Kid stabs and kills bully

Originally Posted by MonStar1

So happens when this lil weirdo goes to a new school and gets bullied again?  Or maybe somebody just wants to scrap because this kid does something worth fighting about,  will he finally fight like a man or kill somebody else?

well... if it happens in Florida, then you know whats gonna happen.

deal with it
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1

So happens when this lil weirdo goes to a new school and gets bullied again?  Or maybe somebody just wants to scrap because this kid does something worth fighting about,  will he finally fight like a man or kill somebody else?
I hope you catch a serious beatdown in the coming weeks; you are ignorant and arrogant 
this. and i hope it happens over and over again even when you purposely go out of your way to avoid it. 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

So happens when this lil weirdo goes to a new school and gets bullied again?  Or maybe somebody just wants to scrap because this kid does something worth fighting about,  will he finally fight like a man or kill somebody else?
there's no such thing as "fight like a man"
its either you're dead or you're not. 

and dat boi ded.

talking about taking pride to the grave, you can keep that.
for the people saying he should have taken his +@* whooping. how many +@* whoopings does a kid need before its enough. like seriously. he gets beat up once whatever your kids. the second time its like seriously are you that small headed to only fight when you know you will win. after that your just asking for trouble and should know there will be consequences.
also this almost this entire board in a previous thread stated how you keep a bat or knife or whatever in your car just in case something goes down.
Kid tries to avoid bully
Bully follows him.
Punches kid in back of the head
Kid turns around and stabs bully to death
Sounds like the bully just picked on the wrong kid.....tough break really

If you are a bully you might want to make sure you aren't picking on a Columbine type.  If you are going to be a Bully you have to know by history, some of the kids you pick on might one day snap and kill you, one way or another.

Moral to the story....don't bully kids, learn to accept.  Make the world better?

edit: the kid probably didn't "stand up" to the bully because he would have caught a beat down.  I don't know the size of the kids but if he would have thrown hands with the bully and got beat into a coma or something then what?  He should have hit the gym? since when do we live our lives in order to not get picked on?  No one deserves to be harassed.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by cartune

Kids are soft these days.

Take yo %*+ whooping like a man wake up and join a boxing class. He gonna stab everybody that picks on him?

The kid went out of his way to avoid conflict which the bully constantly instigated.
Bully soft these days for dying.

 good riddance.
I spit out my Rockstar 
Originally Posted by cartune

I understand this story is a small win for most of you who never got to sit at the cool tables

But we cant be having kids getting stabbed to death for acting like kids.

Everybody gets picked on atleast once in there life one way or another

If lil dude had a problem he should have told a counselor or somebody they got all kinds of programs for lil lames with no backbone these days.

Now somebody's son is gone because some boy couldnt go through a phase every young boy goes through.

that bully and others like him can learn the hard way to keep their hands to themselves.

like most said, i aint even mad.

dude is gonna serve time for taking another human's life.....

that was his decision to make and he has to live with the consequences

i mean it speaks to just how soft kids this generation are

that they would rather kill someone than stand up to them

but whatever

had the bully not initially provoked this kid, he would be leading a productive stab-free lifestyle...

   Or maybe somebody just wants to scrap because this kid does something worth fighting about,  will he finally fight like a man or kill somebody else?


well, the last person that tested the kid got a mean stabbing that took his life

so im pretty sure outside of the prison inmates he will cohabitate with, no other kid at any other school is going to test his gangster...not even one bit


would you flex on the new kid who murdered his bully?


niketalkers will literally debate ANYTHING

yall debating a kid stabbing his BULLY



what is there to debate?


like he wont get stabbed too


you dudes live in fairytale land.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by MonStar1

So happens when this lil weirdo goes to a new school and gets bullied again?  Or maybe somebody just wants to scrap because this kid does something worth fighting about,  will he finally fight like a man or kill somebody else?
I hope you catch a serious beatdown in the coming weeks; you are ignorant and arrogant 
this. and i hope it happens over and over again even when you purposely go out of your way to avoid it.  


