**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Can you play the 'civil disagreement' game? I'd love to see it. :smile:
You won't last the season in here going at him, or anyone.
You have the choice to take that as a warning or a threat, and I can't control how you take it.
I do know that several people have you blocked, which is good on them, but still shows that something needs addressed so here we are.
I expect you to clap back at me with some sort of witty quip. And that will be fine, but the point will still stand.
Oh I sure can. You and I have had plenty of civil disagreements so you already know fam


Tell that to your buddy tupac003 tupac003 too will ya

I was minding my own dam business til the 🤡 chimed in right? Show me this was not the case. Seriously.

Did you give him the same message you're giving me?

Talk to that guy too

Be fair, be reasonable, and let's see if the others will act like grown men

Go back and see his INITIAL POST and don't tell me he wasn't coming at me

I will stand for civil disagreement but I will not tolerate unfairness.

Why did you not "warn" him for the post he made to start this whole thing? Now dude is saying he "accidentally saw my three posts?" LOL

Don't tell me his smart aleck remark wasn't a jab at my comments about bigs. Dude just cant help himself. I wasn't born yesterday

And FYI this ain't no witty quip either. This is the truth and FACT. REREAD all the posts AGAIN my friend and you tell me who initiated the jabbing.

I'm perfectly okay with you warning me. But I'm not okay when you stay silent towards him as well cause he ain't as innocent as he makes himself out to be either. And I don't care if he's been a member on NT for 30 years, that don't mean squat because he's been throwing jabs at me for a very long time if you've been paying any attention to people other than me

You and I have had plenty of civil conversations and civil disagreements so you know where I'm coming from. As a staff member I would expect you to moderate with total fairness, with zero amount of "favoritism", as I am aware some folks here are long time members.

Now I'm moving on. And my point stands. Let's not act like tupac003 tupac003 is 100% innocent and never throws jabs at me. Keep it a buck and be fair. Period.
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Wanted picks and not willing to take back salaries, Jesus.

$20-25 million for Demar?

I don't see the Lakers sending out $25 million in salary just to get a 35-year old Derozan.

My guess is Demar is out of the Laker picture if that's how much he wants to get paid for the next three years
Think D'lo gets dumped to into Brooklyn's TPE then DeMar gets traded into cap space. Possibly dump Gabe/JHS/picks to Utah for Sexton
There is money and there is a roster spot, all the Lakers woukd have needed to do is "dump" 1-2 players for Hield and boom, roster spot and room for his salary created.

Only problem is, Hield isn't worth a Vando or a Gabe imo especially since Lakers are already stacked with 1-way guards like Hield. Plus having Knecht nullifies any need to have Hield

If Lakers make a trade, common sense would think it would be for a Big
There is money and there is a roster spot, all the Lakers woukd have needed to do is "dump" 1-2 players for Hield and boom, roster spot and room for his salary created.

Only problem is, Hield isn't worth a Vando or a Gabe imo especially since Lakers are already stacked with 1-way guards like Hield. Plus having Knecht nullifies any need to have Hield

If Lakers make a trade, common sense would think it would be for a Big
So what your saying is, is that there is no roster spot for him and essentially agreeing?
So what your saying is, is that there is no roster spot for him and essentially agreeing?
If you want to look at it that way then yes

My point is acquiring buddy hield doesn’t address the Lakers’ biggest needs and if they found a player that does address their biggest needs, they would have the ability to open up a roster spot and pay that player.

Lakers can make a trade or two and create roster spots/money if they wanted to. They are just being super picky because they don’t want to give up their draft picks just like that. Plus the infamous Laker tax is real
Gabe and JHS probably the two guys you need to get rid of above all else IMO

Even IF you traded DLo between now and October.
Because being honest the few PGs left that make sense, I’d rather have all of them over Gabe.

JHS will never play. Doesn’t mean he’ll never be good, he just was far too much of a project to be drafted by this team.

Max Lewis, I’d be willing to give another year or two just because his contract doesn’t matter.
I mean… They would need to drop under the second apron first.

And it would still require DLo/Rui/Gabe

Trae is a great offensive player. But I don’t think there’s enough on the team now to not fill some of the void. Would go from not good defense in the backcourt to possibly the worst in the league. AR takes a hit in his play because Trae’s usage would hit him most.

Forward spots then become a bit thin.

I think I pass even if it was only a protected first.
OKC just added two of those top 4 defenders and didn't lose a single player of note, or trade one of their 38 draft picks. :smh:
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