Kid stabs and kills bully

na he died a while ago. they had enough time to grieve, now i'm going to enjoy some laughs at their expense.
Originally Posted by spacerace

I am on both sides of the fence for this sole reason - the bullied Jorge Saavendra, although he did take steps to avoid the bully, did not seek the help of an adult/teacher/parent even after previous altercations had taken place. If the bully had been confronted by a teacher or either side's parents, and the bully deliberately ignored their warnings, than I would have no problem about what the bullied did. However, from the scarce information I have about this case, it would seem that no adult intervention had taken place. Because of this, I can not 100% justify the bullied's actions, but obviously Florida law can. 

I was thinking the same thing, but sometimes "snitching" only makes it worst, and this bully seemed really liked.
 Maybe he felt like no one would believe him or care.
When you are young you don't feel that your voice counts remember this kid was 14.
At 16 years of age, you know what your doing. You know that bullying is wrong. He knew exactly what he was doing to him. Yeah the results in him standing up for himself ended up being fatally extreme, but you can't blame him for defending himself. I'm sure he didn't intend on killing him, therefore i'm cool with no consequences coming down on this kid.

Bet no one at that high school will mess with him anymore though
Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

There's no winners in this situation man. This kid has obviously been through a lot and its sad the only way he could solve his problem was to take another life. That kind of thing can drive you crazy, even if it was in self defense. I feel bad for him man...I don't think he's escaped anything. Just more baggage added.

Im with you all the way except for this part....

 the only way he could solve his problem was to take another life.

because it wasnt the only way and today now more then ever they do everything but give you a body guard and put you in the witness protection plan. Its just kids today it seems like are afraid to go tell and get help for fear of being ostricized mocked and made fun of... but heres the kicker. These kids are being riduclued ostricized and made fun of anyway. So why not tell seek help? Its not like by not telling the ppl making fun of you and the bullies are gonna say hey that was cool of you not telling, so we are going to leave you alone. Either way ppl and the bullies gonna think whatever way they feel about you regardless, so why not save yourself the so called life threating, and the such hardship and turmoil and seek help and mitigate the situation?
LDJ - do you really think that in a world of teens, an adult intervention would do much? the end of the day, the bullied live in the same world as the bullys and there is very little you can expect an adult to do.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

na he died a while ago. they had enough time to grieve, now i'm going to enjoy some laughs at their expense.

You're being a bully.

i know,   maybe his family can cyber stab me or report me to the cyber police.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by 8PM at MSG

There's no winners in this situation man. This kid has obviously been through a lot and its sad the only way he could solve his problem was to take another life. That kind of thing can drive you crazy, even if it was in self defense. I feel bad for him man...I don't think he's escaped anything. Just more baggage added.

Im with you all the way except for this part....

 the only way he could solve his problem was to take another life.

because it wasnt the only way and today now more then ever they do everything but give you a body guard and put you in the witness protection plan. Its just kids today it seems like are afraid to go tell and get help for fear of being ostricized mocked and made fun of... but heres the kicker. These kids are being riduclued ostricized and made fun of anyway. So why not tell seek help? Its not like by not telling the ppl making fun of you and the bullies are gonna say hey that was cool of you not telling, so we are going to leave you alone. Either way ppl and the bullies gonna think whatever way they feel about you regardless, so why not save yourself the so called life threating, and the such hardship and turmoil and seek help and mitigate the situation?
I hear what your saying. I guess its just often times you feel alone in a situation like this. Mentally you feel like you can't reach out to anybody because your always being made fun of. People sit there and watch these things happen. It was a well known fact that this kid was being bullied, but nothing was done until he had to make a decision no 14 year should have to. Maybe someone would've been able to step in and circumvent this...but it feels like the world is against you when things like this happen. You can only get so much protection before you have to act on your own.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

LDJ - do you really think that in a world of teens, an adult intervention would do much? the end of the day, the bullied live in the same world as the bullys and there is very little you can expect an adult to do.

