Kid stabs and kills bully

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by blakep267

Why buy a knife

he was being physically harassed daily.

he bought a knife to stop the acts of physical violence against him.....

which worked, obviously.


if the bully kept his hands to himself, nobody would be stabbed up right now, right? right.

someone gave me a very dope response on twitter

"better than him killing himself over being bullied"


just think if everyone merked a bully out for putting hands on them

wouldnt be too much bullying huh?

it wouldnt be a culture in our schools and you guys wouldnt be in here all "everyone gets bullied"

cause everyone does get bullied

but everyone doesnt have hands put on them

or get bullied to the point where stabbing your bully is the best way out of the situation

so pipe down.

He was physically harrassed everyday? teasing, name calling and throwing paper balls is grounds for buying a knife? Im going by the link that was just posted above. Maybe theres more, idk.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

of course I have been bullied, taunted etc. but I never thought about killing somebody or buying a knife. Granted it probably wasnt to the extent that this kid was bullied, but I knew if I told my mom I had any problem, she'd be up at the school with the quickness and would make sure it would never happen again whether it be from threatening to sue the school or whatever. Mayeb this kid didnt have that support system. 

Also, The thing that gets me is he stabbed him 12 times. ow i could see you giving the kid a quick 2 piece, when he attacks you and then you run away. but 12 times means, he was down and you continued to do it.


According to the eye witnesses and him thats not what happened, which is why it cant be considered murder.

Ok, I wrote that before I read your link. But the witnesses also thought the guy was only stabbed a few times, not 12.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by StillIn729

exactly; dude acts like the kid is a psychopath; he didn't buy a pocket knife to go into school and stab him.  The kid feared his safety and tried to avoid conflict.
and let's be real; even if he told the school, schools don't really do anything.  The kid would have been called into the administrators office and been given a warning which would have most likely fueled the bully to want to fight him even more.  Bullies rebel against authority even more when they are reprimanded. 

Not expressly calling him a psychopath, but he did stab the kid in the chest multiple times. An act like that requires attention. Most people have been bullied. What do want to do to our bullies? Probably beat them up etc. But when it gets to the point where you actually want to kill a person, something is wrong. Why buy a knife if you dont plan on using it. Im not saying the bully is right, but the bullied kid also needs some help.

Also, I'm not a violent person. So I could never see myself buying a knife and carrying it around. My friends do, but I'm not about that.
It was for protection he was scared, if his intent was to kill, he would have went to the fight and fought,
 he got 2 bus stop early to avoid it, got hit and still was trying to walk away.
This kid was in ESE classes, most kids in those classes usually have learning disorders or developmental issues.
Which is probably why the kid targeted him. When you're young you rarely think rationally,
I went to school where girls would hide blades in there mouths cause they knew they were gonna gonna get jumped.
Its about survival, he didn't want to fight let alone kill him, but when you feel unsafe its instinct

This link explains the fight better
exactly. and like stated some people dont have the support system of mom and dad to go up to schools and what not. my mother worked. my job was to stay out of jail, dont get pregnant and bring home good grades. any problems like that either myself or one of my brothers took care of. its all about your environment and how you were taught to survive in it.
So your gonna ignore the fact his bully punched him in the back of the head one of the most vunerableand sensitive parts of your body
There are no winners in this case...
That kid has to live with the fact he took someone's life for the rest of his....
Im glad the law protected him too...
He showed kids on the bus he had a knife & got off early to avoid having to use it...then got stalked by a group that sucker punched him...
Maybe he OD'd with twelve stabbings, but what if the bully didnt fall or back off after the 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd time he hawked him? What if the bully died after being stabbed once?!

And all you internet thugs talmbout "take your whoopin"...
If u really "cut from that cloth", u know u dont fight people who aint gonna fight back, it makes you hard because u stomped someone out that you knew wasnt gonna swing on u?
Who's really lame in that situation?

Y'all cats never cease to amaze me with your hollywood movie-hood n'-logic...
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

of course I have been bullied, taunted etc. but I never thought about killing somebody or buying a knife. Granted it probably wasnt to the extent that this kid was bullied, but I knew if I told my mom I had any problem, she'd be up at the school with the quickness and would make sure it would never happen again whether it be from threatening to sue the school or whatever. Mayeb this kid didnt have that support system. 

Also, The thing that gets me is he stabbed him 12 times. ow i could see you giving the kid a quick 2 piece, when he attacks you and then you run away. but 12 times means, he was down and you continued to do it.


According to the eye witnesses and him thats not what happened, which is why it cant be considered murder.

