Lance Armstrong / Cheating in Sports / Cheating in Life

he said some pretty nasty things about the people that accused him of cheating. he also said some pretty nasty things about his teamates that got caught cheating and tried to out him too. Scumbag Lance
Random but does anyone remember the episode on Arthur with "Vance Legstrong?" Made him seem like the most righteous hardest working person ever. Kind of ironic in hindsight. dude was such an idol for kids like myself.
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I care as little about cycling as the next person. Anyone trying to downplay his domination of the sport is a damn fool though. As if he was the only one to get his hands on those fabulous goods to make him superhuman :rofl:. Who gives a **** honestly
Random but does anyone remember the episode on Arthur with "Vance Legstrong?" Made him seem like the most righteous hardest working person ever. Kind of ironic in hindsight. dude was such an idol for kids like myself.

But the thing was, Lance was crazy hard working. That's the main reason he own all those Tours. All his major competition was juicy too and his main rival Jan Ulrich was more talent than Lance but was lazy an undisciplined.

Lance didn't take a short cut to success.
But the thing was, Lance was crazy hard working. That's the main reason he own all those Tours. All his major competition was juicy too and his main rival Jan Ulrich was more talent than Lance but was lazy an undisciplined.

Lance didn't take a short cut to success.

Couldnt agree more with that
Besides his arrogance, it is kinda hard to hate the dude.

I dunno why he created Livestrong, but it the fact that he did is very very commendable

Wasn't that basically a Nike marketing campaign?

All the proceeds went to cancer patients and research

NONE of the proceeds went to cancer research. Livestrong was all about 'raising awareness' of cancer.

There is a lot of controversey about the (charity) and (Lance's pocket money) thing too. There are tons of stories about speaker fees that people thought were going to charity that actually ended up in his pocket because they didn't know the difference. His private jet and a few other things were a bit shady too.
lance just wants to compete in triathlons, he probably doesn't give a damn about what the public thinks about his record at this point which is why he is finally agreeing to do an interview with Oprah. although he is probably doing so with advice from his lawyers.
bonds doesn't need to come clean, everyone knows he used and we don't care. the issue with lance was how adamant he was that he wasn't doping and how he was pushed to the sky by the media as this outstanding hero that withstood the tests of adversity.
People definitely care about Bonds cheating. Not sure why you think they don't, he is always crucified for it

As for Lance, it is less the cheating and more his behaviors that others have posted. Guy wrecked many lives to try to save his 'image'
Can't believe you guys would support someone who ruined so many lives with his lies. He literally ruined other men's reputations and their families lives with his arrogance and lies.

Yeah so what if most athletes use something? They aren't ruining other people's lives while they are doing so, they are just messing with their owns. And the few that effect others get scrutinized everyday. Why should lance be different?

Was he a hard worker? Of course, one of the hardest working athletes ever. Was it admirable how he came back from cancer? Of course, it was inspirational. But I can't support a man who so arrogantly lied and covered up for his own *** for so many years. If it only affected his life it would be different, but
It DIdnt. It hurt a lot of people.

I admire his work ethic and resilience as an athlete but I don't admire him as a man.

IMO, there's more to life than just winning at all costs.
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Props to him for choosing Oprah Winfrey for his big interview. :lol:

This entire thing is still based on Lance's agenda and his handlers and lawyers' script. It's been thought out, brought to paper, edited, re worked, and lastly handed to Oprah for final sign off. They went to her, not the other way around.

I've always liked the Lance idea and been a casual fan but the reality is this man is a fraud who has buried himself so deep it is history-making. The fact that he has a national foundation to stand behind, cancer survivors clinging to his inspiration, media outlets he has sued (and settled) for slander, and companies now lining up to sue him for everything he is worth makes this so much more than a Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens, etc - - guys who just did what they did and then more or less hid out to be forgotten about.

If anyone wants to read (another) good read on Lance please check this out:
so did he own up to cheating on Oprah

eitherway, i still support him .

Not aired yet - think it's 9pm ET on Thursday.

It'll be nothing more than a propaganda piece - him asking for forgiveness but not actually apologising or trying to repair anything. It's for his ego and his lawyers have told him to do it.
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with all those livestrong yellow wristbands they sold, you would think they'd have enough money for a cure for cancer already . . .
AUSTIN, Texas (AFP) — Fallen cycling hero Lance Armstrong personally apologized Monday to staff members of the Livestrong cancer charity ahead of an interview with talk show diva Oprah Winfrey.

“Lance came to the Livestrong Foundation’s headquarters today for a private conversation with our staff and offered a sincere and heartfelt apology for the stress they’ve endured because of him,” Livestrong spokeswoman Rae Bazzarre told AFP.

