Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

I'm just gonna try online and FA app
If I strike out it wasn't meant to be
I want the shoes but I don't need it
I need my beauty sleep [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I'm lazy only legwork I do is wake up a little early press a couple of buttons on my phone then go back to sleep [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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My guess is that fcfs is better for the company financially. People that miss out are still at the store, and they might buy something else (i.e. Motorsport 4's) to ease their pain.

Ehhh.....the whole 'beacon' check-in is supposed to stimulate sales which is why it's located near the registers. Honestly I have yet to meet a sneakerhead whose like I wanted these 1s but I'll take these fusion mids instead. Basically the we will get you in the store and then sell you something else is the same mom-n-pop shop we will guarantee you a pair if you buy these socks-tees-hat combo - it didn't work for them and can't imagine it'll work for footstores.
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Ehhh.....the whole 'beacon' check-in is supposed to stimulate sales which is why it's located near the registers. Honestly I have yet to meet a sneakerhead whose like I wanted these 1s but I'll take these fusion mids instead. Basically the we will get you in the store and then sell you something else is the same mom-n-pop shop we will guarantee you a pair if you buy these socks-tees-hat combo - it didn't work for them and can't imagine it'll work for footstores.

So true in my case
I never browse around the store
I get what I want then leave
I only make eye contact when absolutely necessary lol
When I went to pickup my asg 1's
Dude was like hey I got a cool shirt to go with this
I didn't even look at the shirt and said no
Dude look offended and just tossed the shirt to the side lol
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on release day, people are going to try and get it out of their hands as fast as possible (AKA kids who want a quick buck). eventually when time passes prices will start to rise. top 3s when for 180-200 a week after release day and look at what they are now.
Ehhh.....the whole 'beacon' check-in is supposed to stimulate sales. Honestly I have yet to meet a sneakerhead whose like I wanted these 1s but I'll take these fusion mids instead. Basically the we will get you in the store and then sell you something else is the same mom-n-pop shop we will guarantee you a pair if you buy these socks-tees-hat combo - it didn't work for them and can't imagine it'll work for footstores.

You'd be surprised. These kids that miss out on the latest release feel the need to buy anything so that they can have something new on their feet Saturday night or Monday at school.
on release day, people are going to try and get it out of their hands as fast as possible (AKA kids who want a quick buck). eventually when time passes prices will start to rise. top 3s when for 180-200 a week after release day and look at what they are now.

Those quick flips are going to dry up real quick on release day then it will be in the high 350. People are getting more than just one pair.
You'd be surprised. These kids that miss out on the latest release feel the need to buy anything so that they can have something new on their feet Saturday night or Monday at school.
Why would they buy a lesser product? If you HAD to buy a pair of shoes, there are still much better options available than fusions, mids, or bad retros.
So if these are as plentiful as BReds shouldn't we expect a 'restock' a la BReds....if nothing else I would imagine during the 'back-to-school' season restock to see these a villa/footstores
Anyone know if Footlocker is going to label this as a quickstrike? I have a $20 vip id like to use on them.
What in the world every single FTL is doing fcfs except one
Looks like my area is getting a lot of pairs or at least more FTL are getting them
Half these FTL really never get anything good in my experience
At least old orchard and Lincolnwood
Wait a day or so. Sometimes the procedures haven't been updated yet and FCFS is just the default on the site.
I think I have a good shot to get multiple pairs from footlocker. I'm in a rural area and I don't think the hype beasts are gonna be out here.
Anybody in the Tampa area have any idea where these will be landing? Will have tp try my luck out there since I cant pickup in my hometown due to attending a destination wedding
Why would they buy a lesser product? If you HAD to buy a pair of shoes, there are still much better options available than fusions, mids, or bad retros.
I agree, but who do you think is buying those 6rings, son of mars, true flights, and poor quality motorsport 4s? I'm just speaking on my experience. I can't tell you how many "these are fine", "I'll just take these", and "get these, these just came out" I hear before I sell a shoe to some kid trying to impress their friends. A lot of times they just wanna get whichever is the latest release, they don't even care what it looks like
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