Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

I didn't get banned I just got locked out temporarily


Boi u got no less than 4 banned sn's :lol:
You come back with the same garbage everytime and be shocked when people know its you lol. Seek help, NT is not healthy for you.
Just because these two were previously banned for trolling doesn't mean it's open season for you all to start roasting them.

It's odd to see people asking for stricter rule enforcement while simultaneously breaking the rules.

Methodical Management Methodical Management how is @nawtyhare banned but these other cats can just return under different names after being banned?
Nawghtyhare had already been permanently banned once, but we gave him a second chance in 2017 after he waited a full year to return without registering any "backup" accounts.

Suffice it to say, he didn't exactly make the most of that opportunity - and his time here ended once he not only broke our rules, but arguably federal law as well.

I knew i wasnt the only one who noticed. Lionblood aka sillyputty aka antonlavey, same schtick all these years lmao.
As I recall, sillyputty/optimusprimeaphia and Anton were (and perhaps still are) friends "in real life" and were active on NT at the same time. It was not just a flimsy disguise - though you wouldn't know it from Anton's trench coat.

The amount of passes these dudes have gotten is perplexing.
We haven't always had the capability to identify clone accounts as accurately as we do now, so some of it was just giving new users the benefit of the doubt rather than ban anyone who seemed like they were a little too familiar to be a legitimate new member. In ye olden times, all we had to go on was a user's IP address, and we weren't going to ban all of America Online in 2002 because a bitter, disaffected loner was desperate for attention.

For context: the vast majority of bans these two accumulated occurred well over a decade ago, when they were at their trolling peak in the mid-2000's.

Now you're talking about them getting another chance years after they were last banned. A "lifetime ban" is appropriate for certain cases, but "teenager trolls an Internet forum" doesn't seem like the type of thing to hold against someone old enough to have children in college - unless that trolling is particularly egregious or harmful. You'd like to think that most people experience personal growth over two decades.

Hopefully these two realize that they don't deserve the same runway as someone posting under their first and only account, but it's fair to say that many - if not most - of the people with whom you interact on here every day have made mistakes in the past, often multiple mistakes.

If the criticism is that NikeTalk should be more like Alabama when it comes to issuing lifetime penalties to teenagers, I know which side of that I'd prefer to err on.

I literally got locked out of the Asian thread temporarily. Still not sure why, I didn't say anything racist to anyone, that was Khufu. I'm glad I was let back in, I was there to show support unlike some people.
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms will not seek reelection: ‘Time to pass the baton’
Bottoms announced the stunning Friday morning, telling Atlanta residents "this is a decision made from a position of strength and not weakness."

Boi u got no less than 4 banned sn's :lol:
You come back with the same garbage everytime and be shocked when people know its you lol. Seek help, NT is not healthy for you.

LOL the fight I had here with koofie was literally about him antagonizing the Asian community. If that's "garbage" I will wear it as a badge of honor Frank. I know you're still salty about our past exchanges. :lol:
The Coming Race War in America


By Carl T. Rowan
Chapter One: America's Violent Decline

How do you tell when a great civilization is in decline? When a great nation is on the rocks spiritually, morally, racially, and economically?

I look closely at my country, and everywhere I see signs of decadence, decay, and self-destruction.

Respect for law and order has declined drastically, except in the phony speeches of politicians.

The nation's capital is awash with special counsel and special prosecutors, taking testimony from the President, the First Lady, key members of the cabinet and the Congress--all accused or suspected of criminal wrongdoing. The FBI is far short of being trustworthy, its agents and former agents deep in partisan politics. Local police departments reek with corruption, including condoned lawlessness by some policemen. Our prisons bulge with record numbers of young Americans, mostly the fruit flies of the drug trade, while the big bumblebees of the crime and drug syndicates peddle their wares with impunity.

Every day our newscasts begin with stories of grisly murders, sexual assaults, grotesque abuses of children, mass killings on job sites, and worse.

America is sinking in greed. Our workers fear tomorrow and their bosses grab what they can today. A corporate fatcat can get a $10 million reward for "downsizing" his firm--that is, putting thousands of employees out of work.

Public morality has probably never been lower. Lawmakers writhe and wrangle over how to deal with television programming that spews out sexual rot and gratuitous violence morning, afternoon, and night--prime time sewers. Congress makes believe that a meaningless "rating system" and a V-chip will solve the problem.

