Keying A Car: Would You Have Done It?

Aug 15, 2009
So, yesterday was my great grandma's funeral. It already was a hard enough day as it is, and then this bishop came up to speak. Dude was 80 years old and had alot of old school ideas. One of them was on homosexuality and how big of a sin that it was. He went on a tirade how lesbians are evil and what's wrong with the world today. Dude condemned their lifestyle at this funeral, which wasn't cool. It got real because two of my family members (who I prefer not to say) are lesbians and have been for years. They got so offended they left the church in tears, as well as one of my cousins (whom also is a lesbian). I comfort my two family members in the basement along with my other family members and they're crying extra hard in the basement.

I go outside and I'm so pissed I start cursing about the preacher outside of the church and start puching the side of the building with my bare fists  (and keep in mind that I'm cool, calm and collected most of the time). My cousin who's like a brother to me comes outside to comfort me and calm me down. By this time, I want to beat the living you know what out of the bishop. So, my cousin gets a tip from someone inside the church which car was the bishop's. To my surprise, it's a shiny new BMW. so needless to say, I grab the keys in my pocket and scratch the hell of out the car deep as possible. I probably would have slashed his tires too but I didn't have anything sharp enough to puncture them.

So, what would guys have done in my situation? Turn the other cheek even though a family member has been slandered and condemned in church or go goon status and get your revenge?
You may need anger management. Keying a car? That's for bitter ex girlfriends. You keyed the car of an 80 year old man. You have a problem.
Are you a female?

Don't do it bra everyone's entitled to they're opinion no matter how close the subject hits home.

Probably would have confronted the bishop and let him know this isn't the time and place to be discussing his ideas. In your situation, you probably would have laid his @%* out since you were heated so probably a good idea you didn't look for confrontation.
I've had my car keyed a couple times. Definitely not something I would ever do to someone else.

You should've just let it ride tho and spoke to him afterwards. It's too late to do anything about it now tho.
so you keyed this mans car, because his personal view on homosexuality offended some of your family members and made them cry?

am i understading correctly.? if so.. shame you on.. pathetic really..

im truly sorry for your loss, i cant imagine losing my grandma.. but to key another mans car?? idk.. just doesnt make sense..
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

You may need anger management. Keying a car? That's for bitter ex girlfriends. You keyed the car of an 80 year old man. You have a problem.

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Are you a female?

Don't do it bra everyone's entitled to they're opinion no matter how close the subject hits home.

the $%$* does sexual orientation have to do with the man's grandmother though?

$%$* scratching the car though I would've beat that old %$!!@@ $$*.
also, keep in mind that keying his car wasn't my first choice. real talk I would have whooped the snot out of him. only because it was my grand mother's funeral that I didn't go on stage and knock out the remainder of his teeth. but out of respect to everyone else, I walked out instead of making a scene..but not before throwing the obituary on the ground and mugging the hell out of dude before storming out.

oh and I might as well say it, the person that cried was my grandmother and her partner. everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but hate has no place in the church.
Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by sthebest

So, yesterday was my great grandma's funeral. It already was a hard enough day as it is, and then this bishop came up to speak. Dude was 80 years old and had alot of old school ideas. One of them was on homosexuality and how big of a sin that it was. He went on a tirade how lesbians are evil and what's wrong with the world today. Dude condemned their lifestyle at this funeral, which wasn't cool. It got real because [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]two of my family members (who I prefer not to say) are lesbians and have been for years.[/color] They got so offended they left the church in tears, as well as one of my cousins (whom also is a lesbian). I comfort my two family members in the basement along with my other family members and they're crying extra hard in the basement.

I go outside and I'm so pissed I start cursing about the preacher outside of the church and start puching the side of the building with my bare fists  (and keep in mind that I'm cool, calm and collected most of the time). My cousin who's like a brother to me comes outside to comfort me and calm me down. By this time, I want to beat the living you know what out of the bishop. So, my cousin gets a tip from someone inside the church which car was the bishop's. To my surprise, it's a shiny new BMW. so needless to say, I grab the keys in my pocket and scratch the hell of out the car deep as possible. I probably would have slashed his tires too but I didn't have anything sharp enough to puncture them.

So, what would guys have done in my situation? Turn the other cheek even though a family member has been slandered and condemned in church or go goon status and get your revenge?
So they weren't born gay?

Anyways. I've had my cars vandalized, windows busted, and my truck is still keyed from the summer. It's a metallic paint too so the paint is tougher to have it match the rest of the vehicle.
If you key someones car, I hope your witness your child's death, because that's how I felt when I saw my baby keyed from headlight to tail light.
it would probably be a good idea if you never offered your opinion on anything of relevance on NT bruh, some topics don't need that troll touch of yours.
this being one of those many topics.
I agree with defending the freedom of your family members, and all LBGT people, but keying a dude's car is a total %#@+% move. Beating him up would also be overreacting, but at least that's more direct and manly on a strictly macho level. I would have confronted him about ruining the moment, it not being the time or place, tell him you aren't going to pay him, explain you have LBGT family members who were offended, it's a new age, Jesus was probably gay, etc. but not keyed his car.
cue nasskimask.gif

really tho i would never damage someones property that they paid for with their own money. it would be better if u confronted him instead of keying his car like a pussycat
Originally Posted by sthebest

So, yesterday was my great grandma's funeral. It already was a hard enough day as it is, and then this bishop came up to speak. Dude was 80 years old and had alot of old school ideas. One of them was on homosexuality and how big of a sin that it was. He went on a tirade how lesbians are evil and what's wrong with the world today. Dude condemned their lifestyle at this funeral, which wasn't cool. It got real because two of my family members (who I prefer not to say) are lesbians and have been for years. They got so offended they left the church in tears, as well as one of my cousins (whom also is a lesbian). I comfort my two family members in the basement along with my other family members and they're crying extra hard in the basement.

