[:: LAKERS 2014 THREAD | POLL: Who Should Coach Next Year? ::]


  • Mike _'Antoni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stan Van Gundy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Byron Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Karl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jerry Sloan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kurt Rambis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nate McMillan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doug Collins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • College Coach (Mention Name and School)...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
My favorite ice cream?


Like last night, I had frozen yogurt from a froyo shop.

Started the container off w/ pistachio + white chocolate yogurt.


- cashews

- mini pnb cups

- mini raspberry filled cups

- mini caramel cups

- dark chocolate bits

- hot fudge topping

Mixed it up.

Topped w/ caramel hard shell

And it was frozen yogurt, so it was healthy.

Obviously, that's all kinds of flavors mixed together.

My favorite BASIC combination?

Cookie dough + mint chip 

*waits for CP's "Man, just pass me some vanilla. The hell is all that raspberry marmalade nutrageous **** ? Thought we was talking ice cream."*
I don't get down with vanilla, but I'm not tryna walk down a grocery isle droppin **** into my cup neither.

Lemme get some starburst, some gummie bears, couple tomatoes, some sugar, bleach, some jerky, those little smell good air freshener trees, and some popcorn all over my yogurt. :smh:

Come on man.
you can't say you got all of those toppings and call it healthy
Are you also telling me that oatmeal w/ brown sugar + butter isn't healthy?

How 'bout a salad w/ 2 kinds of cheeses, some ranch, bacon, a hard boiled egg, and croutons? Also not healthy?
Check your sarcasm meter, bruh.
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you can't say you got all of those toppings and call it healthy :lol:
Are you also telling me that oatmeal w/ brown sugar + butter isn't healthy?

How 'bout a salad w/ 2 kinds of cheeses, some ranch, bacon, a hard boiled egg, and croutons? Also not healthy?

Check your sarcasm meter, bruh.

hell if i know if you're being sarcastic or not :lol:

my comment was made in jest hence the emoticon
I know Kevin Love's stats and numbers.
I've seen the charts, the graphs, the averages, the pictures, the videos, the efficiency etc. I know this guy is a stat sheet

But if we're going to criticize players like
Jabari for not playing good defense why would we ever consider Love when it's clear he can't play a lick of defense?

Just curious. Because when he has a great game were quick to make fun of ska sarcastically and post his game log.

But when he has an awful game like last nights against an atrocious Knicks team
who had lost every game they've played for weeks prior to the game, we just ignore and move on.

He was awful on both sides of the court last night.
Against the Knicks.
The Knicks. Who can't stop anyone.

Don't get me wrong I still want Love in 2015.

But if we're going to be "fair" and ask people like me to give MDA praise when he does good (which a coach should), and not just point out the bad...

Then why are we being hypocrits ignoring the bad of Kevin Love's game?

I know he's beasted recently.
He's a board machine. He's a great shooter. He's a great player.
But he has flaws.

But anytime someone brings up his flaws they are laughed at as if Love is a perfect basketball player and makes no mistake.

One minute basketball is a team sport and you can't do it on your own (what Love's supporters claim), but then the next minute stats are "meaningless" and "empty" if they're on a losing team (like Pau's case).

It's pretty convenient that you can pick and choose what you believe based on what player you're discussing.

Pau's nice stats right now are meaningless because the team sucks. So him being productive when the coach is forced
To make him the focal point doesn't mean crap because the team sucks too

Yet Love's nice stats mean everything even though he can't even defeat a Knicks team that loses to every other pathetic franchise in the world. "It's just one game." Oh.

Again. We pick and choose what arguments we want to use based on what players we discuss.

This isn't a Kevin love vs. Pau post.
Pau is done as a Laker. His career is almost a wrap. Love > Gasol by miles at this point in their careers obviously. So don't get started with that. I AM NOT COMPARING THEM AS PLAYERS (yeah you cp, I know that would be your first response to this post... Laughing Emoticons with sarcastic "Pau > love" nonsense :smh: :lol: )

But don't set such an obvious Double standard.

If one players stats don't mean anything on a bad team the others shouldn't either.

If one players stats do mean something on a bad team, then the others should as well.

That's all I'm saying.

You guys sat there and mocked me for always pointing the bad in MDA and never the good (yet even though coaches are paid to do good, for him we should through a parade and recogniZe a few great coaching moments among all of the bad). We'll okay, I'll point out more positives.

But stop the double standard.

You wanna point out all the good in Love? Cool. Then talk about the bad and stop sweeping it under the rug to avoid ruining the "Love to LA 2015" case.

Again. I'm in support of Kevin joining our team. With Jabari and someone like love we'd start a great new era (minus the lack of

Just stop the double standards.
Ska points out a few things he doesn't like
About him and everyone went crazy with the mockery as if Love is a god and has no flaws :lol:

Just be consistent. Discuss
The bad along with the good just like
You ask of us with MDA.
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Man, it's 12:10 in the afternoon, how are you drunk already? :lol:

Who swept what under what rug last night? What are you talking about?
Man, it's 12:10 in the afternoon, how are you drunk already? :lol:

Who swept what under what rug last night? What are you talking about?

You waste no time posting his stats with some
kind of sarcastic jab at Ska or anyone else whose mentioned any flaws in his game. Some "but he took threes..." Type sarcasm.

cool, it's all jokes. We love jokes.
I ain't mad.

But when he has awful games....against awful teams...

*crickets from CP*

Where's the sarcasm then?

Then when he is having another nice game...
"Love killing it.
But he shoots too much :nerd: ..."

That's all I'm saying. That's the equivalent of sweeping under a rug. You mention many great nights in here, in this very thread.
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