Ok, I wrote that before I read your link. But the witnesses also thought the guy was only stabbed a few times, not 12.
I think you guys think that each stab wound was deep, the media isnt going to say "two deep stab wounds, and ten baby grazes" That doesn't sound juicy enough.
I feel like bad for the family of the kid who was killed, because I doubt he would have been bullying this kid if he knew he had it in him to cop a knife AND use it.

That said, once you punch someone in the back of the head, all bets are off. Kid was old enough to know that. Considering that he had friends with him, and the other kid was alone, I don't know how you could have expected him to "fight fair."
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by blakep267

Why buy a knife

he was being physically harassed daily.

he bought a knife to stop the acts of physical violence against him.....

which worked, obviously.


if the bully kept his hands to himself, nobody would be stabbed up right now, right? right.

someone gave me a very dope response on twitter

"better than him killing himself over being bullied"


just think if everyone merked a bully out for putting hands on them

wouldnt be too much bullying huh?

it wouldnt be a culture in our schools and you guys wouldnt be in here all "everyone gets bullied"

cause everyone does get bullied

but everyone doesnt have hands put on them

or get bullied to the point where stabbing your bully is the best way out of the situation

so pipe down.

He was physically harrassed everyday? teasing, name calling and throwing paper balls is grounds for buying a knife? Im going by the link that was just posted above. Maybe theres more, idk.

, more justification?

the day he stabbed the bully 12 times the bully punched him in the head seconds beforehand.....

argument over.

keep your hands to yourself.
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by blakep267

Why buy a knife

he was being physically harassed daily.

he bought a knife to stop the acts of physical violence against him.....

which worked, obviously.


if the bully kept his hands to himself, nobody would be stabbed up right now, right? right.

someone gave me a very dope response on twitter

"better than him killing himself over being bullied"


just think if everyone merked a bully out for putting hands on them

wouldnt be too much bullying huh?

it wouldnt be a culture in our schools and you guys wouldnt be in here all "everyone gets bullied"

cause everyone does get bullied

but everyone doesnt have hands put on them

or get bullied to the point where stabbing your bully is the best way out of the situation

so pipe down.

He was physically harrassed everyday? teasing, name calling and throwing paper balls is grounds for buying a knife? Im going by the link that was just posted above. Maybe theres more, idk.

You must have missed the part where he was punched in the head. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

he was being physically harassed daily.

he bought a knife to stop the acts of physical violence against him.....

which worked, obviously.


if the bully kept his hands to himself, nobody would be stabbed up right now, right? right.

someone gave me a very dope response on twitter

"better than him killing himself over being bullied"


just think if everyone merked a bully out for putting hands on them

wouldnt be too much bullying huh?

it wouldnt be a culture in our schools and you guys wouldnt be in here all "everyone gets bullied"

cause everyone does get bullied

but everyone doesnt have hands put on them

or get bullied to the point where stabbing your bully is the best way out of the situation

so pipe down.

He was physically harrassed everyday? teasing, name calling and throwing paper balls is grounds for buying a knife? Im going by the link that was just posted above. Maybe theres more, idk.

You must have missed the part where he was punched in the head. 
No I know that. I was replying to he above posters claim or physical harrassment daily, as to being a reason why the kid bought a knife. When that wasnt stated in the link that I read.

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I feel like bad for the family of the kid who was killed, because I doubt he would have been bullying this kid if he knew he had it in him to cop a knife AND use it. 


kid was a moron

putting his hands on another person

and got what he got.

im sure if he knew the kid had a knife and was gonna poke him the moment he touched him that day, he wouldnt have touched him

but guess what, he touched him.

lmao, this is the same message board defending ole boy who broke that womans skull apart with a punch?

defending the bully who got stabbed?


You must have missed the part where he was punched in the head. 

I think he is trying to say that wasnt enough, he wanted the kid to have been beaten up everyday to justify bring a knife.
The kid didnt stab him once he got punch, he still was running away after he got punched even knowing he had a knife in his pocket.
Kid was spooked.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You must have missed the part where he was punched in the head. 

I think he is trying to say that wasnt enough, he wanted the kid to have been beaten up everyday to justify bring a knife.
The kid didnt stab him once he got punch, he still was running away after he got punched even knowing he had a knife in his pocket.
Kid was spooked.

so its farfetched to assume the harassment wasnt daily?


whatever point you can raise to contradict me, huh?


fine, the harrassment wasnt everyday


just monday through friday, 715 am to 245 pm

and the kid still got poked

and hes still dead

and the stabber is still free

happy we've addressed that inconsistancy now?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You must have missed the part where he was punched in the head. 

I think he is trying to say that wasnt enough, he wanted the kid to have been beaten up everyday to justify bring a knife.
The kid didnt stab him once he got punch, he still was running away after he got punched even knowing he had a knife in his pocket.
Kid was spooked.

