Leonardo DiCaprio is the best actor of our generation.

Is Hoffman the dude that smashed Marisa Tomei in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead? If so, imma have to co sign. He was good in that movie.
Has DDL ever done a movie that wasn't a drama? Probably early in his career right? Seems like he only does roles that will get him an Oscar.

What a silly statement. :lol:

How? Dude is really selective and only does a movie every few years. I know he chooses stuff that will be fun for him to transform into but you don't see him do much else besides serious dramas. I was semi-joking but the types of roles he does now will get some kind of Oscar buzz. I didn't watch The Nine so I don't know how that movie was.
This. Not sure why wack *** drive gets all the hype when the movie mentioned above is flawless.

I thought drive was great. The fact that he could play such an intense character with 5 lines was awesome.

But it's nowhere near TPBTP. That movie really is flawless story wise, acting wise. Even the filming was great in Goslings last chase scene.

Definitely the most slept on movie in years. Star studded cast and it barely got promoted
You're missing out then.

Guys like Cooper, Gosling (to an extent IMHO), and especially McConaughey nowadays, deserve your time.

Fassbender as well. Shame was such a good movie and not for the obvious reason. I actually think it would be a movie NT would embrace seeing how it is based on a guy that is addicted to sex.
DDL, Fassbender, and Leo are my top 3 right now

Gary Oldman in Leon doe 
Fassbender as well. Shame was such a good movie and not for the obvious reason. I actually think it would be a movie NT would embrace seeing how it is based on a guy that is addicted to sex.

Damn, I completely forgot about Fassbender.

His acting in Shame and 12 Years A Slave :pimp: .
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