Kevin Samuels Thread

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I still think the weight thing is tricky because black women carry their weight different than other groups women. A black woman that's 160 is built way better than a white chick that's 160. Now yeah it is some Lizzo built or close to that that are delusional but they are a lot of thick thigh/wagon draggin/flat stomach sistahs that by definition would be obese but again the weight is in different places than another race of women.
WRONG. While of course you are correct that different women carry weight differently, you are dead wrong that being black is a cause of this difference.
IMHO he's meeting the callers where they are.

As the old saying goes..."Gotta put it where the goats can get it" b/w "If you cant stand the heat"

One minute we love "straight shooters" and "tellin it like it is" but as soon as the message doesn't comport with our previously conceived notions its "he aint have to say it like that" and "who listens to a man wearing Chelsea boots?".

His content is in line with "The King has no clothes" for me.

Basically speaking truth to power.

For far too long the Black Man's image has been in the hands of everyone else but the Black Man as it relates to relationships.

Well, except this guy:


NOW THAT line is something I can get behind. Strip all constitutional rights from Chelsea boot wearers.

Based Jesus Based Jesus gets a pass though cause he be pulling the bitties with them and I can't hate any high-value NT'er exercising his options.
Yea, I would say Rhianna is shaped in a way that isn't too offensive of a black body that someone white would "tolerate." She has a shape but she has that SLIM thickness. She isn't the type that walks into a room and makes white people question their human existence. She isn't the type that would make a white girl double guess their femininity.

Her being a 10 does say something now that KHUFU KHUFU brings it up.
Samuels idea of beauty, is one of acceptance. He is looking at what is acceptable by white people, as those standards of beauty were created for and by white people. Straight from Madison Avenue. A great discussion to bring up about people like Samuels is the discussion of colorism, and the euro standards of which he determines beauty.

I've said this before on another thread. There isn't a non Black person in this world, that can paint a picture of, nor tell me how to think about anyone who is indeed Black. Nobody non Black can tell me to not like what Farrakhan has to say, and nobody non Black can talk to me about how BEAUTIFUL Michelle Obama is.
WRONG. While of course you are correct that different women carry weight differently, you are dead wrong that being black is a cause of this difference.
You do realize the genetics are indeed real, and geography does indeed determine what people will look like, including the metabolic differences regarding bone density, fat metabolism and overall health, correct? There is a reason that not many Dikembe Mutombo's are walking around in Asia.
There is something called a healthy fat, one where both men and women can appear to be overweight, yet still be healthy in regard to blood pressure, sugar, and overall cardiovascular and fantastic metabolic health.

People who are healthy in this manner, would become sick if they tried to attain the norms set through western society, BMI, of which is nothing but a sham.

I am not talking about those who are considered morbidly obese here, those who are not able to be mobile, then in danger in regard to their metabolic heath.

However, in regard to Samuels and his ratings system, I addressed such to Max up above.

Dark skinned women, women with locs, sisters directly from the continent and THEIR own standard of beauty. Samuels whole thing is directly from Madison Avenue.

I find that imagery that he projects, to be quite antagonistic to Black empowerment...if that is what his about in regard to the Black family.

You cannot embrace that of the devil, if you want to be free of the devil.

I see it a whole other way.

These women want the "westernized" lifestyle so they damn well better be offering the "westernized" aesthetics.

Otherwise they are hypocrites.

Not one black man on Earth ever said they preferred lace fronts / weave yet these same women can find $1000 a month to spend on fake hair because "corporate America" told them to.

Apply that same thing to their gut and maybe it would make sense.

You want the white woman's hair, the white woman's money, the white woman's purse, the white woman's car, the white woman's attire, the white woman's lifestyle, the white woman's eye color, but when it comes to the white woman's work out routine there's a problem? Word?

Also - we can talk all day long about Black women carry their weight blah blah blah but the numbers do not lie.

Here lies Black "Thicker than a Snicker" Woman carved on tombstones because diabetes, heart disease, and cancer don't give a damn about that BS.

