Kevin Samuels Thread

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Bicep, calf, and penis implants. Baked in six packs. Hair implants a la Floyd.

Is it a form of insecurity? Yes. But that’s the cross that person carries. Washboard abs without work is expensive to maintain.
Agree or nah?

Isn't this along the lines of what people refer to as "Toxic Masculinity"?

A 2011 study found that men who held the strongest beliefs about masculinity were only half as likely as men with more moderate beliefs about masculinity to get preventative health care. Seeing a physician for an annual physical, for example, runs contrary to some men’s beliefs about toughness.

If the weight reduction results in a healthier existence then who cares if its from liposuction or treadmills?

The fact that someone named "Coach" refers to weight loss surgery as "bad ***** surgery" combined with corelating "respect" with "like - mindedness" is saying more about the "Coach" than anything else.
But isn’t it in coach’s interest for folks to be clientele?

I agree on the toxic masculinity. I think what he should’ve said is to adopt a healthy lifestyle so long term you can have good health and the chance of a decent lifespan. Especially when it comes to the health issues the black community experiences.
I also notice a trend amongst him and his followers attacking women with higher education and advanced degrees. There is a reason why education historically and currently in many cultures gets suppressed. Poorly educated men know if women gain an intellectual advantage it would render them useless.
LOL, not his point at all.

Men care less (some not at all) about a woman's educational attainment or career than women, care about a mans- That's a fact no? I think his argument is that black women are using their degrees and careers as an excuse for holding out for the right man.

In and of itself getting degrees is a great thing, but if the affects are leading to the worst marriage rates in the world it is part of the problem no?

I would say that a woman getting a 4 year degree is imperative for most of my friends, much more important than what a woman does. I think women need to realize that being successful in a career is indicative of being able to run a successful household, its a signal to men that she is capable intelligent and could work if she HAD to. When it becomes another reason to look down on me and my accomplishments its a problem.
LOL, not his point at all.

Men care less (some not at all) about a woman's educational attainment or career than women, care about a mans- That's a fact no? I think his argument is that black women are using their degrees and careers as an excuse for holding out for the right man.

In and of itself getting degrees is a great thing, but if the affects are leading to the worst marriage rates in the world it is part of the problem no?

I would say that a woman getting a 4 year degree is imperative for most of my friends, much more important than what a woman does. I think women need to realize that being successful in a career is indicative of being able to run a successful household, its a signal to men that she is capable intelligent and could work if she HAD to. When it becomes another reason to look down on me and my accomplishments its a problem.

Really? Besause across many cultures (too many to just be isolated incidents) the education of women has been stifled to varying degrees, including historically in this country. There are still remnants of that mentality that women aren't supposed to educate themselves or have careers. Nothing is new under the sun, im sure many people on NT were indoctrinated by misogynistic fathers and society and don't even realize it.

I agree, an educated woman to me is a sign of many other great qualities including 1. ability to multitask 2. discipline 3. values etc

Women aren't looking down on men's accomplishments. Men insecure about their accomplishments keep bringing up women's accomplishments as a negative. Which is what my original comment was referring to. The "she always working she ain't got no man" view of accomplished women is nothing new. Men and society love to reduce a woman's worth to being wives and keeping a household.
I think the point Kevin Samuels is making is the thing that attracts men to women are physical appearance, intangible qualities like loyalty, etc. In this post feminist movement era, it’s great that women have these opportunities (truly).

I want my daughter to be able to be independent if she needs to be.

But Kevin Samuels is trying to explain that yes, you’re doing your thing...but men aren’t interested in educational or career accomplishments on the macro level. It’s probably micro. Whereas their looks, intangible qualities are on the macro.

Especially in the sense of gender roles. A man can’t produce a child or be a nurturer like a woman. Whereas, a traditional man still looks at themselves as a provider. So if they’re making six figures and more interested in a beautiful companion or child bearer, that degree isn’t as highly regarded.

