Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Anyone else notice that the Epstein thread gets bumped every time Kanye does some new stupid ****?

I'm sure it's a coincidence
Look Kanye just needs to be checked into a mental institution, blame a bit on drugs, then come out with an apology in 6 months and we’re good.
Look Kanye just needs to be checked into a mental institution, blame a bit on drugs, then come out with an apology in 6 months and we’re good.
Dude talking about 6 months when this fool been wildin' for years.


We have a presidential election right around the corner, Elon still wilding. Kanye shut up for 6 months another free thinking idiot can take the shine.

He literally just has to shut up. That’s it.
Must be awkward to be a civil rights lawyer married to a black woman that doesn't like civil rights or black people.

Can't imagine consistently lying to everyone in my life about who I really am and only finding release trolling on sneaker forums.

Theoretically of course. This post isn't directed towards an individual.
There’s always a possibility it’s not dwalk31 dwalk31 , let’s not jump to conclusions.

How does one outbat**** crazy Alex Jones?
Like he one upped Alex Jones bat**** crazy


How this Kanye turn into that?
His mom probably facepalming his every move now in heaven
a BUNCH of mexicans are like that. they think white people will accept them if they act like them.

alot of maga latinos out there. reason why florida and texas are red states

Honestly, I don't know if I can even blame them anymore. America has always pushed the idea of being accepted as "us" is to join in on actively disliking the black diaspora and individuals considered "others" . It's the reason you often the term "FOB" being throw away by individuals that look like the "FOBs" they have talk about.
In his current state, Kanye doesn’t deserve any custody of his kids. Supervised visits only. I never want to see a father separated from his kids, but buddy is clearly off the rails and it isn’t getting any better. Damn shame. :smh:

As a parent, there’s zero chance I’m willingly dropping my kids off with someone clearly going through whatever he’s going through.
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