I do.  Like we said we aren't dealing with kids from the slums.  All it takes is a parent to parent talk or a teacher to parents talk and it would go away for the most part.  Half the time the bully's parents don't even know their kid is a d-bag.  I'm pretty sure this was very possible here. Maybe instead getting beat down he just gets dirty looks and called a "crybaby" for telling adults.  Isn't that better?  You keep forgetting the environment these kids are from...they are suburb kids man.  One call to Mommy and Daddy and all that fake tough guy act is gone.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

LDJ - do you really think that in a world of teens, an adult intervention would do much? the end of the day, the bullied live in the same world as the bullys and there is very little you can expect an adult to do.

So whats the point of these hotlines etc... then. I think that if someone was threatening your life. And im pretty sure in this case it wasnt on some mob tip, tapped phones and mafia sending lil messages. Im pretty sure they were out in the open with it... hell probably even twittered facebooked it etc.. And if the school couldnt do anything im sure any responsible parent whos child life was in immediate danger would rectify the situation. If nothing more then pulling the kid out of the school. I mean i just find it hard to believe that teachers, school counselors, principles etc.... and his mom would be like brush it off and get that dirt off ya shoulders.

I am a parent of two and while i had a situation not to long with my 12 y/o. I can honestly say I think if the situation would have escalated and iuno she got beat up. And her life was in immediate danger and she came to me the teachers etc.. and none of them did nothing It wouldnt result in my daughter going to my gun shed, and killing these kids.

It seems in this situation it was either he was too shame to speak out, or everyone including his own mom dropped the ball, or didnt believe him and said oh well boys will be boys. And if they were beating him so bad to the point it was getting life threating. As a parent his parents should have noticed that simple fact in their child.

Like i said my girl was made fun of for defending a kid being made fun of and she stood up and fought them. And even before the event she told me about what was going on with the kid and i actually had lunch and saw the kid etc.. But sidetracking a lil. I told her dont fight someone elses battles, but i saw this kid didnt want any and i actually met the mom and was unaware etc... He didnt want any and was a lil timid lil kid. But same scenario he never stood up defended himself nor told anyone and it only came out cause i had to go to the school for my kid fighting and i spoke out to the teachers and they were more then willingly etc to step up.

It was just that they no idea and even asked him and HE refused to say anything. For being called a sissy. But again like i said before they thought he was a sissy amongst other things anyways. So it wasnt that he didnt have a way of solving the problem. It was him not wanting to be labeled a sissy etc even though he already was. That and i guess he felt he couldnt express himself to his mom. Which i blame his mom on for not establishing a relationship when your own kid can confide in a stranger... well im not a stranger but not their own parent.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

na he died a while ago. they had enough time to grieve, now i'm going to enjoy some laughs at their expense.

You're being a bully.

even im not that much of an ahole lol.

you should go after his friends tho
Its also a cultural thing, certain races teach there children how to fight.
"if you get beat up when you come home imma beat you up too"
Certain races throwing hands is not a option.
That stuff only happens in wrestling shows for them.

If anything the prosecution was aiming to high for murder 2, they could have at least charged manslaughter, still I think he would have got off.
They probably overcharged for him to be able to get off.
between this kid and my dude rayon mcintosh, self defense is the in thing for the new year.

someone tries you, you make sure they never try you again.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Its also a cultural thing, certain races teach there children how to fight.
"if you get beat up when you come home imma beat you up too"
Certain races throwing hands is not a option.
That stuff only happens in wrestling shows for them.

If anything the prosecution was aiming to high for murder 2, they could have at least charged manslaughter, still I think he would have got off.
They probably overcharged for him to be able to get off.

nah not even races. certain generations.

my grandpa told my dad that whole if you get beat up thing but my dad never passed it on to us. but i've never been in a situation where fighting was needed to resolve anything, and hopefully i never have to.
LDJ, I respect your views on this from a father's perspective.

But we're talking about the kid here. Yes, the kid's parents could've done some things differently, and there are better ways to deal with your problems (which are obvious to us as adults), but I don't think you understand what the kid went through.

My situation with "bullying" (I put it in quotes because it was never that serious and never escalated, but I'm guessing the emotions I felt are universal) happened many years ago. I was 3 years younger and half their size. Whenever it would happen, I would kick and punch as much as I could, but it was to no avail.

The feeling I had was that of hopelessness and of fear. Of course these are emotions we learn to overcome as adults. But as a kid these emotions can be overwhelming. If you've never been there emotionally, just imagine what a kidnapping victim must feel. Yes, it's irrational, but keep in mind we're talking about children here.

