Laker Haters & Kobe Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by bdis1986

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

if your a warriors fan you should be banned from discussing basketball amongst contending teams.

on the clock 16 times in the 17 years, you guys should be more worried about your team becoming relevant then worrying about other teams. typical loser fanbase mentality.

but since this thread isn't considered trolling i might as well mess around and make a "Heat Haters And Lebron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread) " and go at it with air fresh and a few others the rest of the playoffs.

CC ohhh this isn't like you man ..??

  it would be more of a going at it with the lebron fans in the heat celtics thread if anything.

the miami/ lebron fans got something to cheer about, so if you guys win the title. heat lebron fans could pop off all they want and it would be fine by me.

but these golden state warrior fans are pathetic.

im going to put it in bold big lettering because it's a fact.


lol this tool is seriously ignorant. 
what does his team not being good have to do with his opinion on winning basketball? you act like he only watches 1 team whole year..

smh lol at once my friend...
Originally Posted by JD617


If Dallas pulls this off, it would be a hell of a consolation prize if the Celtics are done. I'm not celebrating yet though. We've seen Dallas blow a 2-0 lead before...
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by bdis1986

CC ohhh this isn't like you man ..??

  it would be more of a going at it with the lebron fans in the heat celtics thread if anything.

the miami/ lebron fans got something to cheer about, so if you guys win the title. heat lebron fans could pop off all they want and it would be fine by me.

but these golden state warrior fans are pathetic.

im going to put it in bold big lettering because it's a fact.


lol this tool is seriously ignorant. 
what does his team not being good have to do with his opinion on winning basketball? you act like he only watches 1 team whole year..

smh lol at once my friend...

my meat and nuts,  you've been riding them and trying to e hop on them for a few years now. 

please hop off.
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by JumpmanFromDaBay

then I guess ur opinion on baseball is invalid since your a Mets fan

Well done, sir.

I don't really get why a Lakers fan would be upset in here. Trolling in your season thread is one thing, but what the hell did you think this thread was gonna be about?

What difference would it make if a fan of the Washington Generals bumped this? If you're a fan of the Lakers, Yankees, Cowboys, etc., you just have to accept that people everywhere are gonna hate your team. Comes with the territory. As a Celtics/Red Sox/Patriots fan, my teams are pretty high up on the hate chart too. But if there was an official Celtics Haters Unification thread, I just wouldn't click on it. I wouldn't go in there and argue with everyone who hates the Celtics. That just seems so stupid and pointless to me.

like i said earlier,  i was more heated in the moment from last night for going off on warriors fans the way i did but maybe it's just me or i think differently but if my team was on the clock right now i really wouldn't be popping off and then getting defensive when people bring up the fact that my team sucks.  at the end of thse day this thread was bumped by a warrior fan, i'll leave it at that.
Nobody got defensive. I thought it was funny to bring up that I'm a warriors fan cause Lakers fans on here are so predictable
It took this thread 3 seasons to finally gain some traction. Congrats... lakers will not win the title this year.

Eat it up.
confused on why opinions are considered valid/ invalid by what team you route for. Im pretty sure Franchize said this earlier but just cuz we route for one team doesnt mean we dont watch the rest of the league.

I love basketball. Love it. It doesnt matter which team is playing, i love basketball. I watch the warriors cuz they close to home. But Because im from the bay and they got a weak front office, means that im dumber than some bandwagon laker fan?
Dont mock intelligence based off what team they route for fam.
Originally Posted by WErunSF

confused on why opinions are considered valid/ invalid by what team you route for. Im pretty sure Franchize said this earlier but just cuz we route for one team doesnt mean we dont watch the rest of the league.

