Ladies of has/has NT changed your perspective on guys?

There ARE men that can be trusted. I know I've never cheated on a girl because I expect the same from her. I also know I sometimes haven't received thesame respect back. Maybe there's something in the water over here in Chicago, but there is a HEFTY amount of triflin' girls. It pisses me off when agirl comes on to me knowing I not only know she has a man, but am cool with him. Another example is when you have broken up with a girl over trust issues, andthen she tries coming back while with someone else. It's like, have you not been paying attention?

At the same time, I know that not all females are this way. There are ladies among scallywags, you just have to be patient until you find one and not letmysogeny takeover your mindset.

But, like someone previously stated... Males can be dogs, and females can be female dogs.
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

i lied, I know about mytemouse and dunks87 i guess i didn't see their replies, if i remember correctly dunks is bad as hell
if you think dunks is bad, then you gotta look at her momma.

somebody post that pic
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

i lied, I know about mytemouse and dunks87 i guess i didn't see their replies, if i remember correctly dunks is bad as hell
if you think dunks is bad, then you gotta look at her momma.

somebody post that pic

no need to. avy check

nevermind it's not showing up yet.
LOL i def knew a lot about the male species before joining nt! LOl but i love the fact that most of you guys have a sense of humor and most of you are actuallyintellectuals. So that helps me to breathe easier cus most dudes are just dumb! So nt has proved that there's still hope for improvement
Originally Posted by dunks87

man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better now.
1. People can't be trusted, period. It's not a gender thing...
Yes we can, we just get ahead of ourselves and try to plan #!!% out. Can you blame us?
... I actually WIO on a girl once and I lost my virginity that day. But besides that, not every dude thinks new booty is the best thing in the world.Just most of us. It's not our fault though, we're just built that way.
4. Most of us. Well, just about everybody is insecure, actually.
5. Guys and girls speak two different languages, so I could say the same about girls. That's just one of those things that'll never change.
6. That's just plain bitterness

7. Huh?What do you mean? I don't even like virgins like that no more. I ain't got time for all that touchy sensitive bull #!!% no more. This ain'thighschool. I'm sure most of us prefer a lil experience.
... no comment (Is she serious?)
9. [/thread] That should have been number 1. You wouldn't have needed to go any further.
10. Anonymous gossiping is a male tradition on the low:lol:
Originally Posted by purplehazze96


This thread is comedy.

I'm in class so I'm not even gonna attempt to get my quote on.

First off any body male or female who thinks they've learned something about the opposite sex via experiences on this site, let me just say I feel sorry for you. I've learned a lot during my stint on NT however, I can't imagine how messed up my perception on life would be if I wasn't able to differentiate between what holds truth on this forum verses reality.

A lot of you have said things based off actual real life experiences. Stuff happens, !$%* goes bad, etc etc. To let a handful of experiences completely alter your view on one half of the population is ridiculous and shows a tremendous lack of maturity. Learn from your experiences, use them to your advantage, but don't let them turn you so bitter that you completely give up on the opposite sex. If you allow that then eh, you deserve what you get. From some of these responses it's fairly easy to tell the girls from the women and the boys from the men, and I'm not necessarily talking about age.

Originally Posted by apassionforshoes23

Originally Posted by EVERLASTiiNG

NT hasnt really changed my perspective on guys. some guys are shady, some arent. i think its in your hands to let a shady male or even female get to you.

to people who think ALL men/women are dogs/b***hes/snakes whatever...

imo id say you need to get to know the person BEFORE putting yourself in a vulnerable state in which they can hurt you. if you have a bad feeling or cant really trust them after getting to know them, id say end that relationship because it obviously will get you no where.

not to say every single person in my life is a wholesome person. yeah i have shady friends that are cool to chill with and party with but i know better not to put myself in a vulnerable situation with them.

i really think you should just get to know someone before anything.

if a dude is a dog, than yeah hes a dog.
but dont be mad at him because you didnt take the time to see it.
and just because one immature person hurt you, doesnt mean all men/women will.

i like your state of mind

lol thanks
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