Like shoefreakbaby said, part of the reason I didn't tell anyone was cultural. Part of it was I felt no one would do anything, or would say something like, "man up" or "it's not that big of a deal" (some of the responses in this thread justify those sentiments).

At the end of the day, we all agree it was a tragic situation, but, stripping everything away, what we have here is a victim who fought back and called the bully on his bluff.
edit: Actually, it's not irrational. Plenty of people have died or suffered serious injury (beyond the emotional toll that is a near certainty) at the hands of a bully who went too far.
I DON'T condone the stabbing at all. But what you guys need to realize is that this wasn't an isolated incident. The kid was being bullied before. He bought the knife in preparation for the next time.

LDJ. OK tough guy. You're saying this kid should of told an adult, yadda, yadda, yadda, but if that had happened, you probably would of still looked at him as some peon anyway. Again, the stabbing is not condoned or supported at all, but if this kid got beat up, what if the bully (or bullies) didn't stop after a black eye and a broken nose? This kid SUCKER PUNCHED him in the BACK OF THE HEAD. Who's to say he wouldn't of kicked him in the back of the head on the ground? That kind of blow can incapacitate someone.

It's easy to say talk to an adult and sound like an after school special or some anti-bullying PSA, but these are teenagers. Not 8 year olds. After the bullies mom takes away his Xbox and he gets suspended, he's only going to want to beat this kid up more. And if the kid getting bullied has to change schools, that is seriously messed up. I'm sounding like a broken record, but I am not condoning the stabbing. All I'm saying is that the bully went looking for trouble and found a lot of it very unfortunately. The kid took it too far with the knife. Who knows if that was his intent or if he blacked out in the adrenaline rush. (He finally trumped his bully, even though it was a serious extreme.) BUT the bully PUSHED him to that breaking point. You can only keep pushing something until it pushes back.

For you guys saying he should of just took the whooping and moved on. What if he wasn't able to "move on"? You think these kids would of just left him alone for the rest of his life after beating him up that day? I understand I'm playing what if's, but that's what you're doing. NONE of these kids were in the right. The bully SHOULDN'T of had to die. All we're saying is the bully pushed this kid and as some NT'ers might put it. He wanted to be, "about that life."
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Its also a cultural thing, certain races teach there children how to fight.
"if you get beat up when you come home imma beat you up too"
Certain races throwing hands is not a option.
That stuff only happens in wrestling shows for them.

If anything the prosecution was aiming to high for murder 2, they could have at least charged manslaughter, still I think he would have got off.
They probably overcharged for him to be able to get off.

nah not even races. certain generations.

my grandpa told my dad that whole if you get beat up thing but my dad never passed it on to us. but i've never been in a situation where fighting was needed to resolve anything, and hopefully i never have to.
Lucky you

Im not teaching that to my kids either but I'm putting all my kids in karate.

Just read an article where they said he missed days of school trying to avoid this kid,
so that must mean adults  knew, his neighbor said she knew.

And they made fun of him for being in ESE classes

buddy looked defeated.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

LDJ - do you really think that in a world of teens, an adult intervention would do much? the end of the day, the bullied live in the same world as the bullys and there is very little you can expect an adult to do.
I'm a teenager in high school. I can guarantee you that if the bullied kid had told any adults it would have been even worse for him. It doesn't matter if he were from The Bronx or Beverly Hills. He had to take care of this himself. In his eyes, taking care of it was trying to avoid it, such as getting off 2 stops early. The reason he had the knife in the first place is because he felt threatened. When dude and his homies tried following him he acted upon self defense. He went into a blind fury while he attacked, which is expected.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

LDJ, I respect your views on this from a father's perspective.

But we're talking about the kid here. Yes, the kid's parents could've done some things differently, and there are better ways to deal with your problems (which are obvious to us as adults), but I don't think you understand what the kid went through.

My situation with "bullying" (I put it in quotes because it was never that serious and never escalated, but I'm guessing the emotions I felt are universal) happened many years ago. I was 3 years younger and half their size. Whenever it would happen, I would kick and punch as much as I could, but it was to no avail.

