**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

You realize how many subpar coaches have gone deep with elite talent?

Could care less. There's like 3 coaches in the entire league I believe in. Maybe 4. Pop, Stevens, MDA, and Dallas guy, Jim Carrey......what's his name. Everyone else is stealing money, same as the NFL. Belichick and Carroll......maybe Sean Payton.

Since we talking about coaches. Just remember this for no reason :lol:
If someone neutral watched the game he thinks that Luke does this on purpose and want to see the Lakers loose lol.
Nobody else in the whole league benches players for playing good and lets bad players play that much.
And the best, he then says that Nance Jr. was the best player on the court (together with Zo & Lopez, right?)
Somebody tell me why dam near 50% of lonzo shots is 3s?

Like my guy, come on
I know most of em he wide open but b, you ain't got a strap like that

Why can't dude focus on getting some easy buckets or just drive n try to get lay ups. Dude is cheeks I swear

He a broke boi emmanuel mudiay with less hops. Let that sink in
Somebody tell me why dam near 50% of lonzo shots is 3s?

Why can't dude focus on getting some easy buckets or just drive n try to get lay ups. Dude is cheeks I swear

He a broke boi emmanuel mudiay with less hops. Let that sink in
Because he can't score lay ups either.
I hate to be that guy but I'm just gonna come out and say it: We're not a playoff team, we're nowhere near a playoff team. That moment when we were 8-9 and the 8 seed for a night will be as close to the playoffs as we get all season. Our success was fool's gold because of our home-heavy early schedule (11 of our first 17 were at home). Have you seen our next 12 games?


We're gonna go 2-10, maybe 3-9 in that stretch and be a bottom dweller for the rest of the season. I've already taken the playoffs out of my mind as goal; its all about just watching the young guys play progress now. Let's be real here: outside of Ball, Ingram and Kuzma and maybe Nance, every other player on our roster is likely to be gone by the start of next season. Watching KCP and Brook go for 20+ is great but those players aren't going to help us long term. As frustrating as it seems, sending the young guys out there and letting them work through their struggles, win or lose, is best for our team long term. I wouldn't be surprised if Magic and Rob are instructing Luke to leave the young guys out there late in games.

This entire season was meant to be an audition for free agents, that's all. We're not a playoff team and we don't have our draft pick so there's no incentive to tank. Our entire goal is to have our young core progress and hopefully that will entice big name free agents to come. Stop getting hung up on wins and losses and focus on the individual play of our players.
We win, rotations must be fine.
Requesting just one reply of someone complimenting our rotations after a win, please.
We lose, it's all rotations. :lol:
Also requesting just one reply of someone saying after a loss that the reason we lost was all because of rotations, nothing else. Please and thank you.
every God damn game folks trash Randle, Ingram too skinny, Clarkson is a black hole, Brooke is soft, Nance can't shoot, Ball can't shoot, KCP chuckin up crazy ****, but then question why the coach does or doesn't play them in crunch time. :lol:
I've been over this with you before, but you seem to have a hard time with the concept of making positive coaching decisions despite a trash roster.
The coach is not at fault for missed free throws in a close game. Coach isn't to blame for Austin Rivers rebounding his own missed free throws. Coach ain't to blame for the starters havin foul trouble at opening tip.
Well, duh. Just like Kobe wasn't responsible for Mike Brown's ineptitude. No one tried to say what you just said. In fact it was said very plainly and agreed upon that a team can have an unfit coach and trash players at the same time, that the two elements are not mutually exclusive.
Luke coached Golden State pretty damn well. Guys who did their job.
I've never seen 'Steve' spelled L-u-k-e before. Interesting.
Lot of you think MDA sucks too. Seems to coach pretty well in Houston. Prolly nothin to do with the players tho, right folks? :nerd:
Sucks? A a lot of folks in here have said he sucks? I know a lot of folks have expressed frustration with his apparent lack of commitment to defense, but I don't recall anyone saying that he sucks. Name names. Who has said that?

