Lance Armstrong / Cheating in Sports / Cheating in Life

Imagine playing poker with te'o and lance at the same table....who's got the goods and who's lyin!?
He will get hammered for this and this clown admitted it wasn't possible to win 7 in a row without doping and taking other things. All you fans should take a walk in all of his victims shoes to really feel what this guy did to their sport and lives. F him and livestrong. More like Lielong if you ask me. Hope this clown gets everything he deserves plus more.
Yeah I think this is why he waited so long as well. Smart move if that's the case.

I believe the USPS is working on a case now for recouping endorsement money from him and his team. I do not believe that this has expired.

Yeah I'm pretty sure all his sponsors are knocking on his door looking to recoup all their money.

I was just wondering will he do any jail time for perjury or has it been long enough for statue of limitations to come into play.
I think Lance getting sued and having to come out his pockets big time should be where this ends, and him snitching on who in the UCI covered for him. I don't want to see him go to jail and I don't think they should have a lifetime ban. 2 years yeah, but let him do marathons and triathlons so he can earn a living
I think Lance getting sued and having to come out his pockets big time should be where this ends, and him snitching on who in the UCI covered for him. I don't want to see him go to jail and I don't think they should have a lifetime ban. 2 years yeah, but let him do marathons and triathlons so he can earn a living
Just like he let guys like LeMond earn a living, right?
I think Lance getting sued and having to come out his pockets big time should be where this ends, and him snitching on who in the UCI covered for him. I don't want to see him go to jail and I don't think they should have a lifetime ban. 2 years yeah, but let him do marathons and triathlons so he can earn a living
Just like he let guys like LeMond earn a living, right?

I'm not an expert in the Lemond/Armstrong situation but it seems to me it was Trek that really screwed over Greg

Much as I feel sorry for LeMond, but Lance warned him to back off and it was Trek's call to drop Lemond. All Trek had to do was let Lance leave for another company. They made a business decision and chose Lance over Greg.

Greg and Lance didn't like each other and Lemond was trying to **** wit Lance's money by throwing doubt on his accomplishments, so Lance ****** wit his. Let Greg sue Lance if he is so mad, but at the end of the day Trek, not Lance ****** Lemond over.

And Greg is always on his doping high horse, even though their are fishy things about his career he never wants pointed out. Soon as Lance was gone he set is sights on Contador
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I'm not an expert in the Lemond/Armstrong situation but it seems to me it was Trek that really screwed over Greg

Much as I feel sorry for LeMond, but Lance warned him to back off and it was Trek's call to drop Lemond. All Trek had to do was let Lance leave for another company. They made a business decision and chose Lance over Greg.

Greg and Lance didn't like each other and Lemond was trying to **** wit Lance's money by throwing doubt on his accomplishments, so Lance ****** wit his. Let Greg sue Lance if he is so mad, but at the end of the day Trek, not Lance ****** Lemond over.

And Greg is always on his doping high horse, even though their are fishy things about his career he never wants pointed out. Soon as Lance was gone he set is sights on Contador
C'mon man. Trek isn't at fault. It's Armstrong. Trek couldn't choose Lemond over Armstrong. Nobody would have.

Armstrong bullied his way to the top. He destroyed careers and reputations. As someone who competes in marathons, albeit casually, he shouldn't be able to set foot in a sanctioned race again. I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I were an elite triathlete competing against him.
I've been very interested in this story the past few days, can anyone tell me who and how he ruined people's lives?
I'm not an expert in the Lemond/Armstrong situation but it seems to me it was Trek that really screwed over Greg

Much as I feel sorry for LeMond, but Lance warned him to back off and it was Trek's call to drop Lemond. All Trek had to do was let Lance leave for another company. They made a business decision and chose Lance over Greg.

Greg and Lance didn't like each other and Lemond was trying to **** wit Lance's money by throwing doubt on his accomplishments, so Lance ****** wit his. Let Greg sue Lance if he is so mad, but at the end of the day Trek, not Lance ****** Lemond over.