She added that Armstrong — a cancer survivor who co-founded the charity in 1997 — urged Livestrong staffers “to keep up their great work fighting for people affected by cancer.”

Does he need money?  Is he trying to return to racing for money?

How old is he? He can compete for what another 5-7 years?

I'm just confused to why he should be worried about fessing up and returning to racing if he has money and he's old.
He is doing for two major reason

1. He wants to do triathlons and marathons. Currently organizers of events don't feel comfortable in having him participate so by coming clean he hopes it is be a step in the right direction to him being let back into those events

2. He is going to try to parlay this into some kinda book deal. Explaining why he kept up the lie.

Like I said a million times, I don't think Lance did any serious enough to deserve this public outrage. I'm a huge cycling fan and I came to terms wit Lance being juicy from all the way back in 1993. Lance didn't win those Tours because of the sauce. He worked for them, no matter how big a douche he was and how much money he made of his fame, I still admire him.

There is a reason they aren't giving his yellow jerseys to other riders
He is doing for two major reason

1. He wants to do triathlons and marathons. Currently organizers of events don't feel comfortable in having him participate so by coming clean he hopes it is be a step in the right direction to him being let back into those events

2. He is going to try to parlay this into some kinda book deal. Explaining why he kept up the lie.

Like I said a million times, I don't think Lance did any serious enough to deserve this public outrage. I'm a huge cycling fan and I came to terms wit Lance being juicy from all the way back in 1993. Lance didn't win those Tours because of the sauce. He worked for them, no matter how big a douche he was and how much money he made of his fame, I still admire him.

There is a reason they aren't giving his yellow jerseys to other riders
ok I didn't know he did triathlons I was just thinking cycling. 

That book deal should be good money
Can't believe you guys would support someone who ruined so many lives with his lies. He literally ruined other men's reputations and their families lives with his arrogance and lies.

Yeah so what if most athletes use something? They aren't ruining other people's lives while they are doing so, they are just messing with their owns. And the few that effect others get scrutinized everyday. Why should lance be different?

Was he a hard worker? Of course, one of the hardest working athletes ever. Was it admirable how he came back from cancer? Of course, it was inspirational. But I can't support a man who so arrogantly lied and covered up for his own *** for so many years. If it only affected his life it would be different, but
It DIdnt. It hurt a lot of people.

I admire his work ethic and resilience as an athlete but I don't admire him as a man.

IMO, there's more to life than just winning at all costs.

At the end of the day no one is asking you to admire him as a man. Dude is a total stranger, who excelled in his field unless you know him personally. All that extra **** has taken over, yall be way too deep in peoples lives to think they are actually suppose to be these perfect human beings. Lance is no different than Mike as a person at the end of the day
Chris Froome's wife hit the nail on the head:

Have my doubts about this "confession", but lets face it, @lancearmstrong isn't the problem, the fact that he never tested positive is.

Rumor is that's what he's going to give to USADA to reduce his ban. He needs to give them the details and bring down the whole house.
Props to him for choosing Oprah Winfrey for his big interview. :lol:

This entire thing is still based on Lance's agenda and his handlers and lawyers' script. It's been thought out, brought to paper, edited, re worked, and lastly handed to Oprah for final sign off. They went to her, not the other way around.

I've always liked the Lance idea and been a casual fan but the reality is this man is a fraud who has buried himself so deep it is history-making. The fact that he has a national foundation to stand behind, cancer survivors clinging to his inspiration, media outlets he has sued (and settled) for slander, and companies now lining up to sue him for everything he is worth makes this so much more than a Barry Bonds or Roger Clemens, etc - - guys who just did what they did and then more or less hid out to be forgotten about.

If anyone wants to read (another) good read on Lance please check this out:


Why is it so hard to understand why people are upset? He gave people this false inspiration that they too can battle back from cancer and become champions. That the battle does not just end the moment they are given a clean bill of health. These same people who dumped millions into whatever product or org that had his name or liverstrong on it have a right to be in uproar. He's a scumbag, and I hope they never let him compete in anything again. People try to rationalize it by saying everyone else in that sport was juicing, so Im suppose to laud him because he's the best of the cheaters? c'mon. And like someone said before, really doesn't help my opinion of him as a man when he walked around with the holier than thou persona
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anyone that keeps up w/ cycling should know this but Lance is a straight up arrogant *******....if he didn't do so many people dirty then he would've gotten somewhat of a pass in the public opinion but like I said.....dude denied **** and have done so many people wrong....i'm glad the livestrong organization is rocking w/o him and I don't feel sorry for him one bit....
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