[:: LAKERS 2014 THREAD | POLL: Who Should Coach Next Year? ::]


  • Mike _'Antoni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stan Van Gundy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Byron Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Karl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jerry Sloan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kurt Rambis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nate McMillan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doug Collins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • College Coach (Mention Name and School)...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
from what I understand about the repeater tax it doesn't further inhibit a team's ability to sign anyone as long as they have the cap space. it just comes with a hefty price tag. that article that came out a few weeks ago from either ramona or ding talking about how the yankees just spent stupid money reloading their roster foreshadowed this, though some were either in denial or too close minded to accept it.

if I am correct in my understanding of the tax, why should any Laker fan really give a damn? cry about any basketball related moves you want, that's somewhat reasonable.

but to cry about how a billion dollar franchise wants to spend its money in order to put out a quality product? criticizing their business decisions? who cares? the Lakers have directly and indirectly stated they don't give a damn about the tax and will acquire whoever they want/can regardless.
CP :smh: :lol:

just because you want something to happen, doesn't mean it CAN happen. THIS is why people complain about lakers and their fans. you think people are lining up to help the lakers? these "assets" have been bad mouthed by PLENTY of people, and all of a sudden you want people to take this trash off the lakers hands? :lol:

***** laughable.

THIS has been the "plan" since the beginning of the season. the one you said the lakers were on track for. before these reports of thinking the lakers could possibly get under the luxury tax, everything was fine and dandy. were at the same exact spot we were (minus the albatross of kobe's contract - i'll give you that one) planned to be at the end of the season. good draft pick and contracts off the books. all of a sudden mitch has failed us? :lol:

ya'll complaining just to complain. arm chair GM's :lol:

Naw. See, I complain about those who no matter what, just blindly back ****.

I don't do that.

I go off what's happening, not what happened.

I RAILED them for Mike Brown. I'm cool with Mike D.

I RAILED them for Kobe's contract. While I would like them to deal Swaggy, I'm ok if they keep him.

I praised the **** out of Mitch for Ariza, Pau, Dwight, Shannon, etc. Hell, even some of these guys like X and Marshall.

I praise when needed, and rail when warranted.

I do NOT, I repeat DO NOT just blindly back every thing they do, cuz, Lakers. I am not, and will not ever be that blind person. I speak on what goes on league wide, trend wise, and how we are interpreted around the league. And newsflash, it ain't goin so good right now.

But read some of these guys, and everything great, no matter what.

That's not what I'm about. I've said it a million times, I say what is on my mind. I would love, LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE for Mitch to prove me wrong. Nothing will make me happier.

But when I get proven right, then what?

Half this God damn thread had us in the playoffs this year, some has us with HOMECOURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For weeks, weeks man, we been sayin to move these vets. Get them out, get them gone, I know we wasn't gonna get Paul George for Kaman or some ****, I know teams won't line up to help us, but they will make deals, ala GS made a deal, to make their team better. Mitch asked for too much, every single time, and ended up with not a damn thing.

But it's cool, we have 1 single pick. (that half this thread, again, didn't even care to enhance) , they just wanted that #12 pick or some ****, NOW they all about gettin a good one. Funny how that works for them. :lol:
How so?

By getting his players to play hard like a professional basketball coach being paid 5 million dollars a year is supposed to do?


Cool, the Head Coach of the LA Lakers was able to push those NBDL players to only lose by 30 instead of 35?

Cool, he got us to play hard and win a few games we had no business doing. That's good. He's actually earning a little bit of his PROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL HEAD COACH salary. Should he not?

I mean.
What "greatness" is he exuding?

We all know even Phil Jackson would suck with this team. But Phil wins with talent.

D'Antoni never has.

Show me the resume of greatness you are eluding to.

He's a MEDIOCRE head coach AT BEST but a brilliant offensive mind. He might go down as one of the best offensive minds in nba history. Of course he can bring out a lot
Of the young talent offensively.
He got paid 5 million to do so, so congrats to MDA for at least doing something productive.

But what greatness has he shown as a head coach?

Winning 17 games? You don't think other great coaches couldn't have gotten the same
Level IF NOT BETTER of effort out of these players? Is that a hall of fame contribution to our franchise? Calling a few fabulous plays out of time outs and pushing them to play hard LIKE A COACH SHOULD?

Is he special?

Oh that's right, if he had Rondo and Gortat he'd have multiple rings.
I think D'antoni is doing a great job this season. Just my opinion. 

Also, the perception of a player and coach changes so drastically after winning a championship. Look at Dirk and Doc Rivers for two perfect examples. Before winning in 2011, Dirk got so much criticism. After 2011, he seems untouchable. Before 2008 where Boston put together that Big 3, Rivers was about to get fired basically. Now look at him, people consider him one of the greatest coaches in the NBA now. I do think Thibs was probably more important than Rivers in Boston, but this isn't brought up much. 

I bring all this up because in 2007, I really think the Suns should have beat the Spurs, and they would've went on to the finals, and easily handled the Cavs. Everything that could have went wrong for that team went wrong. Even before the whole leaving bench suspension thing, Nash got a busted nose in a tight game (the Suns were losing, but it was super close) and he couldn't return because the bleeding wouldn't stop. Another game, I believe game 3 was poorly officiated. We as Laker fans (we have no right to IMO) always complain about the refs. The Suns in that game had a serious argument about the refs at least. I'm sure there's a video of it on youtube somewhere. I remember Simmons I think calling it one of the worst officiated games he seen. And on top of that, you had Bruce Bowen hitting Nash in the groin and not getting suspended one game, while Amare, and Diaw step onto the court and get suspended. The game where Amare and Diaw didn't play, once again was an extremely close game. Also a totally different point, people always say the Suns were loaded, they should have won. I don't really agree with that statement. I don't think they were loaded, but they weren't chumps either. It was a combo of their talent and how they were run by D'antoni that made them who they were. ,A totally different point but in their prime, 2006, Amare was out the whole season. No one brings this up either. If D'antoni had won that year, the perception of him would have been totally different. Don't even bring up the Knicks tenure. For some reason they cannot build a competent roster. 