In school ya'll was the type to get punked and bullied
Everyday was halloween and dudes took ya goodies
Stay in house and play with Buzz and Woody
Acknowledge it you the opposite of the logo on ya hoody
Champion? haha can't be him.
leave'em bloody before he can put his tampy in
Heavy D...You was never one of the boys
When _'s was poppin' off you ain't making no noise
Yous a shy guy...reminder me of the S in "Illinois"
Stabbin instead of scrapin' means you lacking poise
See a real man can give and take a beating
You choir boys probably hate competing
Probably see the bully and fake a greeting
mad cuz real _'s on while you like "I ain't eating"

Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

LDJ. You're not getting it man.

You're blaming the kid who got bullied for not doing this or that before taking it too far in his eventual and obvious wrong doing. But EVERYONE was wrong. The bully pushed this kid.

You think the bully would of stopped bullying the kid if someone told a teacher? Teachers aren't the end all be all. They can't control the goings on outside the classrooms. You're one gullible guy if you think that would of stopped everything. And this kid wasn't going to jail for harassing a 14 year old at 16. C'mon now. Those bully laws wouldn't of done any good until it got to the point to where they have to use those laws and the reasons they were made. By then the kid could of potentially caught a pretty bad one. NO ONE WAS RIGHT. You've got to understand that the bully met a very real after effect of his treatment towards this kid. If he left him alone and never put a hand on him, we wouldn't be talking about this right now.

The bully Radio Raheem'd himself. The kid should of never pulled that knife, but he was pushed.


Im not blaming the kid, and as far as the kid having no choice of course he did. Like i stated ppl always say oh telling someone etc... never works. But heres the thing most of these cases they dont even try to tell someone. They take on all these problems themselves. And as far as the police wouldnt do anything.... i doubt that if his life was in danger to the point he needs a weapon like many of you claim, i seriously doubt esp... factoring where the events happened and type of neighborhood he was in... that the cops etc wouldnt get involved. Yall make it seem like kid was 10 or 11 and these bullies was  teens/adults and some rolling crips and they were in compton or east la circa late 70's early 80's.

I refuse to believe that if he told his teachers, counselors, principle, parents, and police that as yall have stated his life was in danger that all his cries would go unheard. Thing is no one goes thru these length and express their concerns for the shame and embarassment, and for fear of ppl making fun of them. And again I say it doesnt matter because ppl think a certain way make fun of you dislike you anyways.
@ the bully transferring from another high school because he got bullied and then proceeds to bully people at the new school.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

for the people saying he should have taken his +@* whooping. how many +@* whoopings does a kid need before its enough. like seriously. he gets beat up once whatever your kids. the second time its like seriously are you that small headed to only fight when you know you will win. after that your just asking for trouble and should know there will be consequences.
also this almost this entire board in a previous thread stated how you keep a bat or knife or whatever in your car just in case something goes down.

As far as carrying a weapon.. yes i do carry a weapon but thats and in most ppl case because of a ROBBERY. And last a checked not to many dudes are out pulling off heist robbing folks and hand point. Usually someone trying to rob you, moreso then likely are going to CARRY A WEAPON with the intent to USE IT/KILL. Not to me carjackings, home invasions etc happen with a person saying I aint got a weapon but give me your car,wallet etc.

As far as this teaching other kids a lesson not to mess with him, if anything if this area is so much a warzone and so bad that everyone from parents to police are so scared to get involved. An area so bad that kids lives are in danger. They see this kid they aint gonna even come at him trying o fight it would str8 up be i aint gonna try to fight dude cause he is known not to fight and str8 go for the kill so they will come at him with th same mindset.

Iuno where alot of guys are from seems like middle america suburbia, but if someone is WELL KNOWN to carry and KILL, you aint comming at them barehanded.

I mean i would totally agree with what kid did if he attempted to seek help, and went through all the channels and had no other choice. But again this was not the case. And to say the kid didnt intend to seriousy hurt/kill the dude is foolish. I mean how do you accidently not tell be you being bullied, you accidently dont seek help, you accidently get money, accidently go purchase a knife, accidently take knife, then accidently stab him 12 times.

