Kevin Samuels Dead at 56

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I mean she can WANT whatever she wants but she is a fool for even breaking it down like that. :lol:

I wonder how high he could have went before she said YES. :lol:

(6) TikToker Says She Can't Live On Less Than $117K A Year - YouTube

I can somewhat sympathize with the dude that called last. $100k has to stretch a long way to take care of a family , especially once you get child care involved. It’s definitely not enough to live in the Maryland area and not have a working wife.

There’s also this weird sect of people aged 24-40 that are obsessed having a luxury lifestyle whether they can afford it or not. Putting trips on layaway, leasing $650/mo car living at their parents house or on their parents dime.
:lol: Not to enable Anton, but I ain't seen not a one of his followers coming to his aide look as sharp as KS was yet.
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Kevin was a stylish man. Besides that one video with the lady he was renting a room from, he kept up a very luxurious image with all those suits, etc. His podcast set was also pretty good.
same woman, different man:

That's kinda sad man. SOme of these women are so delusional man. ANd I always wonder what they end up with.

So she said she messed with a millionaire and didn't see herself submitting to him so she ended up in therapy.

Again, I feel for these women man.

Then this woman says if she doesn't find a millionaire by age 29, she would then drop her price to $85K. :lol:
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I can somewhat sympathize with the dude that called last. $100k has to stretch a long way to take care of a family , especially once you get child care involved. It’s definitely not enough to live in the Maryland area and not have a working wife.

There’s also this weird sect of people aged 24-40 that are obsessed having a luxury lifestyle whether they can afford it or not. Putting trips on layaway, leasing $650/mo car living at their parents house or on their parents dime.

weird…nah, it’s i think it’s just the inflation of the american dream, and much of the messaging & perception that is kinda fostered by social media where abundance looks so attainable…provided you grind/hustle enough, nevermind how statistically unlikely; because people rarely hear/see all the stories of those who didn’t make it

I started watching this clip

When Kevin asked her how do you think men make millions of dollars early in their careers and she answers....... "Crypto and NFTs" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nah, I've seen enough

her being in miami has likely skewed her perception, it has supposedly been booming out there for a minute and is awash in newly minted #isthatapun defi monied youngin’s

That's kinda sad man. SOme of these women are so delusional man. ANd I always wonder what they end up with.

So she said she messed with a millionaire and didn't see herself submitting to him so she ended up in therapy.

Again, I feel for these women man.

Then this woman says if she doesn't find a millionaire by age 29, she would then drop her price to $85K. :lol:

i’d argue that most women today are delusional, it just varies by the degree and perhaps their own personal experience…and the thing is most men kinda feed into it, from followers, fathers, family, & friends most all of the societal framework today basically tells women not only that they can have it all but that the should have it all (after all who doesn’t want the best for the women in their family & life?) while society at large seems to simultaneously be ever so subtly be shaming every decision they make. the liberation of modern society has kinda put women in a something of trap of choices that the consequences aren’t exactly apparent; and even if they are, women are so invested in the idea that they are ‘special’ that they think it doesn’t/won’t apply to them

you’d think with all this empowerment & liberation more women would be aggressive/direct about finding a potential partner (especially today with the fraught-ness around being called weird or creepy for not approaching women pitch perfectly situationally) rather than passively waiting for that guy to approach them and then expecting that guy to do the all traditional work of proving himself to her. it is a bit comical (even tho i understand it just kinda goes against what is the norm, which goes to show folks are cool “it’s just how it is is” thinking) how when i’ve asked or hear some women talk about why they don’t directly approach guys they like, (despite knowing how unlikely it is for them to be rejected and still would really require the guy to do the heavy lifting in terms of the attraction/interaction) they don’t realize (or more accurately don’t really care or even think in this way, it almost borders on magical thinking-that guy just will show up without them having to much else besides attempt to be attractive) they could be missing opportunities and are subject to only the guys that approach them; they also tend to fear how this would probably change the interaction with said guy.

if there is one thing i appreciate about the content in the venn diagram of the fnf guys, samuels, & manosphere, stuff getting some broader attention is that is at least putting some contrasting thought in the zeitgeist that may give some women at least some curiosity and/or insight beyond what gets sold to them; however unlikely it is for women to actually receive it
weird…nah, it’s i think it’s just the inflation of the american dream, and much of the messaging & perception that is kinda fostered by social media where abundance looks so attainable…provided you grind/hustle enough, nevermind how statistically unlikely; because people rarely hear/see all the stories of those who didn’t make it

It’s not weird that they get influenced by social media inspired delusion. I think it impacts everyone to an extent. It’s weird that they never wake up out of it. I know single folks making like $80k a year absolutely struggling their way though life. I know life is considerably more expensive than it used to be but 4-5 trips a year can’t be helping with that. I’m sure it’s nice 5 weeks out of the year but is it worth if the other 47 weeks are spent stressing about how to afford stuff?

