Korryn Gaines, Cradling Child and Shotgun, is Fatally Shot By Police

Everything spacedoodoo is saying is true.

However if I'm going to be mad at the cops, I'm going to be just as mad at the girl here as well. Knowing how things are yet still putting your child in danger.

If you want to pull guns on cops and act crazy, do it solo.
Police have already shown that they don't care about black childrens lives. 

Tamir, mike brown, etc..

Lol, should've known.

the police can conjure up a falsified report. Which we know happens all the time. 

I doubt some 5 year old kid who just got ******* shot would be lying about what went down. 

Have you ever had a conversation with a 5 year old? I have a six year old and I can tell you that they make stuff up all the time. Specially when they stressed or don't fully understand the situation. I'm not saying I fully believe the police report, but I don't think this is as much of a smoking gun as some people are making it seem.

As for the situation, all I have to say is that you can't just point a gun at officers and expect nothing to happen. It's one thing to take hostages and barricade yourself, and it's a completely different thing to recklessly waive a gun.

Lol at tear gas and rubber bullets. This isn't the movies. Either of those options could have exacerbated the situation and led to the same result. Besides rubber bullets aren't really less than lethal. They can cause serious damage to a small person like a woman or a child.
Or because they have? They can ask their more sound minded comrades from this case for some tips:


did the hostage taker also have a history of police hatred like Korryn? 

I think trying to talk her out wasn't an option, as I've stated a few times..... 

in the 5 hours she was in the house, what do you think they were doing? 

at what point is it time to go in? 

What was the turning point in the article linked?
But but but it was her fault! They had no other options Mark.

she had options --- like complying to the warrant, making sure the child was away from the stand-off, etc  

the police had options --- like having more patience, making sure the child was not in harms way, etc 

both parties made questionable decisions

is this not accurate? 

Yes it's accurate.

Of course a civilian made some questionable decisions. They're not trained for these things.

We can sit here and talk about what the dead woman could have done differently all day. But that would be stupid. It won't change anything. She'll still be dead tomorrow.

The cops, from a city well known to have corrupt police, who initiated a shootout with a child present are alive and well. They should be under just as much, if not more scrutiny and I'm just not seeing it.

You admit the police had more options to exercise. Focus on that. This has become another case of "yeah the cops did too much BUT...." and that is ridiculous. Anyone not seeing a problem should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.
In the video where she's speaking to her son in the living room, is the cop holding a gun or a ram?

Video is slightly confusing
Yes it's accurate.

Of course a civilian made some questionable decisions. They're not trained for these things.

We can sit here and talk about what the dead woman could have done differently all day. But that would be stupid. It won't change anything. She'll still be dead tomorrow.

The cops, from a city well known to have corrupt police, who initiated a shootout with a child present are alive and well. They should be under just as much, if not more scrutiny and I'm just not seeing it.

You admit the police had more options to exercise. Focus on that. This has become another case of "yeah the cops did too much BUT...." and that is ridiculous. Anyone not seeing a problem should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.

You're sitting there trying to tell us that after FIVE hours of this situation, the cops should have more patience!!? Lmaoooo. Cmon man. They have a warrant for her arrest, she got 5hrs of the benefit of doubt cause she's a woman and she's using her kid as a shield/crutch! I can't rock with no crazy folks like her trying to be in any movement, they want the violence so they can be suicide by cop.
This situation had nothing to do with BLM movement. Anybody who can put their kids in harm way is reckless to me. After seeing how she acted when the police pulled her over and was hella patient with her and she acted a fool she discredits her self when the police showed up to her home. If she went thru all that when being pulled over saying she gon have to be killed I could only imagine how much of a pain she could of been to get her out her own house with the kids there..

She brought this on herself. She should of went and got the warrant squared away. Im sure she could of went downtown and handled it and not have them looking for her.
Seriously, **** any BLM movement that supports this situation, I can't get down with supporters using this to ammo their own selfish intentions for attention on facebook.

It really gets me that this just defeats the purpose of any fine line to blatantly see justice for what it is, regardless of skin color. 

Forget this dumb *****, Straight up. If she's tactfully representing the movement, she would've never endangered her son that is African American, telling him to fight cops, to threaten his life. 

**** her, and **** anyone who is sticking up for her. 

Sad that her wake up call was death, but Darwin explains his theory quite clear for scenarios like this.

(yes i'm mad),
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Cops go to serve warrant, she has a shotgun on her threatening cops, NT still finds a way to be on her side :lol: :smh:
Cops should've just let her do what she wanted, and not worry about the shotgun, :rolleyes

Seriously guys?

Chill bro.

She had a gun at her home, which is her right.

Beyond that, we dont know what happened.

