Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

In america its pretty common for civil lawyers to take on a lawsuit with no upfront money and take a higher percentage of any potential settlement if they win. I wouldn't assume anyone paid these lawyers up front under false pretenses of having a legitimate case.
Good point, though a settlement between the two parties is the only possible form of success they could salvage from this. And even that’s a reach.
I don’t really see Kanye going for a settlement when he’s bound to win the lawsuit. When he wins, he can then do a victory lap proclaiming himself a god of free speech, the modern day Jesus nailed to the Twitter T, or whatever other bs he comes up with…
Fighting Ye on free speech just going push more conservatives to Parler. Ye knows what he's doing

His bestie Candace already on top of this. In some way, she's living all this backlash. Gives more attention to her doc and Parler.

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I mean there needs to be a penalty for literally platforming a lie an actual lie about the death of someone family member. This whole it’s free speech crap has got to have its limit
That will be for the courts to decide if this case even goes to court. Why not sue the Daily Wire and Candace Owens , the ones that actually informed Kanye of this lie?
Free speech does has it limited if it results in the harm of another individual. But thats for a court / meditators / the laws to decide.
That will be for the courts to decide if this case even goes to court. Why not sue the Daily Wire and Candace Owens , the ones that actually informed Kanye of this lie?
Free speech does has it limited if it results in the harm of another individual. But thats for a court / meditators / the laws to decide.

Well easily they aren’t going on news media spreading it. They using him as a puppet to do it for them. Those outlets are smart to push the issue but never come out and state what they say as fact. They use verbiage to give a back door.

Like some are asking question

Isn’t it funny that blah blah blah.

It’s never stated as fact.

Like the election fruad and voter machines everyone back peddled when lawsuits started coming to the point they were killing whole guest clips off.

If you can say the lie defames a company or organization then yea it warrants a civil case.

Plus half y’all think y’all smarter than a whole a legal team and that’s funny.

G.F has a foundation I think a 501.c and lies about his death can hurt the organization and thanks to our corporate loving legal system organizations have rights like people do.
Just guessing here, but I think the family just wants to get Ye's attention to try to make him stop

Doubt this goes anywhere, but I don't blame them for being highly upset over this, and trying something.

Ye spreading that nonsense was disgusting.

It’s like to voter machines they want it to stop. If he keeps going he’s going to catch an L. I doubt he will keep pushing it. He cares too much about his bag. Besides the media cares more about the antisemitism more too.
imagine if someone spread a lie about the death of donde west.

kanye is a whole b
Actually, you’re not that far off. Conspiracy sites and youtubers were always bringing up his mother’s death as a Hollywood ritual/ sacrifice claiming his career went to the next level soon after. They brought up other celeb family deaths along with his case.
Actually, you’re not that far off. Conspiracy sites and youtubers were always bringing up his mother’s death as a Hollywood ritual/ sacrifice claiming his career went to the next level soon after. They brought up other celeb family deaths along with his case.
That's not the same as a celebrity with a large audience and following spewing this.
every time I see a notification for this thread I’m expecting the worst for Kanye.

I’m sure a lot of people feel that way too.

People die everyday
I wish I could find the pictures man, but Tupac used to be in College Park, MD working at Cluck U Chicken. Can't make this up.

Seriously, dude was the spitting image of Pac and was a rapper. I can't tell you the number of people that took pics with him. I gotta find my external hard drive and see if I saved that from back in the day. 2006/7 era at UMD.
I heard Puffy is a vampire :emoji_thinking:

Lmfao there was a conspiracy that Puffy wrote a book called “The Andrenochrome witch” about all of the dark stuff in the industry. If you try to search, such book does not exist lol.
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