let this thread die (NYK)

Idk if I'd say "check the standings" when discussing Rose's impact on the Bulls..Rose was MVP last year because he makes a good team great..Without Rose, the Bulls are still good..There are teams like the Timberwolves without K Love, or the Magic without Dwight that go from good to garbage without their best player..But the Bulls aren't one of those teams. The Bulls were winning w/o Rose but I can assure you if he returned and they went on a 3-4 game losing streak, Bulls fans would ride with him and give him time to get comfortable again.
LOL at this guy talking about Melo not knowing anything about effort or hardwork yet his favorite player is Stoudemire who ofcourse knows all about those things . Im convinced dude must've curved you on a autograph and you've been tight ever since . If your gonna be that way all i ask for is consistency in your criticism amongst all our players especially our "stars" not just one player who you have a hard on for whatever reason .
I agree with Cyber Smoke..You can't say that we shouldn't get excited about Melo playing hard defensively and bringing more energy since Woodson became coach "because he hasn't done it all season" but then say that you rock with STAT because of what he did for the Knicks last season. The majority of this season, STAT looked slow, uninterested, and was jacking up jumpers while shooting a career low FG %...He has been playing much better as of late but last season is last season. In 2012, he wasn't doing much before about 1-2 weeks ago
Ok good points but even as bad as stat has been this year he has been more of a sure thing than melo. I can't be too hard on stat because I have seen him carry us before and I have faith in him. I have never witnessed melo carry us so of course I'm going to be more critical towards him it's just common sense.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Ok good points but even as bad as stat has been this year he has been more of a sure thing than melo.
Sure of WHAT exactly?

Getting shots blocked at the rim continuously?

Screaming 'THAT'S A FOUL' instead of getting back on defense?
Where did STAT carry us tho?
I love STAT so I'm not trying to clown the guy or downplay his significance to the team, but even before the trade, this team was hovering around .500 as well. Plus, the Knicks schedule before they got Melo last season wasn't particularly difficult so the few games above .500 had a little to do with that. Felton was playing the best he did in his career, Gallo was playing great, Landry was having a nice rookie season, and Wilson was having a pretty good season also. For all we know, Felton taking over for Duhon and Landry bringing his energy and David Lee staying could have resulted in the same record that the Knicks had with STAT
Ya'll gotta chill out with the bickering. Bottom line Melo's shot hasn't been there all season long. He's obv hurt, which is a legit excuse he isnt using and I respect that. Him playing defense consistently on the other hand isnt an excuse for a regressing offensive game. Lebron, Kobe etc put that effort on defense every game no matter how they're shooting.

Getting that W againt Philly would've been so nice. Yet with 17 games left, they are only 3.5 games back from being the number THREE seed which would be soo benefficial. Of course getting a win vs the Bucks is the first step
Since he's been a Knick what has Carmelo done to make you think he's a superstar? Has he carried the team? Been a leader? Lit up the scoreboard? Played hard for his coach?

“I think in the last three games, my focus was to have an energy that I haven’t had so far this season, especially on the defensive end.
Good point Tempo^..

I cosign both players on the team. Both need to just focus on their game more and we Def can be killing.

Anyway read this out of an ESPN NY article:

" Stoudemire said that kind of stiffness was rare for him during the season, but he waks feeling better after postgame treatment. He credited the Knicks' training staff for "keeping it nice and loose," and was not too concerned about it looking ahead. "

Hopefully good news. Guess his body is not used to playing on both ends of the court this season lol.
We are 6-1 in our last seven games with the team playing solid defense and our stars not having a dominant offensive game in any contest. What is there really to argue about?!

The offense will eventually come for Melo and Stat as they are both too just too talented to struggle forever. I understand we wont go far if our stars don't step it up offensively but seriously some of you guys need to relax and watch how the team continues to finish up the season.
NEW YORK -- When Tyson Chandler became a Knick in early December, he did so because he believed the team had what it took to win a championship. For a player who was coming off of a title run with the Mavericks, he didn't want to have it any other way. 

Even when the Knicks struggled in January, losing nine of 11 games, Chandler's championship dreams with the Knicks didn't fade away. 

At the time, Chandler said, "In all honestly, I still feel like this is a team that can win a championship. I feel like we definitely have the pieces. I feel like we haven’t come together yet. It’s a process." 

