Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

For anyone looking for more background on Coach Hubie aka Khufu..... this was Method saying it back in 2011 :wow:

Click on the quote to expand the whole quote. It’s interesting :lol:

This guy is an admitted troll. In the standard, juvenile, slur and profanity-laden porn flameout post, he admitted that he created multiple accounts and made up lies.

This is Coach Hubie. He's had dozens of accounts. If you were familiar with his track record, you'd have a hard time taking him seriously here. You should've seen him in all of the Kobe Bryant sneaker threads. I assume you read his last rants. The guy's certifiable.

Sadly, some people suffer from social isolation/dysfunction and this is how they attempt to receive their daily dose of interaction/validation/attention.

We're not equipped to treat these people and it's not incumbent on us or our members to entertain them. In terms of general empathy, you can feel sorry for these people, but that doesn't mean you side with them at the expense of the overwhelming majority of users, who contribute to our discussions in earnest and who are constantly rankled and harassed by Internet trolls.

It's not fair that one disturbed individual should have the "right" to impose himself so selfishly on the community.

Now I’m curious as to why he’s been allowed to come back soooo many times? Clearly this isn’t a “immature teenager lashing out now but will someday be a future outstanding mature niketalker. Let’s give him another chance”....Coach Hubie is almost a GRANDFATHER at this point :lol::smh:
Just shows government overreaching that our brothers and sisters stormed da Capitol to protest against.

Nah, that thread was comedy but entertainment at the expense of misogyny ain't worth it. It was probably for the best. I'm surprised it even stayed open that long.
I'm starting to remember why all of your previous accounts have been banned.
This is beyond ignorant. Your opinion may be backed by pseudoscience and the antiquated sexist schlock produced by the likes of Simon Baron-Cohen, but it's hardly a scientific consensus. (And you'd be hard pressed to get anyone who claims to be a scientist to support the statement that "women are the weaker species.")

If you're actually interested in the purported differences between "the male and female brain," I'd recommend Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine, for starters. If, on the other hand, you just want to spout sexism and attempt to form a new chapter of the He Man Woman Haters Club, I'd advise you to keep your bigotry to yourself.
This one really is gold...
aight this is the final straw with people calling me ignorant on niketalk, i dropped out of grad with a 3.8 majoring philosophy and president of the philosophy club. i come on niketalk to wind down and relax, maybe catch up on some views and opinions of pop-culture, sometimes science political topics. i get pretty tired of you pseudo- humble intellectuals acting like you're on your way to win a pulitzer prize for being able to sit in front of a computer and google compelling arguments and back them up with the spell-check feature.

i misspell words and frankly don't care because i don't try to come of as condescending or like a "know it all", i actually type from my mobile device. so i don't have time to google quick reference answers in attempts to sound "smart" online in a sneaker forum. i can guarantee at the next summit or where EVER you want to meet if we sat down face to face (EVEN WEBCAM) you i'd probably tear you apart intellectually while you stutter and try to come up with the most persuasive argument you could for this subject matter.

i understand you're an "authority" figure here on this forum, but i'll be discrediting myself and the works of others by letting you damage the theory of women being the weaker species.

you called me bigot and for that you own me an apology. a big is intolerant of plausible evidence which may persuade his or her opinion or beliefs.
to add salt to the wound you throw a names and book titles into your rebuttal like you know what you're talking about. for one cordelia fine is a psychologist
and her basis of argument is "neuroscience". so this rules out her already wobbly claims of equality in the sexes.

human beings are a social species meaning we advance as a colony based on sentience, that's why evolve socially ...by 2014 10.5 million students from pre-k to 12 will
have taken a course online without never picking up a pencil. it's predicted that the qwerty keyboard will replace the pencil's functions in the classroom in years to come.
changing the demand for paper and evolving the eco system and the cutting of trees.

with that being said our roles are EVER advancing gender wise, this is where cordelian fine pitfalls into the abyss and becomes a slave to a misogynistic themed thread
filled with PRE-PROGRAMMED guys responding from a "female" point of view which is nicely gift wrapped in their male agenda which is to reproduce by problem solving
in their habitat which happens to be the work place where they are placed in a submissive position under a dominate MALE. GENETICALLY giving him what "he" wants
in order to survive .

which if you would've took your head out of your ... never-mind, lets just say if you we're really inclined to female equality as a male you've would've CAUGHT my first
response jokingly saying "i felt sorry for females that they have to deal with men that replied in this thread in real life".

truth is you're just a domineering entity on a forum looking to have his ego stroked by his faithful followers by making an example out of what your lazy mind perceived as
a "easy target" to demonstrate your mental capacity and control over this board.

going back to evolution, FEMALES are biologically built to impregnate and carry male's offspring. there's "hunters" and "gatherers".

there's a number of PHYSICAL reasons males were made and classified as the "hunters".

1. our bones are more dense and stronger than females, estrogen SOFTEN the bones to contour to the body during pregnancy.
2. females are more likely to sustain injuries than males because of the placement of our knees, elbows and alcs are made for
grappling, running, climbing etc. (unlike cordelia fine MY ARGUEMENTS are backed by CREDIBLE doctors like Yi-Ming Yen, M.D., Ph.D
of university of Los Angeles.)