Something tells me there a pretty big overlap between these people and the men and women that Kevin Samuels had to scream at over the years.
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Women are notorious for being nosey, intrusive and always concerned about what other people have going on.

Why sympathize with adults who are of a certain age, and should know how things work by now? You’re allowed to make teenage and young adult mistakes between the ages of 16-26 years old. Once you’re 27, 28, 29 or 30+ you should have MORE than enough dating experience to know yourself.

Women were like this before social media. Most of these women want men to take care of them and NOT cheat, that’s unrealistic as heck.
@toke , What you said Reminds me of this.

Watch "Patrice O'Neal Rant - Women Have No Skills To Get A Man" on YouTube

😂 definitely some truth to that, altho definitely hyperbole because it’s not that women don’t have skills to get a man, most women KNOW they can get a man, if not a few men…but not necessarily the one(s) they want, in the capacity they want, with the level of commitment they want

It’s not weird that they get influenced by social media inspired delusion. I think it impacts everyone to an extent. It’s weird that they never wake up out of it. I know single folks making like $80k a year absolutely struggling their way though life. I know life is considerably more expensive than it used to be but 4-5 trips a year can’t be helping with that. I’m sure it’s nice 5 weeks out of the year but is it worth if the other 47 weeks are spent stressing about how to afford stuff?

Something tells me there a pretty big overlap between these people and the men and women that Kevin Samuels had to scream at over the years.

you say it’s weird folk don’t wake from it, but everything around us is almost actively perpetuating these beliefs…how else do you explain single women en masse thinking not only can they delay their 1st child birth well into their 30s but that it is the most responsible approach or dudes complaining about women not valuing men beyond what they provide as though women should accept men in the same way men accept women.

it also somewhat untrue that life is ‘considerably more expensive than it used to be,’ granted something’s definitely are (such as housing, childcare—especially the way people’s networks have been dispersed that in the past would have helped lighten this burden, education) but when you really think about it a lot things are much more accessible/possible today, while they aren’t offsetting the aforementioned bigger ticket things it is quite obvious that most people’s expectations have grown

Women are notorious for being nosey, intrusive and always concerned about what other people have going on.

Why sympathize with adults who are of a certain age, and should know how things work by now? You’re allowed to make teenage and young adult mistakes between the ages of 16-26 years old. Once you’re 27, 28, 29 or 30+ you should have MORE than enough dating experience to know yourself.

Women were like this before social media. Most of these women want men to take care of them and NOT cheat, that’s unrealistic as heck.

women tend to be more social by nature, and it makes sense they would be evolutionarily, being the weaker more vulnerable party it is in their best interests to be indirect & more aware socially less they be ostracized from the group and have to fend for themselves.

and while people maybe should understand themselves both personally & in relation to the dating/mating market, it definitely could be the case that there isn’t much incentive or utility to doing so, which relates to your point below:

Modern men are also responsible for these women due to them being desperate and always putting these women on a pedestal and stroking their egos

while i wouldn’t call it desperate, men have always understood that women like/want attention to an extent, it’s always been a part of the game…i’d just say that the access & visibility provided today with social media/technology changed the expectations & perceptions of both men & women enough such that neither men or women are being realistic
you say it’s weird folk don’t wake from it, but everything around us is almost actively perpetuating these beliefs…how else do you explain single women en masse thinking not only can they delay their 1st child birth well into their 30s but that it is the most responsible approach or dudes complaining about women not valuing men beyond what they provide as though women should accept men in the same way men accept women.

it also somewhat untrue that life is ‘considerably more expensive than it used to be,’ granted something’s definitely are (such as housing, childcare—especially the way people’s networks have been dispersed that in the past would have helped lighten this burden, education) but when you really think about it a lot things are much more accessible/possible today, while they aren’t offsetting the aforementioned bigger ticket things it is quite obvious that most people’s expectations have grown

I guess my own anecdotes don’t speak to the norms so I’ve gotta remember that when digesting this topic. I can’t speak about women (and men) en masse, but in my own life it’s the few that seem to be “stuck” in that mindset and the majority have figured it out. And to me that just looks like realizing you can’t have it all, or atleast not at the formative Years of adulthood. Most of the people I know, myself included knew that, or atleast figured out pretty early on in our careers that then wasn’t the time to be spending money on cars and trips. But we also knew that it was only matter of time before that stuff would be attainable without having to compromise our day to day life. 10 years later that stuff is attainable now . Folks are just hoping they can just skip through that formative/foundational period it seems like. But to your point; my confirmation bias doesn’t mean my experiences are the rule and not the exception.