The feeling I had was that of hopelessness and of fear. Of course these are emotions we learn to overcome as adults. But as a kid these emotions can be overwhelming. If you've never been there emotionally, just imagine what a kidnapping victim must feel. Yes, it's irrational, but keep in mind we're talking about children here.

Like shoefreakbaby said, part of the reason I didn't tell anyone was cultural. Part of it was I felt no one would do anything, or would say something like, "man up" or "it's not that big of a deal" (some of the responses in this thread justify those sentiments).

At the end of the day, we all agree it was a tragic situation, but, stripping everything away, what we have here is a victim who fought back and called the bully on his bluff.
edit: Actually, it's not irrational. Plenty of people have died or suffered serious injury (beyond the emotional toll that is a near certainty) at the hands of a bully who went too far.

When you are a kid every little bad thing feels like the end of the world, that's why suicide rates our highest among teens.
You haven't built that "oh get over it gene" yet.

Im so happy you overcame it, Im sure its made you a stronger person

Im so corny.
Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

I DON'T condone the stabbing at all. But what you guys need to realize is that this wasn't an isolated incident. The kid was being bullied before. He bought the knife in preparation for the next time.

LDJ. OK tough guy. You're saying this kid should of told an adult, yadda, yadda, yadda, but if that had happened, you probably would of still looked at him as some peon anyway. Again, the stabbing is not condoned or supported at all, but if this kid got beat up, what if the bully (or bullies) didn't stop after a black eye and a broken nose? This kid SUCKER PUNCHED him in the BACK OF THE HEAD. Who's to say he wouldn't of kicked him in the back of the head on the ground? That kind of blow can incapacitate someone.

It's easy to say talk to an adult and sound like an after school special or some anti-bullying PSA, but these are teenagers. Not 8 year olds. After the bullies mom takes away his Xbox and he gets suspended, he's only going to want to beat this kid up more. And if the kid getting bullied has to change schools, that is seriously messed up. I'm sounding like a broken record, but I am not condoning the stabbing. All I'm saying is that the bully went looking for trouble and found a lot of it very unfortunately. The kid took it too far with the knife. Who knows if that was his intent or if he blacked out in the adrenaline rush. (He finally trumped his bully, even though it was a serious extreme.) BUT the bully PUSHED him to that breaking point. You can only keep pushing something until it pushes back.

For you guys saying he should of just took the whooping and moved on. What if he wasn't able to "move on"? You think these kids would of just left him alone for the rest of his life after beating him up that day? I understand I'm playing what if's, but that's what you're doing. NONE of these kids were in the right. The bully SHOULDN'T of had to die. All we're saying is the bully pushed this kid and as some NT'ers might put it. He wanted to be, "about that life."

And what, he was weak regardless. Its like ok a kid who is fat gets made fun of for being fat, he takes the ridicule and get beat up, or tell a teacher and it stops. either way the said kid would still be fat. and wont/cant/choose not to address and solve said issue. same forthis kid.

exactly and as far as mom taking xbox etc... you do know there is an anti bully law and can be punished and jailed for said acts. A;so florida in reference to crime tries ppl at 15 as an adult so who knows what other criminal charges they would face.  so i think these kids serving 2-4 years.... more then not being able to play xbox is going to be something their going to have to deal with.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Its also a cultural thing, certain races teach there children how to fight.

"if you get beat up when you come home imma beat you up too"

Certain races throwing hands is not a option.

That stuff only happens in wrestling shows for them.

If anything the prosecution was aiming to high for murder 2, they could have at least charged manslaughter, still I think he would have got off.

They probably overcharged for him to be able to get off.

nah not even races. certain generations.

my grandpa told my dad that whole if you get beat up thing but my dad never passed it on to us. but i've never been in a situation where fighting was needed to resolve anything, and hopefully i never have to.
Lucky you

Im not teaching that to my kids either but I'm putting all my kids in karate.

Just read an article where they said he missed days of school trying to avoid this kid,
so that must mean adults  knew, his neighbor said she knew.

And they made fun of him for being in ESE classes

buddy looked defeated.

well, taking self defense classes of course doesn't hurt. i got put into karate classes as a child, and enrolled myself into muay thai (greatest thing i've ever done for myself) classes last year. but it was mostly for the health benefits.. the self defense was just an add on.
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