Again, this is in the sense of some of the women calling him up. If the woman who is calling him up is overweight or not attractive and looking at their masters degree or executive position as why they’re a prize in pursuing a high value man (eg attractive, In shape, six figures, etc)’s not going to work.
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LOL, not his point at all.

Men care less (some not at all) about a woman's educational attainment or career than women, care about a mans- That's a fact no? I think his argument is that black women are using their degrees and careers as an excuse for holding out for the right man.

In and of itself getting degrees is a great thing, but if the affects are leading to the worst marriage rates in the world it is part of the problem no?

I would say that a woman getting a 4 year degree is imperative for most of my friends, much more important than what a woman does. I think women need to realize that being successful in a career is indicative of being able to run a successful household, its a signal to men that she is capable intelligent and could work if she HAD to. When it becomes another reason to look down on me and my accomplishments its a problem.
Shouldn’t we be looking at marriage being the problem then? Highly educated women are not a problem, but the institution of marriage, especially for women, most certainly is! Monogamy is indeed an issue as well, and considering the laws and circumstances surrounding women’s rights, and how Black women are treated in this society, marriage should not be their end game. Also, you need not be married, in order to create a family. If we are to truly look at the institution as it is governed through law, it is indeed an outdated system of union.
I think the point Kevin Samuels is making is the thing that attracts men to women are physical appearance, intangible qualities like loyalty, etc. In this post feminist movement era, it’s great that women have these opportunities (truly).

I want my daughter to be able to be independent if she needs to be.

But Kevin Samuels is trying to explain that yes, you’re doing your thing...but men aren’t interested in educational or career accomplishments on the macro level. It’s probably micro. Whereas their looks, intangible qualities are on the macro.

Especially in the sense of gender roles. A man can’t produce a child or be a nurturer like a woman. Whereas, a traditional man still looks at themselves as a provider. So if they’re making six figures and more interested in a beautiful companion or child bearer, that degree isn’t as highly regarded.

Again, this is in the sense of some of the women calling him up. If the woman who is calling him up is overweight or not attractive and looking at their masters degree or executive position as why they’re a prize in pursuing a high value man (eg attractive, In shape, six figures, etc)’s not going to work.

My wife having a business degree and pursuing a PA degree was just as important to me as her looks. She doesn't even need to work because I make enough to take care of both of us, but it was still a requirement of mine for a partner.

The opposite hold true, for me at least. if a woman is attractive but uneducated and unaccomplished it actually makes her look less attractive to me.

I think. it all depends on the man's values.
My wife having a business degree and pursuing a PA degree was just as important to me as her looks. She doesn't even need to work because I make enough to take care of both of us, but it was still a requirement of mine for a partner.

The opposite hold true, for me at least. if a woman is attractive but uneducated and unaccomplished it actually makes her look less attractive to me.

I think. it all depends on the man's values.

I think you are in the minority for sure. I haven't polled men but I don't think MOST or anywhere near close to MOST men value career/$ as much as a woman's looks.

If your wife only had a Bachelor's , would you have been as attracted to her?
What would you say should be their end game?

Legit question.
Good question.

Especially for the ills that plagues the black community (lack of the nuclear family).

My wife having a business degree and pursuing a PA degree was just as important to me as her looks. She doesn't even need to work because I make enough to take care of both of us, but it was still a requirement of mine for a partner.

The opposite hold true, for me at least. if a woman is attractive but uneducated and unaccomplished it actually makes her look less attractive to me.

I think. it all depends on the man's values.
For me, I’d agree. I like a woman who will add and not degrade my situation. Someone to build with. But those intangibles are still important.

I’m not calling Kevin Samuels me asking where are the rocket scientist dimes with good values.
I think you are in the minority for sure. I haven't polled men but I don't think MOST or anywhere near close to MOST men value career/$ as much as a woman's looks.