Racism has not been as virulent throughout America since the Civil War, with short fuses burning on a thousand powder kegs. We have seen our greatest law enforcement agency, the FBI, sit for weeks in a stalemate with a small Montana cult, the Freemen, whose leaders preach that the descendants of northern Europeans are "God's chosen people," that Jews are "the children of Satan," and that African Americans and other people of color are by nature dumb and immoral.

We see the Freemen and other hate groups like the Aryan Nation, the skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, and assorted militias piling up arms for what they say is a coming race war in America that will precede the return of Christ.

These are the adherents of a "Christian Identity" movement whose, followers refuse to pay governmental levies, but collect taxes themselves. They rake in millions through extortion, the widespread use of bogus checks and phony credit cards, and simple extortion.

But local law enforcers and even the FBI are afraid to tangle with them, wary since their disastrous confrontations with the David Koresh cult in Waco, Texas, and the Randy Weaver group at Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

Official, open coddling of these groups pretty much ensures that the race war these white supremacists predict will really come.

I know that these harsh judgments about America as it nears the turn of the century are not what most Americans want to hear. In the wake of the fall of the "Evil Empire" that was the old Soviet Union, with the still-limited development of China and the Third World, and the starkly limited hegemony of European and other "first world" nations, Americans prefer to boast that the United States is the last of the great powers. As proof we cite our nuclear arsenals and the fact that we have the only quick-strike forces capable of moving into Bosnia, Africa, and the Middle East, to wage war or peace, within hours of a White House go-ahead to strike. We like to boast of our economic might, even though we've seen a frightful decline in good, high-paying jobs. We like to think that we are the world's cultural giant because our movies and music, our top television shows, are coveted the world over, this much to the dismay of foreign leaders who think the cultural fare that we export carries the seeds of national destruction.

So much of what Americans boast about nowadays is superficial, even delusionary. Look below the surface. I have done so and concluded that this country, for which I have fought in war and peace, is in precipitous decline. The leaders of Rome, Greece, the Third Reich, the British Empire, never saw the onset of decadence and internal rot in time; we can, and we must, if the United States is not to succumb to its internal hatreds and moral excesses, to be consumed by its own self-destruction.

Who can overlook the decline of marriage as an American institution, with Hollywood and television stars, and so many social and political leaders, abusing drugs and having sex and babies out of wedlock? Our teenagers see no stigma in this lifestyle. Licentiousness and depravity have made the United States a hollow remake of Sodom and Gomorrah, with even preachers and priests, nuns and schoolteachers, unveiled as the practitioners of child abuse, as marriage killers, and as outright murderers.

Take a look at this society's decline in terms of organized religion. Preachers preach and rabbis teach, but fewer and fewer people listen, and those who visit churches and synagogues rarely heed what they hear. Look at what the Greeks and Romans have written that they saw too late--and what we see now, everywhere in this nation: racial and religious bigotries, blind nationalisms, and myriad other injustices tolerated and even glorified by our philosophers, politicians, Presidents, the "wise men" allowing this, the greatest of societies, to be consumed in hatred.

Look at the piling up of economic injustice and ask how long we can live in peace and prosperity.

The January 22, 1996, issue of U.S. News & World Report carried an article about how WORKERS TAKE IT ON THE CHIN which noted:

