Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

People just don't read. SILVER did the smack down. What kind of a punishment were you folks looking for? Get over it already.
[h1]NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Rips BOTH SIDES in Donald Sterling ‘Scandal’[/h1]
By Top Right News on April 29, 2014 in Entertainment, Race, Sports



by Scott Aberdeen | Top Right Sports

The NBA players, media, and grievance mongers such as Al Sharpton are up in arms over vile L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s alleged racist remarks. But NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar today said a pox on both your houses  – calling out the hypocrisy behind the whole affair and presenting by far the most rounded  – and surprisingly libertarian — view thus far.

Abdul-Jabbar, in an op-ed piece in TIME attacked the collective outrage emanating from America’s media over Sterling’s aremarks to his girlfriend, calling the publication of a private conversation “sleazy” and wondering why earlier, more public manifestations of racism failed to shock those such as Al Sharpton, and the NAACP.

Abdul-Jabbar explains  that we’re witnessing a veritable “finger-wagging Olympics . . . all over the latest in a long line of rich white celebrities to come out of the racist closet.”

“Yes, I’m angry, too,” Abdul-Jabbar admits, “but not just about the sins of Donald Sterling. I’ve got a list.”

That list includes Sterling’s girlfriend, V. Stiviano, whose voice is heard on the racially-loaded tape and who likely set the Clippers’ owner up.
“Man, what a winding road she led him down to get all of that out,” he mocked. “She was like a sexy nanny playing ‘pin the fried chicken on the Sambo.’ She blindfolded him and spun him around until he was just blathering all sorts of incoherent racist sound bites that had the news media peeing themselves with glee.”
And speaking of the news media? “They caught big game on a slow news day,” Abdul-Jabbar explained, “so they put his head on a pike, dubbed him Lord of the Flies, and danced around him whooping.”

The former NBA all-star, who played for the Milwaukee Bucks and L.A. Lakers from 1969 to 1989, has no sympathy for Sterling. But he is upset that everyone is acting so surprised, noting that the NBA owner has said offensive comments in the past and has been sued over both housing and employment discrimination.
The NAACP “did nothing” after Sterling was forced to pay a staggering $3 million fine for denying housing to Blacks, saying they “smell, and attract vermin,” Abdul-Jabbar noted. They were even going to present Sterling with an NAACP award on May 15th, with the Rev. Al Sharpton on hand. “Suddenly he says he doesn’t want his girlfriend posing with Magic Johnson on Instagram and we bring out the torches and rope. Shouldn’t we have all called for his resignation back then?
Abdul-Jabbar is correct, but it is worse than that. The NAACP accepted multiple grants from the Donald T. Sterling Charitable Foundation and handed Sterling several “image awards” — despite full knowledge of his prior, massive fine for discrimination against Blacks in his slumlord housing.

Abdul-Jabbar, perhaps channeling his closet libertarianism, also blasted the fact that Sterling’s private conversation — however racist — was suddenly broadcast nationwide.
“Didn’t we just call to task the NSA for intruding into American citizen’s privacy in such an un-American way?” he asked, comparing the secret tape-recording to Mitt Romney’s embarrassing 47 percent remark, recorded without the then-candidate’s knowledge.

“The making and release of this tape is so sleazy that just listening to it makes me feel like an accomplice to the crime,” Abdul-Jabbar fumed. “We didn’t steal the cake but we’re all gorging ourselves on it.”
“So, if we’re all going to be outraged,” the former NBA star wrapped up, “let’s be outraged that we weren’t more outraged when his racism was first evident. Let’s be outraged that private conversations between people in an intimate relationship are recorded and publicly played. Let’s be outraged that whoever did the betraying will probably get a book deal, a sitcom, trade recipes with Hoda and Kathie Lee, and soon appear on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and ‘Dancing with the Stars.’”

I agree with everything Kareem said, I guess the NBA did all they can do with this incident, but it was only because it started to hurt the bottom line. A new story will come out and everyone will forget about this.
All though I don't agree w/ many of his ideologies, I would be VERY curious to hear Jim Brown's opinion of this whole mess.
what else could they have done?

-Suspend the playoffs.
-Players should refuse to play until Sterling sells the team to minority owners.
-Investigate and interview each NBA owner and their top executives for racism and discriminatory practices.
-Give back every cent to the fans that purchased a ticket, NBA league pass, cable tv, NBA gear, etc, this season.
-NBA should also boycott companies like Nike, Adidas, etc whom uses child labor

This would make it a good day but... wait a minute.. what am I talking about?
The ****? :lol:

One man's racist comments should lead to the suspension of the playoffs, the unjust investigation of other owners "suspected" racism, mass refunds to viewers :stoneface:

Then tell me how dumb you sound bringing in Nike in to this, same shoe company outsourcing their manufacturing to toddlers in 3rd world countries :lol:

Some of y'all more ignorant and naive about the real world than I thought.

All though I don't agree w/ many of his ideologies, I would be VERY curious to hear Jim Brown's opinion of this whole mess.


:rofl: :rofl: that spell check didn't come thru for the homie JJ
Real talk that automatic spell check is a *****. It stay putting apostrophes in my "yall"s

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Let’s be outraged that whoever did the betraying will probably get a book deal, a sitcom, trade recipes with Hoda and Kathie Lee, and soon appear on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and ‘Dancing with the Stars.’”

And this is interesting ... on Stiviano's Instagram page, she constantly tagged photos with "#RandomHouse" and "#Simon&Schuster" ... both large book publishing companies.

Sources connected with Stiviano tell us ... she IS in the process of writing a book "about life" -- but she insists it is not about Sterling.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/04/28/donal...life-clippers-audio-recordings/#ixzz30K1YB9gF
It's hilarious that this all started from dudes old white friends breaking his balls about ol girl ****ing him on instagram. Got him all turnt up and now he a pariah and lighter in pocket.
The ****? :lol:

One man's racist comments should lead to the suspension of the playoffs, the unjust investigation of other owners "suspected" racism, mass refunds to viewers :stoneface:

Then tell me how dumb you sound bringing in Nike in to this, same shoe company outsourcing their manufacturing to toddlers in 3rd world countries :lol:

Some of y'all more ignorant and naive about the real world than I thought.
Real talk that automatic spell check is a *****. It stay putting apostrophes in my "yall"s


Your mindset is the reason why things continue to be how it is.

Why not suspend the playoffs? What are we losing out on? Watching 10 rich guys playing basketball while we are fed commercial after commercial is more important that the crux of this controversy?

A super rich white bigot who for 30 years discriminated against minorities got fined and banned.

Ok it's over.

Time for the playoffs.

Time to camp out for the next Jordan release.

Your mindset is the reason why things continue to be how it is.

Why not suspend the playoffs? What are we losing out on? Watching 10 rich guys playing basketball while we are fed commercial after commercial is more important that the crux of this controversy?

A super rich white bigot who for 30 years discriminated against minorities got fined and banned.

Ok it's over.

Time for the playoffs.

Time to camp out for the next Jordan release.

Dude ...

Lets say they suspend the playoff ... Who is actually hurting? The rich owners? Rich players? No ... The fans the employees that are depending on those checks the city/town the small business and their employees etc etc etc ... Bigger picture my dude ....smh
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