Kreayshawn Thread

Man page 11 & 12 are straight comedy & ether at the same time
"Baby girl need new lungs" "Hair cut look like a dirty mop"
Man page 11 & 12 are straight comedy & ether at the same time
"Baby girl need new lungs" "Hair cut look like a dirty mop"
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by three2three

At the end of the day the only argument needed is...if your upbringing allows you to use the word then why don't em and yelawolf use it? And they stay around artists and are co-signed by artists that used it in their music and on a daily basis. They hometowns where 20 times worse than growing up in Oakland as white girl.

I had a problem when Khaled would say it on his records.
I hope both of them white girls fade away and go back to being jewish hoodrats.

so you knew eminem when he was coming up, huh? you know how his situation was huh? Theres no way being the ONLY white boy rapping surrounded by ALL black rappers that he wouldnt be intimidated or scared to use it, your acting like YOU KNOW for FACT that his boys gave him a pass or something like "yeah Em you can call us the N word"... thats 2 totally different situations you cant compare, because at that time if em would have dropped it then his career would have been over before it started. Who knows maybe her's will to but as of right now, everyone who has a problem with it crie's on the internet about it, so at the end of the day you just dont have anything better to do then complain about some chick saying a word that EVERYBODY i know uses, and i mean everybody, even lil 13 year olds walkin around callin eachother that, maybe you need to be mad at alll these black rappers that at the beginning of each track just go in like " Yeah my N-Word, we goin in my N-word, ive been tryin to tell these N-Words, i got my N-words with me, what the F you gonna do my N-word" and thats before the song even starts...

young you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by three2three

At the end of the day the only argument needed is...if your upbringing allows you to use the word then why don't em and yelawolf use it? And they stay around artists and are co-signed by artists that used it in their music and on a daily basis. They hometowns where 20 times worse than growing up in Oakland as white girl.

I had a problem when Khaled would say it on his records.
I hope both of them white girls fade away and go back to being jewish hoodrats.

so you knew eminem when he was coming up, huh? you know how his situation was huh? Theres no way being the ONLY white boy rapping surrounded by ALL black rappers that he wouldnt be intimidated or scared to use it, your acting like YOU KNOW for FACT that his boys gave him a pass or something like "yeah Em you can call us the N word"... thats 2 totally different situations you cant compare, because at that time if em would have dropped it then his career would have been over before it started. Who knows maybe her's will to but as of right now, everyone who has a problem with it crie's on the internet about it, so at the end of the day you just dont have anything better to do then complain about some chick saying a word that EVERYBODY i know uses, and i mean everybody, even lil 13 year olds walkin around callin eachother that, maybe you need to be mad at alll these black rappers that at the beginning of each track just go in like " Yeah my N-Word, we goin in my N-word, ive been tryin to tell these N-Words, i got my N-words with me, what the F you gonna do my N-word" and thats before the song even starts...

young you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by three2three
you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down

for real, dude did mad reachin and didn't say anything. Somebody need to post that Angry Man Martin clip and get this dude outta here.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by three2three
you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down

for real, dude did mad reachin and didn't say anything. Somebody need to post that Angry Man Martin clip and get this dude outta here.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by three2three

At the end of the day the only argument needed is...if your upbringing allows you to use the word then why don't em and yelawolf use it? And they stay around artists and are co-signed by artists that used it in their music and on a daily basis. They hometowns where 20 times worse than growing up in Oakland as white girl.

I had a problem when Khaled would say it on his records.
I hope both of them white girls fade away and go back to being jewish hoodrats.