* that in 1982 dollars, U.S. workers had suffered a decline in earnings, from an average of $298 weekly in 1970 to $256 in 1994
* that during the last five years "the upper class" has gained economically by 76 percent, while the middle class has risen by 6 percent, the working class by 2 percent, and the poorest class by 6 percent
* that in 1945 the top 1 percent of U.S. families held 32.4 percent of the nation's wealth, but in 1992 that top 1 percent held 42 percent of the wealth. Here was indisputable evidence that while the privileged were assailing attempts of the New Deal and the Great Society to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor, the rich have been getting richer while the poor have lapsed into deeper poverty
On this date in 1787 the Sierra Leone Creole people (or Krio people) are affirmed. They are an ethnic group whose decedents are the Creole people of African America.
They are also west Indian, and Liberated African slaves who settled in the Western Area of Sierra Leone between 1787 and about 1885. The colony was established by the British, supported by abolitionists, under the Sierra Leone Company as a place for freedmen. The settlers called their new settlement Freetown. In the 21st century, the Creoles comprise about 2% of the population of Sierra Leone. Like Americo-Liberian in Liberia, Creoles have varying degrees of white-European ancestry. This was due to the close historical relations between the ethnicity's through decades of indenture, slavery sexual abuse, and voluntary unions and marriages in North America. Some have Native American ancestry as well. In Sierra Leone, some of the settlers intermarried with other English or Europeans. Through the Jamaican Maroons, some Creoles probably also have indigenous Jamaican Amerindian Taíno ancestry.
The Americo-Liberians and the Creoles are the only recognized ethnic group of African American, Liberated African, and West Indian descent in West Africa. The Creole culture is primarily westernized. The only Sierra Leonean ethnic group whose culture is similar (in terms of its integration of Western culture) are the Sherbro, who had developed close connections with Europeans and English traders from the early years of contact. The Creoles as a class developed close relationships with the British colonial power; some were educated in British institutions and advanced to leadership positions in Sierra Leone under British colonialism. Due to this history, the vast majority of Sierra Leone Creoles have European first names and/or surnames. Many have both British first names and surnames. The vast majority of Creoles live in Freetown and its surrounding Western Area region of Sierra Leone. They are also primarily Christian. From their mix of peoples, the Creoles developed what is now the native Krio language (a mixture of English, indigenous West African languages, and other European languages). It has been widely used for trade and communication among ethnic groups and is the most widely spoken language in Sierra Leone.
Scholars such as Olumbe Bassir and Ramatoulie O. Othman distinguish between the Oku and the Creoles. By contrast, the Oku are principally of Yoruba descent and have traditionally maintained strong Yoruba and Muslim traditions. They also have more traditional African culture, and widely practice formal polygamy and, to a significant extent, practice female genital mutilation. The Creoles settled across West Africa in the nineteenth century in communities such as Limbe, Cameroon, Conakry, Guinea, Banjul, Gambia, Lagos, Nigeria, Abeokuta, Calabar, Accra, Ghana, Cape Coast, Fernando Pó. The Krio language of the Creole people influenced other pidgins such as Cameroonian Pidgin English, Nigerian Pidgin English, and Pichinglis. Thus, the Aku people of the Gambia, the Saro of Nigeria, Fernandino people of Equatorial Guinea, are sub-ethnic groups or direct descendants of the Sierra Leone Creole people.
In 1787, the British helped 400 freed slaves, primarily African Americans freed during the American Revolutionary War who had been evacuated to London, and West Indians and Africans from London, to relocate to Sierra Leone to settle in what they called the "Province of Freedom." Some had been freed earlier and worked as servants in London. Most of the first group died due to disease and warfare with indigenous Black Africans. About 64 survived to settle Granville Town. In 1792, they were joined by 1200 Black Loyalists from Nova Scotia; these were former Black slaves and their descendants. Many of the adults had left rebel owners and fought for the British in the Revolutionary War. The Crown had offered them freedom who left rebel masters, and thousands joined the British Army. The British resettled 3,000 of the Blacks in Nova Scotia, where many found the climate and racial discrimination harsh.
More than 1200 volunteered to settle in the new colony of Freetown, which was established by British abolitionists. In 1800, the British also transported 550 Maroons, militant escaped slaves from Jamaica, to Sierra Leone. After Britain and the United States abolished the international African slave trade beginning in 1808, they patrolled off the continent to intercept illegal shipping. The British resettled Liberated Africans from slave ships at Freetown. The Liberated Africans included people from the Yoruba, Igbo, Efik, Fante, and other ethnicities of West Africa. Some members of Temne, Limba, Mende, and Loko groups, indigenous Sierra Leone ethnicities, were also among the Liberated Africans resettled at Freetown; they also assimilated into Creole culture. Others came to the settlement voluntarily, seeing opportunities in Creole culture in the society.
On the voyage to Sierra Leone, 96 passengers died. However, enough survived to establish and build a colony. Seventy white women accompanied the men to Sierra Leone, they were most likely wives and girlfriends of the Black settlers. Their colony was known as the "Province of Freedom" and their settlement was called "Granville Town"' after the English abolitionist Granville Sharp. The British negotiated for the land for the settlement with the local Temne chief, King Tom. However, before the ships sailed away from Sierra Leone, 50 white women had died, and about 250 remained of the original 440 who left Plymouth. Another 86 settlers died in the first four months. Although initially there was no hostility between the two groups, after King Tom's death the next Temne chief retaliated for a slave trader's burning of his village. He threatened to destroy Granville Town. The Temne ransacked Granville Town and took some Black Poor into slavery, while others became slave traders.
In early 1791 Alexander Falconbridge returned, to find only 64 of the original residents (39 black men, 19 Black women, and six white women). The 64 people had been cared for by a Greek and a colonist named Thomas Kallingree at Fourah Bay, an abandoned African village. There the settlers reestablished Granville Town. After that time, they were called the "Old Settlers". By this time the Province of Freedom had been destroyed; Granville Sharp did not lead the next settlement movement. Sierra Leone gain Independence in 1961. The national language of Sierra Leone is English. In addition to English, the Krios also speak a distinctive creole language named after their ethnic group.
In 1993, there were 473,000 speakers in Sierra Leone (493,470 in all countries); Krio was the third-most spoken language behind Mende (1,480,000) and Themne (1,230,000). In the 21st century, The Creole homeland is a mountainous, narrow peninsula on the coast of west Africa. The whole of Sierra Leone covers some 72,500 square kilometres. At its northern tip lies Freetown, the capital. The peninsula's mountain range is covered by tropical rain forests split by deep valleys and adorned with impressive waterfalls. White sand beaches line the Atlantic coast.
As I recall, sillyputty/optimusprimeaphia and Anton were (and perhaps still are) friends "in real life" and were active on NT at the same time. It was not just a flimsy disguise - though you wouldn't know it from Anton's trench coat.