I bet if "corporate America" told them to lose weight, gym memberships would skyrocket.
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WRONG. While of course you are correct that different women carry weight differently, you are dead wrong that being black is a cause of this difference.
the average black & white woman aren't shaped the same.
I see it a whole other way.

These women want the "westernized" lifestyle so they damn well better be offering the "westernized" aesthetics.

Otherwise they are hypocrites.

Not one black man on Earth ever said they preferred lace fronts / weave yet these same women can find $1000 a month to spend on fake hair.

Apply that same thing to their gut and maybe it would make sense.

You want the white woman's hair, the white woman's money, the white woman's purse, the white woman's car, the white woman's attire, the white woman's lifestyle, the white woman's eye color, but when it comes to the white woman's work out routine there's a problem? Word?
This is a very horrible observation of western society. You need to stray from these white supremacist talking points.
the average black & white woman aren't shaped the same.

This is a very horrible observation of western society. You need to stray from these white supremacist talking points.

What? :lol:

Have you listened to what the women who call into his show actually say or is your cape flowing over your ears?
Definitely a lot of obese black women where I live and very few in the gym I frequent.

Side Note.....I always resisted the notion that American black women are extremely difficult to deal with, but my views on this are slowly evolving. There’s a level of resentment that rests with black women in my area that is getting worse. Now I can’t speak to other races because I’ve always exclusively dated black women. However I think I’ve reached my breaking point though. Literally every black woman I deal with I have to manage their irrational feelings. Being a gentleman doesn’t account for much. They don’t understand or appreciate when you’re nice to them. Most don’t invest even the successful ones, or flat out materialistic and most I’ve dealt with are bad with money even the doctors and lawyers. You have to constantly stroke their ego and I don’t care enough to even fake doing that. For the first time in my life I’ve decided to really date outside my race.

for the record I fall in that high value man Kevin speaks of.
College educated
No kids
Six figure income
Stays relatively fit
Well groomed
Very cultured
Why are black women annoyed with lack of representation and white women (let's be real though white people) stealing their looks, aesthetics, and everything in between? The only black women I see acting "white" (atleast by your definition) are on tv or on IG. The majority of that has to deal with them building their brand and being more palatable for a white audience. The women around my way are black and proud AF about it. Maybe it's cause I'm in Birmingham but trust the girls here ain't on whatever you're claiming them to be on.
The only black women I see acting "white" (atleast by your definition) are on tv or on IG. The majority of that has to deal with them building their brand and being more palatable for a white audience. The women around my way are black and proud AF about it. Maybe it's cause I'm in Birmingham but trust the girls here ain't on whatever you're claiming them to be on.

I'm speaking of the women who call into the show.
I see it a whole other way.

These women want the "westernized" lifestyle so they damn well better be offering the "westernized" aesthetics.

Otherwise they are hypocrites.

Not one black man on Earth ever said they preferred lace fronts / weave yet these same women can find $1000 a month to spend on fake hair.

Apply that same thing to their gut and maybe it would make sense.

You want the white woman's hair, the white woman's money, the white woman's purse, the white woman's car, the white woman's attire, the white woman's lifestyle, the white woman's eye color, but when it comes to the white woman's work out routine there's a problem? Word?

Also - we can talk all day long about Black women carry their weight blah blah blah but the numbers do not lie.

Here lies Black "Thicker than a Snicker" Woman carved on tombstones because diabetes, heart disease, and cancer don't give a damn about that BS.

You do realize that those numbers are indeed skewed toward what is indeed popular in popular culture, correct? It wasn't until recently that they began to realize that eating and cooking with vegetable oil was bad for you, in the effort of becoming and then being thin. They do believe that consuming such contributes to diseases like Alzheimer's, and then other metabolic disorders that may not be reversible.
Thin isn't always sexy, nor healthy. This is a fact, just as being big does not mean that you are at risk of metabolic disease. Morbidly obese is something different, and I do not think that you are addressing such.

Also, trends are indeed set through fear, and this is how they control the population.

