**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

I find it interesting that though Ingrams's stats are nowhere near a gaudy as D'Lo's were/are, he was the one who was in there to close games while Russell was riding the pine down the stretch of games.
I find it interesting that though Ingrams's stats are nowhere near a gaudy as D'Lo's were/are, he was the one who was in there to close games while Russell was riding the pine down the stretch of games.
This may be because of what @Lizaker4Lizife  said above. Luke may have more confidence in what Ingram can do out on the floor at certain times during the game because of matchups, what Ingram can do overall, his length, and quite possibly because Ingram plays with more effort, fire, and intensity. 

For Ingram's lack of beefiness (for lack of a better term), dude is not afraid to go in there and bang with the big boys. That's an intangible I'm sure Luke loves to see in his players.

There's a sense of fearlessness I see in Ingram that you can't teach, in spite of his sleepy eyes and laid back persona.
Ingram is a ROOKIE who's playing out of position 9 times out of 10. Cut it out.

Ingram will be criticized NEXT year if he's still making similar mistakes and isn't learning from it and...wait for it....if HE DOESN'T BRING FORTH MAX EFFORT like DLo has been showing at times throughout this year.
Ingram has played most of his minutes at SF.... You know, his actual position.

8 of his top 10 lineups are him playing at SF, and I'm willing to bet that the 2 that are at SG, were when DLo was out, for a fact one of them is because it's a lineup with Calderon

But sure Russell never played out of position, he was never seen as a combo guard... Nor was he learning the toughest position in the NBA.
When I said "9 times out of 10" I was exaggerating it to make a point. 

The fact that Ingram is being used at both guard positions is unconventional to say the least, considering he's 6'9" and it also shows that Luke trusts him. That's saying a lot for a rookie. 

Ingram has already earned Luke's trust at such an early stage in his career (in fact, Ingram leads all rookies in minutes played if I'm not mistaken). Conversely, Russell was unable to earn Byron's trust at a similar stage in DLo's career. But lot's of factors can go into that since Byron is Byron and Kobe was still on the team last year. However, I'm just sayin...

Just because the PG position is widely seen as the toughest position in the NBA doesn't detract from the trust Ingram has earned from his coach playing SF, PG, and SG and closing out games as a rookie. The lanky, skinny, and overmatched sizewise Ingram playing SF and going up against much stronger forwards in the league is just as impressive imo as Russell playing the "toughest position" in the NBA. 
Or his competition at the time (Deng) wasn't good enough.
Yes. But what's even more impressive is that Ingram has Deng in front of him to possibly impact his minutes yet Russell has nobody in front of him or behind him to challenge his minutes. 

All the while Ingram is still playing significant minutes and even closing games in the 4th quarter. 

IMO, Lakers coaches and management probably see Ingram as the future cornerstone of this franchise over Russell.
It's just strange that Clarkson and Nance are loved, as older players, that are doing less than DLo, but DLo gets the heat.

All in the name of "passion" and "nonchalantness"

That's equivalent to loving Rambis, but blasting Worthy for making it look easy.

Or the people that were furious with LO cuz he was "coasting" as the #2, but was beloved coming off the bench, even tho he was the same damn guy. :lol:

All of it comes down to what people demand from certain guys, but not others. Nance hustles, so it's cool if he puts up 5 and 4. DLo doesn't hustle, so we should trade him even tho he puts up 15 and 4.

That's not really a good way of eval'ing players.
Lou Williams is in contention for sixth man of the year and for the most part, has been really good this year.
Playing nonchalant doesn't mean making it look easy. Worthy famously dove for a ball and slid out of bounds , that's PLAYING HARD

Running back on D after a turnover is not too much to ask
It's just strange that Clarkson and Nance are loved, as older players, that are doing less than DLo, but DLo gets the heat.

All in the name of "passion" and "nonchalantness"

That's equivalent to loving Rambis, but blasting Worthy for making it look easy.

Or the people that were furious with LO cuz he was "coasting" as the #2, but was beloved coming off the bench, even tho he was the same damn guy.

All of it comes down to what people demand from certain guys, but not others. Nance hustles, so it's cool if he puts up 5 and 4. DLo doesn't hustle, so we should trade him even tho he puts up 15 and 4.

That's not really a good way of eval'ing players.
When were Clarkson and Nance drafted and when was DLo drafted? Are Nance and Clarkson starters like DLo? Therein lies the answers to your question buddy.

And btw...Worthy NEVER coasted and took plays off. Yes, he made it look easy because his moves were smooth but Big Game James was 100000% INTENSITY and HEART buddy. Don't ever forget that. Dude played for Dean Smith and played with Jordan. Thought you knew.

Believe me, Lamar Odom was widely criticized for his lack of effort at times, even when he came off the bench. Not until L.O. stepped up in the PLAYOFFS from '08-'10 did he become "beloved." How can you so easily forget this?? He was NOT a #2 because Gasol was the number 2 option. You can even say Bynum was #3 over Odom in terms of offensive option. Odom just closed games instead of Bynum depending on the matchup.

