Kevin Samuels Dead at 56

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that is an interesting take...i can definitely think of counters but how does this really play out in the world? how do you think the distinction between the 'modern' & 'traditional" man is that large or even all that relevant?? i tend to think that the vast majority of men today would agree with the former sentiment, with culture over biology as opposed to your latter one but would be considered traditional in terms of their values

Simple. Show me how many women are out here cutting their own grass, putting their own tires and brakes on. Changing oil, putting up hurricane shutters, finishing concrete, etc etc.

The average female isn’t doing blue collar work. They talk all that feminism and empowerment, until it’s time to get their hands dirty.

THATS’S where a mans biology comes into play. In those type of scenarios….

Certain things women just aren’t going to do. And vice versa for men
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as an engineer, you know to some extent, everything kinda is actually calculus 😂, some are more aware of that than others but the understanding of which isn't necessarily required for success, which is to say some might need the formal explanation and some naturally get by other means. especially as a normal guy as opposed to an average woman, who will get more exposure to managing the interaction(s) with the opposite gender. add to that men generally are a bit less socially aware, the remove of social media/technology, as well as awkwardness (women too these days) & negativity around men pursuing women in public spaces, the recipe for awkwardness is there for young people today such that it is possible that some guys don't get the experience of dealing with girls in the 'appropriate ' way to foster attraction

that is an interesting take...i can definitely think of counters but how does this really play out in the world? how do you think the distinction between the 'modern' & 'traditional" man is that large or even all that relevant?? i tend to think that the vast majority of men today would agree with the former sentiment, with culture over biology as opposed to your latter one but would be considered traditional in terms of their values


I just shut up / mind my business and don't concern myself with what "the majority" may or may not believe at any given time.

I'd rather invest in history, biology, math / science, logic, reason, and facts as support for my beliefs / values (tradition) than invest in culture, society, feelings, thoughts, and emotions as support for todays modernity.

The list of things that the vast majority of people agree on (despite any factual support) is terrifying.

There are consequences for being wrong / putting feelings where facts should be in the world I'm from.

Some would have us believe that world no longer exists.

That's why I shut up a lot and mind my business - especially when it comes to opinions.

There are consequences for speaking facts (no matter how right I might be) too, especially if I aint smart enough to know when to shut up.

None of this is new...

Matthew 7:6

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Do not waste good things on people who will not appreciate them. This proverb is adapted from a saying of Jesus from the Gospels, “Cast not pearls before swine.” Jesus appears to be warning his disciples to preach only before receptive audiences.

If another man wants to walk around with a "p" hat and a "the future is female" t-shirt then that aint none of my business.

I already know what it is Fam :lol:

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this is probably one of the things that I do agree with on the red pill side. part of me thinks that maybe if dudes are having issues connecting with women or getting beat by “chads”, maybe they’re just punching above their weight class?

could be, but that’s part of the game/process of finding what works…plus who is to say what ‘level’ of woman guy should limit his prospects to, if the dude is willing to accept what comes with that pursuit?

Simple. Show me how many women are out here cutting their own grass, putting their own tires and brakes on. Changing oil, putting up hurricane shutters, finishing concrete, etc etc.

The average female isn’t doing blue collar work. They talk all that feminism and empowerment, until it’s time to get their hands dirty.

THATS’S where a mans biology comes into play. In those type of scenarios….

Certain things women just aren’t going to do. And vice versa for men

part the reason they don’t do those things is that women generally have power or prerogative when it comes to the things you mentioned, granted these are also things women tend not to be interested in but if they had to do those things, i think they could, altho maybe not in all cases as efficiently/optimally as men…so i don’t necessarily wholly believe that the biology is so deterministic…humans are quite adaptable/flexible in that respect, which isn’t saying that there are deterministic things due to our different respective biology


I just shut up / mind my business and don't concern myself with what "the majority" may or may not believe at any given time.

I'd rather invest in history, biology, math / science, logic, reason, and facts as support for my beliefs / values (tradition) than invest in culture, society, feelings, thoughts, and emotions as support for todays modernity.

The list of things that the vast majority of people agree on (despite any factual support) is terrifying.

There are consequences for being wrong / putting feelings where facts should be in the world I'm from.