3. MENOPAUSE (where females literally lose the ability to get pregnant) triggers depression which is a MENTAL ILLNESS where decision making skills may be halted or damaged in crisis
i.e president, superior officer in war time, positions that have to make calculative decisions that place countless lives in the balance.
4. males proficiently use the LEFT side of the brain, which is powered by dopamine, which helps up with planning, navigation, cognitive functions, and impulse control.
females use the left by rely heavily on the RIGHT which is powered by norepinephrine, and opiate which is for "receptive" functions like grooming, feeding etc.

now there's also SOCIAL REASONS.
like i stated before i women's rights was tried, fought and championed for women everywhere that's cool. i admire a woman that wants to be equal to a man.

1. women have certain "receptive" needs emotionally based off of the scientific information i've provided before. SHE CAN NOT deny the chemical impulses and urges
that precursor her reason for being. therefore she will submit to a dominate male if her hormones in her body are telling her to. if she fights it then her decision
may effect those around her or who's she's responsible for. she will gamble with the welfare of a nation, company, or squadron based on a premeditated response
of refusal to ensure her place of authority.

2. BIOLOGICALLY women need to feel attractive, this is why they "flirt". Flirting gives her a sense of security and empowerment that she can find a suitor
to impregnate her. If she's in the work place, she will unknowingly flirt with a male to feel "safe". regardless of the social construct of workplace etiquette, sexual harassment
laws, marriage, wealth we're HUMANS, mammals and a primal being lays beneath the surface. WE WILL RESPOND SEXUALLY. sometime women respond inaccurately
to the sexual harassment laws indoctrinated to PROTECT her. she may be taken advantage of and realize it AFTER the fact, omitting the fact that she may intentionally or unintentionally
initiated the flirting and unappropriated social cue that invites sexual behavior.

there's more catalyst than this, and while you're sprouting off names that "sound good". try this one professor chaffee, my old teacher and read his book "thinking critically".
it teaches you to question the status quo, REGARDLESS of if you "appear" to be right or wrong. carefully analyzing FACTS to put together a COHESIVE argument with FACTS.

i sincerely hope since you're man enough to beat me down in a thread FULL OF misogyny and mall superiority and mis-quote cordelia fine...you're man enough to apologize for calling
me a BIGOT. you made a generalized statement based of your own inadequate and antiquated problem solving, it's almost 2012 b.

here's a few munchies for you to eat in your spare time b:
http://www.dailymail.co. uk/health/article-562627/Are-women-really-weaker-sex-The-intriguing-medical-facts-settle-oldest-argument-all.html

http://www. mastersofhealthcare.com/blog/2009/10-big-differences-between-mens-and-womens-brains/




Very proud of KHUFU KHUFU and DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican for their contributions to this thread and promoting Black culture. I am very proud that both have undergone the cleansing power of being held accountable for past posts, past usernames and past actions. I always respected Coach Hubie and Anton. Turns out it was our brother KHUFU KHUFU the whole time. I too will one day have to answer for my past posts and I hope that my NT family will extend me grace and mercy. Happy Mother's Day.
Very proud of KHUFU KHUFU and DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican for their contributions to this thread and promoting Black culture. I am very proud that both have undergone the cleansing power of being held accountable for past posts, past usernames and past actions. I always respected Coach Hubie and Anton. Turns out it was our brother KHUFU KHUFU the whole time. I too will one day have to answer for my past posts and I hope that my NT family will extend me grace and mercy. Happy Mother's Day.

:lol: @ " cleansing power "
Some of you need to log off and go for a hike or something, this is sad.

I'm also a bit shocked that it took this long for this foolishness to be exposed and confused as to why it was allowed to go on for as long as it did.
I'm also a bit shocked that it took this long for this foolishness to be exposed and confused as to why it was allowed to go on for as long as it did.

This foolishness was known for a decade and a half by the staff but looks like it was kept under wraps under the disguise of several different usernames. The word ‘complicit’ comes to mind. Even while this info is out in the open .....the self admitted troll has feelings and they’re more important than all the memebers here. We must stop bashing him :lol: :smh:
I have no idea what type of person I've wasted hours debating with on here :lol:

Yeah man, it’s sad that people like that are allowed to post freely on this forum. Like Method said 10 years ago about him...

Sadly, some people suffer from social isolation/dysfunction and this is how they attempt to receive their daily dose of interaction/validation/attention.
The dozens of screen names are one thing, but how many personalities does this dude have??! I have no idea what type of person I've wasted hours debating with on here :lol:
Insanity. All those usernames and various personalities associated to each one. :rofl: :rofl: A low budget streaming service movie can be made off this.
I'm very proud of KHUFU KHUFU and deusavertat deusavertat for what they've done but more importantly who they are as people. I've been on NT since 2004 and I can say that Anton Levy, Coach Hubie, and Lionsblood are true heroes of this platform. I'm also very proud of Methodical Management Methodical Management for giving multiple chances to users on this platform.
Insanity. All those usernames and various personalities associated to each one. :rofl: :rofl: A low budget streaming service movie can be made off this.

That many detailed personalities he might as well write a tv sitcom script. Wasting his talent posting here :rofl:
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