If you buy a weapon you have it for 1 or 2 reason, to flex and pretend to be hard, or you plaan on using it if need be.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I hope you catch a serious beatdown in the coming weeks; you are ignorant and arrogant 
this. and i hope it happens over and over again even when you purposely go out of your way to avoid it.  


In school ya'll was the type to get punked and bullied
Everyday was halloween and dudes took ya goodies
Stay in house and play with Buzz and Woody
Acknowledge it you the opposite of the logo on ya hoody
Champion? haha can't be him.
leave'em bloody before he can put his tampy in
Heavy D...You was never one of the boys
When _'s was poppin' off you ain't making no noise
Yous a shy guy...reminder me of the S in "Illinois"
Stabbin instead of scrapin' means you lacking poise
See a real man can give and take a beating
You choir boys probably hate competing
Probably see the bully and fake a greeting
mad cuz real _'s on while you like "I ain't eating"

you rhyme about what you don't know
you think the s is silent in "Illinois"
i suggest you just stop trying to be tough *$!* bro
before a bully comes and knocks your teeth out with his boys
you even rhymed it in multiple words ending ȯiz
so just log the hell off because your an idiot


Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by StillIn729

I hope you catch a serious beatdown in the coming weeks; you are ignorant and arrogant 
this. and i hope it happens over and over again even when you purposely go out of your way to avoid it.  


In school ya'll was the type to get punked and bullied
Everyday was halloween and dudes took ya goodies
Stay in house and play with Buzz and Woody
Acknowledge it you the opposite of the logo on ya hoody
Champion? haha can't be him.
leave'em bloody before he can put his tampy in
Heavy D...You was never one of the boys
When _'s was poppin' off you ain't making no noise
Yous a shy guy...reminder me of the S in "Illinois"
Stabbin instead of scrapin' means you lacking poise
See a real man can give and take a beating
You choir boys probably hate competing
Probably see the bully and fake a greeting
mad cuz real _'s on while you like "I ain't eating"


nobody cares about your lame %%$ raps; it only fuels the point even more that you have no creditably
to assume anyone standing up for the kid was bullied is just ignorance; I was popular in HS and went out of my way to be cool with everyone...picking on others serves no purpose to me 

in fact the kids I didn't like were dudes like Monstar; little punks who act tough but you know are soft as Clay Aiken
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

this. and i hope it happens over and over again even when you purposely go out of your way to avoid it.  


In school ya'll was the type to get punked and bullied
Everyday was halloween and dudes took ya goodies
Stay in house and play with Buzz and Woody
Acknowledge it you the opposite of the logo on ya hoody
Champion? haha can't be him.
leave'em bloody before he can put his tampy in
Heavy D...You was never one of the boys
When _'s was poppin' off you ain't making no noise
Yous a shy guy...reminder me of the S in "Illinois"
Stabbin instead of scrapin' means you lacking poise
See a real man can give and take a beating
You choir boys probably hate competing
Probably see the bully and fake a greeting
mad cuz real _'s on while you like "I ain't eating"

you rhyme about what you don't know
you think the s is silent in "Illinois"
i suggest you just stop trying to be tough *$!* bro
before a bully comes and knocks your teeth out with his boys
you even rhymed it in multiple words ending ȯiz
so just log the hell off because your an idiot


Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

for the people saying he should have taken his +@* whooping. how many +@* whoopings does a kid need before its enough. like seriously. he gets beat up once whatever your kids. the second time its like seriously are you that small headed to only fight when you know you will win. after that your just asking for trouble and should know there will be consequences.
also this almost this entire board in a previous thread stated how you keep a bat or knife or whatever in your car just in case something goes down.