Now, with all that said, I agree with you LTB. I don't think he's a championship caliber coach, at least for THIS team. The biggest gripe with him for me is that more than basketball X and O's which I find him to be great at, I don't think he can manage players. He seems to be too nice of a guy or sometimes he just says the wrong thing. Beyond that, I don't think he does well with a ball dominant player on his team such as a Kobe. He also doesn't want a ball stopping form of an offense, such as posting up. He wants ball movement constantly and this works well with a roster set up like Phoenix. No true superstar, just a lot of good players. I can't verbalize it properly, but even with all the pros I just stated, I don't think he's a championship caliber coach. I don't see him as a coach for the future. Maybe, it's because I'm set up to think post ups, slow down offense, and less pick and roll is how you win ships, since that's what I witnessed with Phil. I'm probably programmed to think this way. I do hope he proves me wrong. I'm rooting for the guy, especially with all the unwarranted criticism he gets. 

Now, the biggest question is to all you D'antoni haters. Who would you guys want to coach this team? Don't say Phil. I wanted Phil when they fired Brown, but it doesn't make sense. We need to move on and find someone who is going to be here for the long haul. Phil is way too old/sick. I understood the direction the team went with when they made the decision. You want someone 100% committed and that can be coach for the future, not one or two years or else you're in this cycle again. Oh and some Phil hate (only playfully of course), I hate when I hear people constantly criticize our defense and point to D'antoni. Sure, he should get some of the blame, but we just don't have any defenders on this team. Talent is what wins games. I also remember specifically us getting murdered on pick and rolls with Phil at the helm CONSTANTLY. Remember that last year? Why was Chris Paul dancing on Bynum and Pau, GAME AFTER GAME? Na not Phil's fault. 
That's not what I'm about. I've said it a million times, I say what is on my mind. I would love, LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE for Mitch to prove me wrong. Nothing will make me happier.

But when I get proven right, then what?


man....when it was leaked that pau was traded for Bynum and it looked like you were right about the Lakers tanking, I gave you your props and admitted I was wrong.

now when what you wanted/expected to happen didn't go down all you do is throw ***** fits
Noticing a trend in LA media,

Lots of Phil Jackson talk
You know what's funny.

That most of us all agree with each other on one Laker related argument and disagree with the same person on another Laker argument.

My view on Kobe and his legacy is identical with CP.
My view on MDA's "legacy" is complete opposite of cp.

My view of Kobe is opposite of Ska.
My view or MDA is completely identical to ska.

So on and so on.
It's like we team up with the same people we argue against for certain topics.

Over and over again.

Circle of Laker Thread life :lol:
You know what's funny.

That most of us all agree with each other on one Laker related argument and disagree with the same person on another Laker argument.

My view on Kobe and his legacy is identical with CP.
My view on MDA's "legacy" is complete opposite of cp.

My view of Kobe is opposite of Ska.
My view or MDA is completely identical to ska.

So on and so on.
It's like we team up with the same people we argue against for certain topics.

Over and over again.

Circle of Laker Thread life
This is exact same for me.
Noticing a trend in LA media,

Lots of Phil Jackson talk :nerd:

We love to talk about winners...Phil was a winner. They should have took Phil when D-12 came.

It didn't happen. So give the guy you have a chance.

With all of the injuries this year and the talent MDA has...I think he has done an OK job.

This team just stinks. 2 of our best players have been gone most of the year. Had some good wins to start but it faded. Can't stay on top forever...But we ALWAYS find a way back.

Let's Go Lakers. (they still have to beat the celtics...I will never accept a loss to the C's) LOL
You know what's funny.

That most of us all agree with each other on one Laker related argument and disagree with the same person on another Laker argument.

My view on Kobe and his legacy is identical with CP.
My view on MDA's "legacy" is complete opposite of cp.

My view of Kobe is opposite of Ska.
My view or MDA is completely identical to ska.

So on and so on.
It's like we team up with the same people we argue against for certain topics.

Over and over again.

Circle of Laker Thread life :lol:

It's why I never understood you and Ska tellin me I don't ever agree with nobody or listen to opposing views.

I listen to plenty, but I just oppose some views, and agree with others. Based on my beliefs.

It's not the person I disagree with, it's the topic. It's always been that way, but for a while y'all were on that black and white kick and I was labeled for it. :lol: :lol:
Let's just all watch tonight's game, not in HD, and pretend the guy out there with the mini-fro is a young Kobe :smokin

The future is bright
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Noticing a trend in LA media,

Lots of Phil Jackson talk
We love to talk about winners...Phil was a winner. They should have took Phil when D-12 came.

It didn't happen. So give the guy you have a chance.

With all of the injuries this year and the talent MDA has...I think he has done an OK job.

This team just stinks. 2 of our best players have been gone most of the year. Had some good wins to start but it faded. Can't stay on top forever...But we ALWAYS find a way back.

Let's Go Lakers. (they still have to beat the celtics...I will never accept a loss to the C's) LOL
Agreed. I will not vote for lakers to lose tonight. Despise the Celtics

Mason and Max are strong with the phil jackson talk.
Watching this Clippers-Grizzlies game, look no further than the talent disparity between a top pick (Blake Griffin) and late lottery pick (Ed Davis).
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