The ONLY time Odom was ever the #2 option on the Lakers was before Gasol and Bynum got here, the days when we had Mihm, Kwame, Smush, and Brian Cook lol

The fact that you make it seem like there are no high expectations for DLo as the #2 pick in the draft and that you want to continue making excuse after excuse for his lack of effort and consistency is a dam shame.
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You take it to the extreme
Never ever? No one is saying that
Are you happy if he runs back on D after a TO 1 time out of 10?
Playing nonchalant doesn't mean making it look easy. Worthy famously dove for a ball and slid out of bounds , that's PLAYING HARD

Running back on D after a turnover is not too much to ask
I know, DLo has never played hard, ever.....
Did we say he never played hard, ever?!

Your attempts at sarcasm are for naught.

You still obviously don't get the point. Your boy Hollywood has NEVER been consistent in production, effort, desire, toughness, etc etc - you know, the intangibles that make star players star players.
You take it to the extreme
Never ever? No one is saying that
Are you happy if he runs back on D after a TO 1 time out of 10?
lol to the other extreme...
Naw bro, because we're not saying DLo is going to be a superstar. We just want 100% effort, 100% intensity, and some intestinal fortitude.

And as the NUMBER 2 PICK, you will have heightened expectations. And when you wear that Lakers jersey as the number 2 pick, you better BRING IT every night.
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You take it to the extreme
Never ever? No one is saying that
Are you happy if he runs back on D after a TO 1 time out of 10?

No, I simply don't give a ****

The kid is learning (well)

It's the same as someone freaking out cuz Kobe airballs in Utah. Did it matter, grand scheme?

DLo having turnovers, or not running a hundred miles an hour at 19-20 don't mean ****

Have patience. It's really that simple.

Hell, you guys act like Boogie will solve the issue of hustle, but ignore everything else he would bring too.

Let the kid grow. Walton will straighten out any lack of hustle he perceives.

You complain I'm taking things to extremes, you're complaining about a 20 year old kid. Do you not realize that.

Plays 25 minutes, hits 6 3's, runs the O well, good floor general, couple dimes, couple boards.......He turned it over, once, and didn't hustle back.

Check that paragraph again dude.

You ignore the great things he accomplished over a perceived lack of effort. Then get mad at ME for extremes. :lol:

And next year you'll all do it to Ingram. :smh:
The encouraging sign for DLo is that he's played better the last few games. 

When he can begin to show consistent effort and consistent numbers, that's when people will really begin to be believers and more importantly, DLo will begin to believe in himself.

Which is why I'm saying tonight is Game #3 of the DLo consistency watch - against a tough POR team who is upset about last night's loss to GS. The Blazers rest assured will bring it tonight so the Lakers need to be ready. But although POR is at home, they are still coming off a back to back, which means it's the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY for DLO to really assert himself, especially if Lillard will be out.
Age 23, February 23 2019. Prepare yourselves...judgment is coming. #ontheclock
Age 23, February 23 2019. Prepare yourselves...judgment is coming. #ontheclock

:lol: I mean.....

You guys do this to yourselves.

Is he better this year, than he was last year? Yes.

So what is the problem here? He is progressing, how is this an issue? Because he didn't hustle once after a turnover? Who the hell sits and dissects how a kid reacts to a turnover? :lol:

Randle as a rookie, blown year
Randle year 2, obviously better than year one. New starting point.
Randle year 3, yet another step up over year 1 and 2.

Clear, improvement.

What's the problem?

ya'll too much

this is actually pretty funny

It is now too extreme to criticize a 2nd year professional basketball player. I guess all the pundits on ESPN, TNT and Time Warner should all shut up about Dlo too.

I'm not saying he's a bust or won't be a great player, but if Diaw is switched onto you 3 times in a game, please try to get by him at age 20 or 28, doesn't matter.

If you don't have the basic ability to take advantage of a fat 36 year old Diaw guarding you, that's a red flag to me
I guess all the pundits on ESPN, TNT and Time Warner should all shut up


The answer to that, is yes.

To everything.

DLo, NFL, MLB, Hockey, yes. That answer, is yes.

"Pundits" should shut the **** up, absolutely. Where can I sign that petition?

Charles Barkley, Skip Bayless, Steven A, Chris Broussard, yeah, let's let them tell the world what's really happening. Or, let's do what you suggested.....

I guess all the pundits on ESPN, TNT and Time Warner should all shut up

Yes. :wink:
Because he didn't hustle once after a turnover? Who the hell sits and dissects how a kid reacts to a turnover? :lol:

again, taking it to the extreme. Are you saying he only did that one damn time??? have you never heard someone on a broadcast say "he needs to hustle back on D"?? come on now
I said what I said. 4 years is ample time to see what we have on our hands, he'll be almost done with his rookie deal at that point.

I mean there have been pundits on TWC, Turner, and ESPN that have pointed out these same critiques at various points this season.
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:lol: You're really bothered by that singular Diaw play, aren't you? :lol:

His whole career is being defined to you by Diaw got a stop on him. How will he ever overcome that?

The answer to that, is yes.

To everything.

DLo, NFL, MLB, Hockey, yes. That answer, is yes.

"Pundits" should shut the **** up, absolutely. Where can I sign that petition?

Charles Barkley, Skip Bayless, Steven A, Chris Broussard, yeah, let's let them tell the world what's really happening. Or, let's do what you suggested.....
Yes. :wink:

people who have played elite NBA level ball know more than you and I and they criticize, so.......
:lol: You're really bothered by that singular Diaw play, aren't you? :lol:

His whole career is being defined to you by Diaw got a stop on him. How will he ever overcome that?


funny, but it was 3 times. And it happens every game when a center is switched on to him, he never blows by them.
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