Not jsaying he had to beustified, but the kid was teased and had stuff flicked at him. I could see if he had gotten the crap kicked out of him all the time and he goes and buys a weapon to defend himself. But if he wasnt being physically hurt at all, don't you think it would be strange for him to all of a sudden arm himself with a weapon. Now granted he guseed right, but the day he brought the knife, he had no inkling that he would need it.

Ex. if a kid gets teased by a bully for his clothes, would you condone the victim to go out and buy a weapon. You know, just in case it might escalate.
To get this straight, some of yall would just stab the bully once, and step off?

All of his friends which also bully the kid is there, and if that bully didn't die, as soon as he recovered, the kid would have to be looking over his shoulder every second.

Don't pull it, if you aint gonna use it, and he used it to the fullest.

If he's gonna put someone down, he's gonna make sure they stay down. There's no revenge once they're 6 feet under.
LMAO see?

anything you can say to be anti


the kid put his hands on the boy

even if this was the first time ever

it was one time too many

evidenced by him getting poked to death infront of his soft friends who condoned his behavior...

bet not a single one of those kids bullies anything ever.

whatever theory you're cooking up, dead it

he got off...

the law is on his side

he was defending himself.

period...end of story

he didnt stab the kid for making fun of his clothes, he stabbed him for assulting him...period.
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You must have missed the part where he was punched in the head. 

I think he is trying to say that wasnt enough, he wanted the kid to have been beaten up everyday to justify bring a knife.
The kid didnt stab him once he got punch, he still was running away after he got punched even knowing he had a knife in his pocket.
Kid was spooked.

Not jsaying he had to beustified, but the kid was teased and had stuff flicked at him. I could see if he had gotten the crap kicked out of him all the time and he goes and buys a weapon to defend himself. But if he wasnt being physically hurt at all, don't you think it would be strange for him to all of a sudden arm himself with a weapon. Now granted he guseed right, but the day he brought the knife, he had no inkling that he would need it.

Ex. if a kid gets teased by a bully for his clothes, would you condone the victim to go out and buy a weapon. You know, just in case it might escalate.
I understand what you are saying, but in the article it says that nuno told him the day before, im gonna beat you up tomorrow.
The kid was a psycho.. thats why they was bullying him.... he was a easy target.. he was so weird and a psycho. So he snapped cuz he a psycho.

I see he wanted to defend himself because he was getting bullied.... but stabbing someone 12 times just proved that the kid was insane and its the reason why he was getting picked on. Maybe it was his ears....

Monstar and cartune are spot on with this one.

This kid should've took his beatings or just simply flew away.

But hmmm... on 2nd thoughts... i dont really give a %%#@... good job i guess... dont %%#@ with people who are not trying to have any problems.

But he did go OD..... should've just shot him in the leg..
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

The kid was a psycho.. thats why they was bullying him.... he was a easy target.. he was so weird and a psycho. So he snapped cuz he a psycho.

I see he wanted to defend himself because he was getting bullied.... but stabbing someone 12 times just proved that the kid was insane and its the reason why he was getting picked on. 

There are so many conclusory statements and logical disconnects in what you just wrote that I don't even know where to begin.  You should check out a class on inductive/deductive reasoning.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

The kid was a psycho.. thats why they was bullying him.... he was a easy target.. he was so weird and a psycho. So he snapped cuz he a psycho.

I see he wanted to defend himself because he was getting bullied.... but stabbing someone 12 times just proved that the kid was insane and its the reason why he was getting picked on. Maybe it was his ears....

Monstar and cartune are spot on with this one.

This kid should've took his beatings or just simply flew away.

But hmmm... on 2nd thoughts... i dont really give a %%#@... good job i guess... dont %%#@ with people who are not trying to have any problems.

But he did go OD..... should've just shot him in the leg..
Spoken like a true bully,
 the 14 year old kid with a disability  is a psycho, but the 16 year old kid who went out of his way to harass someone younger  isnt.

I dont even get it, the juniors at my school were not worried about chasing some ese kid home and beating them up.
They were chasing girls home and ......
Its w/e times have change.

you sir are cray.
In high school i witnessed a gay dude leave a "bully" in a pool of blood in the middle of the hallway for calling him a fudge packer or some other derogatory term like that . I was like

I felt so happy for the fruity dude because he really whooped dudes %!# fair and square in front of EVERYBODY. Im talking he broke dudes nose with a knee to the face . Dude was out of school for like 3 weeks due to injury and the dude who was homosexual got a 5 day suspension
Best fight ive ever seen.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Fresh Like Will

LDJ. You're not getting it man.