so you knew eminem when he was coming up, huh? you know how his situation was huh? Theres no way being the ONLY white boy rapping surrounded by ALL black rappers that he wouldnt be intimidated or scared to use it, your acting like YOU KNOW for FACT that his boys gave him a pass or something like "yeah Em you can call us the N word"... thats 2 totally different situations you cant compare, because at that time if em would have dropped it then his career would have been over before it started. Who knows maybe her's will to but as of right now, everyone who has a problem with it crie's on the internet about it, so at the end of the day you just dont have anything better to do then complain about some chick saying a word that EVERYBODY i know uses, and i mean everybody, even lil 13 year olds walkin around callin eachother that, maybe you need to be mad at alll these black rappers that at the beginning of each track just go in like " Yeah my N-Word, we goin in my N-word, ive been tryin to tell these N-Words, i got my N-words with me, what the F you gonna do my N-word" and thats before the song even starts...
Comments like this let me further know what some non-blacks who listen to rap really think about rap
Why, what do i think about rap? i know i think your ALL over- reacting, and not one answer to any of my post's was actually about my post just tryin to make me look bad... yup classic niketalk internet loser #*$@... Noone actually came with a legitimate point, because there's nothing to say, so you just internet hate on someone NONE of you know.. Get lives...

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by three2three

At the end of the day the only argument needed is...if your upbringing allows you to use the word then why don't em and yelawolf use it? And they stay around artists and are co-signed by artists that used it in their music and on a daily basis. They hometowns where 20 times worse than growing up in Oakland as white girl.

I had a problem when Khaled would say it on his records.
I hope both of them white girls fade away and go back to being jewish hoodrats.

so you knew eminem when he was coming up, huh? you know how his situation was huh? Theres no way being the ONLY white boy rapping surrounded by ALL black rappers that he wouldnt be intimidated or scared to use it, your acting like YOU KNOW for FACT that his boys gave him a pass or something like "yeah Em you can call us the N word"... thats 2 totally different situations you cant compare, because at that time if em would have dropped it then his career would have been over before it started. Who knows maybe her's will to but as of right now, everyone who has a problem with it crie's on the internet about it, so at the end of the day you just dont have anything better to do then complain about some chick saying a word that EVERYBODY i know uses, and i mean everybody, even lil 13 year olds walkin around callin eachother that, maybe you need to be mad at alll these black rappers that at the beginning of each track just go in like " Yeah my N-Word, we goin in my N-word, ive been tryin to tell these N-Words, i got my N-words with me, what the F you gonna do my N-word" and thats before the song even starts...
Comments like this let me further know what some non-blacks who listen to rap really think about rap
Why, what do i think about rap? i know i think your ALL over- reacting, and not one answer to any of my post's was actually about my post just tryin to make me look bad... yup classic niketalk internet loser #*$@... Noone actually came with a legitimate point, because there's nothing to say, so you just internet hate on someone NONE of you know.. Get lives...

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by daiernchef
you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down

for real, dude did mad reachin and didn't say anything. Somebody need to post that Angry Man Martin clip and get this dude outta here.

yeah but your saying SOOOO much to prove me wrong, !*!*!$ internet loser
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by daiernchef
you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down

for real, dude did mad reachin and didn't say anything. Somebody need to post that Angry Man Martin clip and get this dude outta here.

yeah but your saying SOOOO much to prove me wrong, !*!*!$ internet loser
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

They don't need justification for using the N word, dumb dumb, unlike this frumpy piece of #%%% who think cause "she on the block" and "really 'bout that life" that she gets a pass for using it.

Ya'll Cali dudes kill me.  I reeeeeeaaally wish ya'll would step foot in NY, DC, Chi, or Atlanta talkin' that N' word #%%%.  Get a taste of the real world.

first off im from CHICAGO not Cali so im stepped foot right here been here and been using that word now what tough internet thug?? im in one of the worst parts of the city the southside, and like i said EVERYBODY says it so get your facts str8 this aint 1920, and what do you call it then because from what i see she is getting a pass except on niketalk with you crying +%! lames...
I'ma need Cake to verify this %%!! cause I find it EXTREMELY unlikely that them chi boys lettin' that %%!! fly out there. 

*pages Cake and 'em*

And getting a pass from everyone except Niketalk?  You !%@! lame, Kreayshawn been gettin' addressed about it ON EVERY RADIO INTERVIEW SHE DOES!  This %%!! ain't some internet buzz, mijo.  This is being brought up in all media outlets.  The !%@! is wrong with this dude?

