let this thread die (NYK)

I don't remember seeing anyone other than Melo take a shot attempt in the 4th.

Lack of PG was a glaring exposure in the 4th.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm shocked. I thought once D'Antoni was gone we wouldn't have any more embarrassing losses.
When the @+%! was that said?
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Man D'Antoni has to get fired after this loss.
Man hop off Pringles already.

Is this what I should expect in a bad loss now? Sarcastic posts about Pringles from ppl that didn't believe he was a problem? or think he shouldn't have quit?


On to ORL. they don't got Dwight and a bunch of injured guys playing.
Mike Breen needs to get off the Mic if he's not even support the Knicks.

Dude blatantly goes against us any chance he gets.
Refs are soft too...but we all know this.
Pacers took this game personal after losing that back to back. Hope we learn from this loss and just kick teams when they're down from now on
@ the arguing in post game. Dudes is upset. They got use to this defensive Knick team and were shellshocked when they let up and crumble.

C'mon on to the next one. Wish we had a back to back.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Big J 33

I'm shocked. I thought once D'Antoni was gone we wouldn't have any more embarrassing losses.
When the @+%! was that said?
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Man D'Antoni has to get fired after this loss.
Man hop off Pringles already.

Is this what I should expect in a bad loss now? Sarcastic posts about Pringles from ppl that didn't believe he was a problem? or think he shouldn't have quit?


On to ORL. they don't got Dwight and a bunch of injured guys playing.
Same dudes were defending _'Antoni... they gotta save face somehow.
And like you said its not the world ending loss Breen wants to paint it as. I'm over it. 

They just went up big and got lackadaisical. They'll pull it together. i have faith in Woodson and the character of the players on this roster.
Hahn was tight

Its not a refs vs Knicks thing man, NBA refs in general are inept, its why the sport as a whole can be difficult to watch at times.

Knicks did not lose because of refs, they stopped playing defense, kept trying to go to Melo for 4 quarters, had no PG calm the storm, and Pacers kept making every 3 pointer and free throw.
This loss goes on Coach Woodson imo. His rotations were off and we suffered because of it. He put the starters in way too soon in the fourth. The lead was dwindling but you gotta fight through that sometimes. Our starters were worn at the end of the fourth. Didn't look like anyone but Melo had anything left in the tank. Landry should've been subbed in way sooner. Novak too. And Baron Davis isn't doing nearly enough. He's gotta pull his weight. The occasional field goal or nice pass is not going to cut it. Games like this we really miss Lin's offense.

Oh and
at the refs, Breen and JR getting ejected.

P.S. - I hope we see the Pacers again down the line. I want to bury those smug cockroaches.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Trautwig: 'Quentin Richardson, who decided to get in shape after he left the Knicks.'

That cheered me up.
 Post game guys so mad about the loss they taking random shots at players
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