There was another one in there, i think something about Freud, i think Einstein was the avy, among others im sure.

I agree tho, as long as they're not breaking the rules (again) they're entertaining to say the least. They occasionally have some valid points sprinkled in but just come off too harsh and combative in their single-mindedness. Kinda like a kevin samuels, ironically.

Rep. Bobby Rush introduces bill forcing FBI to release Fred Hampton files
It requires the FBI to release all counterintelligence files, including those about Hampton and Martin Luther King.

A co-founder of the Illinois Black Panther Party on the eve of his 30th year serving in Congress has introduced a bill mandating the disclosure of secret FBI files related to the death of Chairman Fred Hampton.

Democratic Rep. Bobby Rush also sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland in which he requested “that you release unclassified and unredacted versions of any files or papers in the possession of the U.S. Department of Justice or the FBI pertaining to this assassination.”


When a 6-foot-tall African slave landed in Japan, he stuck out like a sore thumb. People lost all modesty and nearly caused a stampede trying to get a closer look. Such a sight was so foreign in Kyoto — he was one of the first Africans to ever arrive on the island — that a powerful Japanese warlord ordered him to remove his clothes while a flock of servants tried to scrub the “black ink” off his skin. Little did the warlord know that the slave was destined to become the world’s first Black samurai.
China’s Post-Factual Rice Problem in Africa
A while ago, a news story originating from Nigeria got picked up by international media outlets. It was the kind of story which editors tend to love, having ‘clickbait’ written all over it. It involved a topic dear to everyone (food safety), an easily identifiable but faceless culprit (China), and a country far away to the imagination of most people (Nigeria). I am referring to the story of Nigeria’s ‘Plastic Rice,’ which highlights the poor image of Chinese goods in Africa and its effects on China’s economic engagement with the continent.

A quick recap for those not familiar with the story. The Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) announced on December 21, 2016 to have impounded 2.5 ton of plastic rice, later said by customs officials to have been smuggled into the country from China.

Rice, a popular staple food in Nigeria, became quite an expensive commodity in the country since the government imposed (again) a ban on the import of rice in March 2016 to become more self-sufficient in the production of food. Due to a lack of support to rice farmers, the ban contributed to higher food prices and skyrocketing inflation, with a bag of rice costing more than double the amount of money compared to a year before. The status of Nigeria’s food market turned the most populous country in Africa into a target for rice traffickers.

Which brings us back to the headline of the seizure of 102 bags of fake plastic rice, originating from China. As one senior customs official told local media during a press conference in Lagos:

“Before now, I thought it was a rumour that the plastic rice is all over the country but with this seizure, I have been totally convinced that such rice exists.”
The rice didn’t fool everyone, however. After running some tests, Nigeria’s National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) concluded a week after the impounding the plastic rice was quite real. Real, but still dangerous for human consumption, since it had been contaminated with micro-organisms.
Nawghtyhare had already been permanently banned once, but we gave him a second chance in 2017 after he waited a full year to return without registering any "backup" accounts.

Suffice it to say, he didn't exactly make the most of that opportunity - and his time here ended once he not only broke our rules, but arguably federal law as well.