Careful reading too much into the "official" POLICE report..
pointing it at the cops while hiding behind a child is a big no no, bro
Not sure if any of this was brought up, but it's worth the read. It's more background on Gaines...some real interesting stuff here. I'll c/p a few parts.

According to the police report released Tuesday, Gaines was pulled over at 4:16 p.m. on March 10 in the area of Pikeswood Drive and Liberty Road after an officer noticed a rectangular piece of cardboard in place of where a license plate should have been on a Toyota Camry Gaines was driving.

Police said the officer reported that the cardboard on the back of the car said, "Any government official who compromises this pursuit to happiness and right to travel, will be held criminally responsible and fined, as this is a natural right and freedom." The piece of cardboard on the front of Gaines' car had "Free traveler" written on it, police said.

When an officer asked Gaines for a Maryland driver's license and why she didn't have any tags on her vehicle, she said the officer did not have the right to pull her over and asked that the officer identify himself, according to the police report.

The officer said he then asked Gaines for her driver's license and registration, but she said he did not have the authority to ask her for any information, according to the police report. And when he asked her again for her driver’s license and registration, she said again that he didn't have the authority to ask her for it.

A second officer was called to the scene. The first officer repeatedly asked Gaines for her driver's license and she repeatedly said he was breaking the law, according to police. Gaines was told by the first officer that if he couldn't identify her, she would be arrested, according to the report.

A witness said, "There was an extensive dialogue going on between her and the police."

A neighbor in the area, who witnessed the March incident and wished to remain anonymous, spoke to WBAL-TV 11 News' Saliqa Khan.

"It appeared to be a tense situation, basically. There were obviously small kids in the car. There were probably five or six police cars out there, a heavy police presence," the witness said.

While waiting for the tow truck, Gaines was asked several times to get out of her vehicle, but said she wouldn't and officers would have to force her to leave, according to the police report. While other officers responded, Gaines took her infant into her lap and told her 4-year-old son to sit on her lap, according to the police report.

When Gaines was told she would be arrested, one officer held back her arms in order for another officer to safely take the infant away from her arms, according to the police report.

Gaines was physically removed from her car and put up a fight, screaming and not allowing officers to put handcuffs on her, according to the report.

"She was forcibly removed from the car. She was pinned down in the street and cuffed," the witness said.

The witness said the boy was still in the car when they took Gaines out.

"They dragged her out of the car, basically," the witness said.

Gaines' behavior drew a crowd of people to watch and Gaines yelled to the crowd that she "could not breathe and to 'record this' while police were placing her under arrest," according to the police report.

"There were other people recording and taping the incident," the witness said.

Gaines' finger was cut and she was bleeding because she was resisting arrest, according to the police report. Gaines asked for a medic and one was requested, but while waiting Gaines screamed to her son to fight and bite the officer who was watching over him, according to police report.

While they were trying to get the child out, "I do remember her telling the kid to bite the officer. (She said), 'Bite him, bite him,'" the witness said.

Warrant for Kareem Courtney was for assault on Gaines


During a news conference Tuesday afternoon, Baltimore County police Chief Jim Johnson said that officers were trying to serve two warrants, one on Gaines and the other on Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39.

Courtney had a warrant stemming from a June 28 domestic abuse incident in which Gaines was the victim, police said. He was charged with assault second-degree simple domestic after police were called to their apartment around 10 a.m. that day following an argument that turned into a fight.

Courtney and Gaines had been in a relationship for three years but had only been living together for three months, according to the police report. They have one child in common, an infant, and Gaines' son from a previous relationship. Police said both children witnessed the assault.

Courtney had grabbed a chair and tried to hit Gaines with it and he had slapped her in the face and scratched her arms, according to the police report. Officers did see Gaines' injuries.

Gaines suffered from lead poisoning

Gaines suffered from lead poisoning which can interfere with rational thinking, 11 News has learned.

According to records from a lawsuit Gaines filed against several landlords, a doctor said that "Korryn was exposed to a sea of lead when she lived in lead-contaminated houses. She does have a neurodevelopmental disability and brain damage."

Her mother said in a deposition that, "She didn't want to listen. She has poor decision making skills. I think she needs guidance."

Advocates said those are characteristics of the effects of lead poisoning.

I can hear the sounds of the capes approaching.

This chick was mentally unstable, THE END....she was aiming for suicide by cop, and she got it....ya sit here and defend her, attaching her to real victims of police brutality, simply because she's a young black woman, completely over looking her faults and most of all her lack of care for her poor kid....SHE CREATED THIS SITUATION.