I can verify the @%!% myself #+%$ you think this is, if i knew YOU personally id say the @%!% to YOUR FACE.. since everyone is such big tough guys in front of a computer screen, i grew up in SOUTH DEERING PROJECTS, right by JEFFREY MANOR PROJECTS grew up with nothin but black friends, went to school with nothing but Blacks, and guess what, they didnt give A #+%$ like you nerd !!@ lames on the internet all day... ive said that @%!% with my guys in front of cats that didnt know me and guess what happened?? Cats tried to get jumpy and got beat the #+%$ down for comin at me... Maybe you nerds need to get off the computers go out and pay attention to the real world...
oh and i guess the media questioning her isnt a pass huh? when everyone on here is like "SHE SAID THAT IN FRONT OF ME ILL KILL THAT !**!@" but guess what we ALL know she SAYS itbecause of the internet and media and guess what how many times have you heard about one of your fellow black men checkin her??? Guess no black dudes live in the bay huh? Your ALL talk just like a nerd on a computer  is, so yeah bring your lame %$$'s to chicago and do somethin about it or fly to Oakland n str8tn this girl out or SHUT THE #%%% UP ABOUT it
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

They don't need justification for using the N word, dumb dumb, unlike this frumpy piece of #%%% who think cause "she on the block" and "really 'bout that life" that she gets a pass for using it.

Ya'll Cali dudes kill me.  I reeeeeeaaally wish ya'll would step foot in NY, DC, Chi, or Atlanta talkin' that N' word #%%%.  Get a taste of the real world.

first off im from CHICAGO not Cali so im stepped foot right here been here and been using that word now what tough internet thug?? im in one of the worst parts of the city the southside, and like i said EVERYBODY says it so get your facts str8 this aint 1920, and what do you call it then because from what i see she is getting a pass except on niketalk with you crying +%! lames...
I'ma need Cake to verify this %%!! cause I find it EXTREMELY unlikely that them chi boys lettin' that %%!! fly out there. 

*pages Cake and 'em*

And getting a pass from everyone except Niketalk?  You !%@! lame, Kreayshawn been gettin' addressed about it ON EVERY RADIO INTERVIEW SHE DOES!  This %%!! ain't some internet buzz, mijo.  This is being brought up in all media outlets.  The !%@! is wrong with this dude?

I can verify the @%!% myself #+%$ you think this is, if i knew YOU personally id say the @%!% to YOUR FACE.. since everyone is such big tough guys in front of a computer screen, i grew up in SOUTH DEERING PROJECTS, right by JEFFREY MANOR PROJECTS grew up with nothin but black friends, went to school with nothing but Blacks, and guess what, they didnt give A #+%$ like you nerd !!@ lames on the internet all day... ive said that @%!% with my guys in front of cats that didnt know me and guess what happened?? Cats tried to get jumpy and got beat the #+%$ down for comin at me... Maybe you nerds need to get off the computers go out and pay attention to the real world...
oh and i guess the media questioning her isnt a pass huh? when everyone on here is like "SHE SAID THAT IN FRONT OF ME ILL KILL THAT !**!@" but guess what we ALL know she SAYS itbecause of the internet and media and guess what how many times have you heard about one of your fellow black men checkin her??? Guess no black dudes live in the bay huh? Your ALL talk just like a nerd on a computer  is, so yeah bring your lame %$$'s to chicago and do somethin about it or fly to Oakland n str8tn this girl out or SHUT THE #%%% UP ABOUT it
I love how this dude is parading around calling people internet losers and acting like we're the ones trying to go hard. When he's the one trying to shoot keyboard shots.
My dude even tried to give us his auto biography and tell us what hood he from.

Sounding JUST like ol' girl V-Nasty. SON YOU SOUND JUST LIKE THIS BROAD.

You probably softer than baby !@** in real life. Sit yo simple %%* down.
Don't nobody give 2 %@+%$ about your war stories.
I love how this dude is parading around calling people internet losers and acting like we're the ones trying to go hard. When he's the one trying to shoot keyboard shots.
My dude even tried to give us his auto biography and tell us what hood he from.

Sounding JUST like ol' girl V-Nasty. SON YOU SOUND JUST LIKE THIS BROAD.

