LeBron XI WTL(US 9/13), Maison Collection(8/23) - Updated 8/18

Best Colorway Scheduled to Release

  • King's Pride

    Votes: 387 29.5%
  • Away

    Votes: 45 3.4%
  • Gamma Blue

    Votes: 17 1.3%
  • Forging Iron

    Votes: 42 3.2%
  • Terracotta Warrior

    Votes: 23 1.8%
  • AvM

    Votes: 11 0.8%
  • Miami Nights

    Votes: 98 7.5%
  • Christmas

    Votes: 17 1.3%
  • NYC Graffiti

    Votes: 28 2.1%
  • Dunkman

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • King's Crown (EXT)

    Votes: 133 10.1%
  • Denim (EXT)

    Votes: 15 1.1%
  • Blue Suede (EXT)

    Votes: 16 1.2%
  • Atomic Orange (MvA)

    Votes: 5 0.4%
  • Floral

    Votes: 19 1.4%
  • Elite (Grey.Black/Red)

    Votes: 20 1.5%
  • BHM

    Votes: 77 5.9%
  • Gumbo/All Stars

    Votes: 354 27.0%

  • Total voters
y'all gotta chill with putting yourselves on blast about reselling lmao....

and no one is paying $300 for ferraris right now, esp on wtl week.
y'all gotta chill with putting yourselves on blast about reselling lmao....

and no one is paying $300 for ferraris right now, esp on wtl week.
beg to differ
peeps sig.....but I'm sleep tho. 

either way I hope you get your WTLs to keep man. You're a good dude, you just gotta operate in the shadows on here sometimes lol
Lol this kid is in every thread always saying the same thing. How he's mr. moral high road bc someone offers to resell him a shoe and he doesn't buy it, then resells to someone else. Then You got your other geniuses like dude talking about "y'all caring what another's man pockets" my god I am so sick of hearing people always losing saying that stupid phrase. He brought up how HE is reselling so that's where the conversation came from.

And $300 is max market you aren't giving any good deals LOL those things are selling for $260 on FB all day and people are hardly able to get em off. You didn't come up on some great shoe. "I got my shoes in a fair way!"
You bought a consumer product fueled by nothing more than vanity and greed! You ain't special Kid! This isn't a test with cheaters and non cheaters, it's buying CRAP. You ain't oopin no body anything worth anything bc you're always crying about Minnesota not getting anything, it gets old heading this crap then the second you can resell you make up some reason to be better than annnnnnyone else reselling. That's fake and you aren't some moral high road taker LMAO
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peeps sig.....but I'm sleep tho. 

either way I hope you get your WTLs to keep man. You're a good dude, you just gotta operate in the shadows on here sometimes lol
exactly i get my mine and make my moves how i see fit to each their own
Lol this kid is in every thread always saying the same thing. How he's mr. moral high road bc someone offers to resell him a shoe and he doesn't buy it, then resells to someone else. Then You got your other geniuses like dude talking about "y'all caring what another's man pockets" my god I am so sick of hearing people always losing saying that stupid phrase. He brought up how HE is reselling so that's where the conversation came from.

And $300 is max market you aren't giving any good deals LOL those things are selling for $260 on FB all day and people are hardly able to get em off. You didn't come up on some great shoe. "I got my shoes in a fair way!"
You bought a consumer product fueled by nothing more than vanity and greed! You ain't special Kid! This isn't a test with cheaters and non cheaters, it's buying CRAP. You ain't oopin no body anything worth anything bc you're always crying about Minnesota not getting anything, it gets old heading this crap then the second you can resell you make up some reason to be better than annnnnnyone else reselling. You're fake and you aren't some moral high road taker LMAO
kid? here comes the internet police....like i said to each their own im entitled to my opinion and to you yours. If 300 is max market to you cool, there clearly are people buying it for more than that but you don't here me though. Theres going to be people that purchase on the low end and people that purchase on the high end of the spectrum. And if you use that reasoning everyone buys these shoes for the same reason, you included right? Or am i just the "anti-christ" figure here thats the villain in the shoe game? Also like i said i've ooped other posters and help others when i can, and if i also choose to resell a shoe more effin power to me there moves im entitled to make.

And if you lived in MN you would know anything remotely limited is even more limited when it comes to this state but you wouldn't know that. If you can find any other instance of me taxing or even reselling then by all means present it talking about the second i get something i resell it. SMH At the end of the day, If you don't like what i write block me. its pointless to continue this back and forth neither of our points of views will change im not in the business of pissing matches with men over the internet. 
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kid? here comes the internet police....like i said to each their own im entitled to my opinion and to you yours. If 300 is max market to you cool, there clearly are people buying it for more than that but you don't here me though. Theres going to be people that purchase on the low end and people that purchase on the high end of the spectrum. And if you use that reasoning everyone buys these shoes for the same reason, you included right? Or am i just the "anti-christ" figure here thats the villain in the shoe game? Also like i said i've ooped other posters and help others when i can, and if i also choose to resell a shoe more effin power to me there moves im entitled to make.

