
 this thread is all over the place.
Never liked Kobe. Still don't. Sometimes it's almost as if he goes out of his way to be an *** hole, but I think he really is that bad. I find that the people that are still arguing for Zimmerman are the narcissist type that always need attention. Just want to get a rise out of people
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Is this like new old news or something old from back when this was huge topic in media?

While I agree with what Kobe said, it's 2014 there's no reason that he couldn't have gathered the facts and informed himself on what happened by now.

With that said what the Heat team did might be misconstrued as an automatic defense to somebody cuz they're black I saw it more as uniting and making ppl aware that once again in America another young black man was slain partly due to what he was wearing. Any black dude could get the fade for wearing a hoody in the wrong neighborhood. Kobe included. That's what I felt was the point of that.

I've only read the 1st pg so like any NT race thread lets see where this goes.
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I wonder what Kobe plans to do when he retires? I can see him in the next CBA trying to convince NBA players to take a pay cut...
Ya still taking entertainers seriously? LOL

I don't give a flying **** about any of these ******' viewpoints on "real" life issues.
Kobe is one ignorant dude. He should just keep his mouth shut.

The injured Los Angeles Laker told the New Yorker’s Ben McGrath that the Miami Heat collectively taking Trayvon Martin’s side in the George Zimmerman case represented a reflexive racial reaction.
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Not sure how yall think he's arguing FOR Zimmerman....

He didn't take any side in the matter, IMO....all he was saying was that he likes to form an opinion after getting the facts.
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I don't see any problem with what he said honestly.
I agree with what he said completely, he's using logic in what he says. its stupid to automatically jump to someones defense that you've never met before due to the color of his skin and not reading up on the situation.
Not sure how yall think he's arguing FOR Zimmerman....

He didn't take any side in the matter, IMO....all he was saying was that he likes to form an opinion after getting the facts.

the irony of all of this is astounding :lol:

"I try to do my research before forming an opinion."

is there a reason why we can't see who reps who? Really would like to see who reps some of these idiotic posts.
I don't see any problem with what he said honestly.
I agree with what he said completely, he's using logic in what he says. its stupid to automatically jump to someones defense that you've never met before due to the color of his skin and not reading up on the situation.

The problem is there was plenty of info about the case, info that never changed btw, to form an opinion about it.

And he benefited from this blind support in the past.

And there is tons upon tons of dirt that gets done to black folk in America, most of the time there black dude doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. So Kobe to come out and say in this situation where we knew Taryvon was unarmed, got dead by neighborhood watch and the cops seemed like they didn't even care. In a case like that, black folks should pause to give the white guy the benefit of the doubt too. :rolleyes

Oh btw, the dudes acting like the people mad at Kobe are trying to act like we're mad at him because his words somehow shows he supports Zimms are just makin **** up. Read through the thread, I haven't seen anyone making that connection. Unless I missed something
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What he said was stupid, because people didn't want Zimmerman convicted. They just wanted him just to be held accountable. Without the protest, the prosecutor probably wouldn't have investigated it further to take it to trial.

Kobe's statement was extremely ignorant. It's obvious he knew nothing or very little about the case, to even mention finding out the facts first. Trayvon shouldn't have been mentioned, because it sounded like he was making light of his death.

It was also dumb because it's as if he was saying the rest of us just pick a side based on race. Kobe's special because he grew up in Italy :lol: As if he is the only one who has a diverse background and is free thinking. Republicans thought that, and that's why they tried to use Allen West and Herman Cain.

I hated that during the OJ trial. The news media stereotyped all of us as if e all thought OJ was innocent and were cheering.

With the ignorance displayed up here often, I can tell many of you don't actually talk to black people to even know what we think. And apparently Kobe doesn't either.

We identified with Trayvon, because that could have been any black boy or man walking down that street. The people who don't relate are the ones who wouldn't have had to worry about being confronted for walking down the street. Apparently Kobe thinks he is one. Maybe because he's always been identified as Jellybeans son or Kobe Bryant NBA player his whole life.

Jim Brown was right.
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