When I spoke about things being more expensive I was talking about the necessities like housing, transportation, and childcare if you have children. Not only that but student loan debt impacts a lot of people as well.
I guess my own anecdotes don’t speak to the norms so I’ve gotta remember that when digesting this topic. I can’t speak about women (and men) en masse, but in my own life it’s the few that seem to be “stuck” in that mindset and the majority have figured it out. And to me that just looks like realizing you can’t have it all, or atleast not at the formative Years of adulthood. Most of the people I know, myself included knew that, or atleast figured out pretty early on in our careers that then wasn’t the time to be spending money on cars and trips. But we also knew that it was only matter of time before that stuff would be attainable without having to compromise our day to day life. 10 years later that stuff is attainable now . Folks are just hoping they can just skip through that formative/foundational period it seems like. But to your point; my confirmation bias doesn’t mean my experiences are the rule and not the exception.

When I spoke about things being more expensive I was talking about the necessities like housing, transportation, and childcare if you have children. Not only that but student loan debt impacts a lot of people as well.

i’m am conflating some things by implying it is the masses but to be more clear i just think that there is much about the messages in popular culture & society generally that kind of allows for such wishful thinking to persist so while it may not be that majority hold onto this sort ‘naïveté of youth’ we all are somewhat subject to in regards to such optimism, the number of people certainly isn’t insignificant and definitely seems to be growing…

but your point about confirmation bias is one i can appreciate because it definitely applies to my observation(s) as well; what i see & and the conclusions i come to not necessarily indicative of what the actual reality is
i’m am conflating some things by implying it is the masses but to be more clear i just think that there is much about the messages in popular culture & society generally that kind of allows for such wishful thinking to persist so while it may not be that majority hold onto this sort ‘naïveté of youth’ we all are somewhat subject to in regards to such optimism, the number of people certainly isn’t insignificant and definitely seems to be growing…

but your point about confirmation bias is one i can appreciate because it definitely applies to my observation(s) as well; what i see & and the conclusions i come to not necessarily indicative of what the actual reality is

I’m definitely on the outside looking in when it comes to a lot of this stuff so I’m filling in the blanks a little bit. I admittedly don’t don’t buy into the whole red pill/pick up artist ideology either. So that’s def influencing me too.
I’m definitely on the outside looking in when it comes to a lot of this stuff so I’m filling in the blanks a little bit. I admittedly don’t don’t buy into the whole red pill/pick up artist ideology either. So that’s def influencing me too.

i think there tend to be some kernel(s) of truth in just about every ideology, and altho i never got into the pick up artist thing and just recently discovered the whole red pill thing was an actual thing metaphor beyond the matrix movie 😂 there are aspects of both that i can respect; the sort of brute experimentation & observation of the pick up artist set & the willingness to present the uncomfortable reality of the red pill approach

"Modern Men" = exactly!

Don't be a "modern" man then complain about what comes with it.

Reminds me of this...

while i think i’d agree with the sentiment, i don’t really see the link,…what comes with being a “modern man” as it pertains to women’s imperative to require different things of different men?
while i think i’d agree with the sentiment, i don’t really see the link,…what comes with being a “modern man” as it pertains to women’s imperative to require different things of different men?

Using your terms: The "modern man" concerns himself with a woman's "imperatives" - then complains about it.

A woman's "imperatives" are none of my concern. I'm not applying for a job.

Just as my "imperatives" are none of her concern.

It is incumbent upon both of us to be accountable for our own decisions to get with or not get with one another.


The minute a single mother of two kids (or any other woman for that matter) that I'm interested in dating tells me she's celibate / saving sex until marriage...


However the "modern man"... well, you saw the video :lol:
Using your terms: The "modern man" concerns himself with a woman's "imperatives" - then complains about it.

A woman's "imperatives" are none of my concern. I'm not applying for a job.

Just as my "imperatives" are none of her concern.

It is incumbent upon both of us to be accountable for our own decisions to get with or not get with one another.


The minute a single mother of two kids (or any other woman for that matter) that I'm interested in dating tells me she's celibate / saving sex until marriage...


However the "modern man"... well, you saw the video :lol:

ok, i think i get that, definitely a tough sell with is being a 'modern man' limited to how the man views women's 'imperatives' or are there more/other qualifiers?
i think there tend to be some kernel(s) of truth in just about every ideology, and altho i never got into the pick up artist thing and just recently discovered the whole red pill thing was an actual thing metaphor beyond the matrix movie 😂 there are aspects of both that i can respect; the sort of brute experimentation & observation of the pick up artist set & the willingness to present the uncomfortable reality of the red pill approach

while i think i’d agree with the sentiment, i don’t really see the link,…what comes with being a “modern man” as it pertains to women’s imperative to require different things of different men?