You're blaming the kid who got bullied for not doing this or that before taking it too far in his eventual and obvious wrong doing. But EVERYONE was wrong. The bully pushed this kid.

You think the bully would of stopped bullying the kid if someone told a teacher? Teachers aren't the end all be all. They can't control the goings on outside the classrooms. You're one gullible guy if you think that would of stopped everything. And this kid wasn't going to jail for harassing a 14 year old at 16. C'mon now. Those bully laws wouldn't of done any good until it got to the point to where they have to use those laws and the reasons they were made. By then the kid could of potentially caught a pretty bad one. NO ONE WAS RIGHT. You've got to understand that the bully met a very real after effect of his treatment towards this kid. If he left him alone and never put a hand on him, we wouldn't be talking about this right now.

The bully Radio Raheem'd himself. The kid should of never pulled that knife, but he was pushed.


Im not blaming the kid, and as far as the kid having no choice of course he did. Like i stated ppl always say oh telling someone etc... never works. But heres the thing most of these cases they dont even try to tell someone. They take on all these problems themselves. And as far as the police wouldnt do anything.... i doubt that if his life was in danger to the point he needs a weapon like many of you claim, i seriously doubt esp... factoring where the events happened and type of neighborhood he was in... that the cops etc wouldnt get involved. Yall make it seem like kid was 10 or 11 and these bullies was  teens/adults and some rolling crips and they were in compton or east la circa late 70's early 80's.

I refuse to believe that if he told his teachers, counselors, principle, parents, and police that as yall have stated his life was in danger that all his cries would go unheard. Thing is no one goes thru these length and express their concerns for the shame and embarassment, and for fear of ppl making fun of them. And again I say it doesnt matter because ppl think a certain way make fun of you dislike you anyways.

What? I never said anything about the kid not having a choice.

I never said he needed a weapon. Never compared this to gangs in LA from the 70's and 80's. Never said his cries would go unheard. Never made it out to be like the kid was 10 or 11.

Apparently there were adults who already knew the situation. Like the kid's neighbor. They knew he was skipping school to avoid these bullies. You can always tell an adult, but after you've told an adult and they've "handled" the situation. The bully is just going to have more of a reason. They're teenagers. They're not fully developed human beings yet. A teacher can prevent the problem in the classroom, the parents can prevent the problem when their kids are at home, but everywhere else is a much larger issue. These kids use the same bus and if they don't know where the kid lives, they at least knew the last stop before his house. If they don't get him on day 1, they can get him day 2, or 3, or next week.

All I'm saying is that the bully went looking for conflict and faced it. Everybody is wrong in this. You're defending this bully who I agree shouldn't of had to die, but still harassed this kid enough for him to skip school and get off the bus 2 stops earlier from his stop just to avoid him. The kid obviously didn't want this. Bullies can't be as tough when they're picking on someone their own age and size, or bigger, though. You can go on about how the kid getting bullied should of handled it better and asked an adult, but he shouldn't have to have a bodyguard an adult chaperon or walk on egg shells for the entire time this bully harasses him or thinks about putting hands on him when he's outnumbered. The bully should of not bullied the kid. Simple and plain. The most sensible solution to all of this and the best way to prevent this bad situation was for the bully to stop bullying... or not even start. The kid getting bullied was the first victim and the problem started because of the bully.

He shouldn't of had to die. I agree with you on that, but I think it's messed up when you go on about how this kid getting bullied should of done this and done that, when he wanted no part of this and had it brought to him.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

The kid was a psycho.. thats why they was bullying him.... he was a easy target.. he was so weird and a psycho. So he snapped cuz he a psycho.

I see he wanted to defend himself because he was getting bullied.... but stabbing someone 12 times just proved that the kid was insane and its the reason why he was getting picked on. Maybe it was his ears....

Monstar and cartune are spot on with this one.

This kid should've took his beatings or just simply flew away.

But hmmm... on 2nd thoughts... i dont really give a %%#@... good job i guess... dont %%#@ with people who are not trying to have any problems.

But he did go OD..... should've just shot him in the leg..
Spoken like a true bully,
 the 14 year old kid with a disability  is a psycho, but the 16 year old kid who went out of his way to harass someone younger  isnt.

I dont even get it, the juniors at my school were not worried about chasing some ese kid home and beating them up.
They were chasing girls home and ......
Its w/e times have change.

you sir are cray.

shut up. The bully isnt psycho 
.. u serious..
ur just saying this cuz u got bullied for being H.......

that 14 year doesnt have a disability... 


thats the face of a serial killer.

so this is a way to show bullies and kids.. its OK to kill your Bullies... 

if your getting bullied dont tell because you will get bulllied more.... just kill the kid... 

!*%# outta here with that !!!##*%# wyclef...
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