And Greg is always on his doping high horse, even though their are fishy things about his career he never wants pointed out. Soon as Lance was gone he set is sights on Contador
C'mon man. Trek isn't at fault. It's Armstrong. Trek couldn't choose Lemond over Armstrong. Nobody would have.

Armstrong bullied his way to the top. He destroyed careers and reputations. As someone who competes in marathons, albeit casually, he shouldn't be able to set foot in a sanctioned race again. I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I were an elite triathlete competing against him.

C'mon man what? The only leverage Lance had in the situation was to say "Pick one, me or Greg" if it is Greg I'm leaving for a new company. Trek made the final decision, not Lance. How the **** does Lance get blame for doing what most athletes do all the time "me or him".

WTF bullied his way to the top? Of cycling? **** NO!!!. He work to get to the top of cycling. He was protecting his brand and ran over people to do it, that was the scumbag move, that he should pay for. And the only way he can do that is to come out his pockets. But if you gonna leave the man broke, at least give him a opportunity to support himself in the future. Especially when dudes got sweetheart deals to testify against Lance

If they reduce his ban to 2 years, and if they catch him doping again, he is really gone for good. And every blood test he takes would now have a million eyes on it. He'll be the cleanest guy in the race probably. Anyone should feel comfortable going up against him in the future
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:lol: Ok man. You win. The guy who bribed officials to not have drug tests be positive and threaten people's livelihoods if they talked didn't bully his way to the top. Gotcha.
:lol: Ok man. You win. The guy who bribed officials to not have drug tests be positive and threaten people's livelihoods if they talked didn't bully his way to the top. Gotcha.

Smh, Brah your mind is made up so nothing I say will get through to you. Lance won on a fair playing field, no what what he did to protect his brand/his money doesn't take away from his accomplishments to me.

You hate Lance, find, whatever. But stop acting like I'm the one being unreasonable, because that would be you.
I've been very interested in this story the past few days, can anyone tell me who and how he ruined people's lives?

Basically any and everyone who called him on cheating and using EPO, doping, etc. was vehemently attacked character wise and sued for libel and slandering Lance's holy image in the media as well as the courts. He and his team of lawyers used smear campaigns and knowingly attacked people and their wives too for being liars, jealous, even called some of em ******, etc.

There's Frankie Andeu:

Frankie Andreu, who captained the US Postal team along with Armstrong from 1998-2000, said that he and has wife Betsy had been "ripped apart by Lance and all of his people and all his supporters repeatedly" for having the courage to speak what is now being recognised as the truth about the rider's doping.
"And it's not only us, he's ruined a lot of people lives."
Betsy Andreu was one of the first people to publicly accuse Armstrong of using performance-enhancing drugs.
She testified in a case brought by SCA Promotions challenging a multi-million dollar bonus paid to Armstrong in 2005.
Mrs Andreu said Armstrong admitted in an Indiana hospital room in 1996 that he had taken many performance-enhancing drugs, a claim Armstrong vehemently denied.
"We were put through the ringer. We were a public target for the past 8-10 years and it wasn't fair. It's not fun fighting for your good name on a daily basis," she said.
"It takes away from your family, it zaps your energy, it weighs on you emotionally and mentally. But in the end we did the right thing. We bypassed the financial gain for the peace within."

Read more:

Tyler Hamilton:

Tyler Hamilton, another former teammate whose testimony helped get Armstrong banned from cycling for life, said that while the disgraced athlete did the right thing by 'fessing up, he still deserves all the repercussions he's feeling.

"I think it's a huge, huge first step for Lance Armstrong. For a lot of people, it's raw. I've known about it for a long time, since 1998," Hamilton told Today.

"You can tell, it's real. He's very emotional and he's definitely sorry. I don't know. I think it's going to be a hard next few weeks for him, next few months, years. He did the right thing, finally. And it's never too late to tell the truth."

Still at issue is if Armstrong strong-armed people into covering up dirty test results for him — a charge from which Hamilton refuses to back down.

"It was a dirty, dirty time in cycling. But I stand by what I said, he did pay off people to cover up dirty tests. He deserves to lose everything and have his results wiped out from all the times he was doping — as do I," Hamilton admitted.