And if you lived in MN you would know anything remotely limited is even more limited when it comes to this state but you wouldn't know that. If you can find any other instance of me taxing or even reselling then by all means present it talking about the second i get something i resell it. SMH At the end of the day, If you don't like what i write block me. its pointless to continue this back and forth neither of our points of views will change im not in the business of pissing matches with men over the internet. 

Are you slow? You don't even know what this discussion started over and tried to turn it into me being against resellers hahaha. I don't give a crap about a reseller or how much a reseller charges. YOU, specifically YOU, use the word morals with this shoe crap and raffles more than anyone I've seen on this site. YOU talking about being mr. Morals like that HoH worker was satan tempting you with an apple and you were sooooo strong to resist.... But YOU think you're any better reselling LMAO? Dont even talk to me about oops and handouts on NT, I've done it on $1000 shoes and for years and I know about Minnesota because YOU post about it! You have posted on multiple shoes being worried if you're state will even have em. Which still proves my point that you're replying to, that you aren't ooping anyone on anythjng that matters bc You don't even have access to the shoe there. Can you read and comprehend this whole thing before wasting my time again. And yes, kid, you've posted your age so yes I know you're a kid.

Oh lemme throw in the "I am replying a page of typing and replying to get the last word but also you should stop this back and forth bc its pointless and immature" quote that is as hypocritical as the rest of what you're saying.
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I hope resellers dont buy up all the pairs!I been wanting these all year!My friends and i camped three days on the week of 5-31 thinking they were dropping .We were so embarassed when hoh told us we were out there for nothing.I may have to camp for these ,cant miss out.
Are you slow? You don't even know what this discussion started over and tried to turn it into me being against resellers hahaha. I don't give a crap about a reseller or how much a reseller charges. YOU, specifically YOU, use the word morals with this shoe crap and raffles more than anyone I've seen on this site. YOU talking about being mr. Morals like that HoH worker was satan tempting you with an apple and you were sooooo strong to resist.... But YOU think you're any better reselling LMAO? Dont even talk to me about oops and handouts on NT, I've done it on $1000 shoes and for years and I know about Minnesota because YOU post about it! You have posted on multiple shoes being worried if you're state will even have em. Which still proves my point that you're replying to, that you aren't ooping anyone on anythjng that matters bc You don't even have access to the shoe there. Can you read and comprehend this whole thing before wasting my time again. And yes, kid, you've posted your age so yes I know you're a kid.

Oh lemme throw in the "I am replying a page of typing and replying to get the last word but also you should stop this back and forth bc its pointless and immature" quote that is as hypocritical as the rest of what you're saying.
So theres an issue with having morals in terms of stepping over others opposed to fairly getting something you want on an equal playing field, but it makes me immoral to take an item i fairly obtained and to do whatever i please with it? (resell or oop?) Thats where your losing me. And usually if i win extras i help or if i dont i keep my pair that I won and keep it pushing, and regardless of what it is im ooping im ooping to others when i choose to. But that fact doesn't matter? I get in where i fit in at the end of the day and make moves im entitled to make and will continue to do so regardless of how you feel about it. 
its pointless to continue this back and forth neither of our points of views will change im not in the business of pissing matches with men over the internet. 

So which is it? This hypocritical little ending you had above to try and look like you're mr. above it all, once again, or continue to reply? THIS is what this discussion was about from the start. Phonies who just can't admit who they are. Phony acting like a moral high ground shoe angel that's out there reselling bc he thinks there's some level of fairness and cheating in buying consumer products (my area only offers 5 Mbps max download speed so you having a faster Internet connection is an unfair advantage so you cheated to get those 14's BTW). Phonies acting like they are taking the high ground in an "argument" after being called out for being a phony because they are. LOL only difference between maladeen maladeen and that HoH employee is that the HoH employee isn't lying to anyone
We tryin to double on these... will probably fail twice though.

Damn right I'ma resell one pair too.
This is so lame....

Unknwn @ Aventura Mall FL

"Purchase any UNKNWN tee for 2 raffle tickets for a chance to *win the Nike ‘What The’ LeBron 11

Come into UNKNWN and post a photo of the ‘What The’ LeBron 11 shoes on display to your Instagram and the following:
*Tag Three (3) Friends
*Enter hashtags #WhatThe #LeBron #UNKNWN
And receive one (1) FREE ticket (one time offer)"
This is so lame....

Unknwn @ Aventura Mall FL

"Purchase any UNKNWN tee for 2 raffle tickets for a chance to *win the Nike ‘What The’ LeBron 11

Come into UNKNWN and post a photo of the ‘What The’ LeBron 11 shoes on display to your Instagram and the following:
*Tag Three (3) Friends
*Enter hashtags #WhatThe #LeBron #UNKNWN
And receive one (1) FREE ticket (one time offer)"
lol sly way to drive whats probably slow moving merch
Took a nice trip around the metroplex and entered every raffle available, 7 to be exact. Smelt foul play in a bunch of them and now feel like I wasted gas money that could have gone towards resale price lol *sigh*
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