I think folks who have to have social interactions boiled down to calculus Probably aren’t getting the help they need lol i think those ideologies make some correct social observations but that’s pretty much it. I’m an engineer and went to a small tech school. I watched the most socially awkward people have zero issues pairing up, dating, and having social interactions. Now folks have to buy a course tell where them how to take advantage of the vulnerable parts of peoples psychology :lol: it shouldn’t be that difficult for this many people
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tokes99 tokes99 we all know the #1 thing women crave is ATTENTION. That’s the gist of the situation. Just because they WANT it doesn’t mean it needs to be delivered. Like a kid may want an electronic device or piece of candy, it doesn’t meant they need it.

Dudes can’t be out here complaining about women if they aren’t trying to solve the issue. Every female doesn’t deserve to be put on a pedestal. Everyone women isn’t a good women. There are plenty terrible women/mothers, just like there are terrible men. This world almost never highlights bad women. It’s basically sacrilegious to hold terrible women accountable. That’s got to change.

Just because women want attention, doesn’t mean it has to met. If not, if you’re going to meet her needs just because, then that’s on you. You can deal with the consequences of being a yes-man to every female.
ok, i think i get that, definitely a tough sell with is being a 'modern man' limited to how the man views women's 'imperatives' or are there more/other qualifiers?

In my mind the simplest way to put it is:

The "modern man" feels biology holds no power over culture - making him subject to cultural conditioning.

The "traditional man" knows culture holds no power over biology making him impervious to cultural conditioning.

Whole different state of mind / set of values.
Using your terms: The "modern man" concerns himself with a woman's "imperatives" - then complains about it.

A woman's "imperatives" are none of my concern. I'm not applying for a job.

Just as my "imperatives" are none of her concern.

It is incumbent upon both of us to be accountable for our own decisions to get with or not get with one another.


The minute a single mother of two kids (or any other woman for that matter) that I'm interested in dating tells me she's celibate / saving sex until marriage...


However the "modern man"... well, you saw the video :lol:

Well said bro.
I think folks who have to have social interactions boiled down to calculus Probably aren’t getting the help they need lol i think those ideologies make some correct social observations but that’s pretty much it. I’m an engineer and went to a small tech school. I watched the most socially awkward people have zero issues pairing up, dating, and having social interactions. Now folks have to buy a course tell where them how to take advantage of the vulnerable parts of peoples psychology :lol: it shouldn’t be that difficult for this many people

as an engineer, you know to some extent, everything kinda is actually calculus 😂, some are more aware of that than others but the understanding of which isn't necessarily required for success, which is to say some might need the formal explanation and some naturally get by other means. especially as a normal guy as opposed to an average woman, who will get more exposure to managing the interaction(s) with the opposite gender. add to that men generally are a bit less socially aware, the remove of social media/technology, as well as awkwardness (women too these days) & negativity around men pursuing women in public spaces, the recipe for awkwardness is there for young people today such that it is possible that some guys don't get the experience of dealing with girls in the 'appropriate ' way to foster attraction

In my mind the simplest way to put it is:

The "modern man" feels biology holds no power over culture - making him subject to cultural conditioning.

The "traditional man" knows culture holds no power over biology making him impervious to cultural conditioning.

Whole different state of mind / set of values.

that is an interesting take...i can definitely think of counters but how does this really play out in the world? how do you think the distinction between the 'modern' & 'traditional" man is that large or even all that relevant?? i tend to think that the vast majority of men today would agree with the former sentiment, with culture over biology as opposed to your latter one but would be considered traditional in terms of their values
as an engineer, you know to some extent, everything kinda is actually calculus 😂, some are more aware of that than others but the understanding of which isn't necessarily required for success, which is to say some might need the formal explanation and some naturally get by other means. especially as a normal guy as opposed to an average woman, who will get more exposure to managing the interaction(s) with the opposite gender. add to that men generally are a bit less socially aware, the remove of social media/technology, as well as awkwardness (women too these days) & negativity around men pursuing women in public spaces, the recipe for awkwardness is there for young people today such that it is possible that some guys don't get the experience of dealing with girls in the 'appropriate ' way to foster attraction

that is an interesting take...i can definitely think of counters but how does this really play out in the world? how do you think the distinction between the 'modern' & 'traditional" man is that large or even all that relevant?? i tend to think that the vast majority of men today would agree with the former sentiment, with culture over biology as opposed to your latter one but would be considered traditional in terms of their values

this is probably one of the things that I do agree with on the red pill side. part of me thinks that maybe if dudes are having issues connecting with women or getting beat by “chads”, maybe they’re just punching above their weight class?
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