The whole BMI thing was created with a study that included 12 white men of the ages of forty through 60, in Greenwich Conn. The study was done to create barometers in regard to what would be perfect health through body mass and weight in society. Where they failed in creating such standards was the realization of geographical effects on the body. People from a certain part of northern Europe were indeed larger, then much healthier while being heavier and more dense physically, and people from the African continent were affected by weather, exposure to the elements, and therefore body mass would change drastically due the environment they were indigenous to.

There is indeed an obesity problem in the United States, however what Samuels is addressing, isn't really about health. It is about being acceptable in order to be qualified to discuss the difficulty in finding suitable relationships. If we are talking about looking for good health, there are many other more qualified to talk to, other than some guy chugging down Red Bull's.
According to bmi, Rey Mysterio is an unequivocal fatass.

Examples of BMI Inaccuracies

In an interview with WebMD, Michael Roizen, MD, offered the following example of BMI inaccurately classifying an athlete as overweight: During his prime years, the basketball player Michael Jordan had a BMI that ranged from 27 to 29. According to BMI Mr. Jordan would have been classified as overweight, yet his waist size was <30 inches. Dr. Roizen is Chair of the Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, and is a member of the Advisory Board for

“Fat around your waist [Figure 3, Figure 4] is more biologically active and can do more damage to your body than weight around your hips,” Dr. Roizen noted. “The data show that waist circumference is more reliable and more closely correlated with diseases associated with obesity.”

You do realize that those numbers are indeed skewed toward what is indeed popular in popular culture, correct? It wasn't until recently that they began to realize that eating and cooking with vegetable oil was bad for you, in the effort of becoming and then being thin. They do believe that consuming such contributes to diseases like Alzheimer's, and then other metabolic disorders that may not be reversible.
Thin isn't always sexy, nor healthy. This is a fact, just as being big does not mean that you are at risk of metabolic disease. Morbidly obese is something different, and I do not think that you are addressing such.

Also, trends are indeed set through fear, and this is how they control the population.

The whole BMI thing was created with a study that included 12 white men of the ages of forty through 60, in Greenwich Conn. The study was done to create barometers in regard to what would be perfect health through body mass and weight in society. Where they failed in creating such standards was the realization of geographical effects on the body. People from a certain part of northern Europe were indeed larger, then much healthier while being heavier and more dense physically, and people from the African continent were affected by weather, exposure to the elements, and therefore body mass would change drastically due the environment they were indigenous to.

There is indeed an obesity problem in the United States, however what Samuels is addressing, isn't really about health. It is about being acceptable in order to be qualified to discuss the difficulty in finding suitable relationships. If we are talking about looking for good health, there are many other more qualified to talk to, other than some guy chugging down Red Bull's.

"Protective Hairstyles??? Protect your arteries!!!"

- Kevin Samuels

The numbers do not lie Fam.

Black women are number one for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and black men are right beside them.

The difference is attitude.

I haven't seen or heard one dude in here defend fat overweight men. Not one.

We can beat around the bush about BMI all day but it seems to me that "they" don't need any help "controlling the population" - we are all too eager to do that for them. Proudly.

We already know the healthcare system in this country is racist.

WHY are we doing this? Defending poor decisions, making excuses for poor lifestyle choices, and celebrating our own suffering?

There are studies that show the healthcare system will not be able to support all the lifestyle choices we are making and will literally collapse under the weight of obesity.

Not enough beds, doctors, medicine, or dialysis machines to cover the cost of our willful ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

  • In 2018, non-Hispanic blacks were twice as likely as non-Hispanic whites to die from diabetes.
  • African American adults are 60 percent more likely than non-Hispanic white adults to be diagnosed with diabetes by a physician.
  • In 2017, non-Hispanic blacks were 3.2 times more likely to be diagnosed with end stage renal disease as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
  • In 2017, non-Hispanic blacks were 2.3 times more likely to be hospitalized for lower limb amputations as compared to non-Hispanic whites.

  • In 2018, African Americans were 30 percent more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites.
  • Although African American adults are 40 percent more likely to have high blood pressure, they are less likely than non-Hispanic whites to have their blood pressure under control.
  • African American women are 60 percent more likely to have high blood pressure, as compared to non-Hispanic white women.