Some would have us believe that world no longer exists.

That's why I shut up a lot and mind my business - especially when it comes to opinions.

There are consequences for speaking facts (no matter how right I might be) too, especially if I aint smart enough to know when to shut up.

None of this is new...

Matthew 7:6

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Do not waste good things on people who will not appreciate them. This proverb is adapted from a saying of Jesus from the Gospels, “Cast not pearls before swine.” Jesus appears to be warning his disciples to preach only before receptive audiences.

If another man wants to walk around with a "p" hat and a "the future is female" t-shirt then that aint none of my business.

I already know what it is Fam :lol:

🤣 i‘d hope that women see through the whole ‘ally’ approach if only on a latent level…

it is frustrating that things that have likely generally been true for millennia of millennia in terms of how men & women operated along with the likely adaptions that would have evolved from that are subject to the realm of being toxic…that said i do understand wanting to rewrite the rules such that things might be (even if just superficially) more equitable or to an advantage if possible, it’s frustrating but i get it
Simple. Show me how many women are out here cutting their own grass, putting their own tires and brakes on. Changing oil, putting up hurricane shutters, finishing concrete, etc etc.

The average female isn’t doing blue collar work. They talk all that feminism and empowerment, until it’s time to get their hands dirty.

THATS’S where a mans biology comes into play. In those type of scenarios….

Certain things women just aren’t going to do. And vice versa for men
I wonder who worked in the factories when the men were mobilized to go to war...

The problem with linking certain aspects of biology to aptitude is that it falls apart if one looks at it for more than a few seconds.

For what it's worth, I'm an engineer, I've worked closed to the trades for many years (manufacturing), and I've met my fair share of women trade workers. In my personal life, I'm surrounded by women who have no problem doing manual work or pursue professions in male-dominated fields as long as they're interested in it. So, maybe a lot of y'all hold those views about women because of the women you're surrounded with, and it just becomes easy to confuse lack of visibility with inability.

it is frustrating that things that have likely generally been true for millennia of millennia in terms of how men & women operated along with the likely adaptions that would have evolved from that are subject to the realm of being toxic…
Have they?
We should be careful about taking our observations of culture in the present and applying them to the past. The idea that winners write history doesn't just apply to geopolitics; it applies to sociology as well. And winners tend to simplify or downplay certain things that do not agree with their view of how things should be (or used to be).

Women used to dominate computer programming until technological advances (mainly in software) made their role obsolete. You wouldn't know that from looking at the tech workforce today. In fact, you'd think that women have played no role at all in the development and application of computing techniques that make today's world possible. Nowhere in my textbook is the name of the woman in the link mentioned, but we all know about Edison and Tesla.
could be, but that’s part of the game/process of finding what works…plus who is to say what ‘level’ of woman guy should limit his prospects to, if the dude is willing to accept what comes with that pursuit?

im not saying someone should limit themselves, i am saying that self awareness has got to come into play at some point if you want success. I think thats its a lot more multivariate than man must have money and height and women should be young and pretty. if youre a dude that goes to 100 anime conventions a year and cosplay, youd probably have a lot more success with a girl that buys into that as well. find your match. red pill/alpha male/pick up artist ideologs are really good and telling that to women and adjust their expectations but the advice to dudes is "become chad" :lol:

For what it's worth, I'm an engineer, I've worked closed to the trades for many years (manufacturing), and I've met my fair share of women trade workers. In my personal life, I'm surrounded by women who have no problem doing manual work or pursue professions in male-dominated fields as long as they're interested in it. So, maybe a lot of y'all hold those views about women because of the women you're surrounded with, and it just becomes easy to confuse lack of visibility with inability.

In the same field. i work with and network with a lot of female trades people and female engineers/STEM professionals. Ironically the vast majority of them are in relationships, married or engaged to be so. might be my confirmation bias though
I wonder who worked in the factories when the men were mobilized to go to war...

The problem with linking certain aspects of biology to aptitude is that it falls apart if one looks at it for more than a few seconds.

For what it's worth, I'm an engineer, I've worked closed to the trades for many years (manufacturing), and I've met my fair share of women trade workers. In my personal life, I'm surrounded by women who have no problem doing manual work or pursue professions in male-dominated fields as long as they're interested in it. So, maybe a lot of y'all hold those views about women because of the women you're surrounded with, and it just becomes easy to confuse lack of visibility with inability.