Also, you bring up Houston, I bring up the Knicks. What happened there?

It's like the only complaints you can stomach from people are the complaints that you have and the only praises you entertain from people are the praises you have. I keep telling you, man, if you got it all figured out like that, why aren't you a GM? Go get those checks.
People were definitely trashing MDA in here...me included. We enjoyed his offense but that defense was abysmal.

I think we would do good with this team those cuz we got a few natural scorers
Requesting just one reply of someone complimenting our rotations after a win, please.Also requesting just one reply of someone saying after a loss that the reason we lost was all because of rotations, nothing else. Please and thank you.I've been over this with you before, but you seem to have a hard time with the concept of making positive coaching decisions despite a trash roster.Well, duh. Just like Kobe wasn't responsible for Mike Brown's ineptitude. No one tried to say what you just said. In fact it was said very plainly and agreed upon that a team can have an unfit coach and trash players at the same time, that the two elements are not mutually exclusive.I've never seen 'Steve' spelled L-u-k-e before. Interesting.Sucks? A a lot of folks in here have said he sucks? I know a lot of folks have expressed frustration with his apparent lack of commitment to defense, but I don't recall anyone saying that he sucks. Name names. Who has said that?

Also, you bring up Houston, I bring up the Knicks. What happened there?

It's like the only complaints you can stomach from people are the complaints that you have and the only praises you entertain from people are the praises you have. I keep telling you, man, if you got it all figured out like that, why aren't you a GM? Go get those checks.

I don't know how to make my posts sexy like yours, but to answer the first, that's my point, no one says jack **** about rotations after a win, only after losses rotations suddenly matter....... :nerd:

We're going to lose, A LOT, in December, watch it happen. :wink:

What is a "positive" coaching decision, vs a "negative" coaching decision in a game like last night? Example please.

I need you to go on record, right now. Do you think Luke is a BAD coach, or a young and learning coach? Where is it you stand?

I was referring to the large amount of games that Luke coached when Kerr was out sick. Like 30+ or something like that. Was Kerr handling rotations from his bed? :lol:

You can't EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMM look me in my face and not believe this thread (or previous Laker threads) didn't RAIL on MDA. Bro, we typed term papers on that mfer up thru here. You know DAMN well a ton of people in here **** on that dude like it was nothing.

Again, Knicks had no talent. Suns, Rockets, and even us, had talent, he won, a lot with those squads. (He was robbed with us because everyone died that year, and then he had a garbage roster the year after) He can coach, but you have to have talent on the squad. Belichick sucked with the Browns, wins big with the Patriots. Same kinda deal here. Luke won fine in GS, not so much here in LA, diff, talent base. Plain and simple.

Hey, Phil didn't win too much with Kwame, Smush, and Luke as 60% of his starting lineup, Phil was the best coach in NBA history, gotta have a roster, period. Judging Luke, now, is pointless. If he fails with a stacked team, then yeah, get him canned.
We gonna lose 50+ games
We just suck
Idk why we as fans go into these games like PHX SAC LAC expecting to win
Anyone here thinking we could actually make the Playoffs?
Looking at the standings and knowing that we should improve
through the season, I'm getting VERY optimistic.

HIGHLY UNLIKELY, but I'm optimistic.
C CP1708 : young and learning.

And 'young' has no point in being defended, so I'll respond to 'learning.'

If someone is 'learning,' doesn't that mean... that they... make mistakes? And... learn from them?

So if they're making mistakes... wouldn't it make sense that people watching are going to observe and point out those mistakes?

"Yeah, but you guys are saying he's terrible. Should be fired. Already looking for the next coach."

Who said that again? I certainly didn't, and don't recall who did. Who?
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Anyone here thinking we could actually make the Playoffs?
Looking at the standings and knowing that we should improve
through the season, I'm getting VERY optimistic.

HIGHLY UNLIKELY, but I'm optimistic.
Well, with the next month coming up....if we go .500, then we got a shot. But this is going to be a tough stretch schedule wise.
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