Keying A Car: Would You Have Done It?

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

VIN # because i call ducktales.

you wouldnt be so nonchalaunt about vandalism on a car if you had a car and motorcycle messed with.

car vandalism is one of the most pie things anyone can do on this planet.

son, did you listen to "i bust the windows out your car" when you keyed another MANS car?

you should relate.
I'm not nonchalant about it though. whenever I get a new scratch on my motorcycle I get pretty pissed
. all I'm saying is that some of you dudes are saying getting a scratch on your car is worse than getting beat up. how are you going to value a couple of pieces of metal more than your own body? I realize cars are important and expensive possessions, and a lot of people are proud of their cars and like to take care of them, but when you put a car above your own health I question your priorities. even just in terms of $ it's cheaper to fix a scratch on your door.
OP should have just said something though, if he has a problem with what the guy is saying scratching his car isnt gunna do much good
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69


you're serious?

and no, I would never do something as cowardly as mess with someone's car then run away.

you ever hear of those megachurches? 

dudes are straight ballin'
I see my reply was a bit ambiguous,
but I was wondering why he was surprised 

I'm not big on religion but there's this paster in HARLEM on 116th st. Dude parks his S550 right in front of the church. I'm thinking to myself where do I apply???
Ive keyed this ladies car before. I'm parked behind her and she hits the gas a lil to hard and hits me. She taps me pretty hard and just drives off. She doesn't apologize or anything so that causes another scratch on my bumper (NYC parking) and she ended up having a jersey shore sticker on her bumper so the next time I saw It I keyed the #%!* out of it.
Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sthebest

I would have but me and the rest of the family had to return to our cars to start forming the funeral procession. trust me, I was looking for dude. had I found him, I would have let him have it.

What would your grandma want you to do?
Lol if my granny was still here, she wouldnt have wanted her daughter put down like that in the church that she was a founding member of. ESPECIALLY by a bishop who's a guest speaker who has no relationship to the family whatsoever and is not even speaking to his own congregation.

why ya'll have a guest speaker that knows nothing about your great gma go up and speak nice words about ya'll great gma I don't get it bruh. Rip to your loved one but that was a dumb move having a stranger speak at a loved ones funeral.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

But OP still hasn't stated whether she's a boy or a girl though...

I'm a guy. And to answer Dajon, I'm straight. But to be honest, I wasn't thinking straight the day of the funeral. I was close to my great grandmother so i was already in grief. Seeing my grandmother verbally assaulted sent me over the edge, especially since she was sitting in the front pew.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Are you a female?

Hitting wall in anger. Check.
Cursing someone out in public when they're out of the vicinity. Check.
Keying the car. Yup.

Should of talked to the Bishop man-to-man in a respectful manner. If you couldn't, then let him live in ignorance and take the high road. Or just pout while jumping up and down flailing your arms.
Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by RavageBX

But OP still hasn't stated whether she's a boy or a girl though...

I'm a guy. And to answer Dajon, I'm straight. But to be honest, I wasn't thinking straight the day of the funeral. I was close to my great grandmother so i was already in grief. Seeing my grandmother verbally assaulted sent me over the edge, especially since she was sitting in the front pew.
Well I can't say that the pastor didn't deserve it but that don't make it right and it makes you seem pretty lame. Should've took it to him like a man.
Eh, messing with a dudes vehicle is a B__ move.

Grow a pair of balls op
Getting all emo punching walls and stuff?  It's 2012 now
When you allow someone to alter your Universe to the point where you're punching walls, you show that they have more control over you than you have of yourself. Probably wasn't the best time to start bashing gays and lesbians (
  at a funeral though?) but he's entitled to speak. Next time don't get a "preacher" to host a funeral.

Edit: And you're thinking about keying his car? 
regardless of gender, OP sounds like a straight up child

rolling around on the floor, kicking his feet

grow up. the pastor dedicated his life to Jesus, which should be more than enough revenge for you
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