And I'm sure there's many many other people too....dude is just the ultimate fraud :lol: :smh: I have zero respect for him, yeah glad he beat cancer and the foundation is great but its all been developed under lies, who cares if everyone else did it too, Lance was vehement in his innocence even when eeeeeveryone else was getting caught or coming clean implicating themselves.
Frankie Andreu and Hamilton both dope too though. Hamilton is under a lifetime ban.

Tyler's reputation is sheet, with or without Lance
I am more mad at the whole Livestrong scam basically than him actually using steriods.
Greg and Lance didn't like each other and Lemond was trying to **** wit Lance's money by throwing doubt on his accomplishments, so Lance ****** wit his. Let Greg sue Lance if he is so mad, but at the end of the day Trek, not Lance ****** Lemond over.

And Greg is always on his doping high horse, even though their are fishy things about his career he never wants pointed out. Soon as Lance was gone he set is sights on Contador

Greg's argument with Lance had nothing to do with money - he didn't want to be tarred with the same brush as a cheater.

There is no evidence (other than hearsay) that Greg doped to win 3 tours - EPO wasn't around at the time and he retired the year it hit the peloton when he turned up at a Tour in great shape and suddenly couldn't keep up.

Trek forced him out. Wasn't even a choice.

Found that presentation I mentioned a few days ago. It's not as bad as I remember but it's basically he said/she said - and it turns out Greg was right all along.

View media item 224982
You can see the whole thing here -
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Greg and Lance didn't like each other and Lemond was trying to **** wit Lance's money by throwing doubt on his accomplishments, so Lance ****** wit his. Let Greg sue Lance if he is so mad, but at the end of the day Trek, not Lance ****** Lemond over.

And Greg is always on his doping high horse, even though their are fishy things about his career he never wants pointed out. Soon as Lance was gone he set is sights on Contador

Greg's argument with Lance had nothing to do with money - he didn't want to be tarred with the same brush as a cheater.

There is no evidence (other than hearsay) that Greg doped to win 3 tours - EPO wasn't around at the time and he retired the year it hit the peloton when he turned up at a Tour in great shape and suddenly couldn't keep up.

Trek forced him out. Wasn't even a choice.

Found that presentation I mentioned a few days ago. It's not as bad as I remember but it's basically he said/she said - and it turns out Greg was right all along.

View media item 224982
You can see the whole thing here -

Brah what I meant was at the time Greg and Lance were beefing, They was the same amount of suspicion on Greg accomplishments as was on Lance's at the time.

-his anemia being cured suddenly,
-His Giro v. Tour result after the comeback
-him STILL having the fastest time trial in Tour history,
-how he claims he couldn't keep up wit a field full of dopers but he beat them in 89 and 90, but when testing picked up it was too much for him to compete
-His sudden unexplained fall off and the many theories he had to why did happen

Also EPO was believed to come into use as early as 1988, was common in 1990, and used heavily by 1993. Plus blood doping was around, test and amphetamines Not trying to make him look like a juicer, but their where suspicions about Greg same as Lance at the time.

Greg throws dirt on everyone's accomplishments because he feels EPO cheated him outta being a 5 time tour winner, especially since Lance was working with the doctor that he believes juiced up his opponents and gave him/Lemond no chance anymore. That's his prime motivation for questioning Lance; he was doing it with Indurain, Ullrich, and he does it now with Contador.

Finally what I'm saying it was Trek's final decision not Lance, they could have stood up to Lance, but like errbody else they folded. Lance is a d-bag for forcing the situation but Greg but himself in the crosshairs and Lance warned him to chill. Lemond was a millionaire beefing wit another millionaire, and one made a power move on another. I feel bad for Greg but please don't paint him like some anti-doping crusader than got screwed by the bully Lance for saying what others dare not say.

Trek made the call, Trek gets most of the blame.
What I dont get is why did he admit it? If I was him and a doctor came on national television and said I was doping I could care less if I was retired.
I'd just keep quiet and probably pick up and move to another country with my millions living care free for the rest of my life.
Also will the sponsors ask for their money back?
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