I love basketball. Love it. It doesnt matter which team is playing, i love basketball. I watch the warriors cuz they close to home. But Because im from the bay and they got a weak front office, means that im dumber than some bandwagon laker fan?
Dont mock intelligence based off what team they route for fam.
i semi retracted my statement on the last page since it was made right after the loss which probably wasn't the best time for me to post stuff.

all im saying is this, if this thread is being bumped by warrior fans they should expect not so flattering things to be said about the warriors and not act suprised when their said.

it's like a fat girl making fun of pretty girls only to get suprised when they remind her that she's fat
^^^^psssh dont be mad when that fat girl pulls a fast one and hands you a twinkie when you need it the most tho
Originally Posted by WErunSF

^^^^psssh dont be mad when that fat girl pulls a fast one and hands you a twinkie when you need it the most tho

   you just made my day with that one.   $@%* im hungry i wish a fat chick would bring me some twinkies right now 
Ha!! This thread is back, usually means some good luck to the Lakers.  Feeling good about this series now.  Thanks guys. 
 Let's go. 
 not surprised this was bumped by a troll.

granted, if it is actually the end of our reign then so be it. we had our fun, maybe its finally time for their fun.

ced, let it go bro.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

 not surprised this was bumped by a troll.

granted, if it is actually the end of our reign then so be it. we had our fun, maybe its finally time for their fun.

ced, let it go bro.
Unfortunately, I don't think a lot of Laker fans are going to see things the way you do.  If they lose, the minute it happens, I guarantee that L.A. sports talk radio is going to flooded with calls about overhauling the current Lakers roster, trading for Dwight Howard, etc.  As an L.A. native and local, I can tell you there's a lot of people around here who think the Lakers are entitled to be in the championship every year.

Originally Posted by lawdog1

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

 not surprised this was bumped by a troll.

granted, if it is actually the end of our reign then so be it. we had our fun, maybe its finally time for their fun.

ced, let it go bro.
Unfortunately, I don't think a lot of Laker fans are going to see things the way you do.  If they lose, the minute it happens, I guarantee that L.A. sports talk radio is going to flooded with calls about overhauling the current Lakers roster, trading for Dwight Howard, etc.  As an L.A. native and local, I can tell you there's a lot of people around here who think the Lakers are entitled to be in the championship every year.

i was just referring to this thread alone. i'm fully aware that nothing less than a championship is a failure. believe me i was living down there right after showtime in '91. i'm sure thats what the offseason will be if we dont 3peat. thats what happened in '03 when we went after malone and payton.    
After a good nights sleep...

 If i wasn't a Laker fan, i'd prolly be happy too right now. So its all good, laugh away homies.

Hope this thread brings us some good luck tho 
Yep, I'm with you LTB. Here's to hoping this thread backfires like the previous two years

Haters...[Joker] You complete us [Joker]
lawdog1 wrote:
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

 not surprised this was bumped by a troll.

granted, if it is actually the end of our reign then so be it. we had our fun, maybe its finally time for their fun.

ced, let it go bro.
Unfortunately, I don't think a lot of Laker fans are going to see things the way you do.  If they lose, the minute it happens, I guarantee that L.A. sports talk radio is going to flooded with calls about overhauling the current Lakers roster, trading for Dwight Howard, etc.  As an L.A. native and local, I can tell you there's a lot of people around here who think the Lakers are entitled to be in the championship every year.


I really don't think people get it.  You don't understand how 08, 04, 91, etc etc burn at my soul. 

Last year we won the title, 16 hours later, I was saying we need to try and get a Ray Allen, add a body down low, upgrade the bench, see if Bynum for Bosh is out there, etc etc.  16 hours......The damn parade hadn't even started yet. 

The losses stay with me more than the wins. 

I still remember 03.  I was devastated when Horry missed that shot in game 5.  DEVASTATED.  Horry don't miss those shots I told myself.  We shoulda won that game, and moved on to the next round, and then to the finals, and then we'da had 4 in a row. 

I lose plenty rooting for the Cubs.  I get losing.  I'm familiar.  But my Lakers, we don't lose.  And when we do, then I want it fixed, immediately. 

Hell, I know teams/fanbases that would jump for joy to get to a finals, even if they lose.  Least they got there.  No.  HELL no.  Win it all, or the entire season was a waste.  Sure you can take a positive look from things, we certainly "were back" in 08 after the couple first round losses to the Suns, great, but we lost.  We didn't have a parade.  We didn't get our name in the paper, Boston did.  @#$% that. 

You are right.  I expect, and flat out demand we win every single God damn year.  I don't care who gets pissed about it.  I hope we get Dwight, Chris Paul, Kevin Love, OJ Mayo, and Russell Westbrook someday.  Let everyone get mad at us for that.  I don't care. 

I want trophies.  At all costs. 
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