As far as carrying a weapon.. yes i do carry a weapon but thats and in most ppl case because of a ROBBERY. And last a checked not to many dudes are out pulling off heist robbing folks and hand point. Usually someone trying to rob you, moreso then likely are going to CARRY A WEAPON with the intent to USE IT/KILL. Not to me carjackings, home invasions etc happen with a person saying I aint got a weapon but give me your car,wallet etc.

As far as this teaching other kids a lesson not to mess with him, if anything if this area is so much a warzone and so bad that everyone from parents to police are so scared to get involved. An area so bad that kids lives are in danger. They see this kid they aint gonna even come at him trying o fight it would str8 up be i aint gonna try to fight dude cause he is known not to fight and str8 go for the kill so they will come at him with th same mindset.

Iuno where alot of guys are from seems like middle america suburbia, but if someone is WELL KNOWN to carry and KILL, you aint comming at them barehanded.

I mean i would totally agree with what kid did if he attempted to seek help, and went through all the channels and had no other choice. But again this was not the case. And to say the kid didnt intend to seriousy hurt/kill the dude is foolish. I mean how do you accidently not tell be you being bullied, you accidently dont seek help, you accidently get money, accidently go purchase a knife, accidently take knife, then accidently stab him 12 times.

If you buy a weapon you have it for 1 or 2 reason, to flex and pretend to be hard, or you plaan on using it if need be.
i understand what your saying but i can not find an article that says the school was not aware of the bullying.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Lmao.... how does the kid deserve to be stabbed though???

So if a co-worker bullies Ksteezy he has a right to stab the guy??

dude is 14 he knows what he is doing...

@@%@ outta here...

kid got stabbed cuz the kid who got the knife was really crazy.... he should get jail time.... 15 year sentence... get em out when he 29.....


++*$ outta here with that trollin son
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by MonStar1

In school ya'll was the type to get punked and bullied
Everyday was halloween and dudes took ya goodies
Stay in house and play with Buzz and Woody
Acknowledge it you the opposite of the logo on ya hoody
Champion? haha can't be him.
leave'em bloody before he can put his tampy in
Heavy D...You was never one of the boys
When _'s was poppin' off you ain't making no noise
Yous a shy guy...reminder me of the S in "Illinois"
Stabbin instead of scrapin' means you lacking poise
See a real man can give and take a beating
You choir boys probably hate competing
Probably see the bully and fake a greeting
mad cuz real _'s on while you like "I ain't eating"

you rhyme about what you don't know
you think the s is silent in "Illinois"
i suggest you just stop trying to be tough *$!* bro
before a bully comes and knocks your teeth out with his boys
you even rhymed it in multiple words ending ȯiz
so just log the hell off because your an idiot


every time i make a comment about you, you have had no more rhymes or slick responses and come back with cornball photos. just log off NT was better before you
oh no jail time?


keep your hands to yourself.

lmao @ rappers writing raps to defend the bully

like "you all just got bullied by bullies"


looks like the real gangster here is the kid poking his bullies up, huh?

you pushing him and hes poking you

and you crying for the dudes who picked on kids cause they thought they could dominate them, but ended up getting stabbed

you crying for the bully who got his life taken via knifepoint...

cause he couldnt keep his hands to himself


write a rap about you being so anti-cool you're siding with the socially awkward bully who cant function without touching other people...

and got poked up like a chump

by a real G...
See a real man can give and take a beating
nah, that's childish, b.

a real man just pokes his assailant until there is no beating to take or give...

what i look like rolling around on the floor with you? getting sweaty from punching you until my knuckles bruise?

nah, imma just poke you up real nice and let you marinate with those wounds


dude made a rap to glorify a BULLY


bullies will never be cool, dork

Originally Posted by MonStar1

So happens when this lil weirdo goes to a new school and gets bullied again?  Or maybe somebody just wants to scrap because this kid does something worth fighting about,  will he finally fight like a man or kill somebody else?

He should do what he was doing before and avoid conflict. What's fighting going to prove?
All this dude wanted to do was mind his own business but these dudes were looking for trouble. I hope if he goes to a new school and is bullied, he has some brass knuckles handy and breaks someone's face up real proper.
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