Queen Mother Moore was born Audley Moore July 27, 1898 in New Iberia, Louisiana. Her formal education ended after the third grade. In the 1920s, she moved to Harlem, New York and joined the Universal Negro Improvement Association. She participated in the UNIA’s first international convention and was a stock owner in the Black Star Line. Moore was the founder of the Universal Association of Ethiopian Women and the Committee for Reparations for Descendants of U. S. Slaves. She also was a founding member of the Republic of New Africa. From 1950 to her death, Moore fought for reparations for descendants of enslaved Black people, including presenting petitions to the United Nations in 1957 and 1959 calling for $200 billion for 400 years of slavery. Moore was given the honorary title Queen Mother in 1972 by the Ashanti people of Ghana. She also was one of five female speakers at the Million Man March in 1995

Major Taylor broke the sports color barrier 50 years before Jackie Robinson.
Before basketball, there was track cycling. Invented in the mid-1800s, track cycling was briefly the №1 spectator sport in the US. Initially designed to test athletes’ endurance, the sport was exciting, exhausting and impressively dangerous.
Bicycles were invented in the early 1800s, but early designs overlooked a few key features (think: the ability to steer; brakes). It wasn’t until 1885 when the Rover Safety Bicycle was released that cycling experienced a surge in popularity. As biking became a cultural phenomenon, track cycling emerged as a challenging sport for athletes and a new entertainment option for viewers.
If track cycling was the basketball of the 1890s, Major Taylor was the sport’s Michael Jordan. The second black man to win an athletic world championship (boxer George Dixon was first), Major Taylor dominated the sport for his entire track cycling career.
Marshall Walter “Major” Taylor was born on Nov. 26, 1878 in Indianapolis, Indiana. His father, a farmer and Civil War veteran, drove a carriage for an upper-class white family. Major became close with the family and when they moved away, they gifted him his first bicycle.
Major was a natural cyclist, quickly teaching himself a series of bike tricks. A local bike shop owner recognized his skills and hired Major to promote his business. Outfitted in a military uniform, he performed stunts outside the shop, earning him the nickname “Major.”
Major won his first bike race — a 10-mile event — as a young teen. His success bred resentment and soon after, Major was prohibited from competing in cycling tournaments in Indianapolis.

Jackie Robinson broke baseball’s color barrier in 1947 when he signed on to play second base for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Major Taylor broke cycling’s color barrier 50 years earlier when he began racing professionally.
In 1896, Major moved from Indianapolis to Worcester, MA to get serious about cycling. At 18 years old, he competed in his first major race at Madison Square Garden and took eighth place. From there, Major’s cycling career accelerated and in the next three years, he broke seven world records and won a national championship and an international championship.
Major’s years of athletic dominance were marred by racism. Riders colluded to eliminate him from competition by pushing him off the cycling track. Spectators dumped ice water on him as he rode and placed tacks in front of his bicycle wheels to slow him down. Athletes and fans threatened him and judges refused to acknowledge his victories.
At the turn of the century, Major was one of the highest-paid athletes in the world. He brought in about $10,000 a year (equivalent to $275,000 today). Despite his wealth and success, he was regularly refused service by hotels and restaurants.
History remembers Major Taylor as a moral and devout man who wouldn’t compete on Sundays. He married Daisy V. Morris in 1902; their daughter Rita Sydney was born two years later. Physically and emotionally drained by his grueling racing schedule and the rampant racism he endured, Major left cycling in 1910 at the age of 32.
His decision to retire from the sport marked the beginning of a string of bad luck. In the years that followed, Major made several bad financial investments and lost the majority of his fortune. He became estranged from his family and lost the rest of his money self-publishing his autobiography, “The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World.”
Major Taylor died on June 21, 1932, 22 years after retiring from cycling. Local authorities paid for his burial, which his family did not attend.
Sixteen years after his death, Major got the memorial he truly deserved. A group of retired cyclists and Frank Schwinn of Schwinn Bicycles collaborated to give Major a proper funeral. They paid to have his body exhumed and moved from the welfare section of Mount Glenwood Cemetery in Cook County, Illinois to a more respectable part of the graveyard.
Today, Major’s influence is felt throughout the cycling world. In 1982, the Major Taylor Velodrome opened in Indianapolis; the cycling team at Indiana University is named in his honor. In Worcester, he is regarded as a hometown hero.
Major’s contributions to track cycling are unassailable, but his name is not synonymous with racial progress the same way Jackie Robinson’s is. This can only be attributed to track cycling’s fall from grace — the buzz surrounding this exhausting, thrilling sport fizzled around World War II. As basketball, football and baseball rose in prominence, track cycling — and Major Taylor — were left in the dust.
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