  • African Americans are 50 percent more likely to have a stroke (cerebrovascular disease), as compared to their white adult counterparts.
  • Black men are 70 percent more likely to die from a stroke as compared to non-Hispanic whites.
  • African American women are twice as likely to have a stroke as compared to non-Hispanic white women

  • From 2012-2016, African American men were 1.2 times and 1.7 times, respectively, more likely to have new cases of colon and prostate cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.
  • African American men were 1.7 times as likely to have stomach cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white men and 2.5 times more likely to die from stomach cancer.
  • African Americans men have lower 5-year cancer survival rates for most cancer sites, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.
  • African American men are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white men.
  • From 2012-2016, African American women were just as likely to have been diagnosed with breast cancer, however, they were almost 40 percent more likely to die from breast cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white women.
  • African American women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with stomach cancer, and they are 2.2 times as likely to die from stomach cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white women.

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Definitely a lot of obese black women where I live and very few in the gym I frequent.

Side Note.....I always resisted the notion that American black women are extremely difficult to deal with, but my views on this are slowly evolving. There’s a level of resentment that rests with black women in my area that is getting worse. Now I can’t speak to other races because I’ve always exclusively dated black women. However I think I’ve reached my breaking point though. Literally every black woman I deal with I have to manage their irrational feelings. Being a gentleman doesn’t account for much. They don’t understand or appreciate when you’re nice to them. Most don’t invest even the successful ones, or flat out materialistic and most I’ve dealt with are bad with money even the doctors and lawyers. You have to constantly stroke their ego and I don’t care enough to even fake doing that. For the first time in my life I’ve decided to really date outside my race.

for the record I fall in that high value man Kevin speaks of.
College educated
No kids
Six figure income
Stays relatively fit
Well groomed
Very cultured

Your value depends on where you live too...

Where do you reside?
"Protective Hairstyles??? Protect your arteries!!!"

- Kevin Samuels

The numbers do not lie Fam.

Black women are number one for diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

We can beat around the bush about BMI all day but it seems to me that "they" don't need any help "controlling the population" - we are all too eager to do that for them. Proudly.

We already know they healthcare system in this country is racist.

WHY are we doing this? Defending poor decisions, making excuses for poor lifestyle choices, and celebrating our own suffering?

There are studies that show the healthcare system will not be able to support all the lifestyle choices we are making and will literally collapse under the weight of obesity.

Not enough beds, doctors, medicine, or dialysis machines to cover the cost of our willful ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Again, what you are attempting to discuss, is NOT what Samuels is actually talking about. He clearly feels that those that he considers overweight, should not be too vocal about their likes and dislikes. This is where some of these posters are talking about unrealistic expectations. Just because he deems you to be unattractive, he then feels that you should lower your standards in regard to what you seek from a relationship.

What he is discussing, the underlying message is if you are fat and ugly? Fall back.

I'd love to hear where he'd rate Lupita.
He clearly feels that those that he considers overweight, should not be too vocal about their likes and dislikes. This is where some of these posters are talking about unrealistic expectations.

Where is the lie?
Where is the lie?
Oprah Winfrey,. Stacy Abrams, this sister,
, and many others who are wildly successful, should simply lower their standards. If these women listened to him? They would not be where they are right now.
Oprah Winfrey,. Stacy Abrams, this sister,
, and many others who are wildly successful, should simply lower their standards. If these women listened to him? They would not be where they are right now.

We are talking about relationships Fam.

Their money, careers, cars, houses, boats, gold plated dinner plates DO NOT MATTER.

Aint that definition of success a "western" concept?
We are talking about relationships Fam.

Their money, careers, cars, houses, boats, gold plated dinner plates DO NOT MATTER.

Aint that definition of success a "western" concept?
Oh yes they Do matter!

Who is more qualified to start a family? Who should be more valued in regard to teaching the methods of success, in an oppressed society? Who is more qualified to LEAD a family?

Success isn't westernized, oppression and the prevention of said success is what is indeed a westernized concept.

A discussion on who or what is indeed high value, would be incredibly interesting between Black women of this ilk, and one Kevin Samuels.
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