I go outside and I'm so pissed I start cursing about the preacher outside of the church and start puching the side of the building with my bare fists  (and keep in mind that I'm cool, calm and collected most of the time). My cousin who's like a brother to me comes outside to comfort me and calm me down. By this time, I want to beat the living you know what out of the bishop. So, my cousin gets a tip from someone inside the church which car was the bishop's. To my surprise, it's a shiny new BMW. so needless to say, I grab the keys in my pocket and scratch the hell of out the car deep as possible. I probably would have slashed his tires too but I didn't have anything sharp enough to puncture them.

So, what would guys have done in my situation? Turn the other cheek even though a family member has been slandered and condemned in church or go goon status and get your revenge?

also, get counceling bro, you have anger issue


he's 80 years old brah


You must understand that he grew up in a completely different time than you and he's old so he's more than likely set on his views no matter what you say.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by sthebest

So, yesterday was my great grandma's funeral. It already was a hard enough day as it is, and then this bishop came up to speak. Dude was 80 years old and had alot of old school ideas. One of them was on homosexuality and how big of a sin that it was. He went on a tirade how lesbians are evil and what's wrong with the world today. Dude condemned their lifestyle at this funeral, which wasn't cool. It got real because [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]two of my family members (who I prefer not to say) are lesbians and have been for years.[/color] They got so offended they left the church in tears, as well as one of my cousins (whom also is a lesbian). I comfort my two family members in the basement along with my other family members and they're crying extra hard in the basement.

I go outside and I'm so pissed I start cursing about the preacher outside of the church and start puching the side of the building with my bare fists  (and keep in mind that I'm cool, calm and collected most of the time). My cousin who's like a brother to me comes outside to comfort me and calm me down. By this time, I want to beat the living you know what out of the bishop. So, my cousin gets a tip from someone inside the church which car was the bishop's. To my surprise, it's a shiny new BMW. so needless to say, I grab the keys in my pocket and scratch the hell of out the car deep as possible. I probably would have slashed his tires too but I didn't have anything sharp enough to puncture them.

So, what would guys have done in my situation? Turn the other cheek even though a family member has been slandered and condemned in church or go goon status and get your revenge?
So they weren't born gay?

Anyways. I've had my cars vandalized, windows busted, and my truck is still keyed from the summer. It's a metallic paint too so the paint is tougher to have it match the rest of the vehicle.
If you key someones car, I hope your witness your child's death, because that's how I felt when I saw my baby keyed from headlight to tail light.
it would probably be a good idea if you never offered your opinion on anything of relevance on NT bruh, some topics don't need that troll touch of yours.
this being one of those many topics.
Who are you and why do you keep following me and keeping tabs on what I post?

I just don't get how the guy who started the thread is hurt by words enough to do PHYSICAL damage to another mans car.

Like how do you let WORDS hurt you like that?
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

You may need anger management. Keying a car? That's for bitter ex girlfriends. You keyed the car of an 80 year old man. You have a problem.

Sorry for your loss though...honestly when I think about I don't know what kinda mental state I'd be in at my grandmas funeral. YOLO.
who are teaching these kids nowaday, you(male) went out and keyed another mans car? bc of something he said?

for future purpose men dont key other men car, thats a female trait. Women are known to do that. Be a man and let that man know how you feel, not go behind his back and mess with his car...

you are seriously soft for that.
Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by megatron

So they weren't born gay?

Anyways. I've had my cars vandalized, windows busted, and my truck is still keyed from the summer. It's a metallic paint too so the paint is tougher to have it match the rest of the vehicle.
If you key someones car, I hope your witness your child's death, because that's how I felt when I saw my baby keyed from headlight to tail light.
it would probably be a good idea if you never offered your opinion on anything of relevance on NT bruh, some topics don't need that troll touch of yours.
this being one of those many topics.
Who are you and why do you keep following me and keeping tabs on what I post?

I just don't get how the guy who started the thread is hurt by words enough to do PHYSICAL damage to another mans car.

Like how do you let WORDS hurt you like that?
I don't have to keep tabs or follow you, you post in about every single topic in general and well, as do I....
You consistently post the most ignorant remarks on NT on a day to day basis. 

Today was no different.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

it would probably be a good idea if you never offered your opinion on anything of relevance on NT bruh, some topics don't need that troll touch of yours.
this being one of those many topics.
Who are you and why do you keep following me and keeping tabs on what I post?

I just don't get how the guy who started the thread is hurt by words enough to do PHYSICAL damage to another mans car.

Like how do you let WORDS hurt you like that?
I don't have to keep tabs or follow you, you post in about every single topic in general and well, as do I....
You consistently post the most ignorant remarks on NT on a day to day basis. 

Today was no different.
You're right, and I'm wrong for that.
By the way, for all of you saying I should have confronted him after the service, you guys do know that after a funeral you have to get to the cemetery. Trust me, I would have told dude I did it face to face but it's hard to do that when you're part of the funeral procession. Besides, I didnt see him come out of the church and trust me I looked.
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