If your wife only had a Bachelor's , would you have been as attracted to her?

yes, that's the minimum. Aspirations and career goals are equally important. When I first met her she only had a bachelors in business but told me about how she wanted to get into healthcare to become a PA which is no easy feat and I supported it.

yea its unfortunate that im in the minority but it says a lot about culture and how women are viewed in society. But not every culture and subculture is like this. For example if you look at Indian culture when marriages are arranged even what the woman does get factored into the equation when picking a match for arranged marriages. Upscale Indian families want to make sure their son is marrying someone on the same level. So this idea that men unanimously consider looks over everything else isn't necessarily true.

I think things are changing, women actually get asked what they do for a living when you bring them home to meet your parents. That's a change from the 1940s. :lol:
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My wife having a business degree and pursuing a PA degree was just as important to me as her looks. She doesn't even need to work because I make enough to take care of both of us, but it was still a requirement of mine for a partner.

The opposite hold true, for me at least. if a woman is attractive but uneducated and unaccomplished it actually makes her look less attractive to me.

I think. it all depends on the man's values.

are you saying the requirement for you was for her to have a business degree and pursue a PA degree or for her to be educated?
Or were her looks first and a good head on her shoulders, goals a close second?

And Indian culture, especially arranged marriage is traditional old custom. I can see how there could be a discussion on misogyny. But I just can’t see it with Kevin Samuels. And the audience calling in for advice.
are you saying the requirement for you was for her to have a business degree and pursue a PA degree or for her to be educated?

I don't know if simply being "educated" is enough cause that can mean anything. I take it on a case by case basis. My wife has had a long journey with education and it wasn't all good. She started out premed dropped out went the business route then worked in Healthcare for a few years and decided to go back an take prereqs to become a PA. I think your educational journey says a lot about you as a person but I don't think simply being educated is a "requirement". I mean if a woman couldn't afford to go to school but wanted to start her own business and worked hard for it, I would see that as a positive.
Men definitely value women's careers for serious relationships; at least the ppl I know. Now that doesn't mean her career has to be incredibly lucrative, like teaching, for example, but I'm not interested in somebody that doesn't have any ambition or direction.

Reminds me when my Dad asked if I'd date a woman without a job :lol: Like man, I'm 30, the **** I look like dating someone that doesn't have an income? This isn't a charity.
A woman’s career is a plus, not a requirement or focus for MOST men. MOST. Not even debatable.

.... which is downright stupidity.

Some men don’t want an educated/intelligent woman why? Because they want to CONTROL and manipulate. Most men are way more insecure than women. That’s why they user verbal abuse tactics in order to belittle and control women
.... which is downright stupidity.

Some men don’t want an educated/intelligent woman why? Because they want to CONTROL and manipulate. Most men are way more insecure than women. That’s why they user verbal abuse tactics in order to belittle and control women
I won’t get into the why’s because every man has their reason but mine is simply because I won’t be in a position to which I need her money. Her money will be an addition, not a need. At the end of the day, as a man, nobody will take care of you. More men need to be on their purpose and let the women come along because they will always be there.
A woman’s career is a plus, not a requirement or focus for MOST men. MOST. Not even debatable.

it depends on the culture, how you were raised, and social status. I don't mind being in the minority in this country.
.... which is downright stupidity.

Some men don’t want an educated/intelligent woman why? Because they want to CONTROL and manipulate. Most men are way more insecure than women. That’s why they user verbal abuse tactics in order to belittle and control women

Truer word have never been spoken. Men are by far the more insecure sex/gender.

I don't care how much you make, not wanting your wife to also make money is hustling backward:rofl::rofl::rofl:

My wife makes way less than me, but that extra 100+ grand of income can be put to good use. Education fund for kids, investments, etc.
Men definitely value women's careers for serious relationships; at least the ppl I know. Now that doesn't mean her career has to be incredibly lucrative, like teaching, for example, but I'm not interested in somebody that doesn't have any ambition or direction.

Reminds me when my Dad asked if I'd date a woman without a job :lol: Like man, I'm 30, the **** I look like dating someone that doesn't have an income? This isn't a charity.

True. If my wife were a teacher I would definitely see that as a plus for several reasons. It's a profession I hold in high regard, although they are criminally underpaid.
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