like

".... so wait your not gonna go for it with this guy?"

Roy was my dude but he did not deserve Pam. When they asked him who would he do, he said "the tight %++ Christian chick. The blonde" (Angela). Right in front of Pam too. Lolol Dude completely neglected her as well. That art quote is def his best one though lol.
Roy was my dude but he did not deserve Pam. When they asked him who would he do, he said "the tight %++ Christian chick. The blonde" (Angela). Right in front of Pam too. Lolol Dude completely neglected her as well. That art quote is def his best one though lol.
In real life, Pam is in the wrong, I mean if she really wanted Jim from the get-go she should have ended it with Roy before the whole fiasco ensued and the whole Casino Night thing, but hey, that's what makes TV drama.

But Karen Fillipelli>>>>>Pam all day any day anyway
, Jim messed up.
In real life, Pam is in the wrong, I mean if she really wanted Jim from the get-go she should have ended it with Roy before the whole fiasco ensued and the whole Casino Night thing, but hey, that's what makes TV drama.

But Karen Fillipelli>>>>>Pam all day any day anyway
, Jim messed up.
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