Roaming around with no liscence plates and an antagonizing piece of cardboard in place....dummy.
Still trippin how all this went down cuz of some petty charges n missing court for those petty charges :smh:
Still trippin how all this went down cuz of some petty charges n missing court for those petty charges :smh:
she was the one being petty tbh
You can say that once they came to her door ...the police was petty for even coming , I live here I know they rarely pull up for warrants for the lil crimes that she was charged with unless they being petty/or got it out for you
lambs that will be led to their own slaughter police supporters are

one day theyll be coming for you and yours just like they came for her
Forgot this moron of a chick, there were kids there. Are you all intentionally ignoring that? Are you going to sit there and seriously say that if these were white children this would go down like that, in hail fire by the police?
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Still trippin how all this went down cuz of some petty charges n missing court for those petty charges
This didn't go down because of "some petty charges."  This went down because she refused to comply, sat on the floor of her home with a shotgun, and used her child as a human shield.
lambs that will be led to their own slaughter police supporters are

one day theyll be coming for you and yours just like they came for her
Comments like this show how completely irrational most of your thought processes are:

1. It's possible to view situations on a case-to-case basis.  That's what smart people do.  People that don't like to think critically play for "Team Cop" or "Team Citizen."  This case was not similar to the cases of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, etc.  Not even close.

2.  Why would the cops come after law-abiding citizens that comply with them when they're stopped?  If a cop came after me and I was to resist, lord knows I'd be doing it on my own terms.  I wouldn't be using the children I'm supposed to be protecting as human shields. 

Sometimes you just need to know which battles are worth fighting to support your cause.  This isn't one of them.
Forgot this moron of a chick, there were kids there. Are you all intentionally ignoring that? Are you going to sit there and seriously say that if these were white children this would go down like that, in hail fire by the police?

More than likely NOT....we know this already, SHE knew this, she didn't care about her own children's lives any more than the cops that killed her...so yes, The only real victims in this whole **** are those kids, specially that boy, I blame his mother for that though.
so you can insult me all you want 

continue to support police

it doesnt change the fact that one day they will get you or someone you love
As much as police lie and yall just ride with police reports without a moments hesitation :lol: Just say yall don't like Black people that much. Better that than to make these huge intellectual leaps trying to justify this foolishness.

You Say That As If Cops Have Never Done That Before? I've Had Them Come To Moms House A Bunch Of Times For Warrants. She Said I Wasn't There & They Dipped Out, Different I Know But What I'm Saying Is Just Because They Came To Serve A Warrant Doesn't Mean They Can't Leave The House With Out The Person They Came For. They Didn't Have To Open Fire

Completely different, they knew she was home, the law is the law, they come with a warrant you don't comply and pull out a gun, that's your *** they dealt with her for 6 damn hours....what more did you want?...what if she shot and killed a cop?....what if she fully lost her mind and killed her kids and herself?

Yes, because 6 hours is waaaaaay too long to try to peacefully apprehend a suspect...

7-hour barricade in Norfolk ends "peacefully," police say
The Virginian-Pilot
Jul 31, 2016

A section of Virginia Beach Boulevard was shut down for most of Sunday morning and early afternoon by a barricade situation that police said was resolved peacefully.

A man, who barricaded himself for more than seven hours in the 900 block of Merrimac Ave., was taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital for evaluation. Police have not said whether he was injured.

Officer Jo Ann Hughes, a spokeswoman for the department, said a phone was brought to the man via robot, and that’s how authorities communicated with him.

The man has not been identified by authorities. Police did not say whether he will face charges.

Police arrived at Merrimac Avenue after a call about an armed and suicidal person shortly before 7 a.m. The man fired his gun when they arrived, but no officers were injured, according to a news release from the Norfolk Police Department.

East Virginia Beach Boulevard from Ballentine Boulevard to Norchester Avenue was closed during the incident. Neighboring streets were shut down as well.


Here's the guy (of course)

Yo is that really the scapegoat phrase "you just don't like black people" stop it fam....this woman was an absolute idiot, regardless of her color....how the cops handled it, is questionable, but not extreme like the cases of Sterling, Garner and such...this was an armed standoff....they had a LEGAL warrant, they tried for 6 hours....if you watch her own videos you can clearly see there was NO REASONING with her, her own mother is on record saying she didn't listen and needed to seek help, she wanted to be made a Martyr, she wanted to be a hashtag...just ***** stop discrediting the BLM goal with the actions of this chick man.
so is she "an idiot" or did she have "mental issues"?

either way she aint have to die or her son get shot

blm isnt just for "respectable" blacks that get killed by police its for ALL black people that dont get the basic respect a human life should get
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Btw the police report of the March incident goes HAND IN HAND with her own video....yes I know police fabricate reports, that's a fact....but I don't think there was a need to fabricate much against this girl....I mean if they wanted to fabricate something, they didn't have to disclose that they fired first....
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