Have they?
We should be careful about taking our observations of culture in the present and applying them to the past. The idea that winners write history doesn't just apply to geopolitics; it applies to sociology as well. And winners tend to simplify or downplay certain things that do not agree with their view of how things should be (or used to be).

Women used to dominate computer programming until technological advances (mainly in software) made their role obsolete. You wouldn't know that from looking at the tech workforce today. In fact, you'd think that women have played no role at all in the development and application of computing techniques that make today's world possible. Nowhere in my textbook is the name of the woman in the link mentioned, but we all know about Edison and Tesla.

i’d agree that there is definitely an allowance that can be made for the limited perspective that we have due to the reality that the history was/is written from a mostly male lens (for all we know, there could have been women controlling/manipulating the men)…especially when it comes to certain things, like capabilities. i should think even the most self proclaimed chauvinist/misogynist would have to acknowledge that there isn’t anything inherent in our biology that precludes women from doing and/or being successful at anything; but this doesn’t negate that there are thing inherent to our innate biology that would make men better suited for certain things & vice versa.

altho i see can the link, biology & roles is kinda off on a tangent, i was more on about just the actual basics of attraction between men & women for long term mates (noting that men have much less/almost no requirements in short term, while women will still tend to have similar requirements for both long & short) things like being tall, in shape, competence, confident, capable (of violence) for women viewing men and beauty, exclusivity, fertility, innocence, meekness, submission, youth (obviously up to a point 😬), for men viewing women. why is it automatically toxic for a man to behave/communicate/want things a certain way (excluding harm, which i’d limit to physical & psychological and not necessarily including restricting women’s freedom to be in the world if that makes sense), because culture/society has become more formal and seeks appeals to our “better nature” doesnt fundamentally change that men & women want & are attracted different things

Don’t know if I totally agree with the job part.

even with all the workplace relationship taboos, both formal & informal, the amount of people that get together via work is kinda mind blowing…altho it makes sense given how much time people inevitably share in the same space through work. so it is an efficient and sensible, if what could be a somewhat fraught, strategy given the different power dynamics and increasing ‘woke’ ethos that is infecting every arena

im not saying someone should limit themselves, i am saying that self awareness has got to come into play at some point if you want success. I think thats its a lot more multivariate than man must have money and height and women should be young and pretty. if youre a dude that goes to 100 anime conventions a year and cosplay, youd probably have a lot more success with a girl that buys into that as well. find your match. red pill/alpha male/pick up artist ideologs are really good and telling that to women and adjust their expectations but the advice to dudes is "become chad" :lol:

In the same field. i work with and network with a lot of female trades people and female engineers/STEM professionals. Ironically the vast majority of them are in relationships, married or engaged to be so. might be my confirmation bias though

i get the point, yes like interests & some self-awareness are factors to success in (acquiring) relationships but in some respects it is exactly as simple as money & height for men, young & pretty for women; at least when it comes to initial attraction…which isn’t to say it always is or will be that simple.

i wish i knew more about the pickup artist stuff to speak more confidently on it but my impression was that it specifically gave those guys who weren’t ‘chad’ some tools to approach & be interesting to women but not necessarily be a good foundation for actual relationship, because it was essentially a kind of facade; you either have to completely internalize the ‘game’ to a point it becomes natural or it eventually crumbles down to reveal what/who you really are, at which point they are back at go.

i’m a little more versed with the red pill stuff as it was a bit easier to go down that internet rabbit hole, and their mantra in terms of intersexual dynamics is essentially to acknowledge reality that most women will disqualify men on any single metric, so just work toward becoming the best version of self, which increases your probability of being attractive to more women. superficially reasonable but ultimately runs into the reality that one’s best incarnation of self could still be seen as inadequate or at least not meeting their aspirations or the wants of the women they want.

there are aspects of both that are reasonable & useful but ultimately it is up to the individual to figure what will actually serve their particular goal(s) best
i get the point, yes like interests & some self-awareness are factors to success in (acquiring) relationships but in some respects it is exactly as simple as money & height for men, young & pretty for women; at least when it comes to initial attraction…which isn’t to say it always is or will be that simple.