You probably softer than baby !@** in real life. Sit yo simple %%* down.
Don't nobody give 2 %@+%$ about your war stories.
Funny thing is if anyone of you ran into this girl and actually had the balls to step up to her, i guarantee her FRIENDS, not security, HER FRIENDS would lay you the %+!% out before you even layed a finger on her.. Jealousy is a son of a %%#!@, and a female trait, so get your panties out that bunch and quit cryin, shes probably in a studio right now while your on niketalk like you always are...
Funny thing is if anyone of you ran into this girl and actually had the balls to step up to her, i guarantee her FRIENDS, not security, HER FRIENDS would lay you the %+!% out before you even layed a finger on her.. Jealousy is a son of a %%#!@, and a female trait, so get your panties out that bunch and quit cryin, shes probably in a studio right now while your on niketalk like you always are...
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Funny thing is if anyone of you ran into this girl and actually had the balls to step up to her, i guarantee her FRIENDS, not security, HER FRIENDS would lay you the %+!% out before you even layed a finger on her.. Jealousy is a son of a %%#!@, and a female trait, so get your panties out that bunch and quit cryin, shes probably in a studio right now while your on niketalk like you always are...
Who exactly is jealous? What paper is V-Nasty seeing? She's in a studio? WOW... Yeah man I'm jealous.
And unlike me, you don't give a !+!!? So now you're making assumptions that I give 2 @%@@% about what people think of me?

All you're saying is "you're a nerd, you're a nerd, you're a nerd". Why? Because I'm on NT? Are you not on the same message board as me? But everyone who is disagreeing with you are the nerds and you're the only cool person on the site right? How many "internet nerds" have you come across? That means you've been on a few sites yourself right? Doesn't that make you an internet nerd? You see what I did there?

My #%$+@ I'm from a place where we don't worry about getting "punched". !+!! you mean?

Why the hell am I even talking to you anymore? I'm sounding just as stupid as you are at this point.

You nor V-Nasty is about that life. You ain't built like that bruh, you can barely hold up your side of an argument online.
Hell you even admitted to having your mans defend you for dropping the N bomb, you ain't even Tonka tough.
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Funny thing is if anyone of you ran into this girl and actually had the balls to step up to her, i guarantee her FRIENDS, not security, HER FRIENDS would lay you the %+!% out before you even layed a finger on her.. Jealousy is a son of a %%#!@, and a female trait, so get your panties out that bunch and quit cryin, shes probably in a studio right now while your on niketalk like you always are...
Who exactly is jealous? What paper is V-Nasty seeing? She's in a studio? WOW... Yeah man I'm jealous.
And unlike me, you don't give a !+!!? So now you're making assumptions that I give 2 @%@@% about what people think of me?

All you're saying is "you're a nerd, you're a nerd, you're a nerd". Why? Because I'm on NT? Are you not on the same message board as me? But everyone who is disagreeing with you are the nerds and you're the only cool person on the site right? How many "internet nerds" have you come across? That means you've been on a few sites yourself right? Doesn't that make you an internet nerd? You see what I did there?

My #%$+@ I'm from a place where we don't worry about getting "punched". !+!! you mean?

Why the hell am I even talking to you anymore? I'm sounding just as stupid as you are at this point.

You nor V-Nasty is about that life. You ain't built like that bruh, you can barely hold up your side of an argument online.
Hell you even admitted to having your mans defend you for dropping the N bomb, you ain't even Tonka tough.
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down

for real, dude did mad reachin and didn't say anything. Somebody need to post that Angry Man Martin clip and get this dude outta here.

yeah but your saying SOOOO much to prove me wrong, !*!*!$ internet loser
Youtube called and want their comment back.
2 Questions:

1) Are you 15?
2) Are you female?
Originally Posted by daiernchef

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

you sound like that teacher on the episode of the Boondocks that called Riley the n-word

sit your +*$ all the way down

for real, dude did mad reachin and didn't say anything. Somebody need to post that Angry Man Martin clip and get this dude outta here.

yeah but your saying SOOOO much to prove me wrong, !*!*!$ internet loser
Youtube called and want their comment back.
2 Questions:

1) Are you 15?
2) Are you female?
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