That process is starting to come together under Mike Woodson. The interim head coach improved to 6-1 following the Knicks' 101-79 win over the Pistons on Saturday at the Garden. But what hasn't changed in the past month is the team is still fighting to stay alive as the eighth seed. 

Chandler said they let one slip away at the Air Canada Center on Friday because they didn't come out with the energy they needed to. So on the flight back from Toronto, the Knicks' manager of player security, who the players call "Big Max," had the idea that Chandler should bring his championship ring to the game Saturday night against the Pistons for extra motivation. 

And that's just what he did, speaking to the team pregame about the makings of a champion. 

"He talks a lot about sacrifice, defense and just putting everything aside in terms of individual stuff, whether it's off the court, on the court, egos, roles, whatever," Jeremy Linsaid. "He just talks about how we have to just buy in and only care about the team and the team only." 

In addition to the ring inspiration, the Knicks inserted a printed image of the Larry O'Brien Trophy above every player's locker. 

Chandler's energy in his pregame speech carried over on the court as his 15 points and a season-high 17 rebounds helped New York maintain its 1½ game lead over the Bucks for the final playoff spot in the East. 

Here is some of the players with their reaction: 

Lin: "Definitely something that we want to start thinking about and building towards." 

Carmelo Anthony: "They’re inspiring. They’re motivating just to see that. It gives us something to look up at, to look forward to. It lets us know where we want to be at and how much work it’s going to take for us to get there." 

Amare Stoudemire: "I'm a visual guy, so I love to see it. So whenever you've got those types of trophy posters over your locker, it gives you that visual that you can achieve that goal. It's great to see." 

Iman Shumpert: "If you can't get motivated by that, I feel sorry for you." 

The Knicks know what they're up against looking ahead because they've put themselves right on the ledge of the playoff hunt. And on Monday against Milwaukee, it doesn't get any easier. Even though they got blown out by the Pacers tonight, 125-104, Anthony called the upcoming matchup "a real big game for us." 

"We are fighting for that eighth spot," he said. "We need that game. We are going to do everything in our power to get that game. 

Stoudemire agreed completely with his star sidekick. 

"It's very important for us," he said. "We are trying to make a run and do something special." 

While Stoudemire has been to the playoffs seven times (three to the Western Conference Finals) the image of the trophy above his locker will just be another reminder about what has alluded him in his career. 

And a reminder of the goal the team set out to accomplish at the start of the season. 
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Idk if I'd say "check the standings" when discussing Rose's impact on the Bulls..Rose was MVP last year because he makes a good team great..Without Rose, the Bulls are still good..There are teams like the Timberwolves without K Love, or the Magic without Dwight that go from good to garbage without their best player..But the Bulls aren't one of those teams. The Bulls were winning w/o Rose but I can assure you if he returned and they went on a 3-4 game losing streak, Bulls fans would ride with him and give him time to get comfortable again.

So rose makes a good team great and melo makes what? A sub 500 team worst? Go look at the numbers they don't lie.if we're going to compare the two at least keep it real.but I'll put the melo talk to rest because at this poInt all I care about is the team playing well and getting hot at the right time
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by throwback1718

You know what? I was thinking about guys getting at melo for needing 20 shots for 20 pts.
We have seen Kobe with more horrid percentages and other stars too.

The criticism is over the top. Tim probably feel like we picking on him but seriously there has to be something wrong about your criticism
but kobe gets wins though. what do we get when melo takes 20 shots to score 20 points? whats so wrong with me saying melo has been a bust? im i lying? if i am im glad to hear how my criticism on melo is not true
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

We are 6-1 in our last seven games with the team playing solid defense and our stars not having a dominant offensive game in any contest. What is there really to argue about?!

The offense will eventually come for Melo and Stat as they are both too just too talented to struggle forever. I understand we wont go far if our stars don't step it up offensively but seriously some of you guys need to relax and watch how the team continues to finish up the season.
Tyson Chandler is exactly the kind of player you want on your team. He was the best acquisition you guys have made in years, and I am jealous to not have him on my squad. It's a shame that his effort and hard work on and off the court gets over-shadowed by all these Carmelo stories and his garbage play lately. Just wanted to come in and give props on what he did in that article. I hope you guys appreciate what he is doing for your team, because even I can see just how valuable he is and i'm on the other side of the country.
If that doesn't motivate some of those Knicks in the locker room, then nothing will. Tyson is that dude. 
he's worth every penny. most consistent member of the team. only had like 4 bad games

I cant tell you how much i missed having a true center
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