i wish i knew more about the pickup artist stuff to speak more confidently on it but my impression was that it specifically gave those guys who weren’t ‘chad’ some tools to approach & be interesting to women but not necessarily be a good foundation for actual relationship, because it was essentially a kind of facade; you either have to completely internalize the ‘game’ to a point it becomes natural or it eventually crumbles down to reveal what/who you really are, at which point they are back at go.

i’m a little more versed with the red pill stuff as it was a bit easier to go down that internet rabbit hole, and their mantra in terms of intersexual dynamics is essentially to acknowledge reality that most women will disqualify men on any single metric, so just work toward becoming the best version of self, which increases your probability of being attractive to more women. superficially reasonable but ultimately runs into the reality that one’s best incarnation of self could still be seen as inadequate or at least not meeting their aspirations or the wants of the women they want.

there are aspects of both that are reasonable & useful but ultimately it is up to the individual to figure what will actually serve their particular goal(s) best

I feel like in a way it all kind of blends together. red pill "recognizes" the landscape, or tells you what the landscape is. alpha-male, high value male, pick up artist ideologies are how red pill adopters navigate the landscape. theres some cross over between them but theyre not all identical. pick up artitsts are very intentional about exploiting the female disposition from what ive seen. its also where negging comes from.

i think the overall issue with red pill is that its prescriptively macro if that makes sense. women want this, men act like this. its one of things i had an issue with the lines of questioning the likes of Kevin Samuels and Fresh and Fit have. While 99% of women will say they would want to be with a successful man making 500K a year, on the micro most women dont actually eliminate all men who dont make that from their dating pool. are there some delusional women out there? absolutely. but some much goes out the window once people actually meet. and interact and thats obviously clear by the fact that alot of these womens past relationships and baby's fathers dont meet that standard. and there are dudes that date woman on different ends of the attractiveness spectrum. a lot of these podcast folks build off of the assumption that men and women resist deviating from the "perfect man" or the "perfect woman". And not to let my own bias go unchecked but i dont think that seems to be the case in my middle to upper middle class bubble in and around the city of philly and for a brief time new york.

This is my own conclusion that I’ve drawn but For most people, being self sufficient, able bodied, neurotypical, employed, and decently put together, is going to put you in the dating pool of most other people. It’s gonna be reliant on Your ability to be around most people when the time is appropriate.
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I feel like in a way it all kind of blends together. red pill "recognizes" the landscape, or tells you what the landscape is. alpha-male, high value male, pick up artist ideologies are how red pill adopters navigate the landscape. theres some cross over between them but theyre not all identical. pick up artitsts are very intentional about exploiting the female disposition from what ive seen. its also where negging comes from.

i think the overall issue with red pill is that its prescriptively macro if that makes sense. women want this, men act like this. its one of things i had an issue with the lines of questioning the likes of Kevin Samuels and Fresh and Fit have. While 99% of women will say they would want to be with a successful man making 500K a year, on the micro most women dont actually eliminate all men who dont make that from their dating pool. are there some delusional women out there? absolutely. but some much goes out the window once people actually meet. and interact and thats obviously clear by the fact that alot of these womens past relationships and baby's fathers dont meet that standard. and there are dudes that date woman on different ends of the attractiveness spectrum. a lot of these podcast folks build off of the assumption that men and women resist deviating from the "perfect man" or the "perfect woman". And not to let my own bias go unchecked but i dont think that seems to be the case in my middle to upper middle class bubble in and around the city of philly and for a brief time new york.

This is my own conclusion that I’ve drawn but For most people, being self sufficient, able bodied, neurotypical, employed, and decently put together, is going to put you in the dating pool of most other people. It’s gonna be reliant on Your ability to be around most people when the time is appropriate.

it goes much further, i haven’t yet seen fit to go down the trail of all the variants of the ‘manosphere,’ there are ‘men going their own way’ blue/black/pink/purple/white pill slants that i’m not really clear on the actual distinctions between. that said i would say that the difference i see from men & women in terms of dating today is that men eventually have to figure out how to get what they want (which leads men to be more apt seek solutions) while women must discern from those that meet some minimum viable requirement(s).

which almost invariably tends to mostly mean men do the work on the front end of seeking out and trying to create/sustain an attraction, while women are, or at least should be, trying to determine fitness to whatever her requirements are. the questioning on these shows, mindful that it is also seeking to entertain & not nuance, are to frame the argument that women’s expectations for men are many & perhaps unrealistic (to an extent maybe even to point out what women say they want is actually somewhat irrelevant, if you are your best self) and i’d argue this does ultimately affect women’s satisfaction with the actual men that they do choose and/or those men that could/would be more appropriate. it’s very true that in actual practice, height, income, & status are not the automatically (dis)qualifiers that some make them out to be but some of the answers to subsequent questions around dealing with said ‘ideal’ guy: ‘

what percentage of men fit this criteria?

what benefit would you bring to said man?

would you expect said man to be faithful?

what things does said man typically value/want from women?

what are you doing/would do to get said man?

would you put off your career for said man?

do you want children? if so when?

would you want to have to work to pay significant bills?

i think, does reveal something about how many women seem to view men & how they believe relationships should work…and i’d add that because women today are raised to be workers rather (the necessity of which is undeniable) than wives/useful to a man they aren’t really actively thinking about what men want, which they aren’t any obligation to do given they have their own agency & aspirations beyond men. it just illustrates that many women aren’t at all thinking about the wants of men (beyond being aware that men want sexy time and perhaps after they found a suitable man) the same way men in many respects are raised to be aware of what women in general want (which also might be on the decline as many men are under the impression that women & men are the same in terms of relationship value). men can be delusional too, but they kinda have to know some realities about women in order to be an option

the access that social media allows women today in both regards to men of status and visibility into luxury lifestyle, i think makes it harder for the younger set to get together, especially if more people are doing the online dating thing (where it is orders of magnitude easier for women to dismiss men, the stats i have heard on this are kinda mindblowing)…i don’t know how old you are, but dating today seems a whole different animal than in the past. combine this with the trend of less men in university and decent paying low skill labor…just because folks are all in the pool, doesn’t really count for that much today…but you definitely have be in the pool tho and the environment is shaping up such that less ‘viable’ men will even be in the pool

even as a single 40 year old dude that came up in the time before apps, approaching women today in the public is just inefficient and can be so variable & mood/setting dependent with women tending to like things on their terms. for example, i’ve had women genuinely say they don’t like it when or be confused why a guy would approach them at places like work, the gym, a random gas station or the like but won’t connect it with how she met the last guy she dated at the auto shop while waiting to get an oil change, it’s basically the same thing but one definitely seems more like an intrusion to women generally. again, obviously women aren’t under any real obligations to consider/understand this dynamic but it has seemingly become a more unwelcomed to shoot the shot like yesteryear

"history was/is written from a mostly male lens by those in power"

It was culture that put those men in positions of power to write history, not biology.

i wouldn’t disagree, but doesn’t biology impact culture? why was it that culture didn’t see fit to put women in those same positions throughout history as well, if not for biology?
the access that social media allows women today in both regards to men of status and visibility into luxury lifestyle, i think makes it harder for the younger set to get together, especially if more people are doing the online dating thing (where it is orders of magnitude easier for women to dismiss men, the stats i have heard on this are kinda mindblowing)…i don’t know how old you are, but dating today seems a whole different animal than in the past. combine this with the trend of less men in university and decent paying low skill labor…just because folks are all in the pool, doesn’t really count for that much today…but you definitely have be in the pool tho and the environment is shaping up such that less ‘viable’ men will even be in the pool

So i think this is where my own anecdotal experience in my own bubble sets our vantage points a part. im 31. Ive been in a relationship (and now married) since 2014 so ive been out of it for awhile. but when i was single in my early 20s, in college and out, it was the beginning of apps like tinder, pof, hinge, so on and so forth. I lived in Hoboken, NJ right outside of NYC from the ages of 18-24. Part of that time was in the bubble of college life, the other was 21+. If you know anything about Hoboken its 1 mile square and has like 6 bars to a block. the "competition" even in college were finance bros coming in from the city, proffesional athletes from the various NY/NJ sports teams, and over all well to do people because it was expensive to live in that area. As a college student i was never flush with cash, but always had enough to go out and be social or take a girl out to dinner every now and then. Long story short even some of the most basic dudes i associated with whether through my fraternity or school or other wise, had a solid time meeting women. Many of them met their current wives in hoboken bars, even with the perceived competition being what it was. It seemed like back then girls were just looking to have a good time and as along as you could afford to be in places where that happened (which for me was bars) there was never a shortage of women to meet. I feel like that part gets analyzed out when the Manosphere folk try to reduce the social aspect into calculated actions.

now that was practically 10 years ago so the climate may have been drastically different which i can acknowledge, and to be fair I went to a tech school where something like 95% of the students graduate with STEM degrees so the future potential for earning is higher than the average guy. So that could also play a roll. Lord knows that even though i was broke I made it known that i was getting my masters in pharma manufacturing :lol: but all that to say ive heard stories from my older guy friends that are in there late 30s early 40s, that hit their financial strides that are absolutely struggling in todays dating market, but when I show up to alumni events at my fraternity and talk to some of the younger member things seem to be going just how i experienced it.

maybe its a regional thing, maybe it was just the right time and right place. from my experience though dating was always easier in the early to mid 20s. But that could very well be a right time right place scenario.
That article/story is 🧢

One chick is straight the other is lesbian. They date/smash other people and certain details have changed since 2021 when it first came out.
So i think this is where my own anecdotal experience in my own bubble sets our vantage points a part. im 31. Ive been in a relationship (and now married) since 2014 so ive been out of it for awhile. but when i was single in my early 20s, in college and out, it was the beginning of apps like tinder, pof, hinge, so on and so forth. I lived in Hoboken, NJ right outside of NYC from the ages of 18-24. Part of that time was in the bubble of college life, the other was 21+. If you know anything about Hoboken its 1 mile square and has like 6 bars to a block. the "competition" even in college were finance bros coming in from the city, proffesional athletes from the various NY/NJ sports teams, and over all well to do people because it was expensive to live in that area. As a college student i was never flush with cash, but always had enough to go out and be social or take a girl out to dinner every now and then. Long story short even some of the most basic dudes i associated with whether through my fraternity or school or other wise, had a solid time meeting women. Many of them met their current wives in hoboken bars, even with the perceived competition being what it was. It seemed like back then girls were just looking to have a good time and as along as you could afford to be in places where that happened (which for me was bars) there was never a shortage of women to meet. I feel like that part gets analyzed out when the Manosphere folk try to reduce the social aspect into calculated actions.

now that was practically 10 years ago so the climate may have been drastically different which i can acknowledge, and to be fair I went to a tech school where something like 95% of the students graduate with STEM degrees so the future potential for earning is higher than the average guy. So that could also play a roll. Lord knows that even though i was broke I made it known that i was getting my masters in pharma manufacturing :lol: but all that to say ive heard stories from my older guy friends that are in there late 30s early 40s, that hit their financial strides that are absolutely struggling in todays dating market, but when I show up to alumni events at my fraternity and talk to some of the younger member things seem to be going just how i experienced it.

maybe its a regional thing, maybe it was just the right time and right place. from my experience though dating was always easier in the early to mid 20s. But that could very well be a right time right place scenario.

i’m familiar that part of nj, i lived and worked nearby there in ‘08…not to belabor the point further 😂 college is definitely a bubble, social circles (this probably how most people meet) can be a bubble, fraternites as well. on an individual level none of this actually matters, but if you look at the landscape outchea, it’s a reason samuels content blew up that seem more prevalent than it just being a vocal minority, some of the data does support that a lot of younger guys seems to be out of the sexual marketplace altogether…

NT needs a character limit.

😅😮‍💨 combination of working from home & too much time online for me 🤷🏿‍♂️
i wouldn’t disagree, but doesn’t biology impact culture? why was it that culture didn’t see fit to put women in those same positions throughout history as well, if not for biology?

Biology is what we are / how we feel / what we do as individuals.

Culture is what we are / how we feel / what we do us as a group.

"culture didn’t see fit to put women in those same positions" because the group (both men and women) saw men as a better leadership option for their survival (based on the environment in which they existed and the biology of men vs women).

IJS - 300 would have hit totally different with